Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 605 Answer (Flya's character design has been uploaded in the book review area)

Rosh walked into the portal and found himself in a very familiar space.

That's on the streets of the Perpetual Sanctuary.

This made her feel like a dream.

"Have we... been teleported back to the eternal Sanctuary?"

Rosh looked at the familiar street scene left and right, and her rationality told her... The old perpetual sanctuary in her memory no longer existed.

The entire old permanent sanctuary has completely turned into a nest of insects.

But the surrounding scenery, as well as the living conditions of the familiar residents of the Perpetual Sanctuary, no matter how you look at it, it is in the old Perpetual Sanctuary.

Rosh even saw several of his teammates who should have passed away.

This made Luo Shi feel a little overwhelmed and went forward to greet them, but after seeing Luo Shi, they all performed a very grand ceremony to Luo Shi.

"Master Rose."

"Great... Master?"

Rosh stayed where she was when she heard this title, because in her impression, only those who are qualified to be called masters in the Sanctuary of Creation...have reached the ruler level, so that existences above this are eligible.

In my impression, only her teacher, Alma, would be called a master by everyone. She is just an ordinary stalker, how could she become a master.


At this moment, Boss Yin walked to Luo Shi's side and cleared his throat. Luo Shi also came back to his senses and quickly asked Boss Yin.

"What the hell is this place? The former eternal sanctuary? Or some kind of illusion?" Rosh crouched down and touched the ground with his hand. This real touch really couldn't make Rosh associate this place as some kind of illusion. .

"This is not an illusion, but a sanctuary of creation in another world. In this world line, you become the ruler of the sanctuary of creation."

Boss Yin stretched out his finger and pointed to the statue of Luo Shi in the center of the city. Luo Shi himself knew better than Boss Yin what kind of person was qualified to erect a statue here.

"Parallel world? The space coordinates here are indeed a bit strange. I in this world...became the real ruler?"

Rosh looked around, and she quickly believed what Boss Yin said. On the one hand, this kind of parallel universe shuttle was not something imaginable from the technological level of the Sanctuary of Creation.

"Well, you look... very happy?" Boss Yin observed that Luo Shi's expression was full of surprise.

"Why not happy, besides saving my mother, this is one of the few dreams I have."

Rosh would try to remain serious no matter what the occasion, but after coming to this city, Rosh acted like a... a little girl who just came to the science and technology museum, no matter what she saw, she was very fresh.

After all, in this world... She has realized the dream she has always wanted to realize, and it is even possible that her mother is safe and sound.

Even if it is not her own who realizes her dream.

Rosh's attitude towards a more perfect self is completely different from Yelena's envy and jealousy, and Mrs. Disaster's vigilance.

Rosh's attitude was one of admiration and yearning.

"I think... I should go and meet myself in this world."

Before she knew it, Rosh had become the leader of the team. In Rosh's eyes, this eternal sanctuary looked perfect, and those people on the road would salute her, which made Rosh feel a little flattered Besides, I feel very comfortable.

"This... I still suggest not to."

Boss Yin came here this time for the shards of divinity, and he is also ready to negotiate with the owner of this world line, but the problem is... Boss Yin really doesn't want to make his relationship with Luo Shi awkward.

So Mr. Yin still decided to discuss it by himself.

"Why?" When Luo Shi finished speaking, another voice sounded exactly the same.

"Yeah, why?"

When Boss Yin heard this voice, he immediately realized that something was wrong, because he saw another Rosh standing at the end of the road.

Is this my self in another world?

Rosh's eyes were full of curiosity as he looked at himself in the other world line. As expected, as Rosh expected, in another world, he who successfully ruled the entire Perpetual Sanctuary became much more mature.

Whether it's fighting power, words, deeds, and temperament, they are all very similar to the perfect self in Rosh's eyes.

There are only two people that Rosh admired in this life, one is her mother, and the other is her mentor, Alma. In Rosh's mind, Alma also has the same status as a mother.

But the person in front of him seems to have inherited Alma's mantle perfectly.

"Looking at myself at a young age is really emotional."

As expected of Luo Shi who has become a wife, every move is full of mature charm.

"You... Hello." Standing in front of her in another world, Rosh felt a little nervous.

"Hello." The other party greeted him decently, and then looked at Boss Yin who was wearing a stiff smile on his face.

As a result, before Luo Shi had time to shake hands with herself in another world, she passed Luo Shi and came to Boss Yin, and under Luo Shi's dull gaze, she stretched out her hand to touch Boss Yin's face.

"This is you from another world? You look cuter when you're young than I expected." Her voice was filled with... a playful tone that Rosh thought she would never use in her life.

But the key problem is... Luo Shi felt that it was impossible for her to touch Boss Yin's face in this way!

She had indeed touched Boss Yin's face before, but it was Rosh's fist that swung Boss Yin's face, sending Boss Yin flying three meters away with one punch!

"Wait! What are you doing!"

Luo Shi pulled away her self in another world, and intervened between Yin Zong and her self in another world.

It wasn't because she was jealous, but because she felt that it was too embarrassing for her in another world to do this kind of behavior in front of so many people, which made Rosh feel ashamed.

"What to do? It's interesting." Luo Shi from another world glanced back and forth between Mr. Yin and his young self.

"Aren't you in the cold war now?" she asked.

"Cold War?" Rosh thought about this word for a while. Recently, she was also studying the history of Blue Star, so she found a corresponding vocabulary and said, "There is no arms race between me and this Holy Spirit."

"That...Miss Roche, she may not be referring to the Cold War in history." Boss Yin knew that there was no way to avoid a blessing or a disaster, so he had to say it frankly.

He pointed to Rosh, who had a puzzled expression, and then pointed to himself.

"In this world, you... and I seem to be husband and wife."

"Husband and wife? Marriage, isn't there another definition?" Rosh began to wonder if there is any other definition of husband and wife in Holy Spirit language, such as mortal enemies or something.

"No, it's just... a spouse relationship." Mr. Yin gave a relatively primitive definition.

"This... Impossible!" After thinking about it, Rosh shouted out righteously, "It's absolutely impossible!"

"I also think it's impossible, but how should I put it...there are infinite possibilities in the parallel world?" Boss Yin wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead with his hands.

He really couldn't imagine how to work with Rosh in the future.

"Let's put the emotional matters aside, you are here for the fragments of the God Devourer, right? And you... the agent of the God Devourer, you are looking for an answer."

Luo Shi in this world noticed Jiang Qiao and Hai Lan who were silent behind Boss Yin.

"Come with me, and I'll tell you all the answers you want," she said.

PS: Freya's character design is ready~ You can go to the book review area or book friend group to check it out.

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