Counterfeit Hero

Volume 10, Chapter 61: Firefight

Although he had already witnessed the entire incident through the Skynet screen, when the warship that rushed to the Silver Elephant Galaxy ended its last leg of the jump and appeared at the end of the jump point airspace, Admiral Wang Nanxu and a group of The Salga generals were still stunned by the scene outside the porthole.

The spacecraft gradually slowed down. The retracted tail thruster wake and the turned-on steering thruster allowed the spacecraft to slowly approach the jump point airspace in a gentle, water-like manner. Ahead, the flashing lights of the floating navigation tower and the hundreds of ships surrounding the First Group of Salega Capital were gradually zooming in like a slow motion.

"This is the first fleet? The main fleet of Salega whose combat effectiveness is rated as level one?" The generals stood blankly by the portholes, watching the warships floating in the air sliding past their eyes. Suddenly, There was a feeling like a dream.

Five hundred meters away, a Salga [Napoleon] class battleship stood upside down with its head down. Although there is no distinction between north, south, east, and west in the universe, the reference line formed by the invisible channel in the void from the jump channel to the jump point still makes the posture of the battleship in front of him look miserable and helpless.

Its stern is raised high and can be clearly seen in front of the clear portholes. The tail thruster in the X layout was completely blown to pieces. Even the bow, flying wings, top and several steering thrusters under the belly of the ship were not spared, and they were all turned into incomplete rags.

The battleship's bridge lights were still on. Half of the hull is bathed in the golden light of stars, while the other half is hidden in the blackness of the backlight. Except for the halo of light from the portholes, the Sarga military logo spray-painted on the steel shell is just a shadow. The light of the navigation lighthouse flashes every two seconds and appears and disappears.

Not far from the battleship, there was a [Fen Yong] class cruiser lying sideways. This is Salega's latest warship. Before the war, it only existed in the database of drawings and technical reserves. Five hundred ships were built just a few months ago, and all of them were equipped with the most elite Salega fleet.

But now, the [Fen Yong] class cruiser is turning sideways.

It has four iconic turrets arranged in a diamond-shaped bottom, facing the slowly passing spacecraft, and the bridge tower facing the upside-down battleship. Similarly, the cruiser's tail thruster and steering thruster were also destroyed, and everyone can even see the criss-crossing knife marks on it.

The spacecraft passed through the passage between the battleships and flew towards the center of the fleet. The further forward, the more battleships there are.

The capital's first group fleet is a standard 3a fleet organization. The total number of combat ships, electronic ships, logistics ships and other ships exceeds 500.

If placed in peaceful times, such a fleet would already be the main combat unit in regional conflicts. Whether they appear outside the atmosphere of the immigrant star or on the waterway, they will be a powerful force to their enemies. And the terrifying force deters.

Even in this age of cosmic war, a group fleet is one-third or even one-half of the defense force of an immigrant system in most countries.

But now, these five hundred battleships are like five hundred lifeless ghost ships, floating in the vast void of the Silver Elephant Jump Point. If it weren't for the lights on the battleship's portholes, everyone would even think it was a war relic left over from the Earth Federation era.

The generals stood quietly on the bridge platform, watching silently as the Salega battleships that lost power slid past their eyes.

No one can use words to describe his mood at this moment.

Shocked, horrified, heavy... This is Salega's elite fleet, which has only been away from the war for a year. Under attack from a bandit cruiser and hundreds of devil mechas, they were unable to fight back.

Although many people can easily come up with excuses for what happened to the First Group fleet in the capital, they would say it was because the fleet was unprepared and its formation was too tight. It would be said that on a real battlefield, it is absolutely impossible for the bandits' mechas to attack from the inside out so easily.

If the bandit mechas want to get close to the fleet, they must first defeat the blockade of a group of fighter jets that are faster and more flexible than them. Obviously, that is simply impossible...

There are many reasons, but in the eyes of the generals of Salega, these are all excuses for losers.

War is war. Only victory and defeat, no excuses. A loser who has lost his freedom, dignity and even life is even less likely to have the qualifications and opportunity to defend himself.

The only thing they can do is to lie quietly in this lonely and empty universe with their own frustration and dissatisfaction and remain silent. When human spaceships pass by the battlefield many years later, people will look at these wreckage, sigh, talk, and point, but no one will pay attention to how this fleet was destroyed. .

More importantly, from a military point of view, this battle of banditry actually showed much more than what everyone saw on the surface, and it was also more thought-provoking.

The Lere Federation is a country that has been almost exhausted in the war. Before the war, no matter their national power, weapons technology or military power, they were no match for the Salega Federation. Logically speaking, they should be weaker than before and no longer a match for Salega.

However, the hardships of the war have made this country stronger than Salega. Their tactics, their boldness, their mechas brought not only shock, but also a kind of fear

No one dares to imagine what Salga will look like if this continues for another year or two. Perhaps by then, this country that once occupied an important position in the southeast and even within the entire Fiji League will have faded into a weakling who has been beaten and has no strength to fight back.

Admiral Wang Nanxu's flagship [Dragon Spear] has sailed into the center of the First Group's fleet.

At close range, everyone can clearly see black mechas surrounding themselves, moving with the movement of the battleship.

This is a group of steel beasts that look like hellish demons. They either cling to the armor of the surrounding battleships and turn their heads, or they stand on the top of the battleship's bridge and stare quietly at this side. You can jump or slide between battleships, or follow the Dragonlance and run on the deck of the Salga battleship.

Approach, stop the ship, docking channel, pressure balance, open the hatch... After a series of warship docking work was completed, Wang Nanxu and dozens of Salega generals walked into the Capital First Group Fleet flagship.

The Dream at this moment was completely different from the powerful space carrier they remembered.

The internal airport, control room, power cabin, electronic cabin, hangar, elevators, ejection channels and even living areas have been occupied by bandits. In front of every automatic door, there is a black devil mecha. In every cabin, bandit soldiers pointed their cold-blooded guns at the surrendered Salega officers and soldiers.

In many places, traces of battles can still be seen. Especially in the core area leading to the command room, blood stains and mecha wreckage can be seen everywhere.

This space carrier was originally supposed to be a trap and cage set up by Ronde, but ended up becoming Fatty and Fang Xiang's safe. After an internal invasion took control of the mothership's central computer, the bandit mechas were able to roam unimpeded, while the mothership's own protective mechas and guards were unable to move forward.

This has to be said to be a wonderful irony.

It's no wonder that Ronde was so angry that he vomited blood. Who else would have been so excited to know that he was being teased and teased by others like this, that he would not be able to hold back the blood in his heart. What's more, Ronde was beaten so hard by the fat man that his skin was bruised and bruised internally and externally.

The battle ended quickly after the bandits invaded the interior of the mothership.

The officers and soldiers of the first group who knew the whole story simply gave up their resistance.

No one wants to point their gun at Fang Xiang. Even though many officers of the First Fleet were promoted by Ronde and Fleet Commander Ramsay, they still did not dare to order their soldiers to attack the mothership and bandit cruisers. Don't even dare to have a thought.

They know that once they give such an order, they may be the first to be killed.

This is Fang Xiang’s appeal. The astonishing beauty coupled with the legend of Tolstoy's bloody battle with the longbow enveloped her like a dazzling halo.

Not to mention that no one was willing to take the risk of challenging all Fang Xiang's admirers. Even if they were, they quickly gave up this dangerous idea after General Wang Nanxu and others appeared on the communication screen. It is better to be demoted, demoted, or even put under investigation and imprisoned than to waste your life in this place.

In the corridor leading to the mothership's command room, the footsteps of Salega's generals were extremely clear.

In the cabins and halls on both sides, Salega officers and soldiers could be seen sitting quietly together under the supervision of bandit soldiers. When dozens of Salega generals passed by them, they raised their heads and stared at their commanders with complicated eyes.

The further inside they went, the harder it became for the generals to remain calm.

They had to admit that the fat man with a simple and honest face taught them the most shocking and unforgettable lesson in their military careers.

This guy not only calculated the formation of the fleet, calculated Langde's psychology, but also calculated the entire Salega military. Even this communications meeting was part of this tightly linked plan.

The appearance of hundreds of Sarga generals shocked all the officers and soldiers of the First Group Fleet. At the same time, the encounter of the First Group Fleet also shocked all Salga generals. No one wants to be the second Ronde. Therefore, it will be an undisputed consensus that General Wang Nanxu, who is already very prestigious, will become the leader of Salega. .

From the moment the cruiser loaded with [Rampage] mechas arrived in the Silver Elephant Galaxy, everyone has been dancing with this fat man's baton, until now. And, I will continue to jump...

The last automatic safety door opened, and the anxious generals walked into the command hall.

Facing each other, Fatty and Fang Xiang stood smiling.

The man wearing a blue bandit general's uniform has a chubby face and a pair of iconic ears. He tilted his head slightly, looking like a confused Shar-Pei, with an honest look on his face.

But Fang Xiang is still so beautiful and charming. Her unique elegant temperament makes people feel as if they are facing a charming orchid when facing her, and they cannot bear the slightest blasphemy.

She is so beautiful. More importantly, she belonged to Salega. How can the men of Salega not be obsessed with her, admire her, and be proud of her?

General Wang Nanxu stopped. All the Salega generals who were following him also stopped.

In front of her, Fang Xiang's charming smile showed a pair of bright eyes like the hazy mist gradually gathering in the morning forest. Finally, tears burst out of her eyes like pearls that suddenly formed in a cornucopia.

The hearts of every Sarga general felt as if they had been violently tugged by a hand.

In these tears, they seemed to see the fireworks exploding on Tolstoy's flagship in the Longbow galaxy, and the scarred hull and the painful and confused eyes of the officers and soldiers when the Longbow local fleet drifted to the free world.

However, she kept fighting.

Like the man next to her, fighting for his country

General Wang Nanxu gritted his teeth and stood upright.




The fat man looked around.

In the conference room, the Salega generals were sitting upright. Everyone's eyes were focused on his face.

The fat man moved his butt in the chair a little uneasily. Although he was already General of the LeRay Federation and the designated successor of Military God Hastings, he still found it a torture to sit in a conference room and preside over such a meeting that was related to a country.

Damn it, when did the owner of the dignified Flower Caimen Sect have to worry about national affairs... Is there anything more unprofessional than this?

"I know, in fact, everyone has been speculating about what kind of situation Salega will face after rejoining the war, where the army will be sent, and whether..." The fat man blinked, "... ....Being used as cannon fodder.”

Generals Salega looked a little embarrassed. Fang Xiang glared at the fat man directly. This guy doesn't seem to know what it means to be tactful and reserved.

And what's worse than this is that he obviously got it right

In fact, Fang Xiang himself understood that it was difficult for Fatty to have any other choice on how to use Salega's troops.

First of all, from the situation point of view, the Salega fleet is an excellent supplement to the currently insufficient Fiji Alliance forces. Although Ronde was despicable, he still did a good thing after all, which was to get rid of Salega from the rule of the pro-Western Speaker Seve, and to prepare all the major military districts in Salega for first-level combat.

According to the information previously provided by Admiral Wang Nanxu, if Salega joins the war, twenty *-level fleets can be dispatched to the A3 galaxy within three days. Within half a month, ten to fifteen more *-level fleets can be dispatched.

These more than thirty fleets are simply too precious for the current Allied forces.

Fang Xiang can fully imagine that when the Salega fleet appears in the A3 galaxy, it will be a huge encouragement to the Fiji Alliance forces heading south. You know, that not only means that the strength gap between the two sides can be narrowed to less than 7:10, but also that it means the return of the country of Salega.

If the war continues, Salega's resources, industrial production capacity, and transportation and supply capabilities will become an important guarantee for the Fiji League to cut off its logistical supplies, Chakna will be overwhelmed, and Lele Mountain will run out of water, and the coalition forces going south will fight in the southeast for a long time.

However, all this does not mean that Salega will be respected.

After all, a year before this, this country humiliatedly declared neutrality and broke away from the Fifa League. It was their initial retreat that was almost betrayal that caused LeRae to collapse, allowing Suss and Jiepen to free up their hands to attack Chakna, and restraining a large number of Ryan and Feiyan's forces to the east.

No one was able to quickly build trust in Salega's army. The generals of the Allied forces will not hesitate to plunge the Salega fleet into the most difficult and dangerous battle.

To them, that's natural

Fang Xiang certainly doesn't want to see her motherland and compatriots treated like this. However, Salga must pay for the mistakes he made. .

Therefore, in her opinion, her colleagues' worries were justified, and Fatty had no choice.

Fang Xiang knew that Fatty had already formulated a battle plan.

She didn't know the contents of the battle plan, so she felt as uneasy as everyone else at the moment. Staring at the fat man, his eyes were full of anger, pleading and hope, and his eyes were extremely complicated.

The fat man had never been promising, but when Fang Xiang glared at him, he felt numb all over. The obscene expression on that fat face was transplanted to the face of an ancient man, and he looked exactly like a second-generation ancestor in TV dramas who couldn't walk when he saw beautiful women, his eyes were dull and his mouth was drooling, and he was usually beaten to the pulp by the handsome male protagonist.

He picked up the remote control on the conference table with a low eyebrow and turned his head towards the screen: "Please take a look at this picture first."

The generals looked at the huge Skynet main screen.

The Skynet screen, which is twenty meters high and nearly sixty meters wide, emits bright light. Bright stars, green data and lines, red attack arrows, yellow coordinates of strategic points, and white channel lines emerged one by one. The whole picture is like a huge black hole, attracting all eyes.

That's a schematic diagram of a battle plan - a schematic diagram of the battle plan for the attack on Suss and Jiepen itself.

Fang Xiang, who turned around at the same time, was stunned for a moment.

At this time, take out a diagram like this...

"General Tian, ​​what is this?" General Wang Nanxu withdrew his gaze and stared closely into the fat man's eyes. The blood on his square face involuntarily surged with surprise and excitement.

"This is the battle plan I made for the Salega Federation Fleet." Facing Fang Xiang's surprised look, the fat man nodded.

With a bang, the conference room exploded.




The Fei League generals looked at the Skynet telescope screen in the conference room and held their breath.

The white light in the distance comes from a powerful reconnaissance ship. This small spaceship, only thirty-six meters long, was targeted by a Binart small frigate. After a brief chase between the two sides, the Binart small frigate bombarded the hull of the Feiyang reconnaissance ship. port side.

The white light was the bright light emitted by an auxiliary propeller located on the middle and rear port side of the reconnaissance ship that was hit and exploded.

It can be clearly seen from the long-term vision device that a huge wound was torn out in the hull of the reconnaissance ship. The burning flames faintly revealed a little light inside the hull, and a large amount of thick smoke seemed to be covering the breach. Following the urgent turning movement of the reconnaissance ship, it surged into the void.

In the airspace not far from the Feiyang reconnaissance ship and the Xio frigate, the reconnaissance ships, electronic ships and combat ships escorting them on both sides were like two groups of wolves that suddenly encountered each other, chasing each other and biting each other. , while spinning in a circle to seize the attack angle, it approaches the opponent at high speed.

Suddenly, there was another white light.

This time it was one of Feiyang's high-speed destroyers that opened fire.

This [Silver Wolf]-class destroyer came up from the side, like a hungry wolf running silently in the dark night. After seizing the attack position, it immediately opened fire without saying a word.

This shot was extremely accurate.

The Binart frigate that was chasing the Feiyang reconnaissance ship was completely submerged in the energy cannon light group.

When the light group turned into an infinite long line in the distance and dissipated, only debris was seen flying on the screen of the telescope.

This shot sounded the battle horn for both sides.

The warships from both sides that had approached a sufficient distance opened fire one after another. The main guns on the bow, the secondary guns on the sides and wings, and the rotating turrets up, down, left, and right were all spraying straight balls of light. The criss-crossing light chains instantly lit up the void, and battleships flickered in and out of the shuttle light.

Although this is just a battle between the reconnaissance ships and a small number of escort fleets on both sides, it is not even a test. It is just an advantage to gain more battlefield control area and release more satellites for reconnaissance. However, such a battle still makes every Fei League general's heartbeat suddenly accelerate.

You know, this is not an ordinary group fleet-level battle. Facing each other at the east and west ends of the twin star corridors were a huge fleet of more than three hundred *-class fleets. Even if they only dispatch less than ten percent of the reconnaissance ships and frigates in their respective teams, it will be a large-scale battlefield shielding battle.

The battle first broke out in the central theater, and then, in front of the Ryan fleet on the right wing, criss-crossing lights of energy cannons also lit up.

Because the combat units invested by both sides are small high-speed ships, mainly frigates and destroyers, and the targets of the battle are mainly to protect their own reconnaissance ships and electronic ships. Therefore, the warships engaged in the exchange of fire almost do not have any formations, but small formations. The formations traveled at high speed and fired at each other. .

Although this kind of scene is not as spectacular as when the main gun salvo of the grand fleet is fired, or when the space carrier releases thousands of fighter planes, it is

The lightning speed and dazzling tactical changes of these high-speed destroyers and frigates made the battle seem even more intense.

Because the contact was tentative and the force was at a disadvantage, the central cluster dispatched twenty reconnaissance ships, five electronic ships, and two D-class fleets consisting of a small number of cruisers and more than forty destroyers.

The Western-Jordan coalition forces have invested the same number of reconnaissance ships and electronic ships in the central theater, which is somewhat tit-for-tat. However, in terms of escorting combat ships, four D-class fleets were dispatched, twice as many as the Fiji Alliance warships. The meaning expressed is quite arrogant and joking.

This is a test before the official battle, and it is also a kind of psychological warfare.

The headquarters of the central cluster believes that if we also send an equal number of warships, then the enemy will send eight fleets instead of four.

When your troops are at a disadvantage, sometimes you can only swallow your anger. Without intending to compete with the enemy in terms of fleet numbers through upgrades and ultimately launch an all-force assault, the command headquarters could only order the outgoing reconnaissance ships and escort fleets to implement a relatively restrained strategy.

However, although the forward warships in the center faithfully carried out the command's orders and deliberately avoided the enemy when choosing the airspace for reconnaissance and satellite release, this did not mean that the enemy did not come to cause trouble.

At this moment, the war in the central theater was in full swing.

Under the cover of the escort fleet, the reconnaissance ships and electronic ships on the mission lost one ship. The other ships successfully retreated behind the escort fleet.

The escort fleet in front was facing some difficulties under the siege of the enemy.

The right wing theater is just the opposite.

The Lane fleet seemed unprepared to let the enemy triumph from the start. Not only did they dispatch the same number of escort ships, they even sent two *-class fleets forward 600,000 kilometers, one on the left and one on the right, to build a support front near an asteroid belt.

The ferocious gun muzzles and fire control locks of the battleship's main formation, the patrol group ready to go like cheetahs, and the space carrier that constantly releases and recycles fighter jets like a gangster wielding a knife, undoubtedly do not highlight the power of the battleship. The attitude of the Lane people.

In front of the Ryan fleet, the Westerners did not take advantage. This made the Fei League generals in the conference room look at Macchia and Fujii Tsuyoshi with admiration in their eyes.

These two young generals from Lane, with completely different personalities and temperaments, have the same tough fighting style. Their performance is impressive.

The complete opposite is the left-wing battlefield.

A silent contempt gradually filled the entire conference room.

In just a few minutes, Xiyo's reconnaissance ship and escort fleet had swaggered across the center line of the battlefield and approached less than 800,000 kilometers away from the bandit fleet.

The bandit fleet in the distance showed no movement. No warships were dispatched, there was no targeted mobilization, and the reconnaissance ships that came forward were also desperately retreating, seemingly not knowing how to respond. Their commander, General Russell, and a group of bandit generals were rushing to say hello to Hastings.

"Everyone, sit down." Hastings' wheelchair stopped in front of the head of the conference table. The old man looked around.

The generals looked at each other hesitantly.

The battle has begun. Although this was only a tentative exchange of fire between the two sides, the entire battle was carried out without unified command from the headquarters and without a complete combat plan. Whether it is the bandit army on the left, the main coalition force in the center, or the Ryan fleet on the right, they all fight in their own way.

Doesn't the marshal not want to give corresponding instructions for the current battle?

While everyone was hesitating, the bandit generals sat down at the conference table. The sound of the chair moving and sitting down sounded particularly harsh.

"General Russell" an allied general from the southwest member country finally couldn't bear it any longer. He was closest to Russell who had just taken a seat and reminded him: "The reconnaissance fleet of Western York has almost encountered your fleet. My nose is broken, are you indifferent to this?"

The admiral's words made the entire conference room fall into silence.

Everyone turned their attention to Russell, and Macchia frowned slightly, his eyes confused and worried. Fujii Tsuyoshi's face was expressionless, with just a sarcastic sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"They are very arrogant." In the eyes of everyone, the elegant Russell smiled slightly, raised his eyelids, looked at the Skynet screen, then looked away and no longer cared: "But, I never care about dead people."



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