Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 49 Three Documents

"Li Fo is appointed commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces?"

On the terrace of the airport command building at the military base.

The fat man tilted his head and opened his small eyes in surprise. The red sunset shone from the distant horizon of Garipalan, making the guy's ear on the left side of his face shine brightly red. The chubby cheeks were slumped, and the expression was stunned and numb. It looked like a panda whose buns had been snatched away for no reason.

"Yes, the Fei Alliance Council has announced it. Just today." Margaret, standing next to the fat man, nodded.

In the sunset, Margaret was wearing a blue bandit uniform, and her slim waist became more and more attractive. Her round and beautiful buttocks were wrapped in a tight skirt, her straight and slender breasts were flawless, and her beautiful feet were wearing a pair of black high-heeled shoes, which made her even more graceful and graceful.

Beside her, An Lei was holding a folder in her arms, standing tall and looking at the fat man quietly with watery eyes. The wavy long black hair was tied up casually with a white handkerchief, and the gentleness in her bones was refreshing.

There was a huge roar. A large transport ship slowly lifted into the sky with the flag of the ground crew. The huge ship body is like a mountain that was arched during an earthquake. It climbed over the balcony railing little by little, blocking the setting sun in the distance and shrouding the entire building in shadow.

Viewed from the air, next to the building, tens of thousands of transport mechas and heavy trucks were coming along the airport highway. Countless civilians carrying luggage, old and young, lined up in an orderly manner and walked towards the landing pad deep in the vast airport under the command of Le Lei soldiers.

Dozens of large and small circular landing pads distributed in a plum blossom shape are already filled with various spaceships with large open doors, constantly swallowing the rolling flow of people and vehicles. A spaceship slowly took off, and another waiting spacecraft suspended in mid-air landed immediately. The entire airport was enveloped in the roar of the spacecraft, the whistles of the ground crew, the roar of the crowd and the noise of children. It was a busy scene.

This was an unprecedented mass migration.

A week ago, President Flavio announced the immigration in a televised speech.

Since we already knew that the West York army was rushing towards Leray, we also knew that the Allied fleet led by Russell was resisting West York's attack in Desic with an absolutely inferior force. Therefore, Flavio's decision did not cause any uproar among the people.

For the people of Lere, who have been through four years of war, nothing is unacceptable.

Four years ago, many of them came to Milok or other planets in Leray from the Galileo system. More than a year ago they participated in the Bermuda retreat. In the recent Battle of Newton's Jump Point, they also flew towards Galileo in a spaceship.

In this age of war, being alive is already a kind of happiness. Migration is nothing compared to crying in the flames of war. It’s just a matter of packing some things and getting a little bit tired.

Every Lere person knows that the government and military have done their best. Anyone who can organize such a large immigration despite such a decline can only be grateful.

No one from Lele wanted to cause any more trouble to the government. No one dared to cause trouble in front of the grateful people. After the announcement, people immediately left their homes and embarked on their journey in an orderly manner under the organization of the government and the military according to the pre-announced numbers.

The mechas of this era, the ubiquitous Skynet system and the spacecraft mobilized from Mars ensured the smooth implementation of this plan. In just four days, more than 200 million people have boarded the spacecraft.

More than four years of war have reduced this country, which originally had a population of 1.7 billion, to less than 900 million people. The other people have either been killed in the war, or have taken the escape spacecraft to other places. At this rate, in less than twenty days, the Lelei Federation will become an empty star field.

Regarding this, every Lele person who is optimistic by nature feels a mischievous excitement in his heart. When they left, they even invariably set up a camera in the window of their home that only required a small amount of energy to maintain operation for ten years, just so that one day they could return to this land and have fun with their families. Look at the faces of those Westerners when they see these empty cities.

They have no doubt that this day will come and are full of expectations for it

The transport ship has risen into the sky, and the light of the setting sun once again fills the silent terrace. The fat man stared at Margaret with a strange expression, as if he hadn't come back to his senses yet. .

To be honest, he knew as soon as he heard the news that it was definitely not as simple as it seemed. Li Fu's ability to replace McKinley as commander-in-chief of the Allied forces must be inseparable from Hastings' plan. However, it was precisely because of this that he was surprised.

What Hastings did was definitely a risky move.

The original calculation against Li Fu was a joint effort between himself and Hastings. Therefore, he understands Li Fu's role in this war far better than anyone except Hastings.

Only he and Hastings know how many secrets there are in Li Fu - whether it is the tragedy twenty years ago, the Illuminati president, the little girl and the red mechas that appeared in Heidfield, they are all related to this person. Line after line, tightly wrapped up in a big mystery.

This mystery has become bigger and bigger as the bandit research department studies the reformer Salmon.

In his speculation, which is almost like the plot of a science fiction novel, it is not only related to the past, but also to this war, and even to the future of the entire human race.

To solve this mystery, Li Fu cannot die.

On the other hand, the situation at that time actually no longer allowed Li Fu to be operated on.

Hastings's body continues to weaken, and the LeRae Federation is in danger. Under Xiyo's pressing pressure, neither Hastings nor himself had time to complete the transformation of the Fei League.

He followed Hastings back to Feiyang because he could not give Li Fu and his group the opportunity to control Feiyang. However, no matter whether they unite the major families or win the presidency, they only solve the political problems of Feiyang, but cannot solve the radical group that has grown into a behemoth.

It was a group composed of countless angry and impulsive young officers and soldiers. They have grown and prospered in the peaceful era of Feiyang. Extreme nationalism, expansionist tendencies, and militarism brought about by hatred of the outdated system of the Philippine League have attracted many young officers and soldiers to join it.

It is by using these people that Li Fu can have a group around him and become a hero in the eyes of the people.

However, to a certain extent, even Li Fu cannot fully control this group. Just like a person who tames a lion, no matter what he wants the lion to do, he cannot violate the rules of getting along with the lion, let alone the nature of the lion. Otherwise, the consequence is to be devoured by lions

Li Fu must carefully use this group to achieve his goals. He would never dare to risk the disapproval of the world and do something that goes against the will of the people, let alone lead these soldiers who hate Western Europe to rebel.

He must follow the heroic image he paved the way to the top of the Fei League until he defeats Siyo and takes control of the entire human world.

And once you kill this "hero" who sent artificial intelligence to Binart twenty years ago and has been secretly supported, not only will a good knife for slaughtering Xiyo be wasted, but it will also make the people angry and make people angry. The entire radical youth military group is out of control

By that time, the entire Fei League will be plunged into turmoil and chaos.

Therefore, from the night when he got the secret from twenty years ago from Friedrich, he and Hastings made a plan to use Li Fu.

However, what he didn't expect was that in order to resist Sober's strategy of dividing the troops and mobilize troops south, Hastings would not hesitate to send Li Fu to the throne of commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. In case something goes wrong in the southeastern battle......

The fat man shook his head, not daring to imagine any more.

Perhaps, at that time, facing Sobol, who commanded the West York army, and Li Fo, who controlled the Fei League, his only choice was to lead the bandit army and the Lelei people to leave this hopeless world and live in a desolate and unfamiliar world. A new life begins in a new world.

But, would that Illuminati president and that little girl really let LeRae be so free?

If his guess is true, maybe one day, a fleet that was born from the human world but is not human will appear in its new home.

Until then, LeRae will be forced to fight for humanity's last remaining civilization

The setting sun has turned into a red arc halo on the distant horizon. As the sky darkened, the street lights of the airport, the lights of the spaceship, and the headlights of the transport mechas and trucks all came on one after another. Looking from the terrace, countless lights are swimming, bright and charming.

The fat man was lost in thought when An Lei on the side handed him the folder in his arms and said, "Ajian, Marshal Hastings sent this document. It is encrypted with the highest authority. Only you can look."

Fatty opened the folder.

There are three electronic files in the folder.

After reading the first document, the fat man's eyes narrowed slightly. Things turned out to be as he had guessed. Although on the surface Ryan, Feiyang and Chuckner had all turned to Li Fu, in fact the Fei League was still in the hands of Hastings. At least for now.

The second document, however, has nothing to do with the war. Just a condition report. At the beginning of the report, Hastings' name was written.

After reading the report, Fatty's heart slowly sank. Trying hard not to look at Margaret, he opened the third document.

On the third document, there was only a short row of words.

"Fat man, we have no way out"


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