Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 573 Dealing with it (more to follow)

"Vorusk, you guys don't need me to comfort you, do you!?"

Bulkasso cast a sidelong glance at Vorusk.

Who ever denied Vorusk's status as the Immortal King? nobody.

It's just that this guy seems a little too sensitive.


Vorusk immediately clenched his teeth and let out a series of crunching noises.

"Since you don't need my comfort, tell me what you have hidden!

What's going on now, tell me! "

The anger on Bulkasso was gone in a flash.

Who among the human beings living in the Sanctuary can live a smooth life?

As the capital of a country, Leoric will still encounter misfortune, not to mention these active fighters on the battlefield.

There have always been many dreams in the Land of Sanctuary to live and work in peace and contentment, but until the end, no one has realized this simple wish.

Perhaps there had been a time when Uldyssian was alive?

"Lei Ko and the others went to find Baal."

Cassius said weakly, this sentence almost immediately aroused Bulkeso's anger.

Although Bul-Kelso is always angry, that doesn't mean he's manic.

It should be said that Burkasso's temper is considered good among the barbarians, at least better than Banal's.

"Leiko? At this time, Lei Ko is going to burn hell?

Baal won't take the initiative to fight her, but what's the point of Lai Ko going to Baal? "

This is a good question, because these ancestors are currently caught in a state of information asymmetry.

For example, Bulkhasso didn't know about the battle in Sanctuary, and most of the ancestors didn't know the agreement between Baal and Bulkhasso.

About the pact that Baal gave up everything.

"And Jorez."

Calcio sounded dissatisfied.

The current treatment of Qiao Ruizi on the holy mountain is not very good.

At that time, everyone thought that Lei Kou had ended the existence of Qiao Ruizi, but now this guy ran out?

A patriarch with a temper like Cassius' had grown into a rage.

"Is this fooling us? Didn't Jorez die at the hands of Lei Ko? Does he still exist? Lei Ko lied to us?"

Cole held the heavy hammer in his hand, his face was very ugly.

Being cheated is not so easy for anyone to accept, especially being cheated by someone you trust.

"Laikou will fool you? Leikou is not so boring.

If Leko would deceive you, Canuck would not!

I hate to say it, but I think that idiot Canuck might still be guarding the door for Lacco when Lacco and Jorez go to bed.

Just to prevent ignorant guys from listening to the walls of the Leikou family. "

Olongus was telling some colorful jokes. If this word reached Canuck's ears, Olongus would probably not escape a severe beating.

What a loss!

Canuck listen to the guy he likes with another guy?

Unless he's a pervert.

My brother doesn't like this kind of thing, they just want to rush.

"Jorez? Are you sure it's Jorez and not Vader?"

Hylab cast a glance at Olongus, looking at that expression, he seemed a little upset.

"Are Jorez and Vida the same person? You're making me a little confused."

Cole squatted beside Cassius on the ground, talking while sorting out Cassius' injuries.

Most of the barbarians in the Great Bear Tribe don't like complicated things. It should be said that the barbarians don't like complicated things, but the Great Bear Tribe gave up the process of "figuring it out".

At least the spirits of the ancestors of these big bear tribes on the holy mountain are like this.

"The spirit of the ancestors is not static, but since that guy has become Jorez, then he represents Jorez at that time."

Bulkeso stroked his beard and said.

Ancestral spirits may be able to lie, but they cannot hide their identities.

Maybe this group of guys felt that their most glorious time was not the one they were before because their brains suddenly opened up, so this guy will also change into another period.

For example, if Volusk suddenly felt that his most glorious time was the day he became the Immortal King, then this guy would immediately look strong.

Instead of this dry and miserable look.

"You're ignoring me?"

Volusk is still Sapo.

There's probably something wrong with this guy's head.

"I told you a long time ago, you guys have changed your own secret realm, and you will become stupid sooner or later."

Bulkelso had the thought of sighing for a moment, but he suppressed it anyway.

No one can obliterate Volusk's contribution, but the lunatic situation of becoming long is still enough to cause headaches.

So Bulkasso directly swung his fist round, and slammed it on Volusk's temple.

Having just been punched by Cassius, he didn't have much energy to face Bulkeso's sudden attack.

"I have done more than half of the work on my side, and the rest should have been done by Jotun Kooler.

But that guy somehow ran into the Dark Soul Stone. "

Doctor Who's original plan was to seal the war of time directly in a segment, so that there would be no follow-up, and there would be no result.

But who would have thought that this trip to the past would create an infinite?

It's true that Bulkelso has become stronger, but that world has also become a mess.

Bulkelso pinched the bridge of his nose, this series of things was too bad.

He had to go to Rorschach later, but he didn't have much time to spend on these things.

The fact that Rorschach became an archangel is a loss for the barbarians, and it is also a very bad signal.

The matter of becoming an archangel is either that the archangel that originally represented this kind of authority has fallen, and those authorities have made new choices.

Or it was done on purpose by the previous archangel.

If it's the latter, Bu Kesuo can understand it, but if it's the former, this matter will become troublesome.

"Before, two angels appeared in a panic outside the gate of the holy mountain, and disappeared the next moment. I think Imprius is absolutely clear about what's going on here."

Kaerqiu shook his head and said, his expression was a bit beating.

"You didn't say this before Imprius got out, and you said it was to let me find Imprius from the hearts of countless courageous guys in this world?"

Bulkelso was a little helpless.

Why are there not many guys who can help at this time.

Although he never thought of relying on the strength of these dead people, it shouldn't be a hindrance when he needs help, right?

"Okay, let's talk about how to deal with Volusk first.

This guy is going crazy, but that's also the last Immortal King. Don't say anything that will directly kill you. "

Bulkeso said casually, his attention was all on Kanai.

Of course, other people's opinions must be listened to, but the most important thing is what Kanai thinks.

"I have no idea. If you think that Volusk is in deep sleep, then do so. It's just that besides Volusk, who else on the Holy Mountain can sort out the energy in the Holy Mountain?"

Kanai understood Bulkeso's meaning and said it with a joke.

To say that the level of strength has reached the level of Volusk, there are Leko and Sonya.

But the problem is that these two are alive now, so you can't walk up to them and say: "The barbarians need you to die now, so please die"?

"For the first time, I feel that it is very annoying that people can continue to exist after death. I have always been proud of us being able to do this.

After all, with so many nephalem, only barbarians can do this, which is indeed something to be proud of. "

Olongus picked up his nails and talked, not feeling that there was anything wrong with what he said.

What's wrong with that?

In fact, there is no problem, but it is not good enough.

"Jortun Kuller, when will you come out of the dark soul stone?

To clear up Volusk's mind, I need to use Kanai's Cube! "

Bulkeso said so.

Olongus on one side finally let go of Banal who was in a frenzy.

Now that Bulkelso is back, who on the holy mountain can go against the opinion of the Immortal King they have chosen?

Even if Banal became a berserker, he couldn't do it. Maybe a beating would help this guy recover quickly?

"Ha, I'm sorry Bulkasso! If I want to get out of this, I can't do it!

Did you forget that the last dark soul stone sealed all the demon kings of hell?

The power of the seven hell demon kings is not comparable to me, so I can't do it. "

Jotun Kooler's voice was as infuriating as ever, and what was even more infuriating was that the guy was definitely not telling the truth.

"Do you want me to remind you of the fact that the last time Jorez came in and then went out again?

Or are you going to use some bad excuse that I allowed Jorez to leave?

We all know that if I can control the situation in the dark soul stone, I won't have to wait for the existence that can continue to protect the barbarian to appear before opening my memory. "

Bulkelso got a little impatient, and fixed his eyes on Banal who was about to rush up.

Although none of the people present had the smell of a demon, so Banal didn't show much desire to attack after falling into a frenzy.

But the idiot Banal is still going berserk!

"Although it's a bit inappropriate to say that, if it's about beating you up, I think Barr is willing to do it for you."

Bulkeso made an unrealistic threat, with a sneer on his face.

"I'm not mistaken, you guy can actually smile?

Let me think about it, most of your emotions were confused at that time, and you basically couldn't smile after that.

So, your smiling face is still sarcastic? "

Jotun Keller spoke in a daze, with a strange expression on his face.

"That's enough! Jotun Kuller! Since you plan to do this, I can help you."

Kanai spoke, the first half of his sentence was to Jotun Keller, and the second half was to Bulkelso.

After all, Kanai is an existence that once mastered a part of knowledge authority. When it comes to "methods", this guy is the most.

It's just that most of the methods will bring some sequelae.

Knowledge is like this, as long as it can have a certain effect, then there will definitely be something corresponding to it in knowledge.

It's just that how to make a trade-off is a matter for the actors.

"How about you seal Volusk into your mind together, anyway, the thing that guy wants to do the most is to see Kanai.

If it doesn't work, you just throw in the throne of the Immortal King and let him wake up on the throne.

When the time comes, his wish will come true? "

Olongus was talking coquettishly, with some displeasure on his face.

Bulkasso only found it troublesome. Up to now, he still didn't understand how Vorusk made these ancestors almost split directly.

"Then wait, anyway, Volusk won't die in a short time.

I'm here, I want to see who dares to make trouble on the holy mountain of Harrogath! "

After speaking, Bulkelso looked directly at the three ancestors.

"Tariq, Korik, you and I are old friends. So can you tell me what the three of you were doing before?

Couldn't the existence of the three ancestors make Harrogath Holy Mountain a little calmer?"

"Do you think I'm the kind of guy who can play politics? Or do you really forget that Sanctuary is still fighting against Malthael?"

Tariq said with a flick of his face, and pointed to Craig on the ground by the way.

The extra soul on this guy has not yet been identified, which is not good news.

The three ancestors didn't do nothing, at most they were "delayed by other things".

"Without Maddock, I don't want to see you two!

Hasn't the proof of your shame told you that this avoidance is your shame?

And you, Korik! I understand all your beliefs about respecting life, but the spirits of the ancestors have nothing to do with life in your eyes, right?

The Three Patriarchs are not the kind of guys who can't do anything without a prophet! "

Bulkelso's somewhat clumsy aggressive method is not very sharp for the three ancestors, but the effect is still there.

It's just that Korik and Tariq have long been used to Bulkasso's aggressive method, which is neither painful nor itchy, but Kahn can't do it.

"Are you using a provocative method? Or do you think your method is very clever? Burkesso, let me tell you! I have never been provoked in my life!"

Kahn walked out with two swords in hand and looked directly at Bulkelso in front of him.

"The three ancestors followed the will of Bulkhasso, but the 'Bulkhasso' I'm talking about is not you! It's the original ancestor!"

"The original ancestor was confirmed missing after the explosion of the holy mountain of Arreat. With the return of Sonya, it can be confirmed that he was almost taken by Rasmana to fight Malthael. That guy was basically confirmed to be scrapped. .

So now do you want to taste the taste of the double knives of Bulkasso? "

Bulkelso twisted his neck and said to Kahn.

The reason why Juggernaut Kahn has not been provoked is very simple, because this guy does not need to be provoked.

The only thing Kahn can't stand is being ignored.

This guy is very strong, but if he has to say it, it may be that his brain is not very good.

Bulkelso has always had a question when he read the story about Kahn.

How could a soldier who was told to be calm and composed during the battle not understand how he could rush in without saying a word when he was in battle with the demon army.

Either Kahn is deeply scheming and arrogantly disdains to tell his compatriots his battle plan, or this guy is just a tough guy with no expression.

Bulkelso thought it was the former, because Kahn replaced Maddock.

The same goes for Maddock, who looks like a fool, but is actually much smarter than the other two ancestors.

Although I still feel uncomfortable, I already said the 4D update yesterday. Then I will update the 4D.

It is less than 6,000 words, and it is customary to update according to 6,000 words or more.


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