Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 2 Hit hard!

In the interstellar channel leading to the Galileo Galaxy, spaceships are sailing silently.

These various kinds of spaceships are like a group of silent trekkers in the desolate desert. Following the escorting Leray warship, they moved forward slowly and arduously. From time to time, a spacecraft sends out a malfunction signal, and then disappears in the distance together with the maintenance ship and warship that came to rescue.

The guest rooms on every ship are already overcrowded, and even the dirty cargo holds of cargo ships and even mining ships are filled with rows of capsule sleeping cabins. It looks like bee dye.

People were walking back and forth in the aisle that was only two people wide, knocking and stumbling. The sound of the engine next to the cargo hold was deafening, and the cries of children and the sighs of adults could be heard from time to time in the cabin.

The pain of leaving home and the confusion about the difficult road ahead are like an invisible cloud, shrouding this silent passage.

Everyone knows that the Galileo galaxy ahead is the last piece of land in the Federation. After Gacharin's occupation and long war, Galileo's industrial base was weaker than that of the Newtonian system. In addition, the Federation fleet has actually been exhausted at the Newton Galaxy jump point, and guarding the Galileo Galaxy is almost a fantasy.

Where can the people of this country flee to, and how long can they continue to fight under the banner of this free Union?

A middle-aged man in his forties stood quietly in the corridor of a [Little Yellow Croaker] passenger and cargo spacecraft, lighting another cigarette. The woman next to him gently tugged on his sleeve, but she did not complain or restrain him as usual.

The woman half-tilted her head, listening to a young mother not far away holding her sleeping daughter in her arms, gently swaying and singing softly.

It is a traditional Lere folk song that all Lere people are familiar with. As long as she gently hums the tune, even if there is not a word about the weather and girls in the whole article, she seems to be able to see a beautiful girl standing under the flowers on the branches under the bright sunshine, with a red face and a pair of smart eyes. Playful eyes.

The sound of singing lingers in my ears. The woman grabbed the man's sleeve, rested her head on the middle-aged man's arm, and suddenly burst into tears.

The spaceship is sailing in the lonely starry sky, with unknown hardships ahead. But the bright spring scenery in the song, as well as the somewhat lazy and soft days, have gradually faded away behind them, turning into the roars of countless Lelei soldiers, the pouring energy cannons, the flames of exploding fighter planes, and the broken battleships. ",'""When can I return to my home again?"

Even if my husband hides on the balcony and smokes with a smile on his face, even if his naughty son gets into trouble at school again, even if the new clothes I bought happily are criticized by a bunch of honeymooners for being imperfect, even if my life is dull and boring...*... …”

The middle-aged man calmly extinguished the cigarette he had just lit, and gently held his no longer young wife in his arms. He looked out the window and gritted his teeth.

Time passed minute by minute in the quiet embrace. The middle-aged man looked out the window seriously, and suddenly found a mining ship not far away from him stopped. Soon after, another medium-sized passenger ship stopped. Gradually, more and more spacecraft slowed down and stopped on the entire channel. What happened?

Just when the people in the corridor were commotion and gathered around the boat window to talk, the spacecraft trembled slightly and stopped like other aircraft! People looked around in panic. Suddenly, as the virtual light screens all over the corridor flickered and changed at the same time, everyone's eyes froze.

As if feeling the sudden silence of the crowd around her, the woman raised her head and turned to look at the screen following her husband's frozen gaze. What appeared on the virtual screen was the familiar airspace of Newton's jumping point.

And against the background of the Ganoderma Nebula in the distance and the endless metal debris as far as the eye can see. It was countless majestic battleships painted with the logos of Leray and the Bandit Army and space fighters that covered the sky. It was also the fireball that caused countless Binart battleships and fighter planes to explode in the air.

A face that was extremely familiar to every Lelei person appeared in front of him.

He was a chubby guy. He looked much more mature than the recruitment posters of a few years ago. However, his pair of small, provocative ears, his Garfield-like eyes, and his signature honesty were all missing. Instead of telling everyone clearly, "h" this is the fat man they are familiar with.

That fat guy they like!

The darling in the hearts of all Leray people! !

At this moment, the hero of the Leray Federation was standing in front of him. alive! With tears still in her eyes, she smiled to herself.

The world is dead silent.

"I'm back." The fat man was like a little son pushing open the door of his parents' house during the Chinese New Year. "We're back!"

Although his smile was almost uglier than crying. However, a great happiness hit everyone at this moment.

Russell, Bratt, Robert, Fervin, and Mickey all appeared in the camera. Familiar faces appeared in the camera. Every high-ranking General LeRay was smiling clumsily and hard. "A bigger than An ugly one! "The woman burst into laughter, but tears suddenly burst out of her eyes. She just covered her tears with her hands. The people around her who could no longer hold back had already jumped up with a roar. The whole spaceship was thundering with joy.

No one thought that at the last moment when the Newton Galaxy jump point was about to be breached, when countless Lelei people were desperately trekking to the last Lelei galaxy, Fatty and his bandit army would actually come back!

He returned to this country with a huge fleet and fought with Admiral Malki's fleet! Earth-shattering cheers were like a sea wave, sounding from the decks one after another and sweeping over. “General Tian is back!” “It’s our fleet, it’s our fleet!

The men's blood boiled with excitement. They either waved their fists and cheered, or opened their arms and hugged their self-sacrificing wives tightly.

The women were so happy that they burst into tears and burst into laughter. They either hugged their husbands or held their sleeping children and kissed them one after another, causing the children's sleepy faces to be filled with tears. The silent universe suddenly boiled at this moment! Also boiling are every renegade planet in the Federation! Viewed from the air, every city has instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

Ecstatic people rushed out of their homes to join the already frenzied crowd. They chanted long live Shan Lei in the square and waved the Shan Lei flag on the streets. Like madmen, they squeezed out all the air in their chests and used every ounce of strength in their bodies to shout "Long Live LeLei" to the bright starry sky. .

They couldn't believe that one minute, they were praying for the Leray fleet led by Admiral Malki, and the next minute, a miracle came to this country with the appearance of their favorite fat man! But the fact is right in front of you.

The fat man's face was so kind and cute. On the small screen next to him, the bandit fleet had already entered the cluster of Binart fleet. They protected the old Lelei battleships of the Malki fleet as if they were protecting their own brothers. They rampaged through the enemy fleet, as arrogant as a herd of bulls! The most exciting thing is the almost terrifying group of bandit fighter jets.

No one knows how the bandit army has so many fighter planes. Everyone only knows that this time, the Leray fleet, which has been bullied because it does not have a space carrier, is suppressing the opponent's fighter planes!

The silver swallow-like Chakna [Lightning Low] dances in the void. There are often five or six bandit fighter planes, biting a Binartian [Vampire], spraying out crisscrossing chains of energy cannon light, launching missiles that pierce the void like lightning, and rolling and swinging desperately to escape. The enemy planes turned into a fireball flying forward!

The absolute advantage in numbers gave the bandit fighter jet cluster the upper hand. This kind of almost destructive killing of the pipit makes people want to roll on the ground!

The people in Lelei stared at the TV screen with bright eyes, cheering for a bandit fighter plane that shot down the enemy, and cheering for every firing of the bandit fleet. Even their slaps turned red. "Long live Le Lei!" Cheers rolled over the city.

In the endless criss-crossing trenches outside the city, thousands of soldiers threw their caps and helmets into the sky. Some guys crawled up the trenches with their buttocks on their butts, blew the charge bugle, and ran up and down wildly waving military flags.

In remote mountainous areas, all the fleeing vehicles on the highway stopped. People jumped out of their cars, walked through the traffic, and hugged everyone they knew and didn't know. The sound of car horns and cheers resounded through the sky.

In the temporary capital of Garipalan, Flavio was rushing back to the presidential office, sitting in a speeding car.

The consultants and confidential secretaries on the side stared blankly at the Leray veteran who was crying just now, shouting at the red light of the car TV: "Hit me, Fatty, beat me hard!" TV screen * Fatty and Russell hugged, then turned and walked out of the command hall.

The battle on the small screen continues, and the central cluster of bandit warships has cut into the center of the Binart fleet. The camera on the main screen has been following Fatty, watching him enter the mecha cabin and climb onto the mecha.

An equally majestic and powerful devil mecha was already gathering, forming an imposing and huge triangle. Fatty's mecha is at the front of the triangle.

"What is the fat man going to do?" People looked at the fat man blankly and started talking. Fatty put on his tactical helmet and activated the mecha. he said to the camera before closing the hood. "Old man, I know you are here." Flavio laughed, looked around, pointed at himself with his finger, feeling extremely proud.

The confidential secretary on the side didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Even if I beat myself to death, I would not believe that this old guy with a childish heart was the president who had stood up and led LeRay for such a long time! "Aren't they bullying us?" The fat man on the screen bared his teeth and showed a ferocious smile. "You guys wait, I'm going to beat that bastard Sheldon to death!"


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