Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 254 This is life

Chapter 254? This is life

After Fairy Princess Huarui investigated it, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "What kind of spiritual liquid is this? How did you get it?"

Xun Yi said vaguely, "It was given to me by a great supernatural power. He only told me how to use it and its effects. He didn't say much else. Brother Six has taken it once. Ask him later what his experience was."

Princess Huarui looked at him with strange eyes and said, "I can't help but want to search for your soul again."

Xunyi shook his head repeatedly and said, "I believe that Master Niang brought out these good things to honor you. You can't hurt this disciple's heart."

Fairy Princess Huarui smiled happily and said, "A good boy like you, if I had met you first, I would definitely accept you as my disciple. I believe you can't do anything harmful to nature, so what you want to hide is definitely not evil deeds. I’ll hold back for now, and wait until I can’t bear it anymore to see what happens.”

Xunyi complained secretly, this master wife has already reached the Feather Transformation stage, why is she still acting like a good little girl? Unreasonable people are not to be feared, but the most terrifying ones are those who act haphazardly, because there is no word "reason" in their hearts at all.

Xun Yi had to warn solemnly, "Master, my disciple has indeed experienced some things that are inconvenient to talk about in recent years. If those secrets are made public, it will not only put the disciple in danger, but may also lead to a bloody storm. I'm afraid that Zixiao Palace will be implicated, please show mercy to this disciple."

"Oh?" Fairy Princess Huarui seemed to be more interested, and said with a smile in her eyes, "I won't tell anyone, so don't be afraid."

Hearing her tone, Xun Yi sounded like he couldn't help but want to search for the soul. He was so frightened that he ran out and said anxiously, "Master's wife, you are going to force this disciple to death."

Fairy Princess Huarui felt quite amused and said, "Are you so scared? Are you still afraid that I will harm you?"

Xun Yi walked back slowly and carefully said, "Of course I can trust you, but... But you'd better stop searching.

This really doesn't do you any good. "

Fairy Princess Huarui looked at him for a while, then pointed her jade finger at his forehead and said with a smile, "I will retreat to the spiritual platform."

Xun Yi felt like crying. He didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky to meet such a master's wife. He could only say with a sad face, "Master's wife, do you really want to make things so difficult for me? Disciple..."

As soon as he said this, the smile in the eyes of Fairy Huarui flowed out. It could be seen that she was trying her best to restrain herself, but the joy from the heart was fully exposed. She had not smiled like this in at least two thousand years.

In Xun Yi's confused eyes, she sent her spiritual thoughts and said, "I want to take out the things that your master stored in your head, not to search for souls." The reason why she used her spiritual thoughts was because she was sure when she spoke now Will laugh first.

Fairy Princess Huarui is shy by nature, and would not speak much even in front of her disciples, let alone joke. However, this little disciple whom she had just met made her feel extremely relaxed, not only because she could see the emotions coming from her heart in his eyes. Sincerely, it’s also because this child is so funny. He’s pitiful and playful at times, making people want to tease him. Fairy Huarui never thought she would do such a thing before, but just now she couldn’t bear it. You can resist the urge, and you don’t feel any guilt after teasing. There is no need to have any burden on Dou Xunyi. This is the consensus reached by Yun Yuya and his senior sisters long ago, because if you don't tease him, he will come to tease you.

After being frightened to death, Xun Yi realized what was going on. He grinned like a bitter gourd and complained, "Master wife, I'm not as scary as you. Is it so fun to scare your own disciples?"

Fairy Princess Huarui wanted to laugh even more when she saw him like that, but it would be inappropriate to laugh any more, so she forced herself to say:

"Okay, come here."

Xunyi sat in front of her again and said worriedly, "You can't just take the things and search for the soul as well. Then this disciple will never believe you again."

"I won't deceive you." Fairy Huarui's smiling eyes showed sincerity.

Xunyi closed his eyes obediently.

After a while, the fairy concubine said softly, "Okay."

Xunyi opened his eyes and saw a pinpoint-sized red light above his master's index finger. He recognized that this was exactly what Zhengtianjun had put into his mind, and couldn't help but curiously asked, "What on earth is this?"

Fairy Princess Huarui looked very calm at this time and said softly, "Vitality."

"Vitality?" Xunyi's eyes widened, staring at the red light in disbelief.

Master Su Wan once told him about "vitality", but all cultivating creatures are born from the aggregation of the two souls of heaven and earth. The two souls are life souls. The life soul contains vitality, and vitality determines yang and longevity. The vitality of each race is more or less the same. As far as the human race is concerned, this vitality can last an average person a hundred years. The reason why some people die young and some live to be over a hundred years old is because of the lives of each other. Different methods lead to differences in the consumption of vitality. The reason why people who practice Taoism have a long life is because the process of cultivation is a process of reducing physical and mental burdens. Eliminating distracting thoughts and reducing physical burdens can greatly save the consumption of vitality, rather than cultivating Taoism. It can increase the amount of vitality. With each level of cultivation, the consumption of vitality will be reduced exponentially, and the life span will naturally be doubled. By the time of feathering, the physical body is as light as a feather, and its consumption of vitality is minimal. All that's left is thinking. Since they can cultivate to the Feather Stage, there aren't many things that they can't see through. This is why their lifespans can be astonishingly long.

In Su Wan's explanation, vitality has spread throughout the body since conception. Xun Yi has always believed that

It is an intangible and qualityless thing. Now that I heard that this glowing red light is vitality, I am naturally surprised and inexplicable.

Fairy Princess Huarui said, "What your master asked you to give is this bit of life extracted from your body. I didn't want to take it. It was your persuasion that made me change my mind. Since your master wants me to live longer, Years, then I will use the extra Yangshou to find him."

"How much life can this little vitality add to your life?" Xun Yi asked with concern.

"It's hard to say. Whether it's extraction or absorption and fusion, it's difficult to convert them all, but there should be a thousand years."

"At what level of cultivation can you take out your own vitality and give it to others?"

"Just enter the feathering stage."

"Then how far can you cultivate to take away the vitality of others?"

Fairy Princess Huarui shook her head and said, "Although some evil spells can steal other people's vitality, the gains are only a few years at best, and are not even enough to make up for the cost of performing the spell. I have never heard of a spell that can truly extract a large amount of other people's vitality."

"Oh, then you should quickly integrate this bit of vitality." Xun Yi stood up knowingly.

"Don't worry, I have to adjust my mood." As Princess Huarui spoke, the red light disappeared from her fingertips, and she said with regret, "It's a pity about that Universe Bag."

Xunyi lowered his head.

Immortal Concubine Huarui hurriedly explained, "It's not your fault, nor is it my fault that your master didn't tell you clearly. He was afraid of scaring you. I might as well tell you now that the Universe Bag is an immortal treasure."

Xunyi opened his mouth in shock, he didn't expect that Fairy Jingshui would guess this!

Immortal Concubine Huarui thought he was shocked by the word "immortal treasure" and patiently explained the origin of the Qiankun Bag. What she said was roughly the same as what Immortal Concubine Jingshui said that day.

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