Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 329 Miao ♂ Miao ♂ House (Second update)

The number of deaths was 327 and 12, and now it has become 330 and 13.

Mo Shigui has been recording the number of deaths of his own guild players and his own during the three days of the Molten Black Ruins strategy.

The reason for the record? That is, Mo Shigui wants to return everything that is not left! The lawthieves killed members of the Leaping Nucleus Guild three hundred and thirty times! He will kill all members of the law-thieves three hundred and thirty times.

And the names of every law-stealer who killed him... Mo Shigui remembered them all clearly, and he wanted to kill them one by one.

This is a difficult thing for outsiders to understand. He also told this to Heiguozhurou and Yuzhongqu. Heiguozhurou's reaction was, "It's not like you haven't been wiped out by the dungeon boss before, why are you so irritable?" up? ’, Singin’ in the Rain’s answer was ‘come on’.

That's right... It's normal to be wiped out by the boss group after playing the game and opening up dungeons!

Mo Shigui was also wiped out thirty or forty times by the boss group when the Holy Spirit opened up wasteland, but Mo Shigui didn't feel angry, but... a strange anger accumulated in his heart after killing the law-stealer .

And Mo Shigui couldn't tell what this anger was, no...

Mo Shigui looked at the law-thief Medes who was standing on the dragon's head and broke into their garrison... Seeing the expression of the law-thief Medes, Mo Shigui still wanted to understand What is this anger...

That is, what he is facing may not be a boss battle or a dungeon land reclamation, but... PK!

Mo Shigui subconsciously treated those law-thieves as another group of 'players'. After being killed by PK by players, the anger he felt after being killed by wild monsters was completely different!

When Mo Shigui was playing disputes, he killed everyone who killed him in the wild map one by one!

What made Mo Shigui even more unforgiving was that these guys especially liked to use sneak attacks and cheats!

To sum up the above, Mo Shigui believes that these law-stealers are a group of...orphans.

This is one of his more radical ideas.

"The time for you to rest is over, holy spirits!" The law-thief Medes stood on the head of the lord-level dragon.

Everything in the molten black ruins is under their control, and the law stealers followed Dunsis's advice and decided to give the holy spirits a chance... let them catch themselves.

But before that, they had to absorb enough power of the God-devouring God from the Holy Spirit, and of course they couldn't get enough of it in just three days, but the law-thief Midas felt that it was time to start their plan.

"Break time?"

Mo Shigui held the long sword and looked at the law-stealer Midas standing on top of the dragon. He really wanted to yell at Midas...

You turned off your million blood volume and lord-level dragon pet plug-in for me. Let's balance the game values ​​and let's compare with each other based on skills?

This is where Mo Shigui is the most angry now!

These law-stealers are lord-level bosses. Their blood volume and attack power are much higher than that of players, and they can also summon lord-level dragons to help out. The most disgusting thing is that all organs in this ruins are under their command.

This is a very normal configuration for players, dungeon boss, it is normal to have these things.

But Mo Shigui's mind was full of... Pulling these law-thieves into the holy spirit PK field to balance their attributes, Mo Shigui would definitely blow the heads of these law-thieves!

'President! The Miao Miao House in the gymnasium is finished! '

At this time, Xiao Yu suddenly sent a private message to Mo Shigui. Mo Shigui occupied the area of ​​the Uptown Gymnasium two days ago, and set the news of the builder Xiao Yu as special attention.

In the past two days, Xiaoyu has also entered the state of building a house... This is already Xiaoyu's fiftieth hour online.

'Go to bed when you're done. ’ Mo Shigui directly sent a message back.

'Can't sleep, President, when will you invite our Miao Miao House guests over? The transfer point has been determined. '

So what exactly is Miao Miao House?

Mo Shigui also has no right to name the battle field made by Xiaoyu, after all, it is someone else's work... All that is left to do is to drag the group of law-thieves to his home field!

The blood volume and combat values ​​of the law-thieves may not be modified, but at least after three days and three nights of fighting in the law-thieves' territory, it's time to change the home court!

"The Uptown Gymnasium has been completed. The goal of this battle is to invite those experience our 'remains'."

Mo Shigui yelled this sentence in the voice channel of Yuedongnuclei, and the morale that was originally low was immediately filled up at this moment, and at the same time, there was an item called the looting net!


Three hours later, the law-stealer Midas fell from mid-air and came to a strange space.

"This is the territory of the holy spirits?" the law-thief Medes looked around through the gap in the looting net.

The holy spirits, as Dunsis said, their attitude towards the law thief is not so much an enemy as a cargo.

The goods are naturally to be transported to their own warehouse for storage!

"No? What about the Holy Spirit?"

The law-thief Midas looked around, and he found himself in a silent corridor, in this deep corridor... he could not feel the presence of any holy spirit.

In the impression of the law-thief Midas, after these holy spirits captured him, he should be locked in some kind of dungeon.

He was ready to be tortured by the Holy Spirit, and he was even ready to die again.

The abyss will reshape his body, no matter which world he dies in, he can return to the embrace of the mistress.

That's why the law-thief Midas made such a dangerous act of using his body to create a picture.

But there is no holy spirit, no dungeons, and no instruments of torture or imprisonment. There is only a bottomless corridor in front of the law thief Meadows.

"It is the creation of the Holy Spirit, and the breath of the world is different, but what is this place?"

The law-thief Midas threw away the plundering net covering him, and he punched hard on the wall in front of him.

There were extremely tiny cracks on this wall, and the law-thief Medes punched the wall again, and the cracks in the wall only expanded a little.

Very strong... at least much stronger than the walls of those ruins on Kuroshio Island.

The law thief Midas can consider breaking through the wall to leave this ghost place, but the magic power and strength in his body are limited, and he must ensure that he has strength after escaping from this ghost place.

While he was thinking about this, a ding suddenly sounded in his ear, the sound was so clear that Midas took a big step away from the wall in an instant.

The brick hit hard by Midas spit out a gold coin and a wooden sign and fell to the ground.

After confirming that there were no traps around, Midas picked up the gold coin and the wooden sign on the ground. The wooden sign said, "Welcome to the Wonderful House of Leaping Nucleus, collect a hundred gold coins to leave." '

Is this teasing him?

Midas didn't believe that if she collected a hundred pieces of this kind of thing, the Holy Spirit would let her leave here.

But he still accepted the gold coin and looked towards the end of the corridor.

There are many bricks with question marks on the corridor. While walking towards the corridor, Midas will also tap those bricks with question marks with his hands.

One gold coin after another was spat out by those bricks, and ten gold coins were hidden in one of the bricks.

"There are also here?" Midas tapped the gold coin hidden in the corner of the corridor.

Meadows, who was dismissive at first, looked at the small stack of gold coins in his palm and felt... a bit addicted?

He has already collected fifty gold coins, will he be able to leave in a justifiable way if he collects another fifty.

What am I thinking! Find the exit quickly.

Midas put the fifty gold coins in his hand into his pocket, and quickly ran towards the depths of the corridor, halfway to the ground, a huge deep pit appeared.

Is this the trap set by the Holy Spirit?

Midas glanced at the bottomless pit below, feeling the urge to laugh.

He could imagine that there should be countless traps in this weird place, but it would be too fooling his IQ to directly place a deep pit here.

You must know that the trap of the molten black ruins is dangerous and hidden. I don’t know how many Holy Spirits died because of it, but this trap made by the Holy Spirit...

If you put a hole here, at least you have to bury some straw on it!

Meadows threw two ice picks out of his hand with a wave of his hand, and the ice picks flew over the deep pit without hitting anything or activating anything.

Is it only this pit?

The law-thief Midas made some more tests, and all the traps he expected were gone.

Originally, Midas wanted to use the power of extreme cold stolen from the Holy Spirit to build a road, but... the skills of the Ice Master did not include the skill of building bridges.

This is where the ability of the law stealer is embarrassing, and the skill distance of teleportation is not enough.

In desperation, he could only jump over.

Meadows took a step or two back and then sped up and jumped straight to the opposite side of the pit.

The physical fitness of a law-stealer is far superior to that of ordinary people, and it is very simple to jump a distance of seven or eight meters in an instant.

Midas flew over the deep pit, and the moment he was about to reach the opposite side of the deep pit, he felt that he had hit something.

There was another crisp ding sound, which Midas was very familiar with... This is the sound of gold coin bricks spitting out gold coins

Meadows thought this sound was nice before, but now it was like a funeral bell to him.

On his forehead is an invisible brick...

that's all?

At this moment, Midas wanted to release teleportation and teleport directly to the transparent gold coin brick, but a sound like a gunshot suddenly sounded in his ears.

Just as Midas had bullets and crossbows flying towards him, what flew towards him was a huge...a spring.

The spring successfully hit the body of the law-thief Midas, and the spring's elasticity perfectly told Midas what it means to be produced by the God of Forging!

The huge elastic force made Midas rush straight to the bottom of the deep pit at the speed of a rocket launch.

In less than 0.5 seconds, Midas stopped. He looked down at his chest that had been pierced by a thorn as thick as a tree trunk.

Unspeakable pain was released from his body, the law-stealer Midas resisted the pain in his chest, and let his body break away from the needle bit by bit.

Damn Holy Spirit!

The needle was pulled away from Midas' chest. Although a lot of blood spewed out from his chest, it did not cause any serious problems to his body. The healing magic gradually took effect on Midas.

If it's just this small trap, but...can't kill him!

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