It's time for the Chinese New Year soon. Heishui Town has had a seven-day holiday, and all the tenants and refugees in the town are preparing for a prosperous New Year.

Although there was a famine this year, the residents of Heishui Town had a better life this year than in previous years.

In addition to being able to eat a full meal for everyone, Zhangjiazhuang also killed three fat pigs, which contained several hundred catties of pork, and distributed a piece of pork the size of **** to each household.

So this year, every household in Heishui Town can eat meat, although not much, even if you smell the smell of meat, it's good to wipe your lips, at least you can see the meat.

Zhang He also had a more prosperous life this year than last year. He killed five sheep and invited all the guards to have a hearty meal.

The five sheep I bought at the beginning of the year have grown to more than 20, and Zhang He wanted to kill a few more.

After this famine, there are very few pigs and sheep left in the villages and towns. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are not one in ten. If it can stabilize next year, many pigs and sheep will be needed for breeding.

In the past year, Zhang He has experienced too many things, from being penniless to now mastering a small town and managing a population of more than 10,000 people.

The height has grown from 1.3 meters to nearly 1.5 meters. From ignorance to learning the words of this world, practicing martial arts skills, and "chasing the soul and killing the thirteen swords" and "chasing the wind without shadows" are Practice to greatness.

He also learned the cultivation technique of immortals and possessed the second-level Qi practice.

Zhang He had just finished the Chinese New Year dinner, but Ma Gan hurried to find him.

"Master, I just got the news that the refugees outside Dehua City are going to attack the city tonight!"

Zhang He was stunned. These refugees are really looking for opportunities. The defense in the city should be very lax tonight.

"Okay, I understand. You inform our people and ask them to withdraw immediately after the city is broken. We will not participate in this riot."

The gun was the first bird, and Zhang He planned to wait and see what happened first, and then look at the development of the incident.

Regardless of whether this is successful or not, at least it can consume the white armor, which is a good thing for Zhang He.

Ma Gan agreed and went down to send a message. Zhang He also greeted Old Man Zhang and went out.

He planned to go to the scene to watch the battle to see how strong the two sides were.

The 100 escorts sent by Heishui Town some time ago joined different refugee forces.

Two of them successfully seized power in the refugee gang, and each took charge of a team of more than 10,000 people and became the bandit leader.

The purpose of these refugees getting together is for food and for survival, so the landlords of each town have been cleaned.

However, many cunning and cunning landlords, who also had property in Dehua City, moved into the city early.

So most of the towns just threw themselves out and didn't get much food.

Fortunately, the last battle in Heishui Town made some reputation, and the nearby refugee gang did not bother again.

These refugee gangs are wandering around in search of food. Recently, a bandit leader named Wei Ziming led a band of bandits to unify all the refugee gangs in Dehua.

The ancestors of Wei Ziming have been bandits for generations, but they are different from the bandit group made up by ordinary refugees. They also practiced family martial arts, and their martial arts cultivation is not weak.

The guards sent by Heishui Town couldn't handle him, so they all voted for Wei Ziming in line with the general trend.

Anyway, Zhang He doesn't have much interest in mastering refugee gangs. He doesn't have so much food right now, so he can't feed so many people, and he doesn't want to be a bandit and loot around.

Zhang He rode on the white horse and galloped all the way to Dehua County.

Previously, this road has been occupied by large and small refugee gangs. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a three-step robbery, and a five-step robbery.

Tonight this road was surprisingly quiet, no one jumped out to rob the road, presumably they have all gone to Dehua City.

When Zhang He arrived outside Dehua City, the siege battle had already begun.

Wei Ziming led a group of gangsters to supervise the battle, using swords to coerce and lure the refugees to attack the city.

In order not to be discovered in advance by the city, the refugees did not make siege equipment, but adopted the most stupid method.

At this time, at the very front of the refugees, a group of old and young women and children each carried a bag of earth and stone, braved arrows and stones and rushed to the city wall without fear of death, dropped the earth bag and ran back.

But only a very few of these people can really come back alive.

An old man threw a bag of earth and stones under the city wall with all his strength, when a stone fell on the city wall.

The old man fell to the ground, and his leg was broken on the spot. Just as he was struggling to get up, a bag of earth and rocks hit him heavily.

He hadn't had time to push the bag of earth and rocks away, and soon there was a second bag of earth and rocks. The third bag of earth and rocks had already been smashed. In the end, the old man could only give up his struggle and let the bags of earth and rocks bury himself alive.

"Dad! Daddy!"

Behind the refugees, a man looked at the old man being buried alive, his eyes were red, and his face was covered with tears.

Watching his father die in front of his eyes, but he couldn't do anything.

At this time, his hands were tied, a steel knife was placed around his neck, and his two children were tied beside him, still whimpering and crying.

"You! Go on!"

A supervisor pointed a knife at a woman beside the man and ordered her to continue filling the city wall with earth and stones.

"Damn it!"


"No! No! Mother can't die!"

The woman turned her head and glanced at the father and son and tried to squeeze a stiff smile.

The woman left the father and son three with a self-confident smile, and then said nothing, dashing towards the city wall with arrows on her back.

She only hoped that her own death could be exchanged for the safety of their father and son.

This is just a small scene in the siege of the city by the refugees. The same is true in other places. Most of the people were injured and failed to die immediately, and then were buried alive under the city wall.

The solution Wei Ziming came up with was to fill it with human life.

It's just that in the face of an almost mortal danger, there are too few refugees who can really go forward regardless of their lives.

So he asked the supervising team to threaten to drive away some of the old and weak to fill the city wall.

This method is actually very useful. Wei Ziming is very proud of his intelligence.

It only took a short time for the refugees to fill the trench in front of the city wall with earth, stones and corpses, and a small earth **** had been piled up under the city wall.

"dash forward!"

"As long as you rush into the city, you will be able to eat and drink enough for the New Year today!"

"Come on! There is food and drink in the city!"

A few loud shouts rang out, arousing the hungry hearts of the refugees, who stepped on the corpses under the city wall and climbed towards the city wall.

Long-term hunger has made people think about food day and night. Now that the city walls have been filled with earth, stones and corpses, food is right in front of them.

The current refugees no longer need Wei Ziming to make any threats, and they all rushed forward.

The few defenders on the city wall were quickly overwhelmed by refugees.

The refugees are like a black tide, pouring into the city from the city wall and from the open city gate.

Wherever the black tide passes, roosters and dogs bark, weeping fathers and mothers, yelling and scolding, dying screams, all kinds of noises keep ringing.

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