Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 579 I will let it win (second more)

stick country. During this period of time, Baidi has been busy with training for the strength test, and he didn't pay much attention to the affairs in reality.

Until Baidi received the news that the Baijian team was in danger of disbanding.

This news was not sent to him by any member of the team, but he told him during the double-row strength test with Heiguo Zhurou!

Because this matter has already been posted on Weibo, Twitter, and INS on all major social platforms in the world, basically everyone except Baidi knows about it!

A lot of gossip broke out in the management conflicts of the White Sword Battle, and the capitalists behind the scenes directly ordered the entire White Sword team to be reorganized.

As a result, all the players of the White Sword team became... free men.

"Hanhan, your Baijian team supermarket has opened a big sale, and our boss asks you 10 million a year... Do you want to come to Tianchao to play a few games?"

These are the original words of Heiguozhurou during the strength trial.

Of course Baidi refused, for him this team was everything, and he would no longer be him if he left this team.

So unless the Baijian team is completely disbanded, it is absolutely impossible for Baidi to leave this team!

But when Baidi woke up from the game cabin, he rushed directly to the team's temporary residence.

Did Bai Di really have the illusion that the sky has changed, or did he sleep in the Holy Spirit for too long.

Except for him, all the twelve active professional players in the club left the team. When Baidi arrived at the club, the manager of the club was clutching his head and entering a state of extreme collapse.

"Manager Sang Tae."

Baidi walked into the empty club base at a loss, the manager was the only one sitting in the whole base, as if he was waiting for Baidi to come.

"Huanying, haven't you found your next home yet? If you are interested, I can help you contact the Samsung team." The manager stood up and said to Bai Di.

"The Samsung team has already contacted me. I have received news from other teams in our competition area. In addition, there are Huaguo's Jumping Nucleus and Coke Mania, etc..."

On the way here, Baidi has already received countless calls from professional players of other teams, as well as managers of other teams.

This time the White Sword team opened a big purchase in the supermarket. Baidi is undoubtedly the most valuable limited legendary player. No matter how much money other teams spend, they must scoop him up.

In the nine seasons of disputes, Baidi has been at his peak since his debut in the S2 season. Even if the Holy Spirit League is on the stage now, Baidi is still the absolute strongest player candidate.

"Have you decided to go there?"

"Manager, I want to continue to fight in Baijian." Baidi said.

The manager seemed to have expected that Bai Di would say this a long time ago, with a very bitter expression on his face, but he still started to do psychological counseling work for Bai Di.

"Huanying, I am very moved and gratified that you have such a deep affection for the Baijian team, but the current Baijian team has no way to accommodate you."

"I can lower the contract salary one more time," Bai Di said.

"It's not about your contract salary, but because we can't find players. Our behind-the-scenes boss has already switched to Team Samsung, and he also hopes you can join Team Samsung." The manager said helplessly.

"Official players don't have the money to sign, what about the players from the youth training camp?"

Baidi is still very familiar with a series of signing procedures for professional players. The prices of young players in the youth training camp are far less expensive than regular players. The cheapest youth training camp players even go through auctions. Take it down.

"It's okay to replace one or two players with potential new players to try, but Huanying! The requirement of the Discord Professional League is that each team must have at least nine players on the field, plus the recent Holy Spirit League requirement is that each team At least six! You don't want to find all the youth players, do you?" the manager asked.

"We... have only this choice. There is nothing I can do about disputes, but if I am in the Holy Spirit, I will try to contact those high-scoring passers-by." Baidi began to think about how to reorganize the fragmented Baijian team.

"Here, Huanying, you don't need it. It doesn't make any sense just to maintain the false name of Baijian. Even if you find players from the youth training camp and passers-by to form a new Baijian team, what's the point if you can't win? "

The manager seemed to think that Baidi was simply obsessed with the title of Baidi of Team Baijian.

"You can win! I will let the White Sword team win again! Whether it is the Discord League or the Holy Spirit League!"

Baidi didn't mean to give up on himself. His desire to win was stronger than anyone else, and he had an obsession with the team that Zhao Mingwei never had.

His affection for the Baijian team is so deep that it is a symbol, only the Baidi in the Baijian team is the Baidi, and only the Baidi's Baijian team is the Baijian team!

"I... originally planned to retire after helping you find a new home, but since you are so confident, Huanying, let's work together!" The manager was also instigated by Baidi.

"Thank you, I only have one requirement for the players in the youth training camp, and that is to have a Holy Spirit account." Baidi said.

"Ah? Huanying, you are giving me a problem! Now the official players of our other teams have some accounts that do not have the account of the Holy Spirit game. It seems that the activation qualification of the Holy Spirit game is only for Huaguo players. It's easy to get." The manager's head instantly grew bigger when he thought of the Holy Spirit's playing qualifications.

"The Holy Spirit will have a big update in two days. It seems that a large number of game qualifications will be released. Some of them can be obtained by a new copy of the points. You first go to the youth training camp. I will see if I can get the qualifications. "

Baidi turned on his phone and browsed the latest news of the Holy Spirit. The news that dominated the headlines was the recent major version update of the Holy Spirit and the news that the level cap had been raised.

New level cap and brand new instance! The most important thing is that this test qualification of the Holy Spirit is open to all players all over the world!

Originally, Baidi was not very interested in the mentoring system of the Holy Spirit, but now he can only use the mentoring system as a medium to train those young players.


Instance Lord's Dormitory.

Lie helplessly on the ground with a knife and axe, a look of lovelessness on his face.

Jiang Qiao's void erosion was transferred to him, and this void erosion lasted for a whole week.

During this week, the knife and axe felt what is called the weakness of not being able to hold a water glass.

Just when the knife and axe felt that he was about to be unable to hold on, the erosion of the void suddenly and quickly faded away...

"It seems to be better?" The knife and axe climbed up from the ground excitedly, but not long after he got up, Queen May, who was watering the flowers in the garden, suddenly fell down.

"His Majesty?"

At that moment, the swordsman knew that something was wrong, and Jiang Qiao appeared beside Queen Mei immediately.

"I'm fine...a proxy." Queen Mei had long expected that the Void Corruption would transfer to her body one day. "Shouldn't this disease be fatal?"

"Indeed, it won't be fatal, but it is possible to strip your consciousness and send it to the Void Worm Nest. During the period when the sword and axe were eroded, they were sent twice, but with the help of the other five knights and us, we barely survived." most difficult time."

Jiang Qiao put his hand on Queen May's forehead. The cheeks of this fourteen-year-old queen were already flushed, and she looked very tired due to her high fever.

"But Your Majesty, I think... the Holy Spirits should be happy to serve as your guardian knights." Jiang Qiao had already thought about the new version of the dungeon and what the new mechanism of the dungeon should be.

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