Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 401 I know what love is

When the sun rose the next day, Jiang Da came back. His face looked a little tired, but his expression looked better, at least better than when he left last night.

Facing Yuehong's concerned inquiry, he answered very perfunctorily, and then urged the two of them to continue on their way. After a day's flight, he proposed to stop and rest at dusk, and then it was just like yesterday, leaving the two of them alone.

After Jiang Da left, Yuehong asked Xunyi anxiously, "Do you think he has met well?"

Xunyi smiled and nodded, "I think it's okay, so don't worry blindly."

Yuehong breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face, and said in a joking tone, "I really see that you have changed this time. What have you realized after watching the stars for two nights? Please teach me, sister."

Xunyi pretended to be profound and said, "I've really understood a lot of things. I'll demonstrate them to you." As he said that, he took out the jade gourd filled with water, used his spiritual power to force out a water ball as big as an egg, and then made gestures with his hands. With a pinch, the water ball turned into a little monster with the head of a tiger and the body of a snake.

Yuehong stared at the exquisite little demonic beast with wide eyes, waiting expectantly to continue watching, but she didn't want Xunyi to swallow the little demonic beast with just one mouthful.

Yuehong didn't know why, she blinked and still looked at him expectantly.

Xunyi put on an old-fashioned look and said, "Did you see that? You can drink water like this."

"Yeah." Yuehong didn't understand yet, she frowned and waited for him to continue.

Xunyi rolled his eyes at her and said, "What else are you looking at? Isn't this fun?"

"What do you mean? Is this the end?" Yuehong was stunned.

"That's it. What else do you want?"

"If you dare to play tricks on me, I'll beat you to death!" Yuehong gritted her teeth in anger and waved her hand to hit you.

Xunyi laughed and avoided it, saying, "You are so stupid, I really realized that there is nothing."

The law teaches you. "

Yuehong withdrew the smile in her eyes and lectured, "Who would have thought that you would waste your spiritual energy in vain at this time? Even though the spiritual stone is yours, you must not waste it like this in the future!"

Xun Yi smiled and said, "It's not a waste to spend so much spiritual energy to make my sister smile happily. Don't think too much. It's a blessing, not a curse. You can't avoid disasters. Some things can be useful without worrying about them."

Yuehong glared at him and said, "Just hurt me. He's still injured. If he sees me laughing and joking, it won't chill him. Stop making me laugh."

Xunyi curled his lips, opened his body-protecting divine light and covered her in, and then complained with a disapproving look on his face, "Having said that, I will just say a few words. I don't think he should let you enter the Seven Wildernesses at all."

Yuehong said displeasedly, "Don't make wild guesses. I insisted on coming with him. You are still young. You will understand when you have someone you love."

"I know what love is. If it were me, I would never bring her in."

Yuehong looked at him with a slight difference, and then said with a smile on her face, "Judging from your expression, you really seem to have experienced true love, but if you say you know what love is, that would be a bit presumptuous."

Xun Yi smiled contemptuously and said, "You are willing to risk your life to accompany me for love. Isn't this the same as my willingness to die without dragging down the person I love? They are both willing to suffer for the sake of the other party. How can you What does it mean to say that I don’t know what it is?”

Yuehong shook her head helplessly and said, "The love between men and women is the most confusing. In this regard, we monks are not much different from ordinary people. We can commit suicide and forget about death in a moment of heartbeat, but that may not be the true love. Only those who can withstand the years and hardships

Emotions that are difficult to wash away count. "

Xun Yi also shook his head and said, "I don't think so. What can make people forget about life and death is true love, and this is also the only criterion for true love. No matter how many years this emotion lasts, at least during this period it is true love. After the relationship faded, it can only be said that the fate was gone. You were willing to go to hell for Jiang Da, which showed that you had true feelings for him, and he was willing to let you take risks, so this feeling really went nowhere. "

Yue Honghan raised her face and said, "You shouldn't say this."

Xunyi lowered his head angrily and stopped talking.

Yuehong realized that her words were too harsh, and stepped forward to hold his hand and said, "You don't understand the situation at that time. He tried his best to dissuade me from coming. After my insistence, he finally had to agree." "No, don't think the worst about him, Jiang Da is really willing to die for me now."

Xunyi forced a smile and said, "I don't mean to provoke your relationship, but... alas..."

Yuehong touched his head and said softly, "You just said that we have the same thoughts, so you might as well imagine that if we met together, and you were replaced by Jiang Da, I would be worse off than dead without you. What should you do?"

Xunyi said without thinking, "No matter what, I won't let you follow me. You may die of sorrow, but you may survive. It's worth a gamble for the latter." Looking at Yuehong's complicated eyes, he was very sure. He continued, "I guess you must agree with my idea in your heart."

Yuehong shook her head and said, "That's because you don't understand my temperament, and Jiang Da knows very well that I won't be able to survive."

Xunyi smiled faintly and kept what he wanted to say in his heart.

Yuehong was a little anxious, raised her eyebrows and said, "Don't believe it, it's the truth!"

Xunyi smiled calmly and said, "True love is right

Sincerely, it doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. Just believe it yourself. I can't talk nonsense anymore. This is enough for a villain. Sister, just think that I am young and arrogant. "

"I know you feel sorry for your sister." Yuehong gently pulled him to sit side by side and stopped talking for a while.

When Xunyi wanted to continue looking at the starry sky, she turned around and said with a smile, "The woman who can make you fall in love is definitely an extraordinary person. Tell your sister about it."

Xunyi glanced at her sideways, then looked up at the starry sky and said, "My heart was just a momentary flutter. It is nothing compared to the years and hardships you have endured. What is there to say? Just stay there and don't disturb me." I understand."

Yuehong couldn't help but laugh, leaned her head on his shoulder affectionately, and sighed happily, "I am really lucky to have a brother like you. Sister, I really hate that I have no ability and can't help you. You must accompany me in the future." Sister, we will die together."

Xunyi joked, "We've already made eachother, aren't you afraid of letting him hear it?"

Yuehong was so angry that she bit her lips and pinched him, then spat, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll tear your mouth apart!"

Xunyi laughed and tilted his shoulders to make her lean more comfortably. At Yuehong, he felt different emotions from those of his senior sisters. In fact, Huang Ying, Zhixia and others regarded him as their little brother, but their emotions were definitely mixed with friendship from the same family, and Yuehong Hong treated him purely as a younger brother, because they needed to rely on each other in adversity. This rare and rare emotion was even more sincere and warm. All the senior sisters often made close gestures to Xun Yi, but no one had ever been so close to him. She rested her head on his shoulder. People were much stronger than him and treated him like a child. But this time he showed off his power repeatedly. In Yuehong's heart, he was already a very capable younger brother. She had long stopped treating him like a child. Looking at the child, it was this extra soft dependence that made Xun Yi feel a purer and closer relationship between brother and sister.

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