Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 380 Waste Utilization

Xunyi's wishful thinking did not work. The spirit spider caressed the spirit stone for a while and reluctantly stepped back a few steps. The image of five spider threads appeared in Xunyi's mind.

Xunyi was silent. It seemed useless to pretend to be confused. The other party's intention was probably to get back those five spider threads. He was really reluctant to give it up, but he was indeed unreasonable in this matter. If he forced the other party If he had to take action again, it would be a waste. At this moment, he was still not sure whether he was not killed under the spider web just now because of the mercy of others or because of the panic of Li Yan's power. Even if they were scared away, Li Yan could not It is also true to cut off the spider silk as thick as a little finger. If others fight against you, you will definitely be finished. Xun Yi's previous conjecture was correct. The spirit spider that had just failed was indeed frightened away by Li Yan's threat. On the surface, Li Yan only slashed in a hair's depth, but the sword light had already caused a lot of damage to the spider silk. Injured, the spirit spider would never dare to use its edge again. If the meaning of spider silk to the spirit spider was not that of the inner elixir of other monsters, it would never risk its life to find this evil star. Of course, Xunyi's repeated merciless behavior also gave it some courage.

No matter how reluctant he was to let go of the spider silk, Xun Yi took out the spider silk after hesitating for a while. After all, he was a reasonable person. Even if the other party was a monster with low intelligence, he was not willing to feel guilty. He had to take the risk of fighting again. After seeing the other party nodding and flashing his eyes after seeing the spider silk, he sent the spider silk out with heartache and heartache, and then sent a spiritual thought and said, "This Is it time for you to settle the matter? I gave you the spirit stone as an apology for trespassing in your cave. If you can put aside the past grudges, then we will be friends."

After receiving the spiritual message, the spirit spider grabbed the spirit stone and quickly got back into the big hole without saying a word.

"You are really down-to-earth." Xunyi muttered secretly.

Let Xunyi explain, this spirit spider is really quite real. After it crawled into the hole, it first handed five spider silks to the five little spirit spiders waiting here with a sluggish expression. When it saw the little spirit spider, After the spiders quickly swallowed their own spider silk, it immediately climbed into the depths of the cave and came back with a jade string mushroom that was more than a foot long. It originally wanted to use this spiritual grass to follow the spiders. It was easy to make a deal, but Xunyi failed to understand what it wanted to express. Now that Xunyi had handed over the clues, it seemed to it that Xunyi had agreed to the deal.

Seeing the returning spirit spider carrying two juxtaposed jade thread mushrooms, Xunyi suddenly understood. It turned out that the intention of the spirit spider that he used to show the spirit grass before was not to blackmail him. The surprise immediately washed away his depression caused by losing the spider silk. Looking at such a big spiritual grass, he couldn't help but swallow secretly. He was so happy that he didn't know how to place his hands and feet. Although I wanted to bring the spiritual grass over immediately, it was obviously inappropriate to be so rude.

When the spirit spider carefully placed the spirit grass in front of the cave entrance on his side, Xunyi pretended to be embarrassed and said with his mind, "This... is not good, Brother Spider, you are too polite." , how can I bear it?" After passing on this spiritual thought, he clenched his lower teeth and quickly conveyed the second spiritual thought with a sad look on his face, "But now that the spiritual grass has been harvested, it's hard to think about it again. The seeds have been planted back, then... I can only thank Brother Spider for the generous gift. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will give you some spiritual stones in return. "


br\u003e I don’t know how much the spirit spider understands this kind of hypocritical politeness. Anyway, it nodded several times.

Xunyi was afraid that the other person's nod meant that the spiritual grass could be planted back, so he did not dare to wait for someone to send some spiritual thoughts, so he used his spiritual power to grab the spiritual grass, and at the same time thanked him repeatedly, which was regarded as making the raw rice first. It's time to eat.

The spirit spider watched eagerly as the spirit grass was taken away. Although its expression and eyes were incomprehensible to others of its species, the deep feeling of reluctance could be felt by anyone.

After Xunyi got the spiritual grass in his hand, he saw the spirit spider turning around and slowly crawling back. He felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, so he sent a spiritual thought and said, "Brother Spider, if this spiritual grass can be of great use to you, , just take it back.”

The spirit spider quickly turned around after receiving the spiritual message, its six eyes flashing soft green light.

Xunyi smiled bitterly to himself, looked at the spiritual herbs in his hand, then with a flattering smile on his lips, he took out a bunch of spiritual herbs from the Qiankun bag and sent them outside the cave. There were some collected from the South China Sea, as well as mirror daffodils. The concubine helped him pick it from Nanjingzhou, as well as a few plants he accidentally picked over the years, including the few spiritual herbs that Pei Yuan gave him to please him. Anyway, he took out all the spiritual herbs. .

"Brother Spider, look at these spiritual herbs, do you need them?"

The spirit spider stretched out a long leg and fiddled with the spiritual grass, then took two steps back and looked at him eagerly again.

Xun Yi gave up now. Just when he was about to send the Jade Thread Mushroom away, he suddenly remembered that he still had a spiritual herb on him that he had forgotten for a long time, so he smiled shamelessly and sent out another jade box.

As soon as the jade box was opened, the six eyes of the spirit spider suddenly shone brightly. It grabbed the jade box and ducked into the big hole in a flash.

Xunyi was stunned for a moment. When he realized that the other party was probably afraid that he would regret not giving it such a spiritual herb and ran away in a hurry, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. Since the other party valued such a spiritual herb so much and made an exchange for it, then He can feel more at ease after accepting the Jade Thread Mushroom. He is actually guilty of making excuses for himself, because he knows that most monsters value the spiritual grass they protect more than their own lives. Seriously, I hope the Stitched Jade Thread Mushroom is a special case for the Spirit Spider, but judging from its reluctance just now, this guess is obviously not very reliable.

What should we do if the spirit spider gets too happy and comes again to ask for the Jade Thread Mushroom? Xunyi blinked twice and secretly made up his mind - just rely on him if you can! Originally, it wanted to give the spiritual grass to itself, but now that it had given something in exchange, it would be a bit unkind for it to ask for it again. Thinking that the box of tattered branches and leaves had been put to great use here, Xunyi felt quite lucky, glad that he could think of it at the critical moment. The jade box contained the strange grass that almost killed him when he was sent to the "Medicine Garden" to collect medicine on behalf of Xuan Fang. After getting acquainted with the Immortal Concubine Jing Shui, he once thought about asking the Immortal Concubine for advice. What was the use of that strange grass, but he was afraid that if it turned out to be something extraordinary, the fairy concubine would miss the medicinal garden. In order to avoid causing any trouble to the master, he gave up the idea, and then gradually put the strange grass on his mind. The grass has been forgotten.

After deciding on a strategy to deal with the spirit spider coming back to ask for the spirit grass, Xun Yi happily looked at the Jade Thread Mushroom in his hand. Xunyi's wishful thinking did not work. The spirit spider caressed the spirit stone for a while and reluctantly stepped back a few steps. The image of five spider threads appeared in Xunyi's mind.

Xunyi was silent. It seemed useless to pretend to be confused. The other party's intention was probably to get back those five spider threads. He was really reluctant to give it up, but he was indeed unreasonable in this matter. If he forced the other party If he had to take action again, it would be a waste. At this moment, he was still not sure whether he was not killed under the spider web just now because of the mercy of others or because of the panic of Li Yan's power. Even if they were scared away, Li Yan could not It is also true to cut off the spider silk as thick as a little finger. If others fight against you, you will definitely be finished. Xun Yi's previous conjecture was correct. The spirit spider that had just failed was indeed frightened away by Li Yan's threat. On the surface, Li Yan only slashed in a hair's depth, but the sword light had already caused a lot of damage to the spider silk. Injured, the spirit spider would never dare to use its edge again. If the meaning of spider silk to the spirit spider was not that of the inner elixir of other monsters, it would never risk its life to find this evil star. Of course, Xunyi's repeated merciless behavior also gave it some courage.

No matter how reluctant he was to let go of the spider silk, Xun Yi took out the spider silk after hesitating for a while. After all, he was a reasonable person. Even if the other party was a monster with low intelligence, he was not willing to feel guilty. He had to take the risk of fighting again. After seeing the other party nodding and flashing his eyes after seeing the spider silk, he sent the spider silk out with heartache and heartache, and then sent a spiritual thought and said, "This Is it time for you to settle the matter? I gave you the spirit stone as an apology for trespassing in your cave. If you can put aside the past grudges, then we will be friends."

After receiving the spiritual message, the spirit spider grabbed the spirit stone and quickly got back into the big hole without saying a word.

"You are really down-to-earth." Xunyi muttered secretly.

Let Xunyi explain, this spirit spider is really quite real. After it crawled into the hole, it first handed five spider silks to the five little spirit spiders waiting here with a sluggish expression. When it saw the little spirit spider, After the spiders quickly swallowed their own spider silk, it immediately climbed into the depths of the cave and came back with a jade string mushroom that was more than a foot long. It originally wanted to use this spiritual grass to follow the spiders. It was easy to make a deal, but Xunyi failed to understand what it wanted to express. Now that Xunyi had handed over the clues, it seemed to it that Xunyi had agreed to the deal.

Seeing the returning spirit spider carrying two juxtaposed jade thread mushrooms, Xunyi suddenly understood. It turned out that the intention of the spirit spider that he used to show the spirit grass before was not to blackmail him. The surprise immediately washed away his depression caused by losing the spider silk. Looking at such a big spiritual grass, he couldn't help but swallow secretly. He was so happy that he didn't know how to place his hands and feet. Although I wanted to bring the spiritual grass over immediately, it was obviously inappropriate to be so rude.

When the spirit spider carefully placed the spirit grass in front of the cave entrance on his side, Xunyi pretended to be embarrassed and said with his mind, "This... is not good, Brother Spider, you are too polite." , how can I bear it?" After passing on this spiritual thought, he clenched his lower teeth and quickly conveyed the second spiritual thought with a sad look on his face, "But now that the spiritual grass has been harvested, it's hard to think about it again. The seeds have been planted back, then... I can only thank Brother Spider for the generous gift. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will give you some spiritual stones in return. "


br\u003e I don’t know how much the spirit spider understands this kind of hypocritical politeness. Anyway, it nodded several times.

Xunyi was afraid that the other person's nod meant that the spiritual grass could be planted back, so he did not dare to wait for someone to send some spiritual thoughts, so he used his spiritual power to grab the spiritual grass, and at the same time thanked him repeatedly, which was regarded as making the raw rice first. It's time to eat.

The spirit spider watched eagerly as the spirit grass was taken away. Although its expression and eyes were incomprehensible to others of its species, the deep feeling of reluctance could be felt by anyone.

After Xunyi got the spiritual grass in his hand, he saw the spirit spider turning around and slowly crawling back. He felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, so he sent a spiritual thought and said, "Brother Spider, if this spiritual grass can be of great use to you, , just take it back.”

The spirit spider quickly turned around after receiving the spiritual message, its six eyes flashing soft green light.

Xunyi smiled bitterly to himself, looked at the spiritual herbs in his hand, then put on a flattering smile, took out a bunch of spiritual herbs from the Qiankun bag and sent them outside the cave. There were some collected from the South China Sea, as well as mirror daffodils. The concubine helped him pick it from Nanjingzhou, as well as a few plants he accidentally picked over the years, including the few spiritual herbs that Pei Yuan gave him to please him. Anyway, he took out all the spiritual herbs. .

"Brother Spider, look at these spiritual herbs, do you need them?"

The spirit spider stretched out a long leg and fiddled with the spiritual grass, then took two steps back and looked at him eagerly again.

Xun Yi gave up now. Just when he was about to send the Jade Thread Mushroom away, he suddenly remembered that he still had a spiritual herb on him that he had forgotten for a long time, so he smiled shamelessly and sent out another jade box.

As soon as the jade box was opened, the six eyes of the spirit spider suddenly shone brightly. It grabbed the jade box and ducked into the big hole in a flash.

Xunyi was stunned for a moment. When he realized that the other party was probably afraid that he would regret not giving it such a spiritual herb and ran away in a hurry, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. Since the other party valued such a spiritual herb so much and made an exchange for it, then He can feel more at ease after accepting the Jade Thread Mushroom. He is actually guilty of making excuses for himself, because he knows that most monsters value the spiritual grass they protect more than their own lives. Seriously, I hope the Stitched Jade Thread Mushroom is a special case for the Spirit Spider, but judging from its reluctance just now, this guess is obviously not very reliable.

What should we do if the spirit spider gets too happy and comes again to ask for the Jade Thread Mushroom? Xunyi blinked twice and secretly made up his mind - just rely on him if you can! Originally, it wanted to give the spiritual grass to itself, but now that it had given something in exchange, it would be a bit unkind for it to ask for it again. Thinking that the box of tattered branches and leaves had been put to great use here, Xunyi felt quite lucky, glad that he could think of it at the critical moment. The jade box contained the strange grass that almost killed him when he was sent to the "Medicine Garden" to collect medicine on behalf of Xuan Fang. After getting acquainted with the Immortal Concubine Jing Shui, he once thought about asking the Immortal Concubine for advice. What was the use of that strange grass, but he was afraid that if it turned out to be something extraordinary, the fairy concubine would miss the medicinal garden. In order to avoid causing any trouble to the master, he gave up the idea, and then gradually put the strange grass on his mind. The grass has been forgotten.

After deciding on a strategy to deal with the spirit spider coming back to ask for the spirit grass, Xun Yi happily looked at the Jade Thread Mushroom in his hand.

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