Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1552 The disappeared clone of Malthael

Emperor Weishan saw that Hellboy's soul was defeated, and he also saw that Hellboy's body was completely broken.

Even the demon army belonging to Hellboy turned into ashes along with Hellboy!

It wasn't until this moment that Emperor Weishan truly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was much stronger than he was before, but facing a demon still put him under tremendous pressure.

"Your Excellency Bulcaisuo, can things calm down here?"

Agamotto asked slowly as the representative.

He didn't know what kind of tacit understanding had been reached between Bulcaisso and Malthael, and it was not surprising to him that the next moment this place would become the venue for a decisive battle between two strong men.

Even if it was just for self-preservation, Emperor Weishan did not want to become a victim of a battle at all, and he was still worthless.

"It'll be ready soon."

Bulkesso said.

When dealing with Emperor Weishan, Bulcaisuo behaved quite gently.

After all, Emperor Weishan is not an enemy. Although he still lacks some common experience as a partner, he is at least a trustworthy partner.

"Li Min is dealing with the follow-up matters. I guarantee that even if Malthael and I fight, it will not cause any damage to the environment."

Bulcaisso continued.

The premise for him to give this guarantee is that Malthael has no chance to merge with his most powerful clone, but judging from the current situation, Malthael should not have the chance to do this.

Emperor Weishan just nodded, choosing to believe in Bulkesso's guarantee.

After all, there is really no reason for Bulkesso to deceive him with lies.

And if Bulcaisuo didn't achieve what he said, then even adding him wouldn't seem to change anything.

Now the gap between the strongest and other beings is too huge, it's like a chasm!

"Bulkasso, I have collected the ashes of Wu Fengji's soul. Do you want it now? Or do you want it later?"

Malthael said suddenly.

His purpose of consulting Bulcaisuo's opinion was indeed not very simple, but it was still unknown whether this small means would have the effect he needed in the future.

It's not a secret everyone knows that ashes are left behind when a soul burns out.

A powerful spellcaster like Emperor Weishan will definitely find a way to verify it after he learns about it.

This has nothing to do with the growth of strength, but has something to do with a spellcaster's curiosity to pursue the truth.

Most spellcasters will show some degree of paranoia in order to know the truth of the world.

Some people can use things like morality to maintain their bottom line, but more often they gradually dilute things like the bottom line in the process.

"Give it to me now. I'm afraid you'll do something that will make me unable to help but start a war."

Bulcaisel said with a sneer.

Anything Malthael possesses can be something he will use in battle.

If Malthael threatens him with the last remnants of a noble sacrificer... Although that won't change Bulcaisso's decision, it will make Bulcaisu feel angry from the bottom of his heart.

The emotion of anger is indeed very useful when used as strength, but it is not suitable to be faced with anger at all times.

It's hard to tell how much sanity a guy has when he's angry all the time.

Just because Burqaso doesn't reject anger, it doesn't mean that he likes to stay in a state of anger.

"Of course, I just think that even after you get the ashes, you have to give it to Li Min. Why don't you let me wait for Li Min to come back and hand it to her directly?"

Malthael said very calmly that there was absolutely no way Bulkesso would agree to this idea.

"Emperor Weishan, if you are interested in the future development, you can watch it.

But if you don't even have the legendary fighting power, it would be more appropriate to keep a little distance. "

Malthael spoke to Emperor Weishan before Bulkesso could speak.

These words are full of well-intentioned advice, although these good intentions always make people a little uneasy when they come from Malthael. The guy who represents wisdom seems to represent conspiracy in the eyes of others.

Emperor Weishan did not respond to Malthael, but looked at Bulkesso.

Although they felt that there was nothing wrong with the advice from Malthael, they were still more willing to believe Bulcaisuo.

Bulcaisuo nodded, acquiescing to Malthael's suggestion.

At least there was no malicious intent in Malthael's suggestion.

"Is the legend qualified enough to watch the battle?"

Wayne, who had just come down from the battlefield, asked curiously.

He now looked like he was tired from all the travel. It was obvious that even if he didn't suffer any dangerous attacks on the battlefield, it would definitely not be as relaxing as a vacation.

Hellboy was so embarrassed when he escaped in the end that he didn't even have time to show off his mastery of mobilizing power.

Malthael found it a bit funny, but he still looked at Bulcasso and showed no displeasure before speaking: "It depends on what kind of battle it is. Bulcaisu and I still have some small frictions to deal with. This friction only requires a legend to watch the battle. But if you want to watch the final battle, then you must at least have the strength of a demon god or above, right?"

Malthael's assessment was a bit uncertain.

He can now see Bulcaisuo's back, at least he understands the gap between himself and Bulcaisuo.

But this was just an estimate. He didn't even know how many more tricks he would have after merging with that clone.

Just evaluating the absolute strength can only be used as a reference for combat.

Although Bulcaisso only uses absolute power to implement his beliefs most of the time, anyone who thinks that Bulcaisel has no other means is being stupid.

At least Malthael has not exposed all the methods he can use in battle so far.

"Wayne, you're getting impatient."

Bulkesso said with some worry.

He could understand Wayne's concerns. That kind of power gap would make an already insecure guy like Wayne feel painful.

But being impatient will not bring any good results!

It is a very gratifying result that Wayne and his group of nephalem can become legends during this period of time.

Bulquesso is also willing to comment that these people are unique geniuses.

But there are very few special geniuses like Li Min.

Even Sonya grew up in the harsh environment of Sanctuary.

Although Sonya was only in her twenties, she had been fighting demons almost every day for more than twenty years.

Although these geniuses also had a battle experience that was not easy, the frequency and intensity of the battles were still difficult to compare with Sonya's.

"I don't want to be so impatient if I can, but you're not the only one who lacks time, Bulcaisel."

Wayne's voice was a little heavy.

For the Nephalem who came to this world, most of them followed Bulkatho's will and wanted to solve all these problems in the shortest possible time.

But for Wayne and others, the time they can use to grow is too short.

The battle on the scene finally came to an end with the death of Hellboy.

Those demon armies lost the management of Hellboy, and the power they divided could not return to their bodies.

This turned the original demon elite into a large number of demon cannon fodder.

Without Hellboy, the number of these demons is no longer like killing one to create a few more. As the demons are quickly cleaned up, the smoke of the previous war has gradually begun to calm down.

"I'm sorry about that."

Bulcaisuo said these words very solemnly.

He was not being perfunctory, but it was impossible for Bulcasso to give Wayne and the others more time to grow.

All problems can be completely solved immediately. In order to make Wayne feel more at ease, is it necessary to give Wayne a few years to grow to a stronger level?

There are too many unknowns in this process, and no one knows how many unexpected things will happen in time.

At least Burquesso wouldn't do something that would increase risks.

Wayne understood what Bulcasso meant, and he couldn't say anything else.

He also knew that what he said before was already a bit excessive, and Bulcasso had already behaved kindly enough.

"Humans have always been like this. Although I will gradually understand this idea now, I probably can't understand how a life with only a short time will think."

Malthael teased on the side.

Even after he became a Nephalem, he still had a long life, and it was as difficult for him to understand the idea of ​​a short-lived species as it was for a human to understand the idea of ​​a bug with only a few hours of life.

What's more important is that there is no need at all!

"Malthael, I think you are living a very comfortable life these days. Dragging you through the high-level heaven didn't seem to teach you a lesson."

Bulcaisel frowned. He never concealed his malice towards Malthael.

"Although I don't like this experience, when we use force to make you suffer, I know that such a result on me does not deserve mercy."

Malthael laughed to himself as he spoke.

He obviously didn't think this was something unacceptable, and he accepted it all without any hesitation.

Malthael's calmness surprised Wayne. He had not really communicated with the archangels, and his understanding of the archangels was more like "a group of powerful beings who can think like humans."

But at this moment, he really saw some divinity in Malthael, if this was divinity.

“Wayne, I promise the world I want is a kinder world to humans.

I also promise that I will put no restrictions on the human mind and soul. "

Bulcaisel gave Wayne a very conservative guarantee, and this guarantee was not entirely for Wayne, but for all those who had doubts about the Nephalem.

Wayne couldn't say anything more.

At this time, the domain of Malthael's clone dissipated like ice and snow, revealing the people inside.

Only those inside knew how Li Min treated Malthael's clone.

But looking at their performance, it is obvious that Li Min's methods are not very gentle.

Sonya looked a little depressed, while Hailab looked indifferent.

Kalqiu seemed worried.

On the contrary, Constantine had already walked to Li Min's side and assumed a clinging attitude.

"Your Excellency Li Min, do you think I can become a mage?"

Constantine said with a smile, but his smile looked a bit flattering.

"If you don't become a demon hunter, I'd rather you become a mage.

After all, you have a smart enough head, but are you really willing to fight like a Nephalem mage? "

Li Min didn't mean to be angry and started talking with Constantine.

This is not perfunctory, Li Min will not do such boring things.

If Constantine had met her before becoming a demon hunter, she would have really been willing to train him as a Nephalem mage.

Constantine is definitely a gifted type in the field of spellcasters.

At least this guy who is cautious by nature will most likely not be willing to fight like a Nephalem mage.

Li Min could see that Constantine only regarded magic as a means, unlike ordinary Nephalem wizards who regarded magic as a source of power and a way to seek truth.

"Li Min, where is Malthael's clone?"

Bulkesso asked.

He saw no trace of Malthael on the person who appeared.

Burqaso felt that Li Min might have completely eliminated the threat of this clone, but he still had to ask, at least to get a positive answer from Li Min before he could feel at ease.

Of course, this was also a blow to Malthael.

"I didn't leave any traces, but that authority has to be left with me for a while.

Learning also takes some time, right? But don't worry, it won't take much time with my talent. "

Li Min showed some pride in his talent.

Bulcaisuo looked at Li Min and Malthael thoughtfully.

Malthael's face was expressionless, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

But losing the most powerful clone meant that he lost the qualification to compete with Bulcaisu in terms of absolute power.

This result is definitely bad news for Malthael.

But Malthael didn't seem to care about this, and it was hard not to think too much about this performance.

"Just make your decision. Malthael doesn't have the power to hide it from you yet."

Burqaso chose to believe Li Min.

Without this level of trust, Bulkesso would not have entered into a mutually binding agreement with Li Min.

Constantine waited until the conversation between Burcasso and Li Min ended before talking to Li Min again.

"Knowledge is power. It turns out that it can be shown in this way. This time it was really eye-opening for me."

The flattering meaning in Constantine's words became a little stronger.

This attitude also aroused the curiosity of others present about the battle process in the field.

Listening to what Constantine said, Li Min used very subtle methods when facing Malthael in the field.

At least it won't be as simple as using powerful force to directly eliminate the threat.

Burqaso had no interest in this, and he focused most of his attention on Malthael again.

He had to be somewhat wary of Malthael doing something dangerous at this time.

After Malthael became a Nephalem, he was much more dangerous than before, especially since his ideas had also changed!

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