To be a prostitute for thousands of years and to die for thousands of years can be said to be the greatest humiliation and pain for a woman.

After being tortured for thousands of years, God knows how much resentment and unwillingness the Pipa girl in this picture has accumulated?

What kind of crime did her original body commit to be punished like this?

Even if it is a golden immortal in the sky, it has gone through thousands of times in this world of red dust, and after rolling through a thousand times in reincarnation, the probability of rediscovering the past is very small.

Yes, not to mention these carefully designed tragic calamities.

After reading the contents of this long scroll, Jiang Li had already guessed the approximate origin of Grandma Mingshan in front of him.

The other party is indeed related to the Pipa girl on this scroll, but it is not a reincarnation.

Even the mighty Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva wants to reincarnate across the Dharma-ending era, but he can't leave the slightest memory.

This Pipa girl, who has suffered thousands of lives, is naturally even less capable.

She spanned a long time, and what she left behind was nothing else, but the ugly red mark covering half of her face.

After many contacts, Jiang Li has also seen that the real body of Mingshan's grandma is not actually a grandma, but a ghost that was obviously a male during his lifetime.

It was because of the influence of the mark on her face that she became the grandmother of Mingshan who ruled the Back Yin Mountain for five hundred years and liked to sing and listen to music every day.

Instead, it is dominated by resentment and partial memories from ancient times.

The red mark does not seem to be born, but a male ghost. By chance, it encountered some existence left over from ancient times, and it was stained on the body and turned into a mark.

The red mark is the source of his power, which made him an unknown kid from the very beginning, who couldn't even remember the name of the local spirits, and grew into a powerful being who can rule the eight demon kings in a very short period of time.

But that imprint itself is also the most vicious curse.

Not long ago, the cold flame of his ghost lamp had burned that mark twice. Therefore, Jiang Li could roughly feel that what occupied the most in that mark was the resentment that was similar to the sea of ​​red fog floating above the City of Death.

The difference is that the resentment will be more intense.

The resentment and memories from the ancient times, while bringing strength, also deprived him of his ego.

This is not much different from being robbed.

Therefore, whenever Mingshan's "grandmother" regains a little bit of sanity, he will inevitably find a way to try to peel off this red mark.

But because his power came from that mark, it was almost impossible for him to get rid of the mark by his own power.

That's why the other party was so eager after discovering the effect of the cold flame of the ghost lamp.

When I saw Baby Street before, it was understandable that, despite being infested by grievances, it was irrational to rush to it.

Because what dominates is a mass of resentment, where does the rational statement come from?

But fortunately, what remains is only resentment.

If the other party is really the reincarnation of a powerful person who established a climate, Jiang Li promises that he will definitely turn his head and leave.

Looking at the red mark that was sticking to his face, with a faint expansion trend, Jiang Li thought for a moment, not only did the ghosts above and below stop, but instead ordered one after another, so that the eighteen ghosts took out ten in succession. A few underworld torture instruments.

Let them continue to punish the Pipa girl.

This kind of effect may be very general, and it may not really hurt Grandma Mingshan.

Because all the ghosts present are most likely transformed by the subordinates of Grandma Ming Shan. This can only be used as a stage, and it is also the magic weapon of the famous grandmother.

If they weren't mentally retarded, they wouldn't really do anything to their masters. Even if they really do it, with their own strength, it is difficult to hurt a single hair of the grandma.

Doing so can delay time.

Now it seems that because of his status, he Jiang and someone seem to have the upper hand. Can be ordered to torture each other at will.

But in reality, he was the real danger.

Because of Jiang Li's chance, after obtaining the identity of the judge in this scene, the other party did not force the termination immediately, but continued to act as if nothing had happened.

It means that the play itself has its meaning. If this play comes to an end, something very bad might happen to him.

That's why Jiang Li had to delay.

In any drama, there is always a plot process of ups and downs.

What Jiang Li has to do now is to prolong the process of "torture" as long as possible.

Then find a way to directly defeat Grandma Ming Shan at the end of this scene.

. . . .

Outside, Pei Zhongjian, who had already recovered from his injuries, rushed back from Fengdu City with Prisoner Shui. According to Jiang Li's information, they rushed to a street that looked a little deserted.

However, it was not easy for them to pinpoint Jiang Li's exact location due to the barrier of the magic space on the stage.

It can only be locked, a block nearby.

"Little friend Prisoner Shui, trapped in the magic space of Alliance Leader Jiang, is very clever. There is no way to see the clue directly from above."

"This kind of door-to-door search is too inefficient."

Pei Zhong and Prison Shui, they circled several times in the air, using their own means to sweep through the rows of ordinary houses.

But couldn't find any difference there.

Jiang Li was trapped, and Pei Zhong Jianshou was far more anxious than Prisoner Shui, who knew Jiang Li's methods.

In fact, the swordsman of the previous generation of Shushan, together with Jiuzai Zhenren, had persuaded Jiang Li many times.

I hope that he will seize the time to resurrect and not stay in the wrong place.

The elders, naturally, like to seek stability, especially with the aptitude that Jiang Li is showing now.

Even if you stay at home and retreat, you can still go to the top of the Eastern Realm of Immortal Cultivation, but at most it will take hundreds of years more.

For a powerful cultivator, a few hundred years is not a long time at all. They naturally wanted Jiang Li to find a place to practice at ease.

Moreover, although Jiang Li told them some things about the Back Yin Mountain, he expressed his confidence in the resurrection.

But Pei Zhong also knows that, no matter what way, resurrection is such a thing. It's bound to be difficult.

If you are not careful, you will lose all your efforts.

As an old guy from the previous era of Dazhongshan, the last thing they want to see is that Jiang Li's hope will die prematurely.

For fear of having more dreams at night, I always hoped that Jiang Li would be resurrected quickly.

It's just that Alliance Leader Jiang has always been very assertive since he became the Alliance Leader, and he has never been a strange puppet for a day.

He still has his own plans in this city, and that's why he has shied away until now.

I just didn't expect it to be dangerous again in the past two months.

Pei Zhongjian has already made up his mind. After this time, he will pull Jiang Li away from the city no matter what.

Is it uncomfortable to live in the prosperous and prosperous Fengdu City, which is full of talents? Don't stay in this place where birds don't shit.

"Pei Zhongjian's head is calm and don't be impatient. With the strength of the city lord, it will not be so easy to get into trouble."

"Over there, our helper is coming."

Looking at the direction of the prison water, the street not far away is full of smoke and dust, and there is a dense sound of footsteps approaching fast.

Looking closely, it was a group of ordinary residents of the City of Death, who were sleepwalking with their eyes closed and their feet vacant, rushing towards them.

"Are these our helpers?"

No wonder Pei Zhongjian didn't believe it. Although the mortals in the city who died in vain could be falsely resurrected, they would be more fierce and not afraid of death than ordinary mortals.

But in essence, they are ordinary mortals. Even if they can be resurrected, what use can they be?

Although the number of people can be searched in a carpet style, how can they see through the blindfold?

Prisoner's face was indifferent at all.

During this period of time in the city of the dead, he has actually been in the process of tempering, and secretly sent out some monks who were willing to be directly loyal to Jiang Li.

And every time he succeeds, it will bring him a lot of benefits. Now his strength has grown significantly compared to two months ago.

"The space where the city owner is trapped has special rules. Even mortals can do something."

Jiang Li currently has five avatars in his dream, and each avatar can have 3,000 daughters.

This also means that the number of mortals that Jiang Li can temporarily control is 15,000.

Fifteen thousand mortals poured into the nearby streets and alleys according to Jiang Li's orders.

His own sense of where he is is naturally more accurate. Nine times out of ten, the stage that trapped him was hidden in the dwellings of these three streets.

Sleepwalking mortals, every time they open the door and step in, they will shout "go away" or "wronged".

Jiang Li is using this simplest way to find the location of the stage.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for one of his dream subs to disappear from the outside world.

At the door of the judge's hall, there was another ghost who looked a little confused.

found it!

Jiang Li was overjoyed, and then his mind moved slightly. The two masked figures with tiny cracks climbed on the surface of their bodies, flashing their figures before arriving in front of the dwelling.

These two people with masks were the two elders of the Sacred Heart who were directly captured by Jiang Li when they were falsely resurrected in the secret room of the Blood King Palace.

Because they were almost drained by the spears with shredded wings, the two old fellows had left the rank of immortals, but they were already weak to a very exaggerated level.

It is far easier to deal with than the Barbarian Stone Demon King.

Long ago, they had been captured by Jiang Li's dream, and after allowing them to regain some strength, they became Jiang Li's dream puppet.

It is clear that the last time he died, he will be restored to prosperity if he is resurrected again.

But Jiang Li didn't dare to let them revive and reset the state, so he could only let them temporarily maintain the state that was barely maintained at the level of Earth Immortal.

Controlled by two dream spiders, after stepping into the small courtyard, they also turned into ghosts and appeared at the entrance of the judge's palace.

In the judge's hall at this time, the seemingly inhumane beatings continued.

Grandma Mingshan's obviously pretending to cry, without the slightest pause, still looks full of anger.

It seems that Grandma Mingshan, who has the home field advantage, seems to be deflated.

But in fact, this grandma is not worried about her situation at all, but seems to be enjoying it.

Because of the presence, except for Jiang Li, who was forcibly pulled in, everyone else was played by her subordinates.

Even if Jiang Li somehow got the identity of the judge in this scene.

His orders will only be carried out in a pretentious manner.

The punishment and beating just now looked miserable, but in fact it was just a pretense.

On the contrary, the young monk sitting on the stage was the one who really fell into the cobweb.

You can still be proud now, but as long as the scene is finished, the other party will be completely bound by the stage, and he will never be able to escape.

Um. . Unless you use the panel to remove the negative state, you will never be able to escape from immortality.

At that time, you can use him to get close to that monk!

That longitude-oriented monk, Grandma Ming Shan just hid in the distance and was illuminated by a small part of the Buddha's light, and the effect was even better than the white flame.

Implementing it can make him save himself, and the trouble that has plagued for thousands of years may really have a solution one day.

But at this moment, Jiang Li from above made a sound again, interrupting the two ghosts who were beating below.

"The two of you stop and give them the water, fire, wind and thunder sticks!"

The two ghosts who were beating Mingshan's grandmother "crazy" were stunned for a moment, and looked at the newly appeared two ghosts with a bit of astonishment.

Who are these two extra guys, weren't they before, were they always 18 ghosts?

They hesitated a little, but in this scene, the rule is not to disobey the judge's order, and in the end they can only pass the stick in their hands.

In exchange for the ghosts of the two elders of the Sacred Heart, the two sticks, one black and one red, immediately showed a different feeling.

They raised the wind, thunder, water and fire sticks high, and then fell at the same time, hitting Grandma Mingshan's back together.

Suddenly, two blood flowers exploded directly on her back.

Grandma Ming Shan was beaten and slid forward by ten feet, until she hit the steps below the judge's table, and then stopped.

The two eyeballs were squeezed out due to the high pressure in the body, and swayed on his face.

Even if the two elders of the Sacred Heart are in a weak state now, they are still immortals. And when the "Ghosts" received the judge's order, they could use their own power to do it!

If you want to eat the attacks of two earth immortals without using the strength to actively defend, even Grandma Mingshan can't do it without getting hurt.


Grandma Mingshan put her eyeballs back where they were, and turned around to glare at the two guys who really did it.

Obviously, even Grandma Ming Shan didn't expect that Jiang Li would find two helpers to come in.

In the middle of the stage, how did he pass the news?

But before she could say anything more, the second-year-old ghost of the Sacred Heart stepped forward again. The two shackles were directly tied to each other's ankles.

Pulled back in the most violent way, and tied the person directly to the knife bed that had appeared before.

Then the wind, thunder, water and fire sticks slammed down alternately, and the opponent who slammed it directly broke his flesh and fractured his bones. Under the strong impact from the top, the sharp knife below also penetrated deeply into the body, smashing the internal organs.

"you wanna die!"

At this time, how could Grandma Ming Shan not know that it was Jiang Li who saw through her trap.

Since this is the case, it is useless to continue to be beaten, and immediately no longer intend to perform.

Although this stage magic weapon has special effects, as the master, she is still far less restricted in the play than Jiang Li.

Even if it is forcibly terminated, it will only be met with some backlash.

It's better than this, being beaten by two Earth Immortal-level ghosts in turn.

A power that belongs to the grandmother of Mingshan is full of the Pipa girl.

When the water, fire, wind and thunder stick fell on her back again, this time it was directly folded into two sections. The two ghosts were also knocked out.

The originally weak and weak Pipa girl is now changing into the terrifying Grandma Mingshan.

Because a character forcibly left, the surrounding scene of the Judge's Hall immediately became unstable.

But just when she was about to lift the table and grab Jiang Li directly, the first sentence of the judge made her stop abruptly.

"Pipa girl, do you want to see your child?"

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