Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 106 Open the door! Send warmth!

Matthew and Rumlow have already got in touch, knowing where Rumlow is, he and Luke walked towards the abandoned factory together.

Still holding the plastic bag with the devil's head in his hand.

"Long time no see, Constantine! When will you give me your soul?"

The magic circle on the ground emitted a glow that was scarletr than blood, and a gloomy voice sounded. The words are full of malice.

Constantine used his own blood as a sacrifice, trying to summon a demon he was more familiar with.

Or summon a demon who hates him the most.

But the devil's cunning is not much worse than that of Nick Fury, so the devil just passed his voice through the magic circle.

After all, the last time he dealt with Constantine, the demon gave his fighting strength in vain, but in the end he got nothing but the goat's head as a sacrifice.

This filled him with hatred for Constantine.

Demons are deceived by humans, which is as funny as liars being deceived by liars.

It is for this reason that most of the demons in hell want to give Constantine a good look.

"Face me! Scum!"

Just as everyone in the factory was waiting for the demon to appear, a roar came from the factory gate!

This immediately blocked all the words Constantine had prepared from his mouth.

It's as uncomfortable as being pressed down on your mouth when you obviously want to vomit.

Constantine still had a fresh memory of this roar, it was the voice of the helmeted man who fought with Rumlow on the street before.

Constantine really didn't know what to do.

Luke Cage and Matthew had just walked to this place when they faintly felt a demonic aura appearing in front of them.

Although this kind of breath is not as strong as those demons in the secret realm, it is much stronger than the ones I met on the street the day before.

So Luke Cage, who likes roaring, rushed forward with a roar!

"Konstantin! You want to plot against me again?"

The demon's voice was a little surprised, and the words were full of malice.

He intends to send his power to the world even if he disobeys the order of the Lord of Hell, and then teach Constantine a lesson.

The last time Constantine made a deal with him, he had to face another powerful demon.

Even after his victory, Constantine didn't keep his promise, and instead took time to leave the scene while the two demons were fighting.

This unlucky demon was blocked in the world by a group of mages, and he enjoyed a massage that worked on the soul.

Luke Cage's battle roar and his fighting spirit made the demon think of something bad.

"What if I say it was an accident?"

Constantine turned his attention to Bulkasso, and now it seems impossible to fool this demon into opening the portal to hell.

"I'm waiting for you in hell, Constantine, and I'll entertain you well, with your old friends!"

The demon's voice gradually weakened, and the red light on the magic circle began to be intermittent.

Luke rushed into the factory, and the moment he saw Bulkelso, he knew what he seemed to have done wrong.

At times like this, Luke is extraordinarily smart.

"It's not my problem?"

Constantine touched his still black eye sockets, and said helplessly.

"This guy will definitely tell the demons who know me about it, so I may not find a chance."

"I have another demon here."

Matthew raised the plastic bag in his hand high, and shouted loudly at the people in the factory.

Before Luke roared, Matthew felt the breath of Rumlow, and also heard the sound of surging blood flowing from Bulkelso's body.

Just when he was wondering, Luke had already rushed up, which made it too late for him to stop Luke's behavior.

Now it looks like Bulkelso needs a demon for something, and he just so happens to have a demon's head in his hands.

"Ah, it looks like the problem is solved."

Constantine let out a long breath.

"It's just your luck."

Rumlow walked in the direction of Matthew. As for Luke, who was a little embarrassed now, he was not complained.

Fighting demons is something barbarians are accustomed to.

If he hadn't personally experienced that the demons were as timid as the kind of sunfish that could scare him to death, and he didn't even dare to open the portal, Bulkelso would have met the demons directly.

Luke did nothing wrong.

"Dude, this demon is called Balza, and we rescued a fat, drunk man from him earlier."

Matthew handed the plastic bag in his hand directly to Rumlow, and said casually.

The red light on the ground suddenly emitted a dazzling red light like a flash of light.

Then Bulkelso's feet landed heavily on the magic circle!

The demon of hell finally intends to open a small gap, pass his power over, and then teach Constantine a lesson.

He thought that there would be no problem if he just opened a tiny gap not much bigger than the tip of a needle.

But what he didn't know was that the purpose of Bulkeso, who hadn't spoken much from the beginning, was to wait for this moment.

The moment the power of hell is transmitted to the world, it means that the power of the world can use this channel to go to hell.

In other words, the devil knew, but he didn't think that anyone would not want to go to hell in person.

Bulkelso's blow didn't use much force, it just stepped on a pinpoint-sized channel to the size of the sole of a foot.

After knowing the function of the enchantment in the world, he has used his power very carefully.

After all, breaking the enchantment established by Agamotto will allow all alien planes to go to the earth at will.

Even if barbarians don't fear enemies, ordinary people living in this world can't stand this.

Therefore, Bulkelso decided to thank the demon and send a soul over there.

"Anda Kurgas!"

Bulkelso called Anda's name, and Bulkelso's guide appeared in the sight of everyone present.

Bulkeso summoned Andakurgas, the ancestor, here through the legendary power of Vorusk, the former Immortal King.

Provide a single fury, and these ancestors can fight for a long time.

This is a gift from the Immortal King!

"Ahaha, I said that fighting is indispensable!"

The moment Anda came here, he understood Bulkeso's thoughts.

The best way to inflict pain on a demon is to put a barbarian in their home.

No matter what kind of enemy they are, they have to flee in front of the barbarians!

The phantom of the oathkeeper in Andakurgas' hand flickered, and it condensed into a solid body.

Although the most primitive oathkeeper was gifted to Bulkasso by him, as a top blacksmith, how could he be empty-handed during the battle?

Speaking of which, this Oathkeeper can also be called an ancient legend.

"Go and tell the bastards in hell what pain is!"

Bulkelso stepped on the passage a little harder, and dense cracks began to appear in the passage.

As for the demon who was going to teach Constantine a lesson, his power was crushed by Bulkelso.

Even if he wanted to close the passage, he couldn't do it.

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