Dark Savages Come To the United States

I'm sorry, I may need to ask for leave until midnight to update

From the time I sat in front of the computer, I typed unconsciously, and then deleted, repeating over and over again.

It has been repeated over and over again for more than four hours now.

Not even a coherent and complete paragraph is written.

I feel that I may have encountered some mysterious event (high probability is Calvin)

I feel a bit difficult to write a testimonial now.

That feeling of emptiness, that feeling of not being able to write something even if I force myself was the first time I felt it.

In the past, even Calvin, I forced myself to write for such a long time and could squeeze out thousands of words, but now even this little testimonial is difficult.

Probably, the update will be resumed before midnight.

Ha, it's past five o'clock, and it took me almost an hour to write some words.

I just think it's a little ridiculous, but I can't laugh...

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