Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 551 Who cares if Constantine is really inflated?

"So what are you going to do now?"

Matthew spoke against his huge body, and he looked at everything around him with a little joy while speaking.

The stance of Wrath of the Berserker would not undo his physical defects, and those eyes were not a manifestation of the nephalem's blood.

Those are the eyes of a demon!

Matthew moved his brand new body a little bit, and his expression became weird.

The things that can be seen in the demon's sight are different from his memories of sight when he was a human child, at least everyone he saw in his eyes is still the same, but he doesn't know why in his heart But the concept of "ugliness" keeps coming out.

This is not right, this obvious conclusion is not enough to affect Matthew's will. But he was still worried, worried that he would change because of this weird sight at some point.

The more you study the law, the easier it is to look at things without emotion.

Matthew is an excellent legal worker, and he intentionally controls this "bad" change.

"Konstantin is going to fulfill his contract, isn't he?"

Luke patted Matthew on the shoulder and let out a long breath.

Although he had already prepared to die in battle, it is good news not to die in battle now.

Luke doesn't intend to guess what the Destroyer Demon God thinks.

He still likes everything to be simpler, the most is to risk his life.

"I just want to know how to make myself return to my original form."

Matthew said a little irritably, he had already closed his eyes.

Before there is no way to control the negative effects of these eyes, the best choice is to restrain one's desire to see the world again.

"The power of the nephalem is like this? I am definitely reborn! But what will the devil king of hell and the angel of hope think of me?

Is it by default that I am an ordinary nephalem who cannot be in an ordinary nephalem? Or do you see me as a threat like the original nephalem?

Also, Dr. Doom. For the sake of saving your life, can't Latovilla prepare me a private room with unlimited supply of Sika cigarettes? "

Constantine is acting a little more chic now, at least he is not as rude as before.

Who knows what he looks like is the real him, but one thing will never change, that is Constantine's scum essence.

At most, this scumbag will become a little more polite after letting go of some pressure.

"Don't try to threaten me. Even if I lose my strength now, I'm still somewhat sure of dying with you! Scum!"

Dr. Doom was held by Constantine's belt, his body was so fragile that he couldn't even lift his head. But it is still full of the powerful spirit that belongs to the king.

It's just that it doesn't seem like a wise choice to show yourself like this at this time.

"Okay, okay! Great Doom, now I want to invite you and me to the Buster Mansion. Your old friend is very worried about you, so he entrusts me to negotiate with you, but I have something to say first, although Mr. Reed has paid, but that payment does not include my need to save your life.

To be honest, I offended a very troublesome guy. "

Constantine talked about the reward, but it seemed that he was really in a good mood at this time.

The feeling of regaining the freedom of the soul is more enjoyable than smoking a silk card, hugging a succubus, and eating watermelon in the summer.

Compared with the feeling of injecting something that can't be named into his blood vessels, this kind of freedom still makes him like it more.

"If you put me down now, I'll give you more. If Reed wants to see me, let him come to Latovilla!"

Dr. Doom is still very firm, at least the bones are hard.

Seeing him like this, Constantine gave Luke a wink while Dr. Doom couldn't even raise his head, probably meaning "why didn't you break his bones before?" or something.

"Dr. Doom, I don't think you will deny that the current self cannot defeat me and Matthew without intending to die together. We just want to ask you a few questions, and you should be able to give us the answers we want .”

Luke doesn't care what Constantine wants to express, he just wants to know the news of Barr now.

Whether it's good news or bad news, that's enough to know.

"Hey! What are you talking about the great 'Dr. Doom'? Don't look at him now as a stray dog ​​with a broken spine, but he is the king behind the scenes in the country of Latovilla! More Tony Stark's college roommate and Mister Fantastic Reed's research partner!

Although he doesn't have any products that can be compared with the first two in terms of technology, he is still a mage! A powerful, uh, pretty powerful mage.

Especially now, he is a strong man in the body of a demon who doesn't know whether he is human or not! "

Constantine said strangely, it sounded like he was introducing Dr. Doom to Luke, but everyone basically knew that he was reminding Dr. Doom to figure out his identity.

If Dr. Doom's brain can still function normally, then he shouldn't continue to be stubborn under such an absolute disadvantage.

Dr. Doom was held by Constantine, and his body was trembling constantly. In the eyes of others, this trembling was like Constantine holding a full-power pile driver.

Both of them were shaking, but fortunately, Constantine didn't have any fat on his face, which made the current situation acceptable.

"Are you insulting me?"

"It was you who insulted me first, Dr. Doom! You need to know who you can defeat in your current state? You shouldn't be so demented, or are you saying that you won't be taken by the blood of the devil?" Is it just bragging if you follow your will?"

Constantine smiled, and continued:

"You'd better recover your calm mind and think about your situation now!

Look at those two big guys over there, one named Luke and the other named Matthew. Their identity is no secret to you, yes, they are barbarians!

The kind that is so savage that it can swallow demon gods alive, look at the fangs in Matthew's mouth, they were made that way to chew the bones of demons!

Now, the newborn and weaker demon, Dr. Doom. You may be one of the few intellectuals in the Burning Hell, but I'm sure those demons won't be interested in the knowledge in your head, but they will definitely be interested in your brain!

Do you know what to do now? "

Constantine said a series of words quickly, and the messy news made Luke a little angry.

Since when are barbarians counted as cannibals? That is to say, it is not suitable to "negotiate" this issue with Constantine now.

"I'm going to see Reid, but you guys better be prepared."

Dr. Doom hesitated before giving this answer.

Although he already hated the scumbag Constantine in his heart, he had to admit that he was a piece of fat now.

No matter which side it is for.

But if he arrives on the territory of the Fantastic Four, at least the safety within the range is still guaranteed.

Reid's value is far above killing a behind-the-scenes king of Latovilla!

Also, the Fantastic Four are the kind of superheroes who are like moral models, and their protection is enough to stop that guy Nick Fury.

Dr. Doom still accepted this favor. He knew exactly what Nick Fury was. After all, his identity determined that he would have many dealings with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"What preparation?"

Frank sat down on the back of Nick Fury's life double, and said with his head down.

He's not feeling well right now.

Although the injuries caused by the destructive power on his body began to improve after Doom absorbed the remnants, but it was far from a complete recovery.

Although he had already observed with a sniper rifle at the beginning of the battle, if it wasn't for that bastard Nick Fury running over, he would rather stay at a distance.

He is not sure whether Nick Fury is narrow-minded, but Frank has this suspicion, and it is very strong.

When the two swept the dangerous organization together, every time there was any accidental injury, that bastard Nick Fury would return the next moment.

So Frank thinks that even if this guy is not narrow-minded, it is definitely not a big deal. ①

"Get ready for what Reid thinks demons are the next phase of humanity."

Dr. Doom said with a sneer.

If you want to say who knows Mister Fantastic best in this world, maybe even Reed's pillow and brother-in-law don't know as much as Dr. Doom.

Beneath his suave surface, that guy is a fanatic and stubborn about science.

"Sounds great! So what will Mister Fantastic do? Develop a machine that transforms humans into demons? Or start experimenting on himself first?

I didn't know there were rubber demons in Burning Hell. "

Constantine said indifferently.

Humans turning into demons?

This kind of thing is whimsical in his understanding.

That's right, the demon kings of hell need more demon cubs to enrich the Burning Hell, but they don't want the Burning Hell to be filled with human traces at all.

For angels, human beings have a demon side, and for demons, human beings also have an angelic side.

Maybe the devil just wants to do bad things at all, and maybe it doesn't matter if the target is a person or something else.

"In fact, there are similar ones, such as those guys who can lick the flesh off your body with their tongues from a long distance."

Luke interrupted Constantine, although he understood that Constantine was using his own way to dispel some thoughts that Dr. Doom should not have.

But this approach does not meet the wishes of Luke and Matthew.

They don't care where Dr. Doom is going after that, or what happens to Dr. Doom afterward.

Now they have only one idea, and that is to hear everything he knows about Baal from Dr. Doom!

"And, Konstantin, you are a nephalem now, and it is absolutely necessary for me to tell you something about our experience."

Luke tried to use this oversimplified way to take away the right to speak. The idea was good, but the technique was too rough.

Now they are not a team of heroes, but a group of people with different appeals who have to meet here because their appeals point to the same person.

"No, maybe your relationship with those ancestors on Mount Harrogas is not as good as mine."

Konstantin threw the cigarette butt on the ground casually, with an unswerving expression on his face.

After this guy got rid of Auriel's influence, he showed some rebelliousness to some extent.

Hell Detective Constantine is not a temperless guy. Most of the inmates who made him angry have been released from prison and changed their environment.

Like a mental hospital?

"What I want to remind you is, don't talk about demons in front of us until you have survived the tide of demons. That's ridiculous, and it doesn't have the prudence that a mage should have!

You swell! "

When Luke spoke, he appeared directly in front of Constantine, his dark face was very serious.

It is true that Constantine became a nephalem through his own series of calculations, and by the way, he also recovered the freedom of his soul. This approach is very powerful, fully demonstrating the ability of this hell detective.

But that can't change the current Constantine is just a newborn nephalem, even though he has a bigger and brighter future, but now he is still a rookie!

"Hey, this is really a heartfelt statement. But when I was an ordinary person, I was able to swim between heaven and hell, although now the name of heaven is added with 'high-level', and hell has also started to 'burn', But so what?

That's all. "

Constantine said this, and everyone looked at him with strange eyes while he was talking.

This guy is not an ignorant and fearless guy. Although he is full of courage, he shouldn't be so unwisely inflated.

Or, what is this guy planning?

Frank snapped his fingers at Constantine to attract his attention.

"Dude, have a cigarette."

Frank interrupted the conversation, which might be full of conspiracy and calculations, and took out a wad of banknotes from his pocket.

"Of course, we're friends."

Constantine smiled and took out another unopened pack of cigarettes from somewhere, and threw it directly at Frank.

Then he kept rubbing his fingers, just like the feeling of flies rubbing their hands.

Frank took out one bill from a pile of banknotes, and threw it to Constantine.

But after Constantine took the money, he kept rubbing his fingers.

"Fuck off, that bill is enough to buy several packs of these cigarettes!"

Frank spit and drew his pistol.

The power of death flickering on the muzzle of the gun made Constantine's eyes flicker.

Frank is reminding him not to forget the existence of "death"!

A guy who walks a tightrope among multiple forces can't underestimate any existing force. Any mistake may make his death several times more tragic!

"It's okay, if you need anything else, John Constantine will serve you wholeheartedly."

Constantine made a promise, which was kind of a thank you for Frank's reminder.

① The Punisher arcade has a mode similar to Double Dragon II that can attack each other (FC Double Dragon II double player mode B, killing teammates will give you an extra life... When I was young, I sneaked away to play games and not only got beaten risk, even occasionally being beaten by my dad in the game.)

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