Dark Savages Come To the United States

New month's update plan and this month's debt repayment situation, as well as some gossip

The first is to report on debt repayment and debts.

A total of 210,000 words have been updated this month.

Remove the 186,000 words guaranteed to be updated this month, and 24,000 words for debt repayment, which is about 12 chapters.

The number of monthly tickets increased this month is 288, and the addition of a fraction is counted as 3 chapters.

The total amount of rewards this month is 63.66 yuan, which is not enough to add a new chapter, plus the accumulated rewards from last month totaled 88 yuan, which is counted as a new chapter owed.

This month is set at 1199, take an integer, and add 12 chapters according to the long-term addition rules.

16 new chapters are added.

A total of 47 chapters and 94,000 words were owed by the end of last month.

After repaying 12 chapters of debts, there are still 51 chapters of debts left, including 102,000 words.


Debt does not decrease but increases...

Well, there is already a plan for the situation of not paying off the debt before the completion of the book.

If there are still debts after finishing the book, a free extra chapter will be updated as a debt repayment.

The pre-plan is that there will be about 10,000 words of free side updates every week, which may be less than this number, but it will continue to be updated until the debt is paid off. (There must be an update within at least two days)

The extra plan that has already been prepared is roughly divided into three parts.

1. Anecdotes of ancestors:

The main body is the description of some behavioral styles of the ancestors who appeared in the article. Of course, don’t worry about me copying the background of the game... because basically there is no way to copy... I saw a comment from a book friend today, saying that I copied a lot of the plot of the game ...

I was wronged...

But I'm actually a little bit ecstatic...

The part I shaped will be mistaken by the reader for copying, which is probably a different kind of praise.

It was already made clear in the first chapter that the plot in the game collapsed long after Bulkelso appeared.

After all, there is no part in the game plot where Malthael goes to find Kanai's Box, nor the part where Malthael devours the Great Demon God and his brother.

Not to mention that Malthael has become a "Nephalem-like" existence.

Among all the barbarian ancestors on the stage, only Lecco has no information to check his existence... This one also has a role that only she can play...

Because of the spoiler involved, I will not mention it for the time being.

As for the names of other ancestors, most of them come from the skill descriptions and equipment descriptions of the barbarians.

For example, Cole from Fury of the Hidden Peak, Banal from Fury of Fury, Aurak from Blade of War God, etc., they are just names in the game for equipment or skills.

I wanted them to have lived, existed, and left legends at some point in the world's past.

These shapings were placed in the plot and were evaluated as "procrastinating". So in the subsequent plots, I rarely write about the past of these ancestors.

And these pasts will become part of the story.

These are the characters I created on the basis of the original words after sorting out the list.

Among the book friends, there are of course those who pay attention to the plot, but most of the book friends questioned the discrepancy with the game plot, and I gave an explanation why it became like this while promoting the plot. (Maybe there is something I haven't noticed)

I can feel my conscience and say that the characters in this story are only constructed by me based on the Diablo III plot and the American manga plot.

Whether it is the purpose and diametrically opposed positions of the archangels, or the cooperation among the devil kings of hell.

Even the respective goals of the various forces have cost me a lot of effort.

During the period when the High Paradise was under the control of the Angris Council, there was only one incompatible existence, and that was Tyrael.

He is just, so noble.

But what it means to violate the iron law of the high-level heaven in the mouth of Imprius is not described in the game. And Tyrell's actions are obviously not so "justice" in some places.

So I gave my design, that is, the iron law of the high-level heaven is to protect these power holders who will be more terrifying than demons with a slight change.

Because it violated the iron law of the high-level heaven, Tyrael made a move that was inconsistent with justice, detonating the World Stone and blasting the holy mountain of Arreat into a deep pit.

I believe that I have nothing to lose in virtue, and I even reflect on it from time to time because of some unintentional mistakes that didn't seem to be serious.

But there will still be a lot of malice in the bottom of my heart, fortunately, these are only at the level of malice.

For this reason, I have given these human archangels a guarantee.

Who can never change? How can these angels be forever noble without guarantees?

Moreover, Uldyssian, the protagonist of the Battle of Original Sin, was not mentioned until the most recent chapters, which also marks the beginning of the real revelation of the protagonist's "secret".

The protagonist's main line has never been "recovering memory and achieving the integrity of the soul", but only when he has done this can he do what he wants to do.

This is also something that was mentioned at the beginning.

And that's partly why Uldyssian from the Battle of Original Sin exists.

And the part involving the battle of original sin will also be placed in the side story of this part.

2. There are some incomplete and interesting contents in the plot:

To be honest, the latest update about the clown is the part I am more satisfied with.

But there are also some things that haven't been written in detail, such as how the clown drives mad Billy makes the lie devil give up thinking about this part.

And as the guy who knows everything, the laughing craftsman managed to avoid the sweep of death while still alive.

There's also some seemingly interesting stuff about Nick Fury staying on the moon.

Even in the original outline, I prepared something like "Swallowing Star Blood Nest", although I deleted it in the end...

These will probably be released slowly in the extra episode.

In the original outline, there are several predictions that I deleted or temporarily put on hold, such as the plot of Task Force X (ZS Team), Punisher Spider-Man, Thanos Punisher, Supreme Mage trials...

I've been thinking about this for a long time, but I still haven't made up my mind.

Of course, there are also those that are directly rejected by me. Because it seems a bit inconsistent with the overall main line and tone of the story...

These will also be part of the episode.

3. The mental journey of some characters:

Many characters are changing. During the promotion of the plot, I mostly tell everyone who has changed in what way. Although there is a foreshadowing part, this kind of foreshadowing is only to the extent of "informing" changes.

Like the Aracification of Jessica Jones...

Luke Cage becomes the kind of fighter Maddock wants...

Natasha and Hawkeye's changing attitude towards S.H.I.E.L.D....

Tony's musings between science and the occult...

This kind of content will probably be described as a side story.

There are a lot of characters on stage, I admit it, because I didn't make a good choice, and some characters suddenly became more involved in the scene, mostly because I hope there really is such a person.

I still can't bear to let them become a symbol, a name...

The biggest advantage of the theme of American manga is that the author mentions a certain superhero, and everyone already has a recognition of him in their hearts, so most of the time it is not necessary to shape the character of this person.

One is to reduce the space needed to create characters, and the other is not to introduce characters. Even based on these characters, the plot and context of the story are clearly visible.

I don't really like this way of writing.

So the plot points I choose are all slightly unpopular.

Such as Hellboy Blood Queen, Crossbones Rumlow, Helsing, Red Giant General Ross...

For example, the story of the birth of Iron Man, if written, can pile up tens of thousands of words, and I just mentioned it.

Because these are all too familiar to everyone, I want to show you something different.

Obviously, I failed. If nothing else, just reading these data and going mad will explain the problem.

But as I said at the beginning, I wanted to write a complete story, and a complete story needs an ending...

My first book made me feel a little "difficult to understand". Although it was a million words in length, I couldn't get away with the fact that I didn't write it according to the ending I designed at the beginning.

But fortunately, writing like this will always gain something, and I am still full of hope.

Thank you readers for giving me this hope!

Perhaps the next book will not be written with the idea that every character pursues "real existence", and it may not let "calculation" which I am not good at take up a lot of space.

Try the royal way of writing "Shuang" in "Shuangwen".

Do one thing, get something, and then do the next thing. This cycle of writing also takes into account the author's skills.

Fortunately, I have been thinking and learning in this area recently.

The problems that appear in this book will probably not appear in subsequent works.

Writing hard is not the way out. You have to keep learning, changing yourself, and then adapting to the story the readers want to see.

At least I now have some experience with the "choice".

It must be used next time!

Perhaps, what I say is one of my strengths?

At least I haven't been perfunctory about repaying the debt, so you can rest assured.

As long as I sign the contract, I will definitely finish the book.

As long as there is a debt, I will definitely pay it off!

After all, I just owe so many updates, and I haven't said anything about changing the rules...

In the end it did it...

Next is the list of rewards

Thanks to the book friend JETYGUO for the reward of 3000 points.

Thanks to the master book friend for the 1500 point coins rewarded in the blink of an eye.

Thank you for the 1500 point coins rewarded by the book friend Master Xianyu Youth Joy.

Thanks for the 200 points rewarded by the book friend Master The Dark Side of the Mirror.

Thanks to the book friend Master Shuyou 150530030148163 for the reward of 100 points.

Thanks for the 34 coins rewarded by the book friend Master 20190506135824898.

Thanks to the book friend Master Yishan Xianke for the 16 coins rewarded.

Thanks to the book friend Master Mo Mo for being a good boy for the 2 points rewarded.

Thanks to the book friend Mr. Raccoon who loves to sleep for the 2 dots.

Thanks to the book friend Master Yuye for the 2 points rewarded at the corner of the rainy night.

Thank you for the 2 points rewarded by the book friend Liuli Zhaza.

Thanks to the book friend Master Buda Meow for the 2 points rewarded for attacking.

Thanks to the book friend, master book friend 20210207220221053 for the reward of 2 points.

Thanks to the book friend Master book friend 20181120095324094 for the reward of 2 points.

Thanks to the book friend Master RNG Niubi for the 2 points rewarded.

Thanks! Thank you very much for the kindness of readers.

The author Qian Nan looked up!

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