Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 317 The game begins! (third change)

Madam Calamity is standing on the Square of the Hanged, on the fringes of Pirate City...

The planar pirates did not fully trust the Holy Spirit, so they placed the portal where the Holy Spirit arrived.

Dozens of pirate musketeers are already on standby in the wooden houses around the Square of the Hanged. If the holy spirits do anything radical, Madam Calamity will immediately cut off the portal and interrupt this cooperation.

But now it seems that this group of holy spirits entered the city of pirates... like a countryman who has just arrived in a big city and is very new to everything.

But they didn't make any aggressive behaviors. It may be that the agent's "friendly faction protection" had an effect.

As long as the pirates don't take the initiative to attack the Holy Spirit, or do anything hostile to the Holy Spirit, the attacks of the Holy Spirit will never have an effect on the pirates.


After preliminarily judging that the Holy Spirits had no offensive behavior, Madam Calamity directly spoke out and began to integrate them.

At first, Madam Calamity wanted to open the portal for the arrival of the Holy Spirit in the Landing City, but the Landing City has already been captured by the law-thieves! Now the army of law-thieves is attacking the city of pirates.

Madam Calamity must use the shortest possible time to let these holy spirits understand the situation, and then let these holy spirits go to kill those damned law-thieves.


"The architectural style of this city is really different from the world of the Holy Spirit."

"Can someone help us take a screenshot? The art style of Pirate City is a bit awesome! Take a picture first!"

"Do you have side missions? What about you, big brother?"

Most of the holy spirits disappeared as soon as they walked out of the portal. Madam Calamity watched the group of holy spirits disappear into the streets of the pirate city in a blink of an eye.

No matter how they look, they look like they are visiting this city! What makes Madam Disaster even more distressed is that... a part of the Holy Spirit is chasing after her subordinates and asking, "Is there any side missions?" '

This part of the players belong to the type that I don't finish all the side missions and will never touch the main mission.

Madam Calamity is ignored! Completely ignored!

Those holy spirits seem to be unable to see Mrs. Calamity, no...the holy spirits can see it.

It took less than five minutes for Mrs. Calamity to stand on the execution ground of the hanged man, and the Holy Spirit came to her one after another. After admiring Mrs. Calamity's body, she turned around and left.

"Holy Spirit!"

"Wait a moment!"


Madam Calamity kept trying to communicate with the holy spirits who were approaching the execution platform, but the reaction of these holy spirits was... standing in front of the execution platform, clicking in mid-air with her fingertips, and turning around after clicking run away.

The speed of escaping was so fast that it seemed that Mrs. Disaster would be eaten slower than her!

Those holy spirits disappeared from Madam Disaster's vision at the speed of a 100-meter race! Madam Disaster doesn't even know where these holy spirits have gone, and what they want to do!

"Fanxing, don't you want to hunt monsters outside the city?"

"What's the point of spawning monsters? Don't you think the art style and atmosphere of Pirate City are great? And there must be some interesting stories behind these NPCs."

"I think you are attracted by the leader of the pirate camp?"

"Shut up! I have Freya."

"Does Freya have such a wonderful mind? No!"

"Shut up, shut up, you interrupted my research on Madam Disaster's background story."

The Starry Scholars team is one of the few players... who ran to the execution platform and did not leave. He even climbed up to the execution platform to observe Madam Calamity up close.

After being trained by Jiang Qiao, Mrs. Calamity understood that this kind of close proximity to her was a unique way for the holy spirits to express their love.

But the problem is... Mrs. Calamity doesn't need these holy spirits to express her love for herself now!

She needs an army! An army of holy spirits that can resist the invasion of law stealers.

But Madam Calamity didn’t mention recruiting as many holy spirits as possible to form an army, these holy spirits disappeared in a blink of an eye!

There are only seven or eight holy spirits around her now, only seven or eight holy spirits who are willing to listen to her command?

How can this city be guarded?

"Holy Spirits! Listen to me!"

Madam Disaster did not give up, she fired a shot into the sky, and the loud sound finally attracted the attention of the Holy Spirits who were running around on the street.

They finally all focused their attention on Madam Calamity, but just as Madam Calamity was about to say something... the holy spirits disappeared into the city of pirates as if nothing had happened.

"Those damned law-thieves are trying to attack our city, holy spirits...that's the perfect prey for you!"

Madam Disaster had already given up the idea of ​​gathering this group of holy spirits in front of her, and shouted directly with a voice that could be heard throughout the square.

"These coats of arms cannot be found in the history of the Holy Spirit. Are plane pirates a faction that has never appeared in the history of the Holy Spirit? Eh? You can touch it..."

The Starry Scholars team didn't respond to Madam Disaster's push at all. He circled Madam Disaster's circle after circle, studying Madam Disaster's clothing and the various coats of arms on her clothes.

In the end, the Starry Scholars subconsciously reached out and touched the corner of the small cloak behind Madam Calamity.

"Sea animal skin... material..."

Before Fan Xing finished speaking, Mrs. Calamity directly grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

The expression on Madam Disaster's face was terrifying enough to make the members of her pirate group tremble with fear.

"I've endured you for a long time! Holy Spirit." Madam Calamity grabbed the collar of the Star Scholars team. Fanxing's behavior can be called sexual harassment anywhere. Madam Calamity killed him without a single shot. He had already suppressed his anger.

And now the anger ignored by the holy spirit, the anger and anxiety about the coming army of the law-stealer siege, all poured into Fan Xing, who was frantically dying beside her.

"Fanxing, you triggered the hidden interaction as soon as you came up?"

"On the body plane, if you harass a female NPC like this, you will be beaten."

"I also want to be grabbed by the collar by Mrs. Calamity."

Madam Disaster listened to the discussions of the holy spirits around her, and she felt that her nerves and thoughts were on the verge of collapse.

But it was very unfortunate... At this time, a spy from the pirate group under her command suddenly came to the execution platform in a panic.

"Hus... Ma'am! The army of law-stealers is coming! And... and..."

The spy knelt on the ground and gasped for breath, the fear in his voice made Mrs. Calamity realize... how bad the situation is this time.

"what else?"

Madam Calamity threw Fanxing aside, she was in no mood to find the holy spirits wandering around the pirate city now.

"The army of law-thieves has been...blocked, the holy spirit...the holy spirits have already fought with the army of law-thieves outside the city." The spy reported after finishing his breathing.

"Already fighting?" Madam Disaster looked at the edge of the city wall of the pirate city from a distance.

She could indeed vaguely hear the sound of explosions and the sound of something breaking from the edge of the city wall.

This group of holy spirits...why are they so active?

In Mrs. Disaster's impression, if she wants others to work for her, she must first promise a lot of rewards.

But these holy spirits don’t want any rewards. It seems that they came to the city of pirates... not to come to the city of pirates to pan for gold and accept the reward from Mrs. Calamity, but... to hunt and kill law-thieves!

Suddenly Madam Calamity recalled the holy spirits... as soon as they entered the portal, they ran towards the edge of the city wall like a race.

They're not afraid of pirates or anything... they're competing or competing with each other!

From the moment the portal opens, the hunt for the spellstealer begins!

So few Spellthieves, so much Holy Spirit...

From the very beginning, these holy spirits did not regard law stealers, planar pirates, alliance of gods, or even breeders as competitors and enemies.

Their competitors have been other Holy Spirits from the beginning!

"What a group of scary guys." Madam Calamity figured this out, and fired two shots into the sky again.

These two shots are the signal for the members of his subordinates to follow him to the battlefield.

"This is our home stadium. We have been underestimated by those holy spirits from the very beginning."

Madam Calamity ignored the holy spirit who was jumping around on the street, looking for side quests and hidden quests everywhere, and led her pirate group members to the battlefield outside the city wall.

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