Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 52 A strange combination of circumstances

"Still not asleep?" The fat man walked to Fang Xiang and sat down, putting his arms around her shoulders!

"Waiting for you." Fang Xiang leaned in the fat man's arms, her ears feeling a little feverish. Although she and Fatty had broken through the ambiguity between Shao and the other girls, and the other girls had also acquiesced in their relationship with each other, after thirty years of guarding oneself like a jade, she still had no physical contact with Fatty after all.

In addition, her constitution is naturally sensitive, and her heart beats faster whenever she is intimate with a fat man. Her pretty face was as red as a burning cloud. Under the light, it looks even more stunning.

"Did you get a call from Salega?" The fat man sniffed Fang Xiang's body fragrance and said seriously.

Suddenly, a pair of sly eyes couldn't help but peek into Fang Xiang's collar.

As the name suggests, Fang Xiang’s name is so apt. Whenever the fat man gets close to her, he can smell the refreshing fragrance. This scent is not that of any shampoo or perfumed body wash, but a natural feminine scent that is indescribably good.

The woman had just taken a shower and was wearing pajamas. Her delicate body was so warm and soft that it seemed like she had no bones.

The neckline of her pajamas is slightly open. Looking down her delicate chest, two white lumps can be seen.

A newborn baby.

In the light of the light, a few faintly visible blue veins under the thin, almost transparent skin snake up the snow hills. Not only does it not detract from the beauty, but it has a special temptation like a fresh peach.

·Um. "Fang Xiang leaned on the fat man's chest and nodded. Suddenly she heard this guy's heartbeat speeding up. "Ping ping ping pong pong" seemed to be about to jump out. When she looked up, she saw the fat man looking hard into his collar with his eyes open, as if he wanted to have his head cut off. Plunge into the way you die.

"Damn Fatty" Fang Xiang was ashamed and angry. She held down her collar with one hand and twisted the fatty's ears with the other.

Duo: "Have you not had enough fun in the office?"

The fat man was startled and stared at Fang Xiang in horror.

Why do these women have no secrets from each other? What's the point of talking about this kind of thing? Men are all the same, why should they imitate other people's honey diamonds to compare their strengths together?

Fang Xiang rolled her eyes at the dumbfounded fat man: "Is it weird? That girl Helen doesn't look tired after working all day."

As she said this, Fang Xiang thought of Helen and the fat man in the office...and suddenly felt her cheeks burning with shame, and she couldn't help but pinch the fat man who was calm and calm.

"I've seen this movie," the fat man hissed, pointing at the TV with a grin on his face and changing the subject: "Hey, finally that fool's hat is gone. There are hundreds of people here, but you dare to go inside with a BTRI blade. Chuang, it would be weird if he didn't die. If the director and screenwriter hadn't opened the golden finger, this country bumpkin would have had to burp before he could reach the gate."

Fang Xiang looked at the fat man, looking at him with drooped eyelids and slouched cheeks, a disdainful expression like a Shar-Pei dog, and suddenly burst out laughing, waving his hand and punching him.

This bastard who can't spit out ivory from his dog's mouth always has the ability to destroy all the elegant and beautiful things in human beings with just a mouthful of spit. Except for anal films, no classic film can be expected to please him. I...why did I fall in love with such a disgusting person?

"Tell me, what's going on with Salega's phone call?" The fat man hugged Fang Xiang and put his ear on her ear. Baji kissed him.

·Hmm...'" The smile on Fang Xiang's face disappeared, her eyes glanced to one side, and she whispered: "Sa

There is a coup in Lega. Now the military is in charge and they asked me to go back. "

"Let you go back?" The fat man was startled.

Fang Xiang nodded gently and looked at the carpet in front of the sofa: "They have contacted the Fiji League headquarters. If the conditions can be met, the Salega military is willing to send troops to help the Fiji League fight. If there is an emergency mobilization in the country, they will We can produce at least forty A-class fleets."

"Really?" The fat man was overjoyed. He never dreamed that such a turn would occur in Salega at this critical moment. Forty A-class fleets may not be considered much in normal times, but for the current Fiji Alliance forces, they are a real help in times of need.

At the same time, this also means that the entire Salega will fully participate in the military, economic, intelligence, logistics and other aspects. Relying on their national strength and subsequent mobilization capabilities, the comprehensive strength of the Southeastern Alliance will be significantly improved, thus closing the gap in comprehensive combat effectiveness with the Sober fleet by up to five times.

But..." The fat man looked sideways at Fang Xiang and felt something was wrong. Although she was still smiling softly and looking at herself as usual, there was absolutely no excitement or joy in her eyes, but more hesitation and even some indescribable loneliness. .

"What's going on?" Fatty rolled his eyes and immediately grasped the key to what Fang Xiang said just now.

Words: "What conditions do they want?"

Fang Xiang looked down at her toes.

The fat man sat down in confusion, noted Fang Xiang and asked: Sister Xiang? "

Fang Xiang struggled repeatedly in her heart. After a long time, she finally gave up that ridiculous idea under the anxious gaze of the fat man next to her. She raised her head and said slowly: "The person who called me is called Ronde. He was my boss six or seven years ago and has been pursuing me. .He is the one in power in Salega now.

"Pursuing you,..." Fatty's eyes widened, "He shouldn't have told Salega about sending troops."

Love, with you and him...":

Fang Xiang showed a disgusted expression and nodded.

"Fart!" The fat man's lungs exploded with anger, and he stood three feet tall. The whole small building seemed to be

It was like thunder exploding, buzzing in his roar.

The doors to the rooms on the second and third floors opened one after another, and women in pajamas walked out of the rooms one after another. While everyone was still looking at each other in the corridor, they heard Fatty Lei's roar coming from the living room: "Has this idiot's brain been kicked by a donkey? He uses it to pick up girls because of national affairs?"

Hearing the sound of the door opening coming from the corridor upstairs and the footsteps on the stairs, Fang Xiang hugged the soft sofa cushion and buried her whole red and feverish face in it.

She knew that Fatty would be furious when she said it. But she didn't expect this guy to be so excited. She didn't notice that it was already dead of night. He was like a fat cat that had been stepped on, with hair all over his body, and he jumped up all of a sudden.

He looked so menacing, as if he was about to find someone to fight for.

Fang Xiang felt sweet and embarrassed at the same time. He buried his head and asked in a muffled voice: "What do you think I should do?

"What should I do?" The fat man's eyes widened in surprise at Fang Xiang.

While talking, the girls were already walking down the stairs one after another.

Margaret stood next to the fat man, with Mei Duo and An Lei on the left and one on the left.

Sitting down next to Fang Yin on the right, Helen yawned and walked to the back of the sofa and lay on the backrest. Bonnie, who had long fiery red hair, and Milan, who was slim and petite in bear pajamas, stood at the foot of the stairs arm in arm. Everyone had a look of curiosity on their faces.

"What happened?" Margaret pulled the fat man's arm strangely.

The fat man just briefly explained the matter, and the women immediately started to stir up trouble.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course not?" Helen said quickly, her face turned red with anger.

"Shameless, let's have his big dream. Even if we lose this battle, the worst we can do is move to Xinqiu."

The public star is fine. "Milou said nonchalantly.

Marolite curled her lips: "You scum. You actually used such a thing to blackmail a woman.

Bonnie looked at Fang Xiang with a cold face and said: "That kind of person is not reliable at all. If he loses, he can defect to Xiyo. If he wins, his status will be consolidated for the Salega Federation." Not a good thing”

The women's voices of opposition were like a group of disturbed orioles, chirping endlessly in the silent night.

Now that she has spoken out, Fang Xiang has actually made a decision. She raised her head and was about to speak, but she saw the fat man standing in the middle of the living room with a strange expression, looking from one place to another. He tried to speak several times but was ignored by the indignant women. His face was wrinkled with worry.

The women finally calmed down and followed Fang Xiang's gaze and looked at the fat man.

"Say," the fat man asked cautiously, "why don't you agree to him?"

The atmosphere in the living room suddenly solidified. Everyone;$$ stared at the fat man, unable to believe their ears. Just when Milan was about to turn around and rush upstairs to shoot the guy, Fatty said matter-of-factly: "Logically speaking, this absurd proposal will first be based on an absurd reason. I don't think things are that simple. .Besides, since this idiot made us disgusted by proposing this condition, we can't be disgusted in vain, right?

One word awakens the dreamer.

"You mean one?" Margaret's eyes flashed as she was the first to react.

She was wearing a pale pink silk pajamas, and her hair was as long as the sun. Because she was woken up from her dream, her pure and innocent face without makeup had a hint of laziness, which made people want to protect her and take care of her, and couldn't bear to let this fairy-like person be harmed in the slightest.

However, if someone could see her eyes at this moment, I am afraid they would not recognize Margaret as being as delicate and frail as she looks on the outside.

The witch-like cunning eyes were blinking and shining as if they had just discovered something particularly interesting. A teasing smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and paired with her eyes, her whole body exuded a kind of evil spirit, except for the nine tails sticking out from behind her buttocks and wagging. .

"You might as well get in touch and see what he wants to do. The fat meat that comes to your mouth can't be...

Need a big bite? "The fat man chuckled, looking honest and honest.

Seeing the meaningful looks between the fat man and Margaret, the others present suddenly felt creepy and chilled all over. Goosebumps crawled up the skin.

"I'm going to bed." Helen was the first to turn around and run upstairs.

"I fell asleep too." Milan pulled Bonnie and followed Helen quickly. Not wearing slippers

She ran out, her white feet tumbling rapidly on the wooden stairs.

When everyone rubbed their arms and ran back to the room, Fang Xiang pressed her chin on the pillow, pursed her lips and looked at the fat man, sighing quietly in her heart.

Now that I think about it, Ronde is actually quite pitiful.

Whatever his reasons for making this offer, he should not mess with Fatty and Margaret.

In front of me, the two demons have raised their knives and forks at the same time.

The Babai flying cars lined up in a long line, escorted by two hundred red military mechas, speeding along the flight road in the capital of Salega.

The sound of the engine, the roar of the wind and the footsteps of the mecha outside the car were deafening, but inside the luxuriously decorated car it was peaceful.

Music master Subai's solo concerto "Starry Night" rang out from the car stereo. The sound of the violin slid like running water under the soft light of the carriage, and the sound of the piano was like jumping elves jumping in the clear spring water of the deep mountain waterfall. Every stroke They are all beating in people’s hearts.

Ronde sat on the sofa and listened with his eyes closed. The whole person seemed to be immersed in the wonderful music.

Lande is forty-four years old this year, with a square face, thin skin, and short, yellow hair. The corners of his mouth are wide open on both sides of his mouth, and his lips are flat. When closed tightly, he gives people a sense of majesty. Whenever he speaks, he has a kind and friendly attitude that always brings a smile.

a cunning gambler

This is the evaluation given to Ronde by many people who know him well behind his back. For those who are not familiar with him, this middle-aged general, who was promoted to federal general just a few months ago, is a federal soldier who dares to love, dare to hate, has courage and responsibility, and is outstandingly talented and resolute.

This two-sided understanding, in this special era, became Lande's capital to reach the peak of power.

A series of shocking and chaotic events a week ago can be traced back to the source, which actually began when the veteran general Tolstoy resolutely led his troops in a bloody battle in the Longbow Galaxy and was defeated and died.

General Tolstoy is an upright person and has led the Salga military for decades. He is the idol in the hearts of every Salga soldier. He is their elder and the symbol of the Salga army.

When the president resigned and anti-war voices surged, the entire Salega military ceased operations in humiliation and put weapons and weapons into storage in the face of the compromise voices of the domestic people and political parties. With the duty of "soldiers to obey orders", they silently watched the leaders of this country make their choices.

Neutrality is a word that seems to be full of peaceful meanings.

But every Salga soldier knows that in this war sweeping the entire human world, Salga, who has been an enemy of the Fei Alliance for a hundred years, has absolutely no qualifications to be neutral.

When the neighboring Lere Federation was fighting bloody battles under the siege of the enemy, the Salega Federation's move to withdraw its troops and declare neutrality was actually no different from surrender. The so-called neutrality is just a beautiful façade used by pro-Western congressmen and capitulationists to fool the people.

This kind of spineless compromise made Salega

As the president stepped down and the military withdrew its troops, Xiyo, who had already seen the chaos inside Salega, took the opportunity to go even further and forcibly leased the Longbow Galaxy.

General Tolstoy's angry roar like a lion in the parliament was drowned in a numb and timid silence. A group of politicians, led by the pro-Western Speaker, even ordered all the Longbow system's garrisons to evacuate, otherwise it would be regarded as treason.

In the end, amid the silence throughout Salega, Admiral Tolstoy led the only fleet that dared to follow him and blocked the path of the Suss fleet without hesitation with an absolutely inferior force.

From the beginning, it was a battle that was already doomed to fail.

Both followers and bystanders understand this very well. We also know that the old general who walked out of the parliament hall in tears was defending the freedom and dignity of this country with his life.

When the news of General Tolstoy's heroic martyrdom and the utter annihilation of the Longbow Fleet and the proclamation of the parliament announcing Tolstoy and Fang Xiang's treason spread throughout the country at the same time, I don't know how many Salega soldiers were alone and drunk that night. , I don’t know how many bloody soldiers smashed everything they could smash at hand, crying bitterly.

As soldiers, they are not afraid of death. Under the leadership of Tolstoy, they once supported the Bermuda galaxy and fought bravely. The Salga soldiers won the respect of everyone. However, in this country controlled by a bunch of weaklings who only know how to fight for power, they have been deprived of even the right to sacrifice.

If they want to sacrifice for this country, they must bear the charge of traitors. What a ridiculous and ridiculous era.

Since then, Salega has maintained an air of suffocating weirdness. The military looked on with cold eyes, the people were indifferent, and the politicians fought for power.

Imaginary peace does not lead to a peaceful life.

A large number of business groups from Spain have taken advantage of Spain's huge influence in Salega to collude with corrupt officials to plunder and do whatever they want. A large number of businesses began to close down, and unemployment and crime increased sharply.

Only then did the people discover that Fuguangjing, a fair, free and dignified country, had unknowingly turned into a gradually decaying quagmire.

Justice is dead. No one can obtain justice through the law. The only way to get justice after being bullied is to resort to personal revenge, and then be sanctioned by those high-ranking officials in the name of the law.

The paradigm of freedom is also dead. Those who loudly opposed the war were banned by strict laws. They can no longer express their opinions - no matter what they want to say, they must be prepared for the risk of being arrested in front of their wives and children by the police who suddenly burst into their home.

Coupled with the economic recession and soaring prices, people with hard lives and depressed spirits finally understood in the face of the cruel reality how stupid it was for a country to try to protect itself wisely in this war and place its hopes on its original enemy. things

At this time, a piece of news came - the 19th Fleet of the Fei League led by Douglas had made a surprise attack on the Longbow Galaxy.

At the same time, a fleet from the bandit army emerged from the sky. Cooperating with Douglas, they defeated and captured the two Binart Elephant-class fleets led by Humphrey in one fell swoop, and successfully joined forces with Russell's Tibetan Front Fleet that broke through Bermuda. .

There was an undercurrent surging in Salega that people were changing their minds, and this news only added fuel to the fire. Although the government authorities have tried every means to control public opinion, they still can't stop the news from spreading throughout the federation like wings.

The soldiers of Salega, who have learned from the painful experience and have been reflecting on themselves, watched everything happening in the not-so-distant world outside through the unique sight of the military.

They saw the Lere people who refused to surrender, the Feyan people, and even the Sarga people.

Everyone was shocked by what they saw.

What they did not expect was that the Longbow Fleet, which had only dozens of remaining warships sailing sadly towards the universe, was now the main combat member of the bandit fleet, nor did they expect that the man known as the Salega Interstellar Navy Major General Fang Xiang, the commander of Zhihua, has become one of the core leading officers of the bandit army.

It was as if a stone stirred up a thousand waves. In the face of reality, it is difficult for people to distinguish whether they are happy or not.

Still ashamed.

To every officer and soldier of Salega, Fang Xiang is more than just a minor general commander of a local fleet. From the moment she followed Tolstoy to greet the Sousse fleet that broke into the country, she has become the goddess in the hearts of all Salga soldiers.

Perhaps out of disappointment with reality, perhaps out of reminiscence of Tolstoy, in short, Fang Xiang's status in people's minds is rising towards the endless peak every day.

The soldiers of Salega loved her crazily. This pure and beautiful flower of Salega navy bloomed in the battle of Longbow Galaxy with colors far more brilliant than her beauty. Although she is a woman, what she did makes every silent Salega man feel ashamed.

Everyone originally thought that Fang Xiang and the remnants of the Longbow Fleet must be in danger at this moment. But when she and them appeared in front of everyone, everyone realized that although they were still labeled as traitors, they were fighting for this country.

They are more confident, determined and heroic than before. never backed down

After that, the situation in Salega began to take a turn for the worse. The turbulent undercurrent rushed out of the cave and roared, gradually becoming an unstoppable trend.

First, violence broke out repeatedly in various parts of the country attacking Western business groups and officials. Then, some military generals began to rebel against the government led by the Speaker. Thousands of young officers at the grassroots level have even formed the National Salvation Officers Alliance, which is connected within the military. .

Thousands of miles of embankment has been destroyed by anthills, not to mention that the already precarious Salaga Federation has problems with its officer class in the worst winter of this era.

From bit by bit to trickle down, things just move forward naturally.

That was a special time. At that time, Xiyo had been completely driven out of the Blue Stone Star, and the coalition forces of Su and Jie were also in a quagmire in the Chaknaresk system, and their offensive was frustrated.

But power is still in the hands of a group of pro-Western politicians, and the military officers are not yet connected enough to openly challenge their authority, let alone! Someone knows whether the West York army stationed in the Leray Federation will suddenly kill the bandit army that is obviously at a disadvantage at a certain time and take back the Longbow Galaxy.

No one could see through the fog at that time.

Although everyone can feel that the turbulent storm has brought a chill to their faces, "but no one knows

road! Which army in which place will become the first drop of rain after the thunder on that day!

Therefore, Lande himself admitted that if it had not been for a strange gathering, even he would not have believed that he would be where he is today.

That was two days before the bandits returned to the Leray Federation. The Sheldon fleet is storming the LeRay Newton system jump point. And Li Fut betrayed the Feiyang Republic, which plunged the entire Feiyang League into a pessimistic mood.

That day, Lande was invited by a friend he had just met to attend a beer party with a group of low-level officers from the Capital Police District.

A general who had just been promoted to general. Although he was ranked low and did not have any outstanding talents or reputation, Lande's consistent serious disguise and uniform for decades still allowed him to get these former generals. After stepping down, he was welcomed by the young officers who were randomly transferred from the establishment.

After accepting the compliments from the officers with satisfaction, Ronde found that he seemed to be

Wrong place.

This was not a gathering of ordinary officers. The angry roars of every young soldier in the tavern were full of reaction that made Ronde restless and frightened.

He never dreamed that this group of young officers who knew nothing about the world would actually try to launch a coup at this juncture... It may be an exaggeration to describe the actual words of this group of officers, but if Ronde needed to report all this, he would It will definitely be written like this in the file

In order to avoid being caught by others for speaking, and also to avoid being attacked by the crowd present, Ronde smiled and said nothing, and just kept drinking.

His cheerfulness when drinking, his brand-new general uniform and his enigmatic smile inspired every officer. At this moment, an officer spread the news that Lande was once Fang Xiang's boss, both handsome and a friend, and had been pursuing Du Ju, the flower of the navy, and even asked the fleet to display a love slogan.

If these words had been said before, or had fallen into the ears of a few people who were familiar with Hood, it must have been a joke that made Ronde himself unable to hold his head up.

But in that passionate drink, a loser in love became a hero in everyone's eyes.

People's curiosity is rising, and they want to know how Lande pursued Fang Xiang in the first place, how he worked with her, and how he walked into this cafe.

Ronde, who kept drinking, was already a little drunk. He didn't even remember what he said about the chair. Anyway, that series of bragging lies won the roaring applause of the young officers present.

People believed that he and Fang Xiang had the same noble qualities and the same patriotic enthusiasm. Although Xiang Xiang did not accept him immediately emotionally, it was just out of the shyness of a woman. In their hearts and on the road of life, he and she have already been like-minded confidants and loving lovers.

Although Lang Luo tried his best to avoid telling the truth and only made up vague lies about his relationship with Fang Xiang, people still automatically supplemented his hesitant words to say that he and Fang Xiang were in contact. When he was defeated, he walked among everyone, just to let Salga follow the path of General Tolstoy and fight bravely.

Amidst the sound of music, Ronde's chest rose and fell heavily, and he exhaled a thick breath.

The memory of that day ends with dozens of gendarmes bursting into the tavern. He couldn't remember anything that happened after that. But that doesn't matter. The important thing is that when he sobered up after drinking, he was already the leader of hundreds of young officers who launched a coup.

Knowing that the coup quickly received a response from most of Salega's army and that the former Speaker and others had fled in panic, Lande did not waste this opportunity. .

He quickly united a group of young officers and their troops who were already dizzy with excitement, mobilized his subordinates to control the capital, took over Skynet, and completed the transformation from a low-ranking new officer to a new leader with lightning speed. The transformation from being a general to being the controller of this country.

The impulsive officer class, the overly conservative and calm Salega generals jointly gave this seemingly inappropriate opportunity to Lande.

By this time, Ronde had no way out.

And at this time, the goddess of luck favored him - the bandit army made a surprise attack on Bermuda, annihilated the Dethick Fifth Fleet, defeated the Sheldon Fleet, and recovered the entire territory of Leray in a flash.

People looked at this series of changes with dumbfounded eyes. Many generals who had intervened and promoted the coup in the early stage even really thought that Lande had always been connected with Fang Yin. They stopped and looked at each other, waiting and watching. Even if they don't trust this guy who suddenly appears.

For Langde, everything is the beauty of Shao Mo - if his foundation is not so shallow, or if he really keeps in touch with Fang Xiang and gets the support of the Fei League...

The music stopped, and the beautiful lingering sound seemed to still be echoing in the carriage.

Ronde thought quietly.

From the moment he tasted the sweetness of power, he never thought of giving up this gift from God. It may have been a mistake in the tavern, but everything after he woke up was achieved by himself.

In the Sarga military, he was not really a figure. If people knew the truth, at least ten Sarga military generals could easily replace him and make him go away in despair.

However, it seems that the goddess of luck has been following him all the time. Hastings went south and the Fiji League suddenly reorganized the Allied Command, which made him smell a God-given opportunity.

After discussing with his confidants, he got in touch with Gao, the commander of the Fei League led by Li Fu.

However, as of now, in order to control Salega who is in the southeastern war zone, he still needs a protective talisman...

The call had been made and he was satisfied with his affectionate expression.

Now, he has an information asymmetry advantage over Salega's other competitors. As long as Fang Xiang can be dealt with in a short period of time, then, with the reputation of the goddess in the eyes of the Salega soldiers, he will have enough time to install his cronies, join forces vertically and horizontally, and truly secure this throne.

The flying car drove into the destination building and stopped in front of it. Ronde opened his eyes and waited quietly for his guard captain to open the car door.

The bet has been placed, now it's time for the cards to be drawn. No matter whether Fang Xiang refuses or not, he is already more fully prepared to do whatever it takes when necessary.


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