Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2952 The Qingyuan Sect is here!

"She's quite arrogant this time." Yundao came to Su Wan's side and looked at Sijia who was coming with a smile.

Lang Xing grinned slightly and defended Sijia, "This is leading Yuanyizhou soldiers to fight. Even if she doesn't want to show off, her subordinates definitely want their saint to be more impressive. She is the face of Yuanyizhou. "

Su Wan looked at him sideways and said, "Of course we can think of this. Sister Yundao was just joking. Why are you talking so much?"

Yundao was here to instigate Langxing to be scolded. Seeing that Langxing jumped out to scold him as expected, she took Su Wan's arm and couldn't help laughing.

"Why don't you go and greet your good sister?" Su Wan pushed Yun with disgust. Of course she knew that Yun Dao had no good intentions.

"I won't join in the fun." Yun Dao didn't come here just for fun. He turned to Lang Xing and said, "I went to watch the decisive battle between you and Wu Yan, but he didn't show up. Wu Yan is already strong enough, let him fight." This three-formation battle is enough, why do you insist on grabbing this spot?"

Lang Xing grinned and said, "There are some unavoidable reasons here. I'll tell you later."

Yundao looked at him and sighed softly, and didn't ask any more questions. Langxing had too many troubles, and he was probably not lying when he said he had no choice but to face difficulties. ??

At this time, Sijia led the Yuanyizhou soldiers directly to the edge of the Wanfu Alliance camp, and she looked sideways at this side.

"Uncle!" Bai Xiang called out affectionately, pulling Xiao Hefeng and running over. She was very close to Sijia.

Yundao glanced at Langxing with gloating eyes, and flew over to meet Sijia.

Su Wan smiled at Sijia from the air and said to Lang Xing, "I am already a Feather monk, so I can no longer stay in the battle camp. You should be more careful." After saying that, she pulled Zhixia and flew towards the back of the array.

Zhixia turned around and looked back at Langxing worriedly, her deep worry evident in her words.

Langxing smiled brightly at the second senior sister and waved his hand carelessly.

Of course Su Wan left at this time to facilitate Lang Xing to see Sijia. Although she was reluctant, she had to have this tolerance.

"You want more

Be careful. "After Zhi Xia left, Yan Bing immediately came up and grabbed Lang Xing's arm, warning with worry in his eyes. They all knew about the battle of the three formations. Qing Yu and others worshiped Lang Xing almost blindly and felt that Lang Xing would win. Undoubtedly, so he wasn't too worried. Yan Bing thought more about it than they did.

"Well, don't worry, even if you are not sure of winning, at least you are sure of saving your life." Lang Xing pretended to be relaxed and winked.

Without waiting for Yan Bing to give further instructions, there was another noise in the battle formation.

"Qingyuan Sect! It's Qingyuan Sect! Qingyuan Sect is here!" This shout was obviously trembling with excitement.

"Qingyuan Sect!"

"Qingyuan Sect!"

"Qingyuan Sect!"


The soldiers of the three armies shouted in unison over and over again, and formed formations and rose into the air to show their respect. Only the Qingyuan Sect can enjoy this honor and receive such love and respect.

"Qingyuan Sect..."

The cheers soon died down and became choked and trembling, because what they saw was so sad and sad.

In the past, whenever there was a battle, the camp of the Qingyuan Sect was always the most courageous and had the highest fighting spirit. The immortal kings and fairies of the Qingyuan Sect were all firm-eyed and full of heroic spirit. Seeing them would make people feel reassured and inspired. .

But today, only one person from the Qingyuan Sect came - their current leader, Han Lingzi.

Almost all the thirteenth generation disciples of the Qingyuan Sect died in the battle against the monsters of Shui Qingzhou. The current leader is the fifth disciple of the Three Immortals. Han Lingzi is not outstanding among the fourteenth generation disciples, so he He became the leader because most of the fourteenth generation disciples had also died.

The dignified Qingyuan Sect now has only one leader who is in the middle stage of Yuanying. He rushes to the battlefield alone carrying the blue flag that is respected by countless people. This makes people feel like

How can you not shed tears with sadness?

Everyone felt that their throats were clogged and no one shouted anymore. Many people had tears in their eyes and were moved by the scene. They couldn't help but miss those upright and heroic immortals from the Qingyuan Sect, and even more so, they missed all the efforts they had made for Nanjingzhou. Cihang Lao Xianzun.

Shen Qing, who originally didn't want to show up, had no choice but to show up above the Qingyuan Sect's banner and said calmly, "The Qingyuan Sect has not declined to the point where only one person can fight, but the Qingyuan Sect has fought too hard." It’s hard, I told them to rest and recuperate temporarily, this is also the master’s wish, you don’t have to feel sorry for the Qingyuan Sect, the Qingyuan Sect cannot fail.”

"Fairy Shen!"

"little fairy!"

"Master Shen Tan!"

"Concubine Shen Xian!"


Seeing Shen Qing appear, they finally saw the thirteenth generation disciple of the Qingyuan Sect again. Everyone's mood suddenly changed from sadness to excitement. Those who were not familiar with Shen Qing called her Fairy Shen, and watched Shen Qing grow up. Those who had worked with Shen Qing were called Little Fairy, those who had worked with Shen Qing were called Master Shen, and those who saw that Shen Qing had become a feather were surprised and delighted to call her Concubine Shen.

There was a moment of excitement. In everyone's mind, the Qingyuan Sect was the embodiment of justice, fairness, and impartiality. As long as there are thirteen generations of great disciples, the Qingyuan Sect is trustworthy and its background will not change. This pillar It didn’t fall! .??.??

Shen Qing nodded slightly to everyone and then disappeared again. This was in line with everyone's impression of this cold-faced fairy, so no one cared about this fairy's coldness. Moreover, someone had just called Shen Xianfei, and Shen was already cold. It is natural for a fairy to become colder after becoming a fairy concubine.

It can be said that there is a consensus among the cultivation circles in Nanjingzhou that Shen Qing can become a feather. Almost everyone believes that she will definitely become an immortal concubine. Although this day comes too early, it will inevitably shock everyone, but this The shock quickly subsided. As a strange woman, no matter how unnatural things happened to her, they would become natural.

"I'll see you later."

Careless, they may not be able to find a strange person like you over there. "The invisible Shen Qing gave instructions to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing smiled and nodded in her direction, then flew towards Sijia.

Sijia immediately came up to meet him, and the two met halfway.

Su Wan, who was hiding behind the battle formation, couldn't help but roll her eyes, and Lang Xing couldn't help but grin secretly.

Sijia was still in the spotlight at the moment, so taking the initiative to greet him was naturally not just to give him face, but mainly to show Su Wan.

"I'll fight for you." Sijia opened his body-protecting divine light and covered Langxing in it. He looked at him with a smile and said in a joking tone.

Lang Xing said angrily, "Just stop hurting me a few times."

"How did I harm you?" Sijia stared, as if he had caught something.

Lang Xing could only smile bitterly and said softly, "Okay, okay, stop making trouble, I will go into battle soon."

Sijia curled her lips disdainfully and said, "If you feel unsure, just let me do it. It's no big deal."

Langxing looked at her and smiled happily, "You can tell from this tone that you have made a lot of progress recently, and you are not far away from becoming a feather, right?"

Sijia said proudly, "Although you have tried your best to help Su Wan and Shen Qing and helped them achieve achievements that shocked the cultivation world, I will not be convinced. In terms of time to enter Huayu, it may not be much worse than them." ”

Langxing said helplessly, "Again, I have been thinking about you a lot. No matter what good things I get, as long as they are useful to you, I will always rush to deliver them to you all the way. I can't help you." If you put your busy work aside, your thoughts will always be there. What you said is so heartless.”

Sijia raised his chin arrogantly, and was about to tease him a few more words, when the murderous intent suddenly surged on the East Nightmare Continent. The army formed a formation, and a gold-robed general came to the front of the formation with a group of great monks guarding him.

Nanjingzhou also immediately formed a formation and prepared for the battle.

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