Cultivation From Cellphone

Chapter 628: The dilemma of Nangongyan

I don’t know who murmured below, "We will all be dead by then, what else can you do as the battalion commander of the special operations camp?"

With just one interruption, the emotions that had just been calmed down by the hundred-year-old girl were turned up again, all with a feeling of wanting to believe but suspicion.

Shaking his head helplessly, Qin Feng said: "The results of this are good and bad. If you don’t believe me, then I will go alone. You can go back and go back. Remember to return my weapons and equipment. Just treat me as friends with you."

After speaking, Qin Feng directly sat on the ground and closed his eyes, causing these people to toss and make trouble.

After a while, a team member rushed forward and knelt down to Qin Feng directly, and then said very sincerely: "I am willing to follow the battalion commander to the inside. Even if there is none, I would like to take a gamble. It’s the fortune of the family."

This statement is very lethal. If these civilians have gained a talent by upgrading their bloodlines, their family can directly be promoted to nobles, and it is still that kind of hereditary.

If you gamble directly to complete the entire family, everyone will still calculate this account, but one person is left to tell the matter.

After starting with one person, the other team members all came to Qin Feng's back and knelt down to Qin Feng. In the end, only a dozen people remained.

Seeing someone who was too hard-hearted to come, Qin Feng just let them go back by themselves, or waited for them to come back together in this camp.

"Battalion commander, we are originally orphans, and we don't have any sense of family honor. We have this old life. If we don't have it, we really have nothing. I hope the battalion commander can be considerate of us." Qin Feng said.

Squeezing his hand at him, Qin Feng expressed his understanding and comforted these people: "People have their own ambitions, and everyone's choices are different. I understand you when you choose this, and you don't have to have any psychological burden. "

With so many people, Qin Feng naturally took these teams to the center area, and since the seven old veterans have also merged into this team.

"Unexpectedly, since your seven'eunuchs' are so strong, they dare to leave your shelter and rush to the forefront." Nangongyan looked at them and said to Qin Feng in surprise.

Looking at the seven elders with satisfaction, Qin Feng said: "Everyone has the possibility of improvement. They are probably fully awakened. Is it possible that you still can't see others getting better?"

"Naturally I hope that the people below you will become better. You don't understand how painful it is to connect with another person. I also want to follow only one person in my life." Nangongyan said.

Hearing this kind of emotionless words, Qin Feng didn't bother to listen, appeared directly in front of the team, and started to be a pioneer. At first, each of these players felt inappropriate.

But when Qin Feng pointed out some hidden dangers for them and let them avoid many fatal blows, everyone was very fortunate that Qin Feng opened the way in front.

"Do you think my injuries were in vain? They are all for you to find the way, you must work hard for me, otherwise, it really wastes my pains." Qin Feng said while looking at them.

Deliberately speaking of themselves was quite miserable. Each of these team members immediately felt that they were inhumane, and they were eager to find the way for Qin Feng. This was not exactly what Qin Feng had in mind.

Instructing them to calm down first, Qin Feng said slowly: "You wait ahead. I will tell you the danger. You will use your abilities to deal with it. I will try my best to protect you and guide you."

All of them were warm-blooded men. Qin Feng opened up for them like this and naturally agreed directly, but Qin Feng didn't feel optimistic at all.

So Qin Feng directly gave them a vaccination, "You may be injured during this process, and you may even lose your lives because of this, so you have to be prepared, okay?"

"Yes! Yes!" said each team member emotionally.

After taking a deep breath, Qin Feng said, "Let's start then."

The scenes in the back were not so easy. They first saw Qin Feng's response from the back so simple and relaxed, but when they dealt with it on their own, they realized that this was really not easy.

Qin Feng is because of his strong strength and his special understanding of the situation. Although there are many players, the strength of each of these players is limited.

In addition, the cooperation with Qin Feng is not so tacit, even with Qin Feng's guidance, he still suffers from dealing with strange and unhealthy plants.

After passing through this patch of vegetation, all of the nearly one hundred team members suffered injuries, and some of them didn’t even have a good place on their bodies. Fortunately, under the strong protection of Qin Feng, these team members still didn’t. One loss.

"Everyone take a good rest, we are about to cross this river soon. First adjust the state and deal with all the injuries on your body." Qin Feng said to all the players.

Only Nangong Yan was the easiest person present, just follow behind, even the battalion commander Qin Feng was not as cool as Nangong Yan.

Looking at Nangongyan with a weird look, Qin Feng said jokingly: "So what is the point of following you? I thought you could take care of the logistics at first. Now that I found out that I was wrong, you would just settle the bills."

Touching her head awkwardly, Nangong Yan said embarrassedly: "I slipped out before the family's courses were fully learned. Besides, the logistics that is less than a hundred people. They can take care of it themselves, they don't. Need to be uniformly deployed."

Listening to this somewhat far-fetched reason, Qin Feng stopped continuing this topic, watching Nangongyan continue to say: "Then you can't use this as a sightseeing tour, can't you see that I'm doing everything?" "

"I'm a female, what's the matter? Haven't heard a saying that boys are born to serve girls?" Nangong Yan said confidently.

She looked at Nangongyan like an idiot, and then Qin Feng pointed directly to a certain direction inside the team. Nangongyan followed Qin Feng’s finger and found that a female team member was bandaging her wound, and there was not even a boy next to him. Helping her.

"Have you seen? There is no difference between girls and boys here. There are only two kinds of value and value. You are obviously a worthless thing now. I am thinking about whether to lose you, otherwise it would be really a Drag the oil bottle."

I like the infinite evolution from the mobile phone, please collect it: ( The infinite evolution starts from the mobile phone, and the literature is updated the fastest.

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