Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 150 Mysterious Knight! Skeleton transformation! (sixth more)

"What am I going to do, Constantine?"

This is in a dark cellar under a cemetery.

St. Angel, who was sitting in the center of the magic circle in the dark cellar, called Constantine's name.

It's just that she didn't get a response.

"John? John Constantine!"

Angel shouted loudly, at this time she was no longer that fragile girl who would fear darkness and loneliness.

Although she was not before, how could the police officers of the NYPD serious crime unit be afraid of those things.

But now she is still terrified.

Because this place is a place where legends of demons are going on.

Legend has it that a flaming skull will always appear here. When Constantine encountered this situation, it was destined to be unusual here.

"I said Angel Gabriel, if you don't try to restore your wings, what are you doing here? Are you reluctant to part with me, a lost lamb? If you can give me a hug, that would be a great encouragement .”

The cigarette on Constantine's mouth was up and down with his broken mouth.

"I just want to see that kid, you better keep your distance."

Gabriel stood quietly, looking at the cemetery in the distance.

There is a demonic aura in this place, but it is a little different, which makes it puzzled.

"O angel, preach to me the good news of the Lord!"

Constantine opened his arms and moved closer to Gabriel.

Then it was blown away by the strong wind that Gabriel blew casually.

"I just knew, how could an angel like you become a mortal? When did you regain your strength?"

Constantine was lying face up on the ground, the strong wind just now made the cigarette on his mouth burnt out in an instant, and the ash got into his eyes, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"Be quiet, Constantine. What you've been waiting for is coming."

Gabriel remained calm.

Following its line of sight, an elderly man walked slowly into the hut with a shovel on his shoulders.

Then he ran out in a hurry.

"Konstantin? Cons..."

With a creak, the cellar door was opened, and the old man with white beard and hair and dressed like an old cowboy walked in.

In the dim cellar, the old man couldn't see anything clearly, but he heard Angel's voice.

"Son, what's your name? Why are you here?"

A gentle voice sounded, and the old man asked Angel.

"My name is Angel. Well, my partner and I got separated. He told me to stay here and not move, so..."

When Angel said this, she didn't lie, but she didn't tell everything.

"Good boy, come out first. My name is Carter Sley. I'll call the police for you. You wait here for a while."

Mr. Cartersley didn't expect that the little girl in front of him came for her...

So he stepped into the magic circle drawn by Constantine.

A flaming skull appeared directly in front of Angel, who was unprepared.

Although Angel vaguely sensed the demonic aura on Cartersley's body, he never expected to see such a horrifying scene.

"This is!?"

Carter Sley was shocked!

He has been a Ghost Rider for nearly a hundred years, and he has never seen anything, nor slaughtered any demons, and even Mephisto couldn't find him.

Then he was discovered suddenly today, and he himself stepped into the trap.

"Little girl, your purpose is to find me?"

Cartersley looked at Angel with his skull face.

"I don't know, but my partner said that there are legends of flame skulls here, so he drew a magic circle to protect me, and watched nearby..."

Angel felt that something was wrong.

"Angel, your partner lied to you."

Carter Slay paused.

"This magic circle is not for protecting you. Its purpose is to prevent the people inside from getting out after activation."

Cartersley glanced at the magic circle on the ground with the help of the light on his body, and then came to a conclusion through rich experience.

Angel felt a little nervous as he felt the power of evil spirits surging from Cartersley's body.

"You are dying, aren't you?"

Angel felt the breath of burning from the flaming skull in front of him.

"Why are you worried about this at this time?"

"Because, I hope..."

"Because of what?"

"Because I think you have hope in your heart."

The conversation between Angel and Cartersley came to an abrupt end.

Because the figure of Constantine finally appeared.

"Yo! What a convenient ability, at least at night it can save a lot of lighting costs."

Constantine staggered into the cellar and stood outside the magic circle.

"what is your purpose?"

Cartersley felt that the knight in his body was eager to try, which was the performance when he saw evil.

Cartersley is a skilled Ghost Rider who doesn't lose control easily.

So he asked Constantine quietly, but his tone was a little hoarse.

"Didn't you see the purpose, that is to catch a demon and make a deal with another demon."

Constantine spoke of great things as if he had done something insignificant.

"Do you know what the outcome of a deal with the devil will be? Look at me, this is the end of this deal."

Hearing the topic of "deal", Cartersley became excited.

"Ah, I have not traded with them once or twice. We are very familiar with each other, and they will not cheat me. You can rest assured about this."

Constantine lit the cigarette on his mouth and spoke calmly.

"I'm not as stupid as you, and I won't be cheated."

Constantine added the second half of the sentence.

"Then you don't intend to take this girl's life!?"

Cartersley can't bear to kill good people, but sometimes he has to.

Because he has the San Van Gonzal contract that Mephisto wants to get, in order to prevent this contract from being obtained by Mephisto, he will not hesitate to kill those who threaten him.

"The value of her existence is to let you step into the trap. She has already done it, hasn't she? Sheriff Carter Sley."

Constantine said nonchalantly.

"Who would have thought that Carter Sley, who was imprisoned for greed, would violate the contract out of conscience? Or there is no spirit of contract in your heart."

"you shut up!"

As Kattersrey was enraged, the flames on the skeleton rose.

But no matter how those flames burn, they will be blocked behind the magic circle by a holy radiance.

Cartersley looked at the holy radiance, and turned his skull face to Angel who was sitting there without moving.

"who are you?"

Cartersley saw the source of this radiant power from the fully activated magic circle, that silly-looking Angel.

"St. Angel Dawson, her name. Well, I didn't expect to be in the same room with a saint, did I?"

Constantine raised his eyebrows and spoke casually.

I'm writing, I'm writing! Six more tomorrow!

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