Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 537 Cultivate Players (First update! Ask for a monthly pass!)

Mo Shigui brought his fiancée to the breeder's base with anxiety.

To be honest, he really hoped that the bug that Can Xin said would still exist, but when he brought his fiancée to the main city of the breeder camp, it seemed that the bug discussed on the Holy Spirit Forum had been resolved?

This was bad news for Mo Shigui, because Mo Shigui didn't want to raise children in the game.

His views on the parenting system are the same as Zhao Mingwei's... Children are purely a burden.

Judging from the Holy Spirit's introduction, the babies bred by the players on both sides have no combat power at all, and are just pure ornamental pets.

Usually coping with work in reality is tiring enough, who wants to raise a useless baby in the game?

The worst thing was that this baby might become Mo Shigui's moderate weakness.

But every player can enjoy different fun when playing the Holy Spirit. Compared with players like Mo Shigui who are in the front-line strategy group, Nancy cares more about the content of these developments, especially the parenting system may be played by Nancy. The most anticipated part after the Holy Spirit.

Mo Shigui looked at his fiancée's happy face, and he couldn't say anything to dissuade him. In fact, thinking about it the other way around, he just adopted an extra ornamental pet.

He is the president of the largest guild of the Holy Spirit, so he can't even afford an ornamental pet for no reason.

While Mo Shigui was meditating, Nancy had already found the breeder's breeding center.

This place has been built by Jiang Qiao as a venue dedicated to the parenting system, and his mother has personally appointed several breeders as receptionists.

But even with so many NPCs, the whole breeding center is still very lively.

After all, Jiang Qiao underestimated the dedication of these players to the parenting system.

Maybe giving birth in reality requires a long pregnancy period, but not in the game!

The most important thing is that there is no need to endure the painful breastfeeding period in the game. It can be said that the game of the Holy Spirit has discarded the worst part of parenting in reality, leaving only female players and even male players who want to enjoy it the most. part.

That's...the joy of nurturing, and more importantly, the joy of two people in love raising their own children together.

Nancy is undoubtedly a player who likes to enjoy this kind of fun.

"Your level is less than fifty, and the challenge class on the path to ascension is civilians, and the parenting system is temporarily unavailable."

But Nancy's inquiry got a cold response from the breeder. Before Mo Shigui heard the breeder's response, before he could make any statement, Nancy grabbed his hand and pushed him to the breeder NPC. before.

"The qualified Holy Spirit has been detected. Since you are not yet engaged, do you want to make an appointment for the baby?" the breeder asked.

"Then make an appointment first." Nancy whispered to Mo Shigui. Although her tone sounded like she was discussing with Mo Shigui, Mo Shigui knew that he had no room for rejection.

Mo Shigui clicked on the window that appeared in front of the breeder, and after choosing an appointment request, a palm pattern window popped up suddenly.

"Please put your hands and the subject's hands on this window, and we will take your soul information."

Mo Shigui took off his armor and put his hand on the window floating in mid-air. Nan Xi also stretched out her hand and pressed it against Mo Shigui's palm.

A reading interface popped up below, and Nancy suddenly clasped Mo Shigui's five fingers.

"Holding hands like this was the time when you came to Europe three months ago." Nancy said.


For some reason, when Mo Shigui suddenly clasped his fiancee's fingers tightly together, he felt inexplicably nervous. This nervousness even made him almost pull his hand away.

But Mo Shigui's rationality still controlled his emotional part.

The reading was soon finished, and the breeder in charge began to ask Mo Shigui about their baby's detailed settings.

"Excuse me, do you want females...Correct, girls or boys?" This breeder seems to be working at the breeding center for the first time, his language logic still sounds full of procedural feeling, but he is studying hard 'speak English'.


"Can I choose neither?" Nancy interrupted Mo Shigui's words and said directly.

In fact, Mo Shigui is more inclined towards boys. He has a glimmer of hope that when this ornamental baby grows up, he can learn player skills and fight side by side with him like Yelena, but Nancy's thoughts on this baby are different from Mo Shigui's. Home is completely different.

"I think it's more of a reality not to know the sex of the baby until it's born."

When Nancy said this, she sounded a little lost in her gentle tone, but the lost emotion quickly passed by.

But Mo Shigui still caught the lost emotion in his fiancée's tone...

"The gender option is unknown. Please choose the adult rate of your child. At present, we can choose from one to twenty rates. The adult rate means the time when your baby reaches the age of eighteen. Choose one is the same as the real world, ten In eight years, if you choose twenty, you will grow at twenty times the speed. Your children will grow up to adulthood in just one year, and the growth rate after that will be the same as yours. Of course, this age can also be set to twelve years old. Between fifteen years old." The breeder explained.

"Choose twenty times."

"Double rate."

Mo Shigui and Nancy made two completely different choices almost at the same time, and Mo Shigui looked at Nancy with some surprise.

"Xiao Lian... I know you want to experience the gameplay of raising a child in the Holy Spirit, but the game is still a game! It cannot be equated with reality. Whether the game of the Holy Spirit can last for so many years is a question. After all, this child is just a... "

Ornamental pets, substitutes, toys?

Mo Shigui couldn't find any way to describe it for a while. He only thought that the child could quickly get out of the troublesome baby state, even if he could grow up to ten years old at the speed of light.


"After all, it's just a bunch of data? An NPC?" Nan Xi didn't avoid Mo Shigui's gaze, she stared at Mo Shigui and said, "Is the Holy Spirit really just a game to you? Or... that puppet named Freya?" Is it just a bunch of data to you?"

"I..." Mo Shigui wanted to ask Nancy why she always grabbed onto his Freya? He obviously didn't have any extra feelings for that puppet.

But does Mo Shigui believe this sentence? He himself didn't want to believe it.

The game of the Holy Spirit has occupied half of his time in the past year and a half since he started playing it, and the time spent with Freya also occupied half of his time.

As a fiancee, Nancy spent less time chatting with him this year than he and Freya.

But it shouldn't be like this. Nancy is the wife he must marry in reality, and Freya is just a bunch of empty data...

"I'm still a bit self-willed, but I can also guess the reason why the game of the Holy Spirit makes you obsessed, because what we can't get in reality can be easily obtained in this game." Nancy unconsciously said He lightly covered his abdomen with his hands and said, "I'm already a little confused whether the Holy Spirit is a game or reality, so at least...our children in the Holy Spirit, please give it a little time to grow up?"

Mo Shigui nodded lightly and agreed to this request, which was not considered a request. Both parties also took a step back, setting the growth rate to ten, and stopping before the age of twelve.

That is to say, it only takes one year for the children of the two of them to grow from one year old to twelve years old.

"The registration is complete. Based on the fact that the offspring from the souls of the two of you are already being cultivated, the time is 15 days. After 15 days, if the two of you are successfully engaged, you can take the newborn home."

As the breeder spoke, he handed two luminous wristbands for birth certificates to the two of them.

"This prop is a connection ring, and you can perceive your baby's growth status through the connection ring."

After Nancy grasped this peculiar wristband, she buckled it on her wrist. The wristband did not have any light effect at first, but after three seconds the light green light effect began to flash on the wristband. This The light effect is very faint, but it is like a heartbeat.

"I feel it." Nancy touched the wristband on her wrist with some surprise, "It feels like being connected with our children."

The expression on Mo Shigui's face also changed a little. Nancy hugged him tightly, but after hesitating for a while, he hugged his fiancée instead.

And on the other side...

"Sister, the expression of 'That's so good, so good' on your face is almost overflowing. I really want to go to your classmates to find a relationship like this? Wuhan University must have many high-quality little brothers, right? "Self-hung high math said here and sucked a bit of saliva and said, "Your aptitude is not bad! If you take the initiative to look for it, there must be a lot of people chasing you!"

Of course, Wan Xiang didn't listen to her sister's bullshit. Her eyes were always on Jiang Qiao and Hai Lan who took the initiative to act as a tour guide.

After being stared at by Wanxiang all the way, Jiang Qiao couldn't bear it anymore.

"Xiao Wan, do you really think this parenting system is interesting? I find it boring."

As a dog planner, Jiang Qiao really thinks raising children is the most boring thing in the holy spirit.

"Who...see with whom." Wan Xiang lowered her head and looked at her toes at this time. She hesitated for a while before she wanted to say something, Hai Lan came out from nowhere and took Jiang Qiao hand.

"I've already talked with those breeders! They can help the Holy Spirit create a baby that is connected to the soul for free!"

When Hai Lan grabbed Jiang Qiao's wrist and wanted to pull Jiang Qiao to the breeder's registrar, Wan Xiang reached out and grabbed the corner of Jiang Qiao's clothes on the other side.

"Why are you so anxious! Didn't the breeder tell you about the bug before? We don't know what the bug is!"

Jiang Qiao slapped Hai Lan's paw away with his hand, and at the same time gently pulled the corner of his clothes, so that Wan Xiang's hand on the corner of his clothes was released.

In fact, when Jiang Qiao saw that Mo Shigui and his fiancée had directly reserved a baby, he wanted to stop it, because the breeder's base showed signs of being attacked by the Sanctuary of Perpetuity.

But it was too late now, the attack of the Sanctuary of Persistence was inexplicably resisted, but Jiang Qiao had to confirm the extent of the damage to the breeder's base first, and...whether there would be a next time.

"By the way! Xiao Wan... I still have class in the afternoon, so I can skip it, but you seem to have been playing all day? I remember that the major you chose shouldn't be so free?" A moment intervened in the conversation.

"No." Wan Xiang replied to her sister very calmly.

Jiang Qiao didn't believe it, so he opened the recent class schedule of Wuhan University and found Wan Xiang's first-year class schedule.

"Classes are full in the morning and in the afternoon, um...Sister Lin, at least you should go to the last class in the afternoon, right?" Jiang Qiao and Wan Xiang's chatting address has become the address they used on the university campus.

"How long ago did you miss three classes? You have the same style as I did back then! No! Xiao Wan, don't you want to be grounded by your parents again? After they know this news, they may continue to prohibit you from playing Holy Spirit!" Gao Shu's words seemed to dissuade and threaten, which made Wanxiang very unhappy, and she kicked her sister angrily.

It's a pity that the melee damage of Wanxiang's character is too low, only a -50 damage value appeared on her head, and after venting, her eyes were still on Hailan.

Jiang Qiao rubbed his forehead in a speechless manner, and directly kicked Hai Lan, who was beside him with a face that didn't know what happened, forcibly off the line.

"My colleague seems to have something to do today, and I'm about to leave. How about you, Xuemei Lin?" Jiang Qiao said.

In this case, Wan Xiang opened the system interface and chose the option to quit the game.

Now Jiang Qiao can only hope that after Wanxiang fails her exams, her parents will not find him.

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