Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 835:

Yuxiong thought for a long time, and did not figure out what to do for those students in the future.

His first consideration was to let this group of people be instructors and train the new army. But the key to the new army is the washing of divine power. Of course, this group of people can't do the magical washing of the recruits, so it makes no sense.

Then, he is thinking about letting this group of people become independent and to build a special force. He has to say that he has crossed the novels of "the city soldier king" and "the soldier king in the outer world" that he has seen before. The extent has affected his thinking.

But after careful consideration, he denied the idea.

A group of high-ranking warriors engage in special forces? This is too much extravagant. Just like on Earth, many countries have a large number of professional athletes, but no one has seen those non-top athletes to turn to be agents.

... As for why athletes and agents are connected? This kind of branching problem does not need to go deeper.

When he wanted to come and think about it, he couldn’t think of a good way. He simply took the issue to the high-level meeting of the Northwest Republic and let the seniors discuss and solve it themselves.

As a result, this group of people was far more demanding than he had imagined. The various departments immediately rushed to speak, saying that they were short of people and that they must let this group of people come to work in their department.

“The field exploration work of the Ministry of Mines, the training and patrol work of the Ministry of Defense, and the security work of the caravans of the Ministry of Commerce... These are all right. Why do the Ministry of Culture and Education also need high-ranking warriors?” Yan Xiong listened to their statements and wondered. .

The Minister of Culture and Education, who has already retired from the position of the first-line governor, immediately replied: "The Ministry of Culture and Education does not only teach cultural knowledge. In fact, we organize military training for students every year, usually twice a year. Two weeks at a time. If we have this group of excellent instructors, our military training level can be greatly improved. Moreover, students are generally young and have a strong ability to learn and accept. The better the instructors, the better they can make progress. A little progress, the future will be magnified as they grow, so I think that let these excellent talents serve as military training instructors is the best way to use their value!"

"What a joke! Four weeks in a year, a waste of high-ranking powerhouses for this?!" The Minister of Mines did not make concessions because the other side is a legendary strongman. "We have a lot of field exploration work in the mining department, and the exploration personnel need adequate Protection, this is the most direct and proper use!"

"They are not ordinary high-ranking warriors, but soldiers who are familiar with military and disciplined!" said Felix. "Let them spread out to protect the explorers. This is a waste of their talents!"

"Waste?! Only let them work for four weeks a year, you are still embarrassed to tell me waste!"

"Hey, don't quarrel!" Knight commander Gerard hurriedly advised, but after persuading, he said, "Since they are strong and disciplined, why not consider the transfer knight? Our Knights It is also time to build a little armed force outside the Paladin..."

"In fact, it is not bad to let them come to the civil affairs department." This is still in the wrinkling. The wife of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Mrs. Zhang Teath Parn, actually joined in the fun. "The Ministry of Civil Affairs has a lot of work, and many of the work must go deep into the various pioneering villages. To be honest, it’s really dangerous. Every year, someone is attacked by a monster in the road and injured or even killed. If there is such a group of capable forces, we will be more worried."

"Hey! Let the high-ranking warriors be messengers, this is too wasteful!"

"Isn't high-ranking warriors not people? Why are they strong enough to take risks? When the messengers can give full play to their advantages and are safe enough, I think it is appropriate."

Seeing that there was noisy again, Xiongxiong couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

But he still hasn't sighed, and several lords actually participated in this talent battle.

The first to open is the contemporary Baron Keane, Louis Keane. He said that Keen’s collar has become a self-governing leader, and the armed forces are relatively insufficiency. Moreover, Keen’s leadership in the Principality of the Thunder is all-encompassing. If there is such a group of powerful super-military personnel stationed, security can be guaranteed. .

Moreover, this can also give full play to their force and discipline, and will not be wasted.

He finished, and Mr. Hart, the owner of the city of Gray Tower, also spoke. The old scholar said that the Four Cities Alliance has always lacked a master and there is not enough troops. If you can get such a good number of soldiers, you can combine with the original caster team to gain double advantage, so that you can completely stabilize the rule and no longer have to worry about being attacked.

Then the lord of Gelteng also spoke up. The young man who had just taken over the sovereignty stick from the aunt who announced his retirement, was initially embarrassed, but faced with the temptation to add dozens of high-ranking powers at once. He quickly adjusted his mentality, saying that Geltenberg's stationery market really needs strong patrols and defending the team. This is not a dispensable thing, it is an urgent need.

In the end, even Darwin, who had just joined, participated in the competition. The Baron Dahl was wondering what advantages he had before, and then he really came up with an advantage. He said that the military should still shine on the battlefield after all, and then live up to his hard work for many years. Dahl has an advantage, which is incomparable to other territories. They are adjacent to the Everglades and have a lot of space for opening up. As long as more territories can be opened up, more populations can be deployed, and these warriors can be made into knights with land-seasons, and the family will be passed down from generation to generation.

Xiong Xiong heard the secret fangs - the Northwest Republic has abolished the lord system, how can he still take the land to say things?

But even so, Kazuo has to admit that the Dar's Baron's argument makes sense. If the students choose their own choices, most of them are only inclined to join the Darling, to open up the land and shine on the battlefield.

Seeing that the argument is gradually getting into a deadlock. At this moment, the head of the medical team, Silt Gelten, who had been silent for a while, spoke up.

"I have a question." She said, "You are fighting here, is it really good?"

The crowd stunned and looked at her.

"You are so arguing, are you not treating them as goods? But they are not goods, but living people!" Stil's face was so sad. "They are human beings, and they are powerful high-ranking warriors. They are brave. Tenacious excellent soldiers. How can you fight them like goods?"

Everyone was told by her face, and they all bowed their heads.

Even Yan Xiong was shocked. He couldn’t think of it. Stilt could say such a level, so level, so personal charm!

When Stewart saw everyone being stunned, he smiled and said, "In my opinion, it is better for us to talk to them and give them an invitation to let them decide where to go. This is the best."

The people nodded again and again, and they were about to reconcile. But Xiongxiong couldn’t help but jump up.

He just looked at Stil's heart subconsciously and saw the scene that was unsightly.

This woman is actually playing the idea of ​​the group of students!

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