Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 594 Yu Chan left behind his spiritual thoughts

Xunyi lay on the couch for two full days, almost motionless.

In order to distract himself from his worries about Imperial Concubine Yuchan, he tried hard to bring his thoughts into his memories. This method was not easy to use at first. His anxious heart made him unable to think of a few scenes before he would jump back to it. After more than an hour, his heart finally calmed down.

From the moment he was picked up by Xiyang in the woods outside Xilin Village, he carefully recalled every detail he could remember, and he couldn't control it.

Reminiscing is a very simple thing, but what people like to recall are often the episodes with deeper feelings. Life is often unsatisfactory, and there is an inevitable process of knowing what is right now and what was wrong yesterday. It is not a matter of facing the stupid self in the past. Pleasant things, for that matter, are not easy to recall. Perhaps only those who are dying have the mood to recall this life from beginning to end, and by then they may not be able to remember much. Xun Yi is an exception in this regard, because he often harbors the desire to die, and every time he feels that he is almost ready to die, he inevitably has to recall it. This is similar to the mentality of an aging person.

Only those who dare to face the stupid self of the past will grow up. Unfortunately, Xunyi cannot gain much from this. Before he entered the path of cultivation, he was just a child, and a very smart child. He did not commit many crimes in those years. What a stupid thing. After he entered the path of cultivation, he met Su Wan. Falling in love with his master should be the biggest stupid thing in his life. The bumpy road he followed started from here. Although this stupid thing made him ashamed To face it, he did not feel the slightest regret. On the contrary, he felt gratified and satisfied when he thought of the efforts he had made to help his master. He believed that everything was worth it. The ten-year trip to the South China Sea that he had been worried about was undoubtedly a blessing. It was a nightmare, but when he presented the treasures he brought back from the South China Sea to his Master, he felt that the ten years of hardship were worth it. He was grateful that God had given him this opportunity. As long as he could help his Master, He was willing to suffer no matter how much he suffered.

In this state of mind, there was nothing to reflect on when he left Jiangxia Palace, the blessed place of cultivation, to return to Nanjingzhou, and went to Puyunzhou to fulfill his promise. All that was left to him was the guilt of abandoning Xiyang, Jiangxiao and others. , dragging down Jing Shuixian Fei’s helplessness.

Speaking of which, the memory of killing the little monkey was the one he didn't want to think of the most. He could think about other things in detail, but this was the only one he didn't dare to touch. Whenever he thought of the little monkey, he would think about it. He couldn't help crying. He didn't make a big mistake in that matter, but he was more willing to blame the little monkey's death entirely on himself. He felt that only by carrying unbearable self-blame could he be worthy of the little monkey. The spirit in heaven.

After recalling these decades, Xunyi had a strange feeling, as if his childhood memories were real, while his memories after embarking on the path of cultivation were more like dreams. That's right, before he entered the path of cultivation, he lived day by day, but after he entered the path of cultivation, his life was intermittent. A retreat might last for several months, and he could just meditate for a few hours. I have been on the road for decades, but the real life I have lived may not be as long as my childhood. It has to be said that I have rarely had a stable time in the past few decades. If I had just stepped into cultivation like others, If you practice quietly during the journey, then the past few decades will seem shorter and more erratic. No wonder people always call you little cub or little thing.

Draw thoughts from memories

After thinking about it, Xun Yi's heart suddenly sank. He didn't need to watch the changes of the sun and the moon. With his cultivation, he already had the ability to accurately perceive the changes of time. It's been two days and Yu Chan hasn't come back yet. With such a flying speed, it can almost circle Puyunzhou in such a long time. Could it be that there was an accident?

He walked out of the boudoir worriedly and looked around the space, which was less than a hundred feet in radius. Although the space was small, it did not make people feel depressed. The top of the thirty-foot-high sky was transformed into a blue sky and white clouds. It looked extremely high and far away, which also made this space The space is as bright as the outside world, and the four walls are transformed into endless mountains and forests, making people feel as if they are among the peaks. However, these can only deceive the eyes. Once you use your spiritual sense to detect it, you can also distinguish it with Xun Yi's cultivation level. That's illusory.

There is a piece of green grass at your feet, with many mountain flowers scattered among it. There are some shrubs as tall as a person in the distance, which are perfectly connected with the transformed scenery on the four walls. These flowers and plants are real, and the fresh smell of the grass and the fragrance of the flowers smell good. It's quite refreshing. This kind of fantasy place may be unimaginable to others, but to the great supernatural powers who created it, it is only a small skill.

Xun Yi broke off a piece of grass and held it in his mouth. He frowned, turned around and sat in a small pavilion. No matter how mysterious the arrangement was, it could not arouse his interest. After sitting in the pavilion for a while, he He went to a small waterhole not far away and drank some water, then walked back to the house and started meditating. Before he could have a cup of tea, he walked out again with a frown on his face.

After restlessly tossing for most of an hour, when he walked out of the house again, he looked up at the transformed sky, and his body floated up. When he slowly rose to the top of the magic circle, he carefully reached out and touched it. I went out without any hope, but I had to try anyway, even though it seemed silly.

When his fingers touched the magic circle, a spiritual thought came into his mind: "If I can't come back within three days, there must be an accident. By then, the access restrictions on the magic circle will be eliminated on their own, and you can If you leave, you will also get a map. Xiaoqi, I suggest you not to leave in a hurry. If I can get out of trouble, I will definitely find a way to come back to you."

After receiving this divine thought, Xunyi blinked several times. After slowly falling to the ground, he walked around in circles on the grass. After a few circles, he walked into the house and sat down. Start meditating on the futon.

Two hours later, he came outside again. This time his frown deepened, and there was obvious anxiety in his eyes. He sat and walked on the grass for a while, looking up at the "sky" from time to time.

As the third day came to an end, the anxiety in his eyes turned into restlessness, then pain and sadness. When the third day finally passed, he calmed down and sat alone on the grass like an abandoned puppy. , with a desolate face, occasionally looking up at the "sky", like a puppy hoping that the owner who abandoned it will suddenly appear.

On this day Xunyi did not check whether the magic circle was really opened. On the next day, he still did not check. Moreover, he no longer sat on the grass and waited. Instead, he returned to the house and began to study the True Evolution Book. However, every other Every hour or two I would come out and look at the "sky" for a while.

On the third day, he only came out once at noon. He walked around on the grass for a while and then went back to meditate. Xunyi lay on the couch for two full days, almost motionless.

In order to distract himself from his worries about Imperial Concubine Yuchan, he tried hard to bring his thoughts into his memories. This method was not easy to use at first. His anxious heart made him unable to think of a few scenes before he would jump back to it. After more than an hour, his heart finally calmed down.

From the moment he was picked up by Xiyang in the woods outside Xilin Village, he carefully recalled every detail he could remember, and he couldn't control it.

Reminiscing is a very simple thing, but what people like to recall are often the episodes with deeper feelings. Life is often unsatisfactory, and there is an inevitable process of knowing what is right now and what was wrong yesterday. It is not a matter of facing the stupid self in the past. Pleasant things, for that matter, are not easy to recall. Perhaps only those who are dying have the mood to recall this life from beginning to end, and by then they may not be able to remember much. Xun Yi is an exception in this regard, because he often harbors the desire to die, and every time he feels that he is almost ready to die, he inevitably has to recall it. This is similar to the mentality of an aging person.

Only those who dare to face the stupid self of the past will grow up. Unfortunately, Xunyi cannot gain much from this. Before he entered the path of spiritual cultivation, he was just a child, and a very smart child. He did not do many things in those years. What a stupid thing. After he entered the path of cultivation, he met Su Wan. Falling in love with his master should be the biggest stupid thing in his life. The bumpy road he followed started from here. Although this stupid thing made him ashamed To face it, he did not feel the slightest regret. On the contrary, he felt gratified and satisfied when he thought of the efforts he had made to help his master. He believed that everything was worth it. The ten-year trip to the South China Sea that he had been worried about was undoubtedly a blessing. It was a nightmare, but when he presented the treasures he brought back from the South China Sea to his Master, he felt that the ten years of hardship were worth it. He was grateful that God had given him this opportunity. As long as he could help his Master, He was willing to suffer no matter how much he suffered.

In this state of mind, there was nothing to reflect on when he left Jiangxia Palace, the blessed place of cultivation, to return to Nanjingzhou, and went to Puyunzhou to fulfill his promise. All that was left to him was the guilt of abandoning Xiyang, Jiangxiao and others. , dragging down Jing Shuixian Fei’s helplessness.

Speaking of which, the memory of killing the little monkey was the one he didn't want to think of the most. He could think about other things in detail, but this was the only one he didn't dare to touch. Whenever he thought of the little monkey, he would think about it. He couldn't help crying. He didn't make a big mistake in that matter, but he was more willing to blame the little monkey's death entirely on himself. He felt that only by carrying unbearable self-blame could he be worthy of the little monkey. The spirit in heaven.

After recalling these decades, Xunyi had a strange feeling, as if his childhood memories were real, while his memories after embarking on the path of cultivation were more like dreams. That's right, before he entered the path of cultivation, he lived day by day, but after he entered the path of cultivation, his life was intermittent. A retreat might last for several months, and he could just meditate for a few hours. I have been on the road for decades, but the real life I have lived may not be as long as my childhood. It has to be said that I have rarely had a stable time in the past few decades. If I had just stepped into cultivation like others, If you practice quietly during the journey, the past few decades will seem shorter and more erratic. No wonder people always call you little bastard or little thing.

Draw thoughts from memories

After thinking about it, Xun Yi's heart suddenly sank. He didn't need to watch the change of the sun and the moon. With his cultivation, he already had the ability to accurately perceive the changes of time. It has been two days, and Yu Chan still hasn't come back. With such a flying speed, it can almost circle Puyunzhou in such a long time. Could it be that there was an accident?

He walked out of the boudoir worriedly and looked around the space, which was less than a hundred feet in radius. Although the space was small, it did not make people feel depressed. The top of the thirty-foot-high sky was transformed into a blue sky and white clouds. It looked extremely high and far away, which also made this space The space is as bright as the outside world, and the four walls are transformed into endless mountains and forests, making people feel as if they are among the peaks. However, these can only deceive the eyes. Once you use your spiritual sense to detect it, you can also distinguish it with Xun Yi's cultivation level. That's illusory.

There is a piece of green grass at your feet, with many mountain flowers scattered among it. There are some shrubs as tall as a person in the distance, which are perfectly connected with the transformed scenery on the four walls. These flowers and plants are real, and the fresh smell of the grass and the fragrance of the flowers smell good. It's quite refreshing. This kind of fantasy place may be unimaginable to others, but to the great supernatural powers who created it, it is only a small skill.

Xun Yi broke off a piece of grass and held it in his mouth. He frowned, turned around and sat in a small pavilion. No matter how mysterious the arrangement was, it could not arouse his interest. After sitting in the pavilion for a while, he He went to a small waterhole not far away and drank some water, then walked back to the house and started meditating. Before he could have a cup of tea, he walked out again with a frown on his face.

After restlessly tossing for most of an hour, when he walked out of the house again, he looked up at the transformed sky, and his body floated up. When he slowly rose to the top of the magic circle, he carefully reached out and touched it. I went out without any hope, but I had to try anyway, even though it seemed silly.

When his fingers touched the magic circle, a spiritual thought came into his mind: "If I can't come back within three days, there must be an accident. By then, the access restrictions on the magic circle will be eliminated on their own, and you can If you leave, you will also get a map. Xiaoqi, I suggest you not to leave in a hurry. If I can get out of trouble, I will definitely find a way to come back to you."

After receiving this divine thought, Xunyi blinked several times. After slowly falling to the ground, he walked around in circles on the grass. After a few circles, he walked into the house and sat down. Start meditating on the futon.

Two hours later, he came outside again. This time his frown deepened, and there was obvious anxiety in his eyes. He sat and walked on the grass for a while, looking up at the "sky" from time to time.

As the third day came to an end, the anxiety in his eyes turned into restlessness, then pain and sadness. When the third day finally passed, he calmed down and sat alone on the grass like an abandoned puppy. , with a desolate face, occasionally looking up at the "sky", like a puppy hoping that the owner who abandoned it will suddenly appear.

On this day Xunyi did not check whether the magic circle was really opened. On the next day, he still did not check. Moreover, he no longer sat on the grass and waited. Instead, he returned to the house and began to study the True Evolution Book. However, every other Every hour or two I would come out and look at the "sky" for a while.

On the third day, he only came out once at noon. He walked around on the grass for a while and then went back to meditate.

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