Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 218 Inevitable Risk

The Lionheart Knight glanced at the group news, and after he confirmed Jiang Qiao's order with Queen May again... Hei Guo Zhu Rou just leaned against the bar and took off his hat.

"Holy Spirit, I have one thing to remind you before you hire him. There is a dangerous curse dormant on him."

Lionheart Knight put the middle-aged man's employment contract on the bar counter and pushed it to Heiguo Zhurou, who took the employment contract for a look.

The NPC named Craftsman Kevin is an R-rank NPC, and his daily employment salary is 20 silver coins. This is a very cheap price, compared to the employment price of the two sisters of the Dragon Whisperer...

"There is still a curse? But this is also a routine operation for playing online games. The game of the Holy Spirit does not have an item store. Shouldn't the items to remove the curse be liver?"

Black Pot Cooking Pork seems to have been mentally prepared long ago, because this time, Yuedonghezi brought seven NPCs home at once. According to his game experience, whether it is a stand-alone game or an online game, it is impossible for the game planning and game system to... So easy to reward players.

This is the same as the equipment with alien atmosphere, you can get it if you get it... But if you want to use it, you need to pass some kind of krypton gold props, or complete certain tasks before you can equip it.

This is already a very common way to cheat money in online games.

"We don't have any means to purify the curse on him... the holy spirit, but his curse will dissipate in sixteen days." Lionheart Knight told Heiguo Zhurou the bad news.

The Holy Spirit is such a coquettish and unpretentious game. It is true that your props need to be purified...but there is no shortcut that can be taken by krypton gold.

In order to let players understand the seriousness of this matter, Jiang Qiao edited a hidden mission and posted it to all players who tried to recruit those NPCs.

"Side Quest Cursed Refugees.

Mission description: The civilians rescued from the fire seem to carry a terrible curse. This curse may cause damage to the stronghold, but it will be eliminated after 16 days. What would you choose, kind Holy Spirit?

Mission objective: Abandon rescued refugees or accommodate refugees in strongholds for 16 days.

Mission reward: Maomao's thank you coupon X3. "

At this moment, all the holy spirits beside the carriage shop received this quest, and Mo Shigui walked directly to the black pot cooking meat.

"You triggered it?" Mo Shigui asked.

"President, have you also received this side mission? What should I do... The planning of this game is really cunning."

Black Pot Cooked Meat handed over the employment contract of the craftsman Kevin to Mo Shigui, and pointed to the entry of flesh and blood resonance S on the contract of craftsman Qi Kevin.

From the point of view of Heiguozhurou, this entry is no different from the equipment that 'contains a strong alien atmosphere'.

"There's no way to purify it directly?" Mo Shigui frowned and asked, looking up at the Lionheart Knight.

The Lionheart Knight shook his head regretfully, and repeated a sentence he had said in his previous reply.

"The curse that will destroy the stronghold has a certain probability of breaking out within sixteen days."

Mo Shigui read the reminder on the entry of Flesh Resonance S, and he turned his attention to other guilds...

The Abyss Temple was the most direct, and he didn't pay attention to the curse entry of flesh and blood resonance S, and directly signed employment contracts with the ten NPCs he brought back from the fire scene.

"President, I can build a separate residence for them in a relatively remote place of the stronghold, and I can also build a little defensive offensive, which is a quarantine area." Xiaoyu came forward and said at this time.

Mo Shigui didn't answer and turned his attention to the craftsman Kevin again. He hugged his daughter and listened quietly to the discussion of the Holy Spirit, his expression changed very complicated.

From the initial surprise of being rescued by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit was willing to hire him, it turned into the fear of being found out that he had crystal disease, and into the loss and sigh when he heard the quarantine area.


Mo Shigui didn't ask those NPCs for their opinions. He had one more option in the conversation with the Lionheart Knight... He was very concerned about the option that he had to ask.

"Father, this curse will endanger the ancient tree in the stronghold... Are there any people living in it?" Mo Shigui asked directly.

He didn't ask who it was in detail, but the guild members who were listening knew what his guild leader was worried about... That is, the stronghold could be destroyed, and it would be fine to rebuild it if it was a big deal, but if his wife had an accident, it would be really cold.

"The probability is very small." Lionheart Knight said according to Jiang Qiao's reply, "The ancient tree in the stronghold is a sacred tree that is protected. Maybe the monsters on this island can destroy it, but absolutely no curse can invade its interior." .”

"..." Mo Shigui continued to look at the mission rewards, and the description of Flesh Resonance S, and fell into deep thought. If possible, he really wanted to pull Almighty Fanxing over to explain, what the hell is Flesh Resonance S? .

But now the answer is clear.

"During the sixteen days, we didn't seem to be able to go online for the last day." Mo Shigui told his elite strategy team the bad news.

"Will the Holy Spirit protect the last day?" the Fluffy Rabbit asked a little puzzled.

"You're stupid. Fifteen days later is the final of the Discord Summer Championship and the departure ceremony for the Intercontinental Championship. On the sixteenth day, they are probably already on the plane to the baseball country." Mom said with a dog barking.

Dispute This year's summer competition is very short, and Jiang Qiao doesn't know why...the schedule is only 20 days, and after that is the intercontinental competition.

The Intercontinental Competition is a small dessert after the end of the summer competition, but it is also an international competition. The Huaguo Division will send the best four teams from the previous season to participate in the Intercontinental Competition.

If Jiang Qiao remembered correctly, the four clubs participating in the intercontinental competition this time should be Leaping Nucleus, Abyss Temple, King's Landing and Coke Fanatic.

"Hmm, it's only a few hours to fly to Bangguo, and when it lands... you should be able to play, right?" The Fluffy Rabbit asked a little dissatisfied.

"No, I heard from my friends abroad that the Holy Spirit can only be played in China... Foreign friends are now frantically brushing the bad reviews of the Holy Spirit on the Tiangong game platform... I·need·English, every time I am unhappy, I will use it Take a look at the Holy Spirit's comment section, the comments from those foreign friends are really a source of happiness for me every day." Lazy said.

Tiangong game platform is a game platform for the whole world.

The Holy Spirit is a free game on the Tiangong game platform, and it can be downloaded without money, but the worst thing for players is that they cannot play after downloading.

Jiang Qiao can't do anything about it, because Jiang Qiao didn't give foreign friends permission to play, and now the Holy Spirit must be a Huaguo IP if he wants to play the game, which also leads to the fact that all foreign language comments in the game comment area of ​​the Holy Spirit Wailing 'let me in'.

"The worse thing is that there is a high probability that our team will fight King's Landing in the final on the 15th." Mom barked and said, "Master Xiao has recovered recently, you are still Xiaoye after all, Silver There should be a lot of pressure right now.”

"President, if you're really worried about your wife, no... If we're in the base, let's put them away for 16 days? Wait until the curse is purified before we officially hire them?" Xiao Yu saw Mo Shigui's entanglement.

During this period of time, most members of the elite strategy team of Leaping Nucleus really couldn't stay online for a long time...

"Sixteen days have already been recruited by other guilds. After you go back, Little Feather, you will set up a temporary isolation area. I will find someone to take turns watching them for 24 hours." Mo Shigui finally made this decision "This The curse is bound to break out, so get ready to fight in the stronghold."

I just hope that the timing of the outbreak will not be... so unfortunate, Mo Shigui prayed in his heart.

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