Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 351 Chaos in the world (eight thousand characters, more to come)

"Natasha, I think you should tell me what you've been doing during this time."

Nick Fury looked at Natasha who was drinking from a wine bottle, his face darkened as always.

At that time, he was almost crushed to pieces by that explosion, even though his appearance was just a small accident.

"On vacation, what's the matter?"

Natasha looked up at Nick Fury, as if the reflective head had caught her attention.

"SHIELD needs your power, and you're on vacation.

Dude, shall I tell you who has sacrificed their life for world peace during this time? "

Nick Fury is still very good at kidnapping with "morality" and "responsibility".

He also knew that this reason was enough to convince Natasha.

"So I lost one more friend to drink with?"

Natasha said with blurred eyes.

There was some haggardness on the beautiful face.

"Yes, Coulson died."

After Nick Fury hesitated for a while, he still broke the news.

In his heart, if Coulson is still "alive", he must be gratified that he can play a role in world peace.

He is just a nice guy.

"How did you die?"

Natasha lowered her eyes, looked at the snow on the ground and said.

"You intend to avenge him?"

Nick Fury twitched the corners of his mouth, and looked at Li Zi, who was snuggling in Hellboy's arms, intentionally.

Now the Hellboy doesn't have the appearance of a demon, just like a tall and burly man.

After Hellboy was crushed by Baal, Olek threw out his soul and the human flesh and blood together.

Although it still has decent power now, it has also lost that part of the rule fragments of hell.

"It seems that it is another story with twists and turns. But the only thing I can confirm is that it has something to do with you."

Natasha let out a long breath of alcohol, her eyes were a little red.

"Black Widow, S.H.I.E.L.D. needs extraordinary power to face the current chaos, come back."

Dugan thus entered the conversation.

John Wicker on the side is carefully looking at everything around him.

"Why don't you go to Barton first? Damn, haven't I never been trustworthy in your eyes?"

There was some irony in Natasha's words.

"I can apologize."

Dugan said sincerely.

He even lowered his stiff neck.

"But I don't accept it."

Natasha said so.

"So Director, when do you plan to start work?"

A bright smile appeared on Natasha's face.

Just like she's always been.

The time to relax has been long enough, at least Natasha intends to do something about Coulson's dream.


Nick Fury nodded.

After Natasha was dealt with, Hawkeye was also dealt with.

Barton had always been worthy of his limited trust, and he was no different now.

"Tony, I've always wanted to meet you again, and then sincerely apologize to you again."

Bucky the Winter Soldier grabbed Tony by the shoulder with his remaining arm.

Of course, this has something to do with Tony not wearing a battle suit.

"The Winter Soldier? I don't want to call you that."

Tony looked up at Bucky in front of him.

Compared with the existence of such a thing as the devil king of hell, the resurrection of a dead person does not seem to be worth paying attention to.

Besides, Tony has forgiven Bucky.

"You can call me by my first name, Bucky Barnes. Whatever you want."

Bucky said so.

There was some sadness in his eyes, but it was better than the lifelessness at the beginning.

"Okay, Bucky, what are you looking for?"

Tony said with a condescending smile on his face:

"If it's an apology, there's no need. I had already forgiven you at the time, but I didn't expect you to make me feel the thrill of killing someone for the first time."

Tony is like a playboy now.

"By the way, have you seen the captain?"

Tony asked, looking at Bucky's missing arm in front of him.

Obviously this guy has a lot of energy in the "secret realm".

"No, I met that demon named Baal not long after I came here."

Bucky said so.

He has always wanted to meet Steve, but he has not found the opportunity recently.

"Looks like you're having bad luck, but forget it. I forgive you, but I'll never give you an invitation to my prom. You don't fit in my world, old soldier."

Tony patted Bucky on the shoulder and swayed to find Rasuke.

He really forgave Bucky, but he hasn't let go of the loss so quickly.

It takes time.

"Good dog, that's it! Bite, bite it!"

Banal teased the husky loudly, and kept waving it with his leg bone in his hand.

Rumlow on one side had a headache, but he couldn't persuade Banal.

"Banaer, ancestor. After you came out of that battle, all you thought about was playing with this husky?"

Rumlow made the last effort and asked in a low voice.

He was still a little worried about "Barnard's temper".

"You want to say, why do I know about those sacrifices, but I act like nothing happened in this place?"

Banal looked up at Rumlow, and hugged the husky in his arms.

Huskies whimpered, seeming a little uncomfortable.

"We will not hold a grand memorial service. It's not that we are cold, but that in the previous world, there was no time to do this at all."

There was some reminiscence in Banal's eyes.

"At that time, every day when you open your eyes, you have to face the devil, and you have to face the torture of not having enough food every day. These seem a little far away to you.

So recruits, I want you to have a good talk with your guides, instead of waiting for us old guys to come up and tell you our life experience. "

Banal's expression was as calm as ever.

These words were all done by Vader before, but Vader is gone.

Together with Jorez.

"Why don't you drink Taliq now and have a chat? Instead, stay by my side? Or are you reluctant to part with this good dog? It doesn't matter, I just keep it, and you can see this lively little guy anytime.

Go find Tariq now.

Now might be the only time you'll ever hear his truth. "

Banal talked while teasing the puppy in his arms.

He no longer looked up at Rumlow.

Banal has never been very optimistic about these recruits.

So act a little repulsive.

It is a tragedy that a world needs countless warriors.

But Banal had no choice.

Either become a warrior to protect everything in sight, or die howling as a victim.

His childhood dream was to be a farmer.


"Bulkelso, I think we can talk now."

Johanna was sitting on a stone opposite Bulkeso, speaking very seriously.

The battle armor on her body is constantly glowing with light, obviously her mood is not so good.

"What do you think of Steve?"

Bulkeso said casually.

By the way, I moved my body, and the newly scabbed wounds cracked a little bit, and some blood oozes out.

"Bulkelso, you're a fighter, you know what to do when you get hurt."

Johanna frowned.

The law of hope on her body suddenly expanded, which helped the recovery of the injury.

"I met Steve at the foot of the Rift Guard, and he was a hero. At least a man of integrity."

Bulkelso didn't even think about talking about his injury, but instead talked about Steve.

He held the giant mountain-splitting ax in his hand and looked at it in front of his eyes.

This is Qualkek's treasure, even Bulkelso has no chance to look at this legend in such detail.

Now, the legend was entrusted to Bulkasso as a reward for the best fighter among the recruits.

And among those young men Bulkeso observed, none seemed to be able to bear the legend of Qualkek without being buried.

This made him hesitate.

"An upright person does not necessarily have good rewards, but villains always thrive."

Johanna spoke softly.

"Well, you want to know my purpose, right?"

Bulkelso looked at Johanna seriously.

If Bulkelso was still hesitant to let Johanna know everything before, then he is now ready to let his partners share this responsibility.

"Now I don't want to."

Johanna looked straight into Bulkeso's eyes and said:

"I'm still not strong enough, that's why you hesitate.

If I am stronger than you, then you are begging me to bear these burdens for you.

Bulkelso, I can feel that you have never selflessly wanted to bear everything on your own.

It's just that among us nephalem, you are the strongest, so you have to bear everything. "

Johanna took out her backpack and took out a shriveled apple.

"It's the only thing I have protected against Malthael's power."

The apple was lifted high, although it was full of wrinkles, without a trace of moisture.

But a warm glow is shining on this apple.

It was the only thing Johanna had protected from death.

The seeds inside can still germinate and grow into a fruit tree, giving birth to life continuously.

"I plan to hand this over to Steve. If he can continue to be strong, then I can also hand over the name Johanna to him."

"It's good that you recognize him."

Bulkeso said so.

At this moment, Bulkelso suddenly noticed the wrinkles on Johanna's face.

As a nephalem with an infinite lifespan, wrinkles mean mental aging.

Johanna was no longer the little girl he saved from the demons.

"We don't know anything about the current Masail."

"But I will only be stronger than him."

Bulkelso interrupted Johanna roughly.

"The strong will definitely win!? You tell me! Aren't those ancestors not strong? Isn't the first generation who fell under the conspiracy not strong?

Bull Casey! How long are you going to lie to yourself! ?

Until you use sacrifices in exchange for opportunities, until you use your life to prove that you failed!? "

Johanna growled!

The power in his body continued to rise, turning everything around him into a prison of thunder!

"Heaven's Fist? It seems that you have become stronger."

Bulkasso said with a blank face.

Then he tore off the scorched skin on his body that had been bombarded by the Fist of Heaven, and randomly took out an earthen jar from his backpack.

That was what was left of Qualkek.

The only drink left by this old general who practiced prudence and perseverance all his life.

Bulkeso poured it into his mouth, ignoring the increasingly intense lightning strikes.

"You won't keep winning. Bulkelso!"

Johanna's voice was accusing.

Some sharp, full of sadness!

"I'm going to win! I want to win more than anyone else."

Bulkelso said flatly.

Gently wiped off the mud seal on the crock with his hands.

"So I won't lose."

After Bulkelso finished speaking, he raised his head and slowly poured the wine from the crock into his mouth.

"Bitter, just as I thought."

He whispered.

Bitters of Qualkek.

Burkesso had already thought of it.

The old general would only keep the most insignificant things to himself.

Even the treasures that bid farewell to this world are just the cheapest materials, piled together indiscriminately, which is a bit disgusting.

"What are you going to do?"

Johanna clasped Burkasso's shoulder firmly with the palm of the gauntlet, and pointed her face at Bulkasso's.

It seems that such a move can show her determination.

"Enough, Johanna! Since you are not going to hear me out of my purpose, go and rest.

Your heir is coming soon. Now, with a different face, go to him with encouragement.

Just like your teacher when confronting you. "

Bulkelso gazed into Johanna's eyes.

He saw some of the glory of his old comrade-in-arms.

Johanna's teacher was also named Johanna, and her teacher's teacher was also named Johanna.

Or it won't be long before Steve changes his name to Johanna.

In short, there will only be one crusader named Johanna in the world at the same time.

A boring past.

"Bulkelso, I will not watch you die in front of me."

Johanna gritted her teeth and left such a sentence, then turned and left the scene.

But she didn't clean up the thunder left on the ground.

The anger on Bulkelso disappeared in a flash, and the snow on the ground surged and buried the thunder.

"Vorusk, try it."

Bulkeso said casually, and poured the bitter wine of Qualkek in his hand on the ground.

Volusk didn't answer.

Perhaps the wine was too bitter for him to speak.

Not far away, Gu Yi stood in the snow, followed by Casillas, the barbarian who had become pure.

Gu Yi looked at Bulkeso silently, and Casillas stood behind her without saying a word.

They didn't start talking until Bulkelso left the place.

"Casillas, how do you feel about being a fighter?"

Gu Yi turned his back to his former disciple, his voice was erratic like clouds in the sky.

"Not bad, at least you don't need to think about where to get power from."

Casillas' tone was a little casual, and seemed to be complaining.

"When you contacted the dark dimension and saw that it was me, what did you think?"

"I was thinking, you are really lying to me, obviously you are the one who has mastered the entire dark dimension, or you are Dormammu."

Casillas said honestly.

The impact of that scene was no less than the feeling of having to eat black bread to satisfy his hunger after being knocked out by Canuck.

He was muttering the breadstick in his mouth like a lonely old woman with no teeth, trying to soften it with saliva.

"Not long before you contacted the dark dimension, Bulkelso helped me completely deal with Domamu. From then on, I gained strength and let go of a little burden."

Gu Yi spoke slowly.

He took out a very simple toffee from his pocket, with a white rabbit painted on the candy.

She turned around slowly, and gently handed the candy in front of Casillas without saying a word.

Casillas spent his childhood by her side, from a child to a young and promising mage.

Casillas took the candy from Gu Yi's hand with some hesitation, and carefully removed the sugar coating.

"Is my current path more suitable for me than being a mage?"

Casillas said so, his eyes full of anticipation.

He slowly put the candy in his mouth and tasted it carefully.

"Perhaps. In this world, being a mage is never free. But a warrior is free."

Gu Yi said so.

The powerful mages are under the control of Emperor Weishan, and are influenced by those guys who hide their names and don't know where they are hiding.

Using a spell has an effect on the body.

Even for Emperor Weishan's words "choose the supreme mage", they will gather together and have a tragic fight.

Such a mage is simply like a puppet.

"What do mages need to face?"

When Casillas heard this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at his former teacher.

The anger on his body flashed away.

"Like Merlin?"

With a quiet smile on Gu Yi's face, he spoke softly.

Casillas scratched his head, covering his face along the way.

"I know, I will become the most free fighter. I will fight only for the people I am willing to protect."

Casillas' voice was a little low and hoarse.

"That's the best. Now, go to your guide, and wait for your prize."

As Gu Yi said this, his figure flickered and left the place.

The figure of Jotun Kuller appeared in front of her.

"Master, I think you may be one of the few smart people in this world? So will you tell me whether you are a smart person or not?"

Jotun Kuller's drake voice creaked.

"What do you want to seek? You are such a powerful mage, I don't think I can help you."

Gu Yi said so.

Without the slightest mood swing, it was as clear as well water.

"It seems that you are not very smart, or are you playing stupid?"

Jotun Kuller continued.

His eyes locked on the Eye of Agamotto hanging around Gu Yi's neck!

Or the Time Gem!

A world never produces a group of gods without conflict.

Just like light and shadow, this world should have the incarnation of rules that are opposite to eternity.

And the Infinity Stones are just that.

"Are you hiding Bulkeso?"

Gu Yi asked.

Jotun Kule was enough to cause Gu Yi to die quietly, but this would eventually be known by Bulkeso.

The sacred mountain of Harrogas at the foot will not hide anything from Bulkelso on key matters.

"Vorusk and I hid Bulkelso together, will this answer surprise you?"

Jotun Kuller laughed out loud.

A stone flew up from the ground and passed through Jotun Kule's body.

"Well, it was just a joke."

Jotun Kooler took out his pocket and pulled out a notebook.

"I'm going to make a deal. As a mage, you are very talented and you don't lack the most important thirst for knowledge. Then I will point you to a completely different path. Can you lend me the time gem?"

Jordan Kooler said so.

He learned of the existence of the Time Stone from Volusk.

So some ideas came up.

Let Bulkelso fight against all the enemies, it's easy to save worry and effort, but who can guarantee that Bulkelso won't fall under the conspiracy?

Jotun Kooler would not do the stupid thing of putting all his eggs in one basket.


Gu Yi said silently.

As the holder of the Time Gem, although Ancient One didn't know much about the rules of time.

But she knew very well what the gem in her hand represented.

This is the rule symbol of this world.

What will happen if the concept of time is lost?

Countless years, people from countless ages will appear in the same scene?

Or will everything become nothingness?

This world doesn't have such a group of time lords who are dedicated to repairing the timeline to keep everything normal.

Gu Yi would not take this risk.

She's long past the age when she's hotheaded.

"Even if I tell you what I'm going to do with it?"

There was some bewitchment in Jotun Kuller's voice.


Gu Yi repeated his answer again.

The mana on his body, which was like a well of Bijotun Kuller, began to swell.

"Guardian of the world? I didn't think anyone but Bulkelso would put themselves in such a stupid position.

In a way, you're as annoying as Bulkelso. "

Jotun Kuller pulled his face and smiled:

"But what can you do if I rob you? You are not as powerful as Bulkelso to refuse me."

"This is Harrogas."

Gu Yi looked at Jordan Kule with contemptuous eyes.

"Yes! Yes! This is Harrogath! This is the place of the barbarians! I dare not risk being chased by Bulkelso to do any injustice here!

But can you stay above Harrogath forever? "

Jotun Kuller said in a somewhat exasperated manner.

He didn't intend to do anything bad with the power of the Time Stone.

But this is not the reason why Gu Yi believed him.

"I need the power of time to give Bulkelso another chance when he is facing those possibly powerful enemies."

Jotun Kuller said his purpose with a stinking face.

"What can you get?"

Gu Yi raised his eyes to see the tall figure of Jordan Kuller.

"Why, my selflessness is always regarded as having ulterior motives?"

Jotun Kuller's sharp voice sounded, a little crazy.

When he reminded the Nephalem for the first time, he was also questioned like this.

Maybe it's because he has a bad face?

It seems inappropriate for an ugly guy to want to be a hero?

"Right now, I'll give you my notes, but when the moment does come, I'll take the time by force.

I've done my duty, and you're not stupid enough to tell Bulkelso? "

Jotun Keller said with gritted teeth.

After finishing speaking, he left here, leaving only a notebook on the ground exuding strong spiritual fluctuations.

Gu took a look at the notebook on the ground, ignored the possible risks, and reached out to pick it up.

Becoming stronger is the pursuit of never falling behind.

Just like what Jotun Kooler said, Ancient One didn't have the ability to say no to stronger ones.


Frank held his gun, and shot a gangster into a beam of light that flew into the ring on his hand.

He curled his lips and put the shotgun on his shoulder.

The streets were in chaos now, and he had to go out to deal with the troubles for the safety of his family.

This was already the thirteenth annoying spirit he had dealt with.

Those little bastards showed the most despicable attitudes after they got superpowers.

Although there are sporadic people who show the concept of justice, the weak beliefs and illusions will soon be defeated.

After all, villains are best at adapting to forces.

This is true most of the time.

"Who are you?"

Frank said to the woman in the green tights in front of him, very impatient.

He didn't know what kind of madness caused death to distribute the death rings and life rings at random. Those guys didn't look like guys who could control their desires at all.

This will only lead to confusion.

And the green figure in front of him made him feel a little bit familiar.

But the ring on his hand conveyed a strong hostility to Frank!

"You can call me Green Lantern. Frank the Punisher. You don't think you're the only one in this world, do you?"

The man in the green tights spoke silently.

Frank stared intently at the woman's face, but his eyes were all focused on the dark green blindfold.

I can't remember what the person in front of me looks like.


Frank pulled the bolt and pointed the gun at the guy who called himself Green Lantern.

For those who pester him, his answers are always direct and rude!

Frank wasn't in the mood to play a hero-playing game with some super freaks, and he never considered himself a hero.

"End this mess. These men with rings have made a huge difference."

Green Lantern said so.

Frank frowned at the tone that vaguely exuded the air of a secret agent.

"That bastard Nick Fury is still hiding this power in S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"whatever you think."

Frank's probing did not draw a definite conclusion, but from this point of conversation, Frank has narrowed down the scope of this person's identity.

While it's not that nobody knows S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury, not everyone is going to be nervous when they hear those words.

But people who have no mood swings are only elite agents or similar identities.

Facing this kind of person, Frank has only one answer!


The gun in his hand!

The projectile turned into a black smoke-like substance that enveloped the body of the person in front of him!

When fighting at close range, the destructive power of shotguns is higher than that of submachine guns.

And Frank doesn't need any fire suppression!


Green Lantern roared and raised his right hand a split second before Frank shot!

The overly conspicuous ring above emitted a burst of green light and turned into a shield.

The style of the shield is exactly the same as the one held by Captain America.

power of will.

Imagination is the method of using willpower.

The black barrage collided with the green shield, making a muffled sound!


Agent Hill's name came out of Frank's mouth.

But the gun in his hand has no intention of stopping!

The shots were fired one after another, and the huge impact caused Hill's figure to retreat continuously.

There was also a crack in the green shield!

"Although I don't know how you got this power, you are dead."

Frank said so.

The firearm in his hand changed shape, becoming a submachine gun, pouring out the ammunition continuously!

With his free hand, he took out a grenade from the inside of a pair, and after Frank bit it open, the power of death poured into the grenade.

While maintaining fire suppression, the grenade flew directly over!

"People who suddenly get superpowers are either crazy or troublesome! You are the same!"

Frank said grimly.

He knew about Agent Hill.

As a tenth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who is organized but out of control, Frank knows exactly which side Hill represents.

He is very clear about what the World Security Council has done to S.H.I.E.L.D.

And Hill is one of the root causes of this trouble!

Nothing good will come to you!

The ring on Agent Hill's hand showed a stronger green light!

The green light turned into a spherical shield in front of him!

The grenade exploded suddenly, and the power of death and the power of will began to collide!

And this kind of collision seems to be an innate opposition, like adding fuel to the fire and sending out a roar of distance!

"It seems that death hates this power?"

Frank continued to shoot, talking casually.

This is a very rare experience.

In the past, when facing some superpowers, the death ring would constantly remind Frank that this is an interesting soul.

But when facing Hill, the death ring conveyed the order to kill the opponent!

Frank became suspicious.

But this does not prevent him from choosing to continue attacking!

In order to allow his lover and daughter to continue to appear in the world, he still cannot go against his death wish!

"I thought you'd be a hero, Frank!"

Hill roared!

That burst of green light began to condense.

It turned into a metallic battle suit and enveloped her body.

Frank frowned, he had seen this on the news.

It's just that this one is not in gold and red color matching.

Seriously, Agent Hill's imagination is a little lacking.

Besides, there is no one who can give her some guidance on using the green light ring.

Agents are not without imagination, but their imagination needs to be limited and displayed in the right place.

Fight with your imagination?

This is a whole new experience!

First, there is a guarantee of 8,000 characters, and I will stay up for a while, and then I will make up another 4,000-character chapter.

Don't wait, get up early and watch.


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