Congshan was missing for a day yesterday.

Since he couldn't speak, no one knew where he had gone, but it could be seen from the two wild deer that he should have run quite far, and had even left the city and entered the forest.

No wonder no one could find him in the city. It turned out that he ran out of the city.

He was able to run so far and find the way home accurately, which really surprised Xuanyuan.

The next morning, Xuanyuan gave the two wild deer to Dandan in front of Congshan as an apology for biting her.

Dandan was quite generous: "No more fours! My son is coming back from three. If I don't worry about it anymore, there will be no more fours!"

Chongshan: "..."

Is this fat bird's tongue burned straight?

Bai Di roasted two wild deer and cut them into thin slices. Everyone dipped the deer meat in sauce, wrapped it with vegetables, fruits or pickles, and ate it with gusto.

After finishing the meal, the grudge between Dandan and Congshan was settled.

But Xue Ling still found Sang Ye privately.

"Dandan has a good temper and doesn't follow people's will, but I can't."

Sang Ye was quite calm: "What do you want?"

"Let's have a fight. If you win, just pretend this never happened. If you lose, you have to teach Cong Shan a lesson and let him know that he will be beaten if he hurts others randomly."


The two of them secretly went to the back of the mountain for a duel, carrying slowly behind their backs.

After a day of training, Dandan's injuries were almost healed. Unable to bear the loneliness, she fluttered her wings to find Cong Shanwan again.

It seemed like she really didn't care about being bitten at all.

She felt that she had just been bitten. Although it hurt a little, it was not a big deal. After a sleep, she was completely fine. She had no idea that she had walked around the gate of hell and almost lost her life.

Congshan saw his mother-in-law looking at him with a smile, and he didn't want to disappoint his mother-in-law, so he reluctantly went to play with Dandan.

Seeing that after the conflict, the relationship between the two siblings, instead of becoming estranged, actually improved, I was very happy.

There is nothing better than being together as a family!

When Xuan Ling and Sang Ye came back slowly, she asked, "Where are you going... hmm? What's wrong with your faces? Why are you injured?"

She was very surprised when she saw their noses and faces were swollen.

If Shuangyun was fighting, she would still understand. After all, he was just an idiot. It would be weird if he didn't make a fuss all day long.

But Sang Ye and Xue Ling are different.

They don't look like people who know how to fight!

Xue Ling adjusted his hair and tried his best to look more respectable. He glanced at Sang Ye and said, "We just had a very friendly discussion."

Sang Ye: "Yeah."

He slowly looked at the injuries on their faces and revealed them mercilessly: "How old are you to fight? Are you infected by the frost cloud?"

Xue Ling didn't answer and asked instead: "Shuangyun also went to fight before?"

"Don't change the topic and tell me honestly, why are you fighting?"

Xue Ling hummed, "Of course I'm venting my anger on Dandan."

"You're angry. I'm almost mad at you." Xuanyuan glared at him angrily, turned around and took out two cooked eggs from the kitchen, and gave one to Xue Ling and Sang Ye respectively.

Unexpectedly, Xue Ling pried open the egg shell and ate the egg directly!

Su Yan: "I asked you to rub the bruise on your face with an egg. Who asked you to eat it?!"

Xue Ling bent down and put his face in front of her: "If you don't have eggs, just knead them for me with your hands."

Xuanyuan pushed him away unceremoniously: "Go and boil two more eggs and rub them slowly."

Xue Ling winked at her and smiled ambiguously: "I don't want eggs, I want you."

Xuancheng ignored Xue Ling's charming eyes and turned to look at Sang Ye. When he saw Sang Ye quietly rubbing the bruises with eggs, he was greatly relieved: "Sang Ye still makes people worry-free."

After slowly walking away, Xue Ling looked at Sang Ye with a half-smile.

"Among the four, you are the best at pretending to be nice."

Sang Ye: "It's okay."

"I didn't try my best just now, otherwise you would have been beaten to the ground by me."

"each other."

Based on their strength, if they really try their best, one of them will definitely die or be injured.

That's too much and will make Xuanyuan angry.

So in the competition just now, the two of them only used humanoid forms, and they couldn't fight up and down, and it was barely a draw.

Xue Ling looked Sang Ye up and down: "I didn't expect your strength to develop so quickly. Did you absorb a lot of demonic energy when you went to the alien demon tribe this time?"

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Who praised you?"


Xue Ling was unhappy: "I said you look quite honest, why are you so shameless?"

Sang Ye said nothing, looking behind him.

Xue Ling immediately turned around and saw Xuexuan just walking in.

Xuanyuan said angrily: "I just walked away for a while, and you bullied Sang Ye behind my back!"

Xue Ling was wronged: "Why did I bully him?!"

"You just called me shameless, I heard it with my own ears!"

Xue Ling felt like he couldn't even wash himself out if he jumped into the Yellow River.

He pointed at Sang Ye and said, "You provoked me on purpose just now!"

Sang Ye: "Is there any?"

"Don't try to act stupid!"

Slowly rubbing his forehead: "Okay, okay, stop arguing, just go and do what you have to do!"

Xue Ling didn't expect that he was so smart that he would be tricked by Sang Ye. He kept this account in his heart and planned to get it back if he had the chance in the future!

At this time, Bai Hao ran in, opened his mouth and called Aniang.

Seeing that he was sweating from running, Xuanyuan poured a bowl of water and handed it to him: "Don't worry, drink some water first and then talk slowly."

Bai Hao drank the water in one gulp and said quickly: "Someone is coming from the Temple of All Beasts, and he asked to see you by name!"

Xuanyuan was slightly startled: "Where are they?"

"It's inside the temple. Second dad has already gone to the temple. He asked me to invite you over."

"You wait a moment, I'll go change clothes."

Slowly going upstairs to change clothes, Xue Ling came over and asked, "Xiao Bai, why did the Temple of All Beasts suddenly send someone to look for your mother?"

Bai Hao wiped his sweat and said, "I don't know, but judging from their tone, there should be something urgent that I need to ask Aniang to solve."

Bai Di had just come out of the cellar at this time, and he had heard clearly what his youngest son had just said.

Bai Di washed his hands and said: "At this time, the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts sent people to look for Xuanyuan. It is most likely because something happened in the City of Ten Thousand Beasts."

Xue Ling nodded: "It should be."

Bai didn't understand: "What could happen to the City of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

Bai Di: "The whereabouts of the prophet are unknown, and various forces have taken advantage of the situation to compete for power and resources. As a living target, the Presbyterian Church will definitely be jointly suppressed by all forces. They are in urgent need of a breakthrough now."

Xue Ling smiled and said, "It seems that they regard Suan Huan as this breakthrough point."

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