Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 38 Sober and Hastings

The fat man stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, smoking.

The trees downstairs are already a patch of green. The soft sunlight shines through the branches and leaves, shining golden on the delicate lawn and clean sidewalks.

Two birds chased past the window, swooped down, and fell into the forest, chirping non-stop. Four female students of different heights, wearing reserve uniforms, holding books and walking happily talking and laughing. Sometimes they were whispering to each other, and sometimes they were walking backwards, playing and laughing with their companions. Their slim and youthful figures made the quiet path seem much brighter.

Infected by this joy, the fat man couldn't help but smile.

"Damn fat man, he laughs when he sees a girl." Margaret came up from behind, took his arm, and looked downstairs with a half-smile as she spoke.

The fat man turned his head and looked at the woman's stunningly beautiful face. Bathed in the sunlight slanting through the window, her fair neck and ears became increasingly pink and clear, making people want to kiss her.

"Sexy wolf!" The charming look in Margaret's eyebrows swayed away with just one sideways glance. She patted a document into his hand and said, "Fat General, this is the message sent back by the exploration team today. .”

oh? The fat man hurriedly threw the cigarette butts into the trash can nearby and quickly opened the file.

Since the successful test of the new space jumping technology, the Leray military jointly established twenty exploration teams under the auspices of Mikhailov Temple, Flavio and Boswell.

Each exploration team has five exploration ships that have completed modifications to the navigation system, engine control system, and central computer jump data model, and are escorted, resupplied, and maintained by a C-class fleet. Its mission is to quickly explore new space jumps along the currently controllable space jump points.

This work has already started the day before yesterday, and the news sent back today is the first batch of exploration results. For the Leray Federation, which is at the core of the upcoming war, these results are even more important than the current decisive battle between Russell and Banning at the Metis Jump Point!

Seeing the fat man opening the folder and reading it intently, Margaret held his arm tightly with some distress.

Although he is a special forces soldier and has been on the battlefield, Fatty has always been in good health. Now wearing a beautiful admiral uniform, he looks quite handsome from the outside. However, only by standing next to him and examining him closely can you see the tiredness and haggardness between his brows.

These days, he only gets an hour or two off every day. The rest of the time was spent running between laboratories, the President's Office, the military and major ports and bases, busy meeting with military chiefs of major armies, busy processing various official documents, and holding various meetings. Various meetings.

Sobor moved south, and the war was about to break out. The fat man looked calm and composed on the surface, as if he had been preparing for a long time just to welcome this day, and everything was under control. But in fact, whether it was An Lei, Fang Xiang or Margaret, they all often saw the fat man standing alone in the corner smoking with his brows furrowed in worry.

They all knew that in order for the little ship Leray Federation to find a way out of the turbulent waves of the space war, Fatty had been working hard since he wandered into the free world of Mars.

When LeRae's federal forces were reduced to the seed fleet left by Hamilton, he played a decisive role in Mars, successfully shattered the Mars faction alliance, and gathered these factions around him, thus forcibly The current bandit army was raised out of nowhere.

When Brody coup, Flavio and Bernardo could not even speak within the Allied Forces, he took the risk to ambush the command group of Humphrey's fleet, captured the Feiling and Feiyu fleets, and captured Sasha The appearance of Lejia's Longbow Galaxy shocked the world!

When the Lelei Federation was torn apart, but Chakna's attitude was still unclear, he went deep into Canglang Planet to rescue Chakna Marshal Li Cunxin, and led Chakna's troops to bravely break into Hot Spring Pass and make a surprise attack on the northern mountainous area. Li Hongwu, who cooperated with the supporting troops, A beautiful turnaround was fought, and the public opinion of Chakna completely turned towards the military which was the main battler!

Later, he led the bandits in a bloody battle on Leifengxing, made a big fuss in Heidfield, and joined forces with Hastings to overwhelm Feiyang's military and political leaders, forcing Li Fo to leave. Everything is to save the Lelei Federation from its fate that is almost irreversible in anyone's opinion!

Others only saw his dazzling achievements, only saw the strength of the bandit army and the advanced technology of battleships and mechas, only saw his rise from a mechanized soldier to an admiral, and were envious of him. But who knows how much this fat man paid for this?

He is a madman. In order to win, or just to win a glimmer of hope, he embarked on this path without hesitation that ordinary people would not even dare to think about. .

He is a stingy money-lover. In order to build a bandit army, his eyes lit up when he saw anything, and he even grabbed a handful of the wind blowing by him. Technology, wealth, talents, everything he could plunder, he plundered into his pocket, and then kneaded, kneaded, pieced together, and bit by bit built up the current army that astonishes the world!

Artificial intelligence, advanced mecha warriors, twelfth generation mechas, battleship stealth technology, electronic jamming technology, split technology, impact tactics, class space carriers, Grandpa Hastings and Chakna Marshal Li Cunxin spare no effort to support... All this kind of thing is obtained by this fat and white guy's single energy that has sustained him until now!

If he had been equally pessimistic about the future of the LeRay Federation when everyone was pessimistic, if he had given up when Hamilton was dead and the Federation was falling apart, if he had rested when he was sad and tired, then there would have been absolutely no possibility of the bandits that they are today. Army, there is no way the current federation can exist!

The fat man is the favorite of all Lelei people, and this is absolutely true. During these days in Leray, Margaret could really feel the country's love for her man.

Because every Leray person knows what this fat man has done for this country. I also know how difficult it is to get to this point.

The fat man walked so lonely and hard. They can't help him, they can only love him!

And now, a big war is coming!

Destiny has arrived here step by step, placing the decisive battle in the southeastern star region. On the surface, this seems to be Hastings's choice when he challenged Sobol, but in fact, Hastings' challenge must also follow the entire war pattern.

The reason why the war broke out in the southeast was also the reason why the decisive battle came. The LeLei Federation is unable to escape.

The only one who doesn't believe in evil is this fat man who has wild and even whimsical ideas.

This ungrateful guy wants to hold up the sky with one hand, wants to turn the tide, and wants to use his whimsical ideas to change the fate of the Leray Federation. He has accomplished a lot, and there is still a lot that needs to be done, and he needs to seize every minute and every second to complete it.

Especially when Fatty has a kid, a bandit army, new space jumping technology, and increasingly powerful abilities to influence the world, and is getting closer to his dream!

"Four star fields, twenty-three galaxies, five newly discovered jumping points! A planet suitable for immigrants!" The fat man finished reading the documents in his hand and raised his head, his eyes sparkling.

"Great!" As the fat man shouted, before Margaret could recover, she was hugged by him and kissed her firmly.

"You damn wolf." Margaret's towering breasts were pressed tightly against the fat man's chest. It took her a while to catch her breath, and she let out a sweet moan with her hair disheveled.

"Immigrate to the planet! Immigrate to the planet!"

The fat man chirped again, kissed Margaret's soft lips, and said excitedly: "There are only two public galaxies away from Leray's central star field!"

"Dead man, this is the military headquarters!" Margaret twisted the fat man's waist in shame and glanced around. However, he saw the staff officers coming and going with strange expressions, lowered heads and hurried steps, and even had fever on their faces.

The fat man let go of Margaret and excitedly looked at the document in his hand again and again.

In recent days, three transport fleets sent from Mars Freeport have arrived one after another. From behind, there are more spaceships coming along the free channel.

These fleets, composed of original pirate ships, transport ships, merchant ships and civilian passenger ships, are anchored in the ports of major immigrant stars. There are more than 100,000 various spaceships in total, densely packed one next to the other, stretching out in the outer space of the planet, blocking out the stars and the sun, and the scene is extremely spectacular.

At the same time, on the other hand, the battle in the Metis Galaxy has also entered a critical period. Every minute and every second that Russell is currently fighting for the Federation has been gained by the bloody battles of the frontline soldiers.

Therefore, starting the Lere immigration plan as soon as possible is the most important task for the government and military currently staying in Lere. The day earlier the Leray Federation's immigration plan was implemented, the day earlier he would have put aside his worries, and the bandit army would be able to devote more fully to this decisive battle that will affect Leray's peace for hundreds of years in the future!

The safest place for Leray to immigrate is not Mars, let alone countries such as Chakna and Feyan. Mars may be captured by the enemy, and no matter how cooperative Chakna and Feiyang are, it is impossible to accept nearly a billion people. The safest place is a new immigrant planet where enemies cannot find it.

The success of new space jumping technology has turned this plan from illusory to promising. But the document in hand today has turned all of this into reality!

The fat man looked out the window with bright eyes.

Under the sun, the high-rise buildings in Garipalan stretch to the mountains in the distance. This city located in the basin is perhaps the city least affected by artillery fire in the entire Leray Federation. Although it is not as prosperous as before, these tall space cities, the elevated highways whirling into the sky, the space trains and intercity spaceships that travel back and forth still leave traces of the three hundred years of peace of the Leray Federation visible everywhere in this city. .

And now, all this will start in a new place.

Lere will have a new territory, and the people of Lere will also have a home without war!

"Does the President's Office know about it?!" The fat man clutched the document in his hand.

"I know." Margaret smiled slightly and said: "Admiral Mihajlovic and President Flavio have ordered the launch of the immigration plan. The three giant transport ships that have completed the transformation have already set off. They will Transport supplies, engineering mechas and personnel, inspect and build immigration bases.”

"Okay." Fatty said, "But how long will it take to complete the immigration?"

Margaret replied: "If the planet transformation goes well, the estimated time will be a week."

As she spoke, she pointed to an interstellar picture under the folder and said, "Also, you can check this one."

"What is this?" Fatty asked strangely as he lowered his head and looked at the coordinates of the newly discovered jumping point.

"This is a new jumping point discovered in a new airspace. Our exploration ship carried out type 1 (old space jumping technology) jump exploration and type 2 (new space jumping technology) jump exploration according to the plan. As a result, we It was found that Type 1 jump arrived at a new galaxy, while Type 2 jump arrived at a galaxy we have already discovered.”

The fat man's heart skipped a beat and he asked hurriedly: "The jumping point of the current galaxy?"

"Yes!" Margaret nodded: "By performing a Type II jump from this jumping point, you can lead to the ru-7021 galaxy."

"r..." Fatty quickly opened the instrument on his arm, projected the interstellar map on the glass in front of him, and then looked for the galaxy line starting with r.

"Found it!" Fatty's eyes stopped on a public galaxy with only one jump point mark, "This is..."

His eyes followed the public galaxy numbered 7021 to the connecting lines of other jump points, and suddenly turned around in shock: "From here, to the Western Monterey Empire?"

"It's unimaginable, isn't it?" Margaret lamented: "Although we all know that new jumping technology will change the existing routes and rules of human interstellar territory, we still did not expect that sailing according to the original route would require In three months, the Monterey Empire was actually only seven jumping points away from Leray."

She said, smiled, and wrinkled her nose playfully: "It would be great if we could discover the jumping point to the Binart Empire."

"Although it will be a matter of time, the probability of a rule being issued in the short term is very small." The fat man looked into the distance, "If that day comes, even if the bandit army is only one-twentieth of the opponent, I will still be confident to end this war." war!"

"Fat man." Margaret stared at him and suddenly called out.

"Huh?" The fat man turned around.

"Actually, you are still worried about the upcoming battle, right?" Margaret asked in a low voice.

The fat man was silent, with a tense look on his face, and finally nodded guiltily.

"Is it because the strength gap between the bandits and their opponents is too big, or because I feel that if something happens to my grandfather, he will not be able to take on the responsibility of commanding the allied forces?" Margaret said with a smile on her face.

The fat man's honest face twitched twice, his eyelids drooped and he said, "Did he tell you?"

"Come here, my grandpa understands you." Margaret held his arm: "The Allies have set off south today. Grandpa asked me to tell you that the core of war is not procedures or weapon technology, but people. . Therefore, if you want to defeat your opponent, in addition to deduction, you should also understand your opponent."

The fat man pondered.

To be honest, although he has the bandit army and the new space jumping technology in his hands, Fatty knows that in the face of a peerless genius like Sobol, all these things are not reliable.

Whether it was experience, military training or the strength of the bandit army, he was too small compared to Sobol. If you are not careful, your entire army may be wiped out.

When he thought that he had no chance of making a mistake in front of Sobol, Fatty felt very painful and depressed. He wanted to find an opportunity to say hello to Sobol directly with a gun. This last point is obviously impossible to achieve. This in turn intensifies the level of depression.

Out of his natural vigilance towards Sobol, Fatty has been conducting careful research and deduction on the current strength and situation of both sides these days.

The results of the deduction are not optimistic.

With Sobol's military talent and the troops at his disposal, Fatty found that no matter what method he used, he could not take advantage of his opponents. Lure, set up an ambush, attack its central command cluster through stealth tactics, or appear behind the opponent through the Mars Channel... All imaginable strategies, once placed on Sobol, are more like creating a trap for the opponent. Trap opportunity.

This is a rare situation for a fat man to feel that he is completely powerless before the war begins.

However, now that Margaret relayed a few words of Hastings' warning, Fatty suddenly felt that he had really overlooked something. .

He pondered for a moment, then turned to Margaret and said, "I just thought, counting the time, Sobol has also received the news that the capital of Desik has been attacked."

Margaret looked at the fat man in confusion and nodded: "Of course."

Fatty said: "If he ordered the fleet to speed up to Dexik, then it should have passed... um... ka-52 public system by now."

"Yes," Margaret looked carefully at the interstellar map projected by Fatty, nodded, and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"You know, there are many small jumping points that can connect the Mars Channel and the main channel. Sister Xiang has dispatched reconnaissance ships on the sections that can be reached by these jumping points. And the ka-32 galaxy is ours One of the monitored flight segments, but..." Fatty looked serious, "Until now, we have not received any news about the passage of Sobol's main force!"

After hearing what the fat man said, Margaret also felt a little strange. Although judging from the itinerary of the main force in West York, it has not yet reached the time for it to pass through the ka-3z galaxy normally. However, taking into account Desik's urgent request for help, the Sobol fleet seemed too slow.

"In addition, judging from the war situation, Sobol going south now is the best choice and the best time for Western York," the fat man said solemnly: "However, I have always been vaguely curious about a question..."

"What's the problem?" Margaret asked.

"Sobol ordered the formation of the Southeastern Front a few months ago. Therefore, he had enough time to assemble the huge force of more than 20 Western member countries, totaling 460 A-class fleets," Fatty He walked back and forth for a few steps and looked out the window: "But don't you think he used too much force?"

"The lion fights the rabbit," Margaret said without hesitation: "Since Sobol has received the challenge from his grandfather, he will naturally use all his strength. Moreover, judging from the importance of the southeast, the use of troops also needs to be cautious and prudent. Have more at hand. The troops will be more calm. There is nothing strange about this."

"That was your idea, and it was also my previous idea," Fatty said, "But you reminded me of your grandfather's words just now."

"What?" Margaret asked.

"Character!" The fat man raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Sobol's character!"

character? Margaret looked at the fat man in confusion.

The fat man narrowed his eyes slightly and continued: "Based on my review of Xiyue's military deployment in various theaters, I can conclude that their deployment of more than 400 fleets actually has a great impact on their other strategies. . Even many theaters have temporarily stopped their offensives in order to provide resources and troops to Sober."

Margaret listened quietly without questioning or refuting.

Although with the complexity of modern warfare, it is not easy to comprehensively sort out and understand the enemy's entire military structure by analyzing sea-like intelligence. However, she believed that as long as Fatty came to this conclusion through deduction, it must be right.

Grandpa Hastings once said privately that Fatty's deduction ability alone was enough to serve as a staff officer!

More importantly, for a staff department, completing a deduction is just to calculate the combat plan or deduce the battle situation to prove whether certain judgments and choices are correct. For a commander, completing such a deduction can form the most intuitive and advanced grasp of a war.

When all the details of the war are sorted out and formed in the mind, an intuition will inevitably arise in the mind of the war commander. This kind of intuition based on deduction and judgment is the talent that every commander and even every famous general in the world dreams of!

Even Grandpa Hastings admitted that in this regard, the fat man was unparalleled!

"Then," the fat man turned to look at Margaret: "With Sobol's strength and pride, he will allow himself to lead an army that is four times stronger than the Fei League, taking advantage of it and even affecting the offensive in other theaters. Can he assemble the fleet he needs to win the battle with his old enemy?"

"No!" Margaret's pupils narrowed.

"Then, coupled with the fact that he has not passed the Ka-32 galaxy segment yet, even if we cannot draw a conclusion, we can at least think of a possibility," Fatty said calmly: "That is, Sobol's strategic goal , not just the Southeast Star Region!"

"Not just the southeast?" Margaret was startled, and then thought of Li Fo's split, the battle at Carlston Galaxy, and another possibility that followed, and her eyes widened in horror, "Could it be Fei Yang?"

"It may be Feiyang's Meima Star Territory," Fatty said slowly, "However, compared to directly attacking Feiyang's homeland, I think there is another possibility..."

His finger pointed at the Catalonia Galaxy of the Naga Federation, and followed this line to the Altair Galaxy from the Republic of Lane to Feyan Aqsa Fortress and Chakna Long March Star Territory: " If I were Sober, I would choose this route!".

"Republic of Lane!" Margaret's military talent is extremely high, and in a flash, she has thought of countless possibilities.

She had to admit that what the fat man said was right!

All the time, everyone has focused their attention on the Southeast Passage and the Carlston Galaxy. It seems that Xiyo has been resolutely implementing the strategy of passing through the southeast and Carlston Galaxy to form a front and rear attack on Feiyang.

However, everyone has overlooked that between the central star field and the east, in addition to the Carlston Galaxy and the Leray Central Channel, there is actually another channel. That's the Republic of Lane!

The former Leon Republic had a strong military and was very close to Feiyang and Chakna, so it could quickly receive support from the two countries. Coupled with Li Fu, it is as stable as Mount Tai! The war with the Naga Federation has always had the upper hand, and there is no possibility of a sudden defeat and the opening of the channel.

However, today, this impossibility has become the most confusing possibility!

You know, the war between Lane and the Naga Federation was quite fierce, and the military consumption of both countries was not small. The current Republic of Lane is no longer the country that had a strong military and horses, ranking only behind Chakna, and its national power is still above Jepensus.

Moreover, with Feiyang's split, Lane's public support of Li Fut has created a gap between Feiyang and Lane. In addition, Chakna was so entangled by Suss and Jeppon that he couldn't spare any time. Hastings also mobilized a lot of Feyon fleets to join the Allies because of the crisis in the southeast, and went south with all their strength, then...

A chill crept up Margaret's back.

She seemed to see that when the Fifa League was still in internal strife, when Chakna and Sujie were still fighting for their lives, when the Naga Federation and the Lane Republic were fighting fiercely, Sobol, like a poisonous snake, quietly Watching everything, accumulating its venom, looking for the opportunity, and preparing to launch a fatal blow!

Those agents who sacrificed their lives to report the strength and movements of Western York troops back to the country are just Sobol's pawns!

The Allied Command Headquarters' speculation about his troop strength was simply part of his plan!

His seemingly secret move south was actually a ruthless move that forced Grandpa Hastings to use his entire army. He wants to defeat grandpa openly and honestly at the tactical level in the battle in the southeast, and he also wants to defeat grandpa at the strategic level in the world chess game!

What he wants is a complete victory!

Margaret's face was pale and she held the fat man's arm tightly: "Since grandpa wants me to remind you, does that mean he has already guessed this possibility?"

"Of course." Fatty Hui smiled and patted Margaret's hand gently.

"Really?" Margaret still felt that the chill on her body could not go away.

"Maggie, don't forget..." The fat man squinted his eyes, looked at the golden sun in the sky, and said slowly, "He is the God of War Hastings!"


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