Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 818:

What is “goodness”?

The level of this problem is a little bit high. For example, such a vulgar person, you can't think of any too reliable answer. It is nothing more than helping others. What is good with people? The low-end often blesses others, and the high-end He has saved people, the most high-end is that he has seen a news that he has seen before. The daughter of a member of the Refugee Rights Protection Organization of a country has been killed by the refugees before X, and he still insisted that the protection of refugee rights should not be shaken. ......

No, the last kind of careful thinking does not seem to be kind. How can it be good to cover up evil?

All in all, Yan Xiong feels that his definition of goodness can't be said to be very brilliant, but at least he can still say one two three four five five six - each of which is estimated to be able to subdivide several small points. There may be several directions in each small point.

But until now, he realized that he was still lacking in the understanding of "goodness."

Moreover, the lack of content is so much that even if you want to list one or two, you may need to write a piece of paper.

Therefore, Yan Xiong is making up classes.

He does not think that he has made a big mistake in understanding goodness, and he does not intend to accept it in his understanding of the Lord of the Good. But he has to admit that there are many flaws and shortcomings in his own ideas. It is really necessary to study hard and make up for it.

It's like being on earth, perhaps because of the development of information, a primary school student may surpass ancient scholars in some respects. But after entering the professional fields they are good at, most people will still be swayed by the ancients who were a thousand years or even two thousand years ago, and have to study hard and honestly. Even if they study hard for half a lifetime, they will most likely be swayed in the professional field by their predecessors decades ago or even hundreds of years ago.

Only those who are talented and diligent, and who can continue to work hard, can finally surpass the predecessors, truly climb to the shoulders of giants, and reach out to the direction of the future of mankind.

Yan Xiong believes that it is not a genius, that kind of "ah, it’s better to add a hundred babies to a hundred babies. It’s better to split it into fifty groups of one hundred and one hundred and finally take five thousand and fifty. The guy who forgets, was born to fight against others, he is not such a person.

...... To be honest, he actually wants to be such a person. Unfortunately, he lacks talent in this area.

He has never seen such a person in his life, and perhaps it belongs to the alien shape of the human skin. It is not a normal person who has the chance to meet it.

Yan Xiong is a normal person, at least he feels that he is a normal person - oh, he is now even missing, or should it be called "normal jellyfish"? No, the normal jellyfish is nothing more than the difference between cold sea bream or cold sea bream. The male brother is so powerful and domineering, naturally it can't change sea bream or jellyfish skin, even if it is not cold! He is old, and his taste is not good. If you take the millennium old sea otter to cook, you will be swept out of the house. You have no chance to go back to the kitchen in this life...

A mess of thoughts, hurry up!

The wonderful thing is that while Xiong Xiong is thinking in a mess, he can concentrate on learning. His current level of study is comparable to that of the third year of the third year of high school in a gallery that is said to be very good at making a magical painting.

Well, the male brother participated in the art entrance exam that year, and later he studied art. As for his college entrance examination results... Honestly, it is not good, but in their department, it is still a top student.

After the university entered the school, he learned this thing for a long time, and finally sighed: "No wonder the admission scores of art are so low..."

He lacks talent, and he also knows. Therefore, he has been studying hard and hard, and he dare not say that he has a slap in the face, but at least he can guarantee that he is more attentive than Sima Guang. At least when he is not enough, he will understand that he can’t do it and learn those who are doing well. I will not stalk my neck and make mistakes, so that I will leave the notoriety of "reverse behavior."

By the way, Xiong’s understanding of Sima Guang is limited to two things. The first one is the "Sima Guangxuan" that has been learned in elementary school. The second one is the "parallel prime minister" and the "no name" of the professor who has ridiculed more than once in the university. It is even praised by politicians and scholars from all ages. In the midst of it, scornfully sweeping out the "corruption nature inherent in feudal landlords", it really deserves to be a purebred Bolshevik.

In the ridiculous gray wilderness, Yan Xiong changed back to the size of the hat and landed on the ground, facing the light ball that was almost half his body, silent.

The Chaos Dragon has once again become the old-fashioned look, lying on an old chair that doesn't know where it comes from, like sleeping and not sleeping.

In this silent wilderness, even the wind can't hear, only the death is quiet.

In Yuxiong’s heart, countless knowledge, countless concepts, countless thoughts and emotions are flowing like tides.

Surprisingly, these things flowed through his heart, but it seemed as if the clear spring flowed over the white stone, and there was no trace left except for the fleeting embarrassment.

This is because these things do not belong to Kazuo.

With his current realm and level, it has not yet reached the point where it can be used to refer to "great power."

It’s like the harvest goddess got this treasure for so long, but in the end it didn’t have the harvest. He also spent a lot of time and energy to read this treasure and comprehend the "goodness" contained in it. But everything is just in vain, until it is dead, and He has not been able to extract anything of value from it.

But Xiong Xiong is completely discouraged and still learning silently.

In the beginning, he was able to have a clearer mind, understand why he couldn't learn, understand where the gap is, or even split his mind to think about something that is unpredictable. But as time went by, his thoughts gradually became scattered and became messy. There was no such thing as a bit of a dream. It was like a chaotic dream.

Later, these chaotic thoughts finally subsided, and his thinking completely entered an ethereal realm. The empty mind seems to be a mirror, reflecting the wisdom and insights from the Lord of the Good.

Lying in the chair, as if the sleeping dragon had fallen asleep, he opened his eyes and stared at him.

I don't know how long it took, and Xiong Xiong suddenly smiled.

With this smile, as soon as he was solidified, he regained his vitality, and his eyes re-emerged with wisdom. But in this glory, there is a more indescribable clarity.

If he had previously felt that he was a "smart person," now he feels like a "smart person who already knows the answer." The indescribable clear eyes can be better summarized with an idiom.

Have a well-thought-out.

"Do you understand?" asked the Chaos Dragon.

Yan Xiong shook his head, but smiled: "Although I still can't understand it, I have found my direction."

“What exactly is the ‘good’ that belongs to me? I almost know where to work.”

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