Dark Moon Era

Chapter 187: Hidden plot

Underground world, R zone.

No matter how many times the underground world should be imagined, when we really saw it, we discovered that the human imagination is still full of limitations, and we cannot completely sketch another civilization.

At least Tang Ling thinks so.

What kind of civilization should this be? In fact, when you jump from the edge of an uneven crack and shuttle under the ground, you can define a shallow definition, called a "cave" civilization?

Yes, as if this underground race has a persistent pursuit of punching holes, so the deep ditch in the ground is not the straight through to the R area, but the meandering and staggered caves.

The underground black market should like this place.

Because these underground races not only have a persistent pursuit of punching, but they should all be masters.

The caves they make are neat and airy, and they don't even know what method they adopted. Each cave has a light-transmitting opening, and the twists and turns attract natural light from the ground.

Although in Tang Ling's view, this is completely a matter that can be solved by a luminous body, such as oil lamps, after all, the underground race should not be short of fuel? But they are not afraid of the trouble that attracts natural light. Can you understand that this is a kind of attachment?

In addition, they may not be able to itch their hands, and from time to time they will carve some inaccessible decorations on these caves.

Maybe decoration? It is also possible that their totems and words seem to tell an ancient history.

Because of the existence of the 'sense body', these caves are all weird 'double-circle' structures, that is, a small circle next to a large circle.

You can imagine a scene where they will walk through small caves when the prosthesis is unloaded, and they will walk through large caves when they are equipped with the prosthesis.

However, according to human thinking, this would be considered a waste of engineering. Wouldn't it be better to create a large cave directly?

Therefore, seeing this kind of bi-circle adjoining and intersecting each other, making the road more complicated and weird, Tang Ling can only think that these underground races have a special dedication to punching.

After a century of exploration, these maze-like paths can no longer be an obstacle to progress. According to the special marks left by human beings, the way forward is almost unhindered.

Tang Ling's precise instinct was running fast at this time, and such a complicated road was quickly imprinted in his mind, like an accurate 3D model.

After all, the only topographic map was on Andrew, and Tang Ling was unwilling to be constrained by this.

The cave is very quiet, and there are no underground races. According to Abbé's information, after all, the large forces are gathering, and the possibility of meeting the underground races here is zero.

Just shuttled between them, but it makes people look forward to seeing what the civilization of underground races looks like?

"What you can't see, even if you are in the R area, it is not their real civilization." Andrew's voice came in front of the team. He was answering a question from someone in the top team before. R distinguished it as the race of the underground. Place of residence, why would Yangkong say that no one understands the true underground civilization?

"Why?" Someone couldn't help asking questions, his voice was a little high, and he echoed back and forth in the quiet cave, not knowing how far it came.

"Quiet." Andrew whispered a whisper, but replied simply: "It is said that the true civilizations of the underground races gathered in their several underground cities. That is the origin of their civilization, buried with secrets about this planet. "

"As for any R zone, or even a larger underground ethnic gathering place, it is impossible to see their civilization. You can understand that it is only a barracks, a barracks that invades the ground. Can you see their civilization from a barracks?"

I have to say that Andrew's knowledge is rich. These things that are impossible to consult from the database have deepened Tang Ling's understanding of the world.

"I'm really curious about their cities," someone whispered.

"It's best not to have this kind of thinking. It's all like the Yangkong instructor said that no one has actually entered their country, let alone those big cities. There are more powerful human beings than you think, why are they still like this What about? "Andrew countered that person's unrealistic curiosity with a question.

Why else? Mankind has always been an insatiable, curiosity-seeking creature. This seems to be an instinct engraved in genetic debris. However, driven by this instinct, it knows almost nothing about underground civilization. It is inconceivable to let countless powerful people go back and forth.

Even so, it is good to see the R area. Even if a place similar to a military barracks cannot see their civilization, at least they can outline some clues.

This is the idea of ​​Tang Ling, and also the idea of ​​most crescent fighters in the first reserve camp.

Only geniuses have such a mood, and before the war of life and death, they were also full of questioning curiosity.

After all, this was a march. After this problem, the team was quiet again, and only the sound of extremely fast footsteps rang through the cave.

According to the marching speed of the First Reserve Battalion, this winding cave also allowed them to travel a full 15 minutes before reaching the destination R area.

Tang Ling used accurate instinct calculation all the way. These caves seem to be parallel. In fact, they all meandered all the way down, but the downward angle is very slight. It seems that the depth of the crack is only 50 meters from the ground. Actually It has reached a depth of nearly one hundred meters underground.

Here, I ca n’t feel any difference from the ground, there is still air circulation, and it is not boring, and there is still natural light penetration, but in addition, the entire R area is full of strange high temperatures.

Sixty-two degrees.

This is the answer given by precision instinct.

If it was a pre-civilized human in such an environment, it would not last for an hour.

Because this is not an extremely dry environment, but an underground river twists and turns from the center of the entire R zone, which predestined that the air here is full of humidity, which will cause human sweat to fail to evaporate smoothly.

But in this era, the environment and high temperature are not unbearable for ordinary people, or the time they can withstand is greatly extended, let alone these crescent fighters who have far surpassed ordinary people.

Except for being a little hot, they did not have any discomfort, not even the idea of ​​unlocking conventional combat uniforms. Now they are all shocked by this brand new civilization, even though this is just a so-called military camp.

Tang Ling was equally shocked.

He found that it was wrong to define this civilization as a "cave civilization". If it is to be precisely defined, it should be a "geothermal civilization."

What is the entire R zone? It is a huge cave, but in this cave, in addition to an underground river, there is also a lava cave with a diameter of no more than 10 meters that constantly boils boiling lava, like a lava cave.

The opening was not bare, but a translucent cover covering it like impure diamonds.

And this cover has extremely complicated lines, just like the lines on the gene chain calculator, but it may be much rougher than that, after all, the lines on the gene chain calculator are so fine that you look like an ordinary Lines, but there are countless lines in the lines.

Even so, Tang Ling observed with precision instinct and found that it is as fine as the most advanced chip of mankind, but the circuit composition is a completely different structure. Red fine broken stones are inlaid at key points. Like human advanced mechanical watches with artificial rubies as mechanical bearings.

But whether these finely rubbed rubies are bearings, Tang Ling has no idea.

I only know that this diamond cover is used to move a beautiful abstract artwork.

But no one can take it away, because it is obviously a large instrument with a solid pipe on it, about twenty centimeters in diameter, but three meters long.

The three-meter solid pipe was polished very neatly and was engraved with multiple corrugations from different angles, just like a human carved diamond.

I don't know what the principle of this cover is. It gathers the heat energy from the magma and makes the whole solid pipe red, like a pillar of fire.

This fire pillar is connected to a diamond cover at one end and a machine suspended at a height of three meters.

The whole body of this machine is also covered by diamonds, but can see various parts inside, such as gears, and the bearings are constantly running.

On top of this machine, there are countless pipes connected to it. These pipes are firmly fixed on the top of the cave, and then each branch spreads out into countless branches, leading to the small holes on the wall of the cave.

These small caves are obviously the caves of the underground races. Even if they stand in the center of the hall, they can feel the air and wind circulating in these small caves, as well as the constant temperature, and there are some sculpted prostheses hanging on Outside the small hole, a pipe was directly connected, flashing on and off.

So? These pipes have the function of 'air conditioning' to keep the temperature here at 62 degrees, which is the race favored by the underground? At least after Tang Ling entered the R zone, he found that the temperature here was almost constant.

These pipes also have the function of a ‘fresh air system’ that exchanges air and allows air to circulate?

The biggest role of these channels is to recharge the prosthesis?

Tang Ling can't guess what it is. After all, he is not a science and technology person, but in general, Tang Ling knows where the energy support of underground civilization comes from, these magma! Or all kinds of geothermal.

There is no doubt that as long as there is a sustainable use of energy, a civilization has a foundation for development.

Even Tang Ling is a little bit sour, after all, their energy looks more environmentally friendly and more than the petroleum energy used by pre-civilized humans.

Even they used their racial advantages to mine a lot of diamonds and the former civilization had speculated that the planet ’s diamond energy is actually very rich, but the technology of the former civilization was not able to mine these diamonds buried in the ground.

So, according to the hardness of diamond, it is indeed eternal, but its value? Probably not enough for ever.

All in all, it is such a power equipment that uses geothermal heat that has refreshed Tang Ling's understanding of the underground race, but this cannot represent the entirety of the underground race.

Because here is full of a very strange sense of contradiction.

Obviously there are such advanced geothermal technologies, but there are also fires everywhere, and there are various bones that have been eaten cleaned up by the fire, including some bones.

This is a very angry thing. It is not the same race. Underground races will not have any psychological burden to eat people. However, it is absolutely impossible for human beings to accept this fact.

This primitive and rude way, coupled with the pottery, bones, and even stone tools that were excavated from ancient civilizations and even rougher than ancient civilizations, made people feel that they saw the primitive society.

What kind of collision is this? Tang Ling's eyes could not help falling on the small caves that seemed a little dense on the wall of this huge cave.

These caves are not as rough as they thought. They have different shapes, and although the lines are weird, they are very rich. Each cave wants an abstract sculpture, in which you can find a little shadow of human civilization.

For example, when Tang Ling saw one of the caves, he was full of the atmosphere of ancient China, striving to express the ancient style of tile, masonry, and the quiet and elegant feeling surrounded by green bamboo.

Although learning or not in place, the combination seems a bit of a bastard.

Is this the 'spiritual world' of the underground race? All of them are masters of sculpting and punching. Perhaps life without sunlight is too depressed, forcing them to look like this? After all, there are also mud and stones playing underground.

Tang Ling had no sympathy in his heart. Why should he sympathize with these cannibalistic guys? Not even interested in using civilization to fuse them!

The only thing that remains is proper humility and respect for a brand new civilization.

Standing here just two minutes, Tang Ling got this information, and finally had a shallow understanding of the race under the ground.

But the mission here is to fight.

Andrew also coughed appropriately, and then said, "Standing here to satisfy your curiosity has been the most unsuccessful thing for me as a commander. For two minutes, fortunately, no fighting happened."

"Now go apart and start the mission as per the previous arrangement."

The area where the Raptors are located is at a staggered point in the second and third strategic points.

The square circle covered here is about a mile, close to the underground river. Because the shape of the large caves in the entire R area is not only irregular, but also very distorted, there is a rock wall extending from each of the north and south sides, covering it like a half Confined small area.

Other than that, nothing special here.

After the Raptors came here, they began to rest in situ. After all, it seems to be quiet, but fighting may happen at any time, so keeping the physical strength at the best is a thing that a qualified soldier cannot forget at any time.

However, Tang Ling did not choose to take a rest at this time, but walked around this mile.

He was observing everything here, and gradually frowned.

These two rock walls look very secure, except for receiving support signals and having some trouble fighting around the rock walls.

But what trouble is this? Each of them is less than 100 meters in length. Isn't it a matter of seconds at the speed of the crescent warrior?

But is it true? No!

After all, there is a huge cave wall on one side and a rock wall on both sides, forming a concave character. In the battle, if there is an enemy in the back, the Raptors team will undoubtedly be trapped in a 'dumpling dumpling' situation.

Don't expect support, one can never long for outside assistance.

But is this a conspiracy? Obviously not! Such a simple conspiracy is easy to break.

Tang Ling tried to keep himself from thinking, but after careful observation, he circled four points on the two rock walls, and then said to the rest of the Raptors team: "Come here, cut through these four places. "

"Do not exceed two meters in height and one meter or five in width."

"Why, this is a waste of energy." Auston hadn't even begun to fight. He was lying lazily on the ground, maybe it was too quiet here, not even the sound of Ziyue soldiers fighting in the strategic way. It was said that people could not help but relax their vigilance.

After all, Ziyue soldiers stood in front, giving people a sense of security.

"Why not, cut through it." Tang Ling didn't explain the mood. The growing anxiety had risen to the level of torture. He directly pulled out the C-level alloy long knife and began to cut these rocks quickly .

Fortunately, it is not diamond, otherwise the hardness of diamond, even with the strength of Tang C with a C-level alloy knife will take a lot of effort.

The direct action of Tang Ling made the members of the Raptors team who had always trusted Tang Ling start to act. Although there were still questions in the heart, tacit understanding, trust and feelings were not cultivated overnight, so Tang Ling If you don't want to explain, everyone will not ask.

The sound of sharp tools cutting and digging rocks began to ring through this small place, and the surrounding teams did not know what was happening here because of the problem of light source and distance?

They can only suppress their doubts and take precautions more. After all, they must not leave their guarded places without authorization.

Quiet, depressing general quietness, accompanied by rising anxiety, made Tang Ling cut the rock wall faster and faster. Between the splashes of gravel, Tang Ling always felt that there was an obvious loophole in this performance battle. One can smell the conspiracy.

What is this loophole? Tang Ling frowned and thought carefully, and he was in charge of digging one point faster than the other three points.

With a bang, Tang Ling kicked off the last layer of thin rock wall. With this sound, a faint killing sound finally came in the third strategic way.

This sound wasn't loud at first, but in less than a minute, it has gradually become very clear, so that everyone in the cave can hear the score.

And this point is clear like a signal, and the sound of the killing was heard at the same time as the first strategic line and the second strategic line.

It was only momentarily that the vagueness became boiling and bursting, and with the faint shaking, one could imagine a contact war. From the beginning of the collision, it went directly into heat without any excessiveness.

Aston ’s palms began to show a little sweat. What the **** is this **** rock cave wall? Although it is not hard and unbearable, the hardness is still annoying. Every time you cut a rock, it will consume a lot of physical strength. .

Therefore, when the voice of the battle began to be clear, and when all three strategic avenues broke out, Auston couldn't help asking: "Tang Ling, do you want to continue? We may enter the combat state at any time."

Tang Ling didn't answer. He had excavated a mouth that met the requirements. He rushed directly to Allston and began to quickly help the duo with Allston and Christina to excavate the rock wall.

"Tang Ling is right, we should hurry up." Yu shouted suddenly at this time. The Yufeng family was famous on the battlefield. The training that Yu received from an early age was not purely personal force, but also more about the strategy on the battlefield. And tactics, he saw the problem.

"Yes, hurry up." Tang Ling's speed was fast. At this time, there was no concealment. He almost chopped the rock wall with a vent.

"Are you a monster?" Although Auston was still puzzled, this sudden tension infected him and made him dare not have half the reservation.

Tang Ling's sweat began to spread over his forehead. This was not because he felt tired, but his inner anxiety seemed to rise sharply at this time.

"Kill!" A clear 'kill' word came out from the third strategic main point, because this is near the junction of the first and third main points, so the word is like shouting in your ear.

Tang Ling's hand shook, and he felt a strong wrong in his heart, but he hadn't grasped the point yet!

Time, give me two seconds.

Thinking, I need to think.

Tang Ling slammed the long knife into the rock wall, stopped moving, and began to calm himself down.

The key point, the key point!

Tang Ling looked around, his ears were filled with various fighting voices. What is the key point? Lava holes on the ground? That shocking geothermal installation? A small cave without people? There are no more than forty hanging from the small cave, and it is still uncertain whether it is a charged prosthesis?

It's the message of these fights!

One second Tang Ling's forehead rolled down, two seconds, Tang Ling clenched his fists, three seconds, and four seconds Auston roared. With the help of Tang Ling, he successfully opened the second entrance. .

"Bangdang", Tang Ling's long knife inserted into the cave wall before falling to the ground, Auston turned to look at Tang Ling, his lips opened and closed, apparently doubting Tang Ling's current status.

That is, at this moment, Tang Ling looked up violently, and even did not care to pick up the long knife. Under the shocking eyes of Auston, he suddenly swung his wrist and took out the wolf bite. Arm, nailed the wolf bite deeply into the cave wall, using this as a fulcrum, the whole person quickly climbed up.

"What's this for?" Auston didn't understand how Tang Ling's thinking jumped so much.

At the same time, dozens of shouting and killing sounds rang through the first and third main points, followed by a fierce clash of swordsmen, accompanied by the sound of hot weapons.

"Go help cut the opening." Tang Ling didn't explain anything at this time, but just climbed quickly towards the cave wall. This sentence just ended, he has already climbed a height of fifteen meters, almost approaching The average height of a rock wall.

This height is not enough! No conspiracy? It turned out that this conspiracy is so deep! If it's really against me? What should I do now? What choice did you make?

Tang Ling's mind was writhing with various thoughts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is no better way, all that is needed now is remedy.

But even if it is a fairy, in the absence of information, it is impossible to outline the conspiracy hidden in the dark.

Tang Ling's heart began to be painful. He knew that farewell might be in the next moment, and he didn't even have time to say goodbye.

At this time, he had climbed to a height of about 20 meters. He grabbed a slightly protruding rock and began to cut a rock pillar with a diameter of three centimeters similar to the shape of a hook with a wolf bite. The smart lock of the tactical mobile disk is hung here.

Then I had no time to breathe, and quickly cut out the second and third hooks like this.

"Throw me your tactical moving disk!" Tang Ling hung on the rock wall, shouting loudly.

On the wall of the unnoticed large cave, at this time, a body suddenly stopped blinking.

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