Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 247 This game is really interesting

Although the inner world of the Holy Spirit overlaps with reality, some details are still somewhat different.

For example, the Huangpu River in the other world is just a very shallow stream, and the water flowing in it can only submerge a person's ankles, so the Yanjin Dragon can stand on the Huangpu River.

Also, from Zhao Mingwei's perspective, the TV tower on the opposite side of the Huangpu River had fallen to the ground and turned into a burning ruin, but in reality, the Pearl TV tower was still intact.

Just modeling in the game?

Zhao Mingwei was entangled with the Flame Dragon alone, but he was thinking about other things. This was the second time in his memory that a monster from the game had come to reality.

Zhao Mingwei still had a fresh memory of the first time Jiangcheng Pedestrian Street was destroyed, but this time the situation seemed to be worse?

Behind Zhao Mingwei, there were a total of 300,000 ordinary people gathered, and Yan Jinlong breathed out, and these 300,000 people would not even think about running away.

No, this is the AR gameplay of the Holy Spirit. The Ember Dragon in front of him should also be just a holographic projection. A holographic projection cannot cause any harm to real people.

But is this really the case?

This kind of doubt gradually turned into fear and condensed in Zhao Mingwei's heart. He no longer wanted to experience the disaster of the destruction of Jiangcheng Pedestrian Street again.

Although the Flame Dragon is huge in size, its movements are extremely fast and possesses its own intelligence. It saw Zhao Mingwei's hesitation, and after a claw strike hit the ground, evaporating all the water in the 'Huangpu Creek' , a ring of flames burst out under its sharp claws.

At this moment, Zhao Mingwei had to jump up to avoid the rising flames from the ground, but the moment Zhao Mingwei jumped up, the Flame Ember Dragon suddenly swung the tail behind him like a long whip towards Zhao Mingwei.

Normally, Zhao Mingwei could dodge it, but the hesitation in his mind made him slow down by half a beat... The Flame Dragon's tail hit Zhao Mingwei, and his body was thrown flying by the whip of the tail.

In the end, it directly hit the guardrail. If it was the guardrail in reality, it would definitely be shattered into debris, but the guardrail in the other world is extremely strong. Zhao Mingwei's body hit the guardrail hard, but the iron guardrail It's just that there are some depressions, and a reminder pops up behind Zhao Mingwei.

'Copy boundary, no crossing the boundary. '

Be silly! God has an air wall! The small sturdy guardrail seems to be mocking the Flame Ember Dragon in the distance in this way.

It hurts a bit.

Zhao Mingwei sat down on the ground and tried to support his body with his hands. The pain from his back hitting the guardrail was very clear, and his blood volume also dropped to less than 5% this time.

"Hi! Are you all right?"

"What are you doing, girl? This character is just a CG projection!"

Zhao Mingwei turned his head and looked behind him, and found that among the crowd standing by the riverside, a girl in sportswear jumped over the guardrail by the river. She was holding the guardrail with one hand and wanted to grab it with the other. Zhao Mingwei lived under the guardrail.

This is very dangerous behavior! You must know that under the riverside guardrail is the bottomless Huangpu River!

The passers-by were already yelling in panic, but the girl still reached out to grab Zhao Mingwei's character's shoulder.

But her hand passed through Zhao Mingwei's shoulder... She couldn't touch Zhao Mingwei at all.

"I told you this is just a CG character! Xu Yuan, come up quickly!"

The girl's friend yelled at her anxiously, but Zhao Mingwei couldn't stand up now, so the girl tried to reach out several times to help Zhao Mingwei up.

But it didn't work... Although she and Zhao Mingwei were close at hand, they were thousands of miles apart!

The Flame Dragon didn't miss this great opportunity either, it roared again and rushed towards Zhao Mingwei who was lying on the ground... and the people on the riverside behind Zhao Mingwei.

"Run away!" Zhao Mingwei poured himself a big gulp of HP potion, stood up from 'Huangpu Creek' and said to the girl beside him.

"Escape?" She also looked at the flame ember dragon charging towards here in the distance, "Isn't that a holographic projection?"

So you know!

Of course Zhao Mingwei also knew that it was a holographic projection, but everything was too real. Combined with the experience of the destruction of the Jiangcheng Pedestrian Street last time, Zhao Mingwei didn't dare to bet what would happen if the Flame Ember Dragon suddenly broke into the crowd.

He didn't dare to bet at all.

The awakening had already entered the cooldown, and Zhao Mingwei had no other skills that could withstand the impact of this embers dragon.

"Get out of here..." Zhao Mingwei yelled at the crowd behind him, but they were all indifferent. It seemed that some people thought Zhao Mingwei's words were just the effect of a very ordinary CG performance.

They took pictures of Zhao Mingwei's figure and the Flame Ember Dragon rushing in the distance with their mobile phones, and they kept admiring that the effect was so realistic that it exploded.

"It's not like you."

Now Zhao Mingwei's heart was very confused, but suddenly Jiang Qiao's voice rang in his ears, and at the same time, a character in golden armor suddenly appeared on the'Huangpu Creek'.

Elemental Summoner Awakening Skill...King of Elves.

This giant summoned creature with a height of three meters blocked the impact of the Yanzhu dragon with a wave of his hand, and the cold mist rose above the water.

"Not like me?" Zhao Mingwei looked up at Jiang Qiao who appeared beside him.

"This is the most difficult boss in the Holy Spirit. As long as you defeat it, you can get countless rewards and prestige. What would you do normally?" Jiang Qiao asked.

Zhao Mingwei was stunned. He liked to play the game of the Holy Spirit, but knowing some truths about the Holy Spirit, he put too much burden on himself.

Absolutely... Absolutely can't let those monsters escape into reality.

Zhao Mingwei didn't feel this kind of thinking when he was a professional player and playing the holy spirit, until he met the Annihilation Legion for the second time in the battle of the gods, and it became more and more serious after the flame ember dragon appeared on the river.

Playing games shouldn't carry such a heavy burden. This is the same as his glory as a professional player. Zhao Mingwei is already very tired.

And most importantly... It's not his responsibility to kill the Annihilation Legion and the Flame Dragon!

"Of course it's to ask someone to write the book!"

With a swipe of his fingertips, Zhao Mingwei brought up his friend list, online, online, online, online!

At this moment, all 193 players Zhao Mingwei knew in the game or in reality, friends and comrades-in-arms, are online! His friends list is all green.

'A copy of the Ash Dragon in the other world! Come and start a group! ’ Zhao Mingwei immediately sent out a group message.

'I'm already on my way. '

'I rely on? Master Xiao got into the book so quickly? '

'Sloppy, hasty... Master Xiao sent me a private chat? Should I keep it as a family heirloom? '

‘Hey, can you post another one, I like to see you talk. '

'coming. '

At this moment, the Flame Ember Dragon had completely torn Jiangqiao's Elf King into pieces, and a scorching flame had accumulated in its mouth, intending to use its breath to burn the people by the river to pieces.

But it didn't have time to accumulate its breath... A pitch-black figure held the shield high and directly bumped into the face of the Flame Ember Dragon.

"No. 1 output group stands at three o'clock! No. 2 output group stands at twelve o'clock! No. 3 long-distance output group pays attention not to use fire attribute attacks! The nanny echelon pay attention to controlling the distance, and don't get close to the flame ember dragon within 300 meters The range! Fluffy rabbit! The first sacred hymn can be played!" Mo Shigui shouted loudly in the team.

The members of the attack team of Leaping Nucleus almost fell from the sky in an instant... The moment Mo Shigui fell, he began to deploy the positions of the attack team.

"Hey hey hey! It's hard for me to go through the portal without queuing up and paying money!"

Bubble also fell from the sky on his flying mount, but no one from the jumping nucleus answered him at all.

"Forget can kill Yanjinlong this time! You can command the cans! This time the output leaderboard can't be lost to the group of jumping nuclei!" Bubble jumped off the flying mount, The lightning and thundering magic in their hands began to gather, and hundreds of players who were fanatical about cola also all arrived.

"Hahahahahaha! You can't lose to Leaping Nucleus, but you might lose to us... Lao Song, you are so good, all the Ts in the Abyssal Temple have been replaced with output equipment! You don't need so many Ts to beat this guy! "

Of course you won't miss this excitement... none of the eight major guilds will miss it, and even passers-by players won't miss this carnival.

The sky is occupied by spirits riding various flying mounts.

And Zhao Mingwei stood on the river and looked at the holy spirits who were fighting with the Flame Dragon on the battlefield... The roar of the Flame Dragon became more intense, and hundreds of monsters made of flame elements suddenly appeared on the battlefield .

All of these were summoned by the Flame Ember Dragon.

"It's time to make a big fuss." Jiang Qiao waved his staff and didn't bother Zhao Mingwei, and rushed directly into the battlefield.

At this moment, not only the holy spirits on the battlefield ushered in a carnival called battle, but the audience behind was also encouraged by this epic confrontation and entered a state of enthusiasm.

"This really interesting." Zhao Mingwei murmured, and the next moment, where he was originally, there was only splashing water left.

Zhao Mingwei was somewhat looking forward to the changes in the popularity of the Holy Spirit after the Flame Dragon Challenge ended.

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