Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 221 This person appears again

Gu Tiantian smiled awkwardly.

The problem of difficulty breathing had actually been there for a long time, but it was more serious today. She had a little bit of a desire to talk to Mu Chun, but after much deliberation, she decided not to.

Muchun didn't ask any more questions and just said, "Remember to come for a follow-up visit next week. Adjust your breathing when you are nervous. 1~~~~2~~~~~1~~~~~2~~~ ~~~·”

Gu Tiantian nodded and promised to come to the fifth floor again next Wednesday when he takes his child for a five-month physical examination.

After Gu Tiantian left, Jiang Hong came to the fifth floor for the first time.

When Mu Chun saw Jiang Hong coming, he quickly threw his phone into the drawer. Chu Sisi was about to ask Mu Chun some questions about the case, but when she saw Jiang Hong coming, she had to go downstairs to find Liu Tiantian.

Of course, Jiang Hong didn't come to Mu Chun to ask for coffee. Jiang Hong asked about Gu Tiantian.

"Why is Dr. Jiang paying so much attention to this Gu Tiantian? He can't be a relative of Dr. Jiang, right?"

Muchun said casually, and he was really right.

"She is my brother's daughter." Jiang Hong replied.

"Eh? So we are still very close relatives." Muchun lay lazily on the chair.

Jiang Hong frowned, "Why are you still like this?"

"I can't help it. I feel sleepy when there are no patients. You also know the situation in the mind and body department. There are never many patients."

"Tell me about Gu Tiantian's situation. I think this child is working too hard. She was not that thin before. Even though she had a little bit of anemia during pregnancy, she is not that thin after pregnancy. And you have noticed that she is not that thin now. I’m very nervous, as if I have to go to the battlefield anytime and anywhere.”

"Yeah, typical [postpartum depression]."

Muchun took out a piece of white paper, wrote four words on it and pushed it in front of Jiang Hong.

"What is this? Is it a physical and mental disease?" Jiang Hong was a little confused.

It is true that women have many strange thoughts after giving birth, and Jiang Hong has seen many of them, but this is the first time Jiang Hong has heard of the word "postpartum depression", but this word feels so appropriate to Jiang Hong.

"It is a type of depression. Postpartum depression is very torturous. First of all, the child has just been born, which is the most difficult time for the mother. She is happy and hard at the same time, sleeping, eating, working, socializing, etc. in a series of life All aspects of life will change due to the birth of a child. Many times this change is positive, but more often this change actually hides many negative things.

On the positive side, there are always many people who share the responsibility and share it, including parents-in-law, husbands, etc. But this is only the top part of the iceberg. Below this is the part that postpartum women face alone. Others cannot see the iceberg under the water, and the mother herself does not tell it. She doesn’t know who to talk to.

When a child is born, the whole family is happy, and the family's attention will focus more on the child. The husband may focus more on his career. After all, making money is an important part of raising children. It seems that the family is very lively, and the house is noisy all day long.

But mothers of newborns often feel lonely, and their moods go through many changes. Some people can survive it safely and gain energy from it, while others may fall into some kind of uneasiness and darkness. "

"I had such an experience back then, but I recovered quickly. It should be said that I gradually got better after starting work."

Jiang Hong said.

"Working is a good way. You can let your brother's daughter go to work." Muchun replied.

"What should I tell her? If she wants to work, she has to wait until the child no longer needs to be breastfed."

Muchun told Jiang Hong that Gu Tiantian promised to come back for a follow-up visit next week to see if there was any difficulty in breathing. He also explained to Jiang Hong that this symptom was a "panic attack". This concept was even more difficult for Jiang Hong to understand. .

It was the end of another day of training. After Monday's experience, Liu Tiantian learned well. This time she sat far away from the window seat, but she still couldn't help but look out the window during the training class. She always felt that the bushes were There's something sneaky about it.

During lunch, Liu Tiantian felt angry again. The cafeteria was crowded with primary and secondary school students. After asking the nurse who was training with him, he found out that there were some joint performances by colleges and universities in the past few days. Primary and secondary schools in the area would come to watch the performances. , can be regarded as part of youth art education.

It will last for a week, and the format of this joint performance is very similar to a flash mob, a tour of several colleges, and the audience will have to visit several schools in one day.

Liu Tiantian took a few photos of the scene and sent them to the [Huayuanqiao Detective Agency] group. Chu Sisi showed them to Mu Chun, but Mu Chun said, "There is no little watermelon, so don't look at it."

"There's Lin Xiaogang. Xiaogang is co-starring in college, and Zhao Min should be there too."

Hearing Zhao Min's name, Muchun also looked at the photos taken by Liu Tiantian. The cafeteria was full of primary and secondary school students, and there was no dance troupe anywhere.

"Did you do it on purpose? Doctor Chu is not normal right now."

"Yes, I am not normal, because I also met a pervert last night, on the mountain on the other side of the sea."

Chu Sisi was in shock and was still thinking about it throughout the day. She had a headache all day and went to Liu Dandan to ask for some painkillers.

Liu Dandan said that if you have a headache, you can't take painkillers directly. You must either go for a checkup or take a leave to rest first.

In the afternoon, I finally felt better, but what Mu Chun said made me feel even more painful. Just when he was about to tell Mu Chun about his encounter with a pervert the night before, and wanted to ask Mu Chun what the motivation of this pervert was, Mu Chun suddenly said into his cell phone, "This is not Principal Qin of the Far North Affiliated Primary School. ?"


Chu Sisi asked.

"Look at the photo Liu Tiantian sent. The woman carrying a big bag is Qin Qin, the vice principal of Far North." After Mu Chun finished speaking, he remembered that Chu Sisi didn't know Qin Qin, so it was all in vain.

@Zhang Wenwen Dr. Zhang, please check if this man wearing a blue suit and carrying a large dark green bag is Vice President Qin from Far North.

Zhang Wenwen quickly replied to the message, "I will definitely not admit that this woman is wrong. It is her. This stubborn woman is simply a fighter among deans."

"That's weird, so Little Watermelon is also at the Polytechnic University now?"

Muchun looked at Xiao Xigua's updates. She was also watching the college co-starring?

"Are these two universities close?"

Muchun asked Chu Sisi.

"It's actually very close. It's just diagonally across the Cultural and Creative Center, so we can have a joint performance between the two schools on the same day. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient for the performers to walk around, and it would be even more unsafe for the primary and secondary school students. "

After Chu Sisi finished speaking, she found Muchun looking at her doubtfully.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I also met a pervert on the mountain last night, so I studied this pervert with Liu Yiming."

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