Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 686 Could it be a tacit mutual avoidance?

The outstretched hand did not hesitate.

That hand will stubbornly push open the door of Crystal Poor!

In the high heavens, there are very few rooms with closed doors.

But after the archangels seldom appeared here, this place that was originally full of light closed almost all the rooms.

The high-level paradise does not seem to welcome visitors, and it is rarely open to "people"!


Auriel rarely called Bulkelso's name in a very serious voice.

This was probably the last time she would advise Bulkeso on the matter.

"Leave! No matter what happens next, no one can stop me!"

Bulkelso widened his eyes and looked at Auriel in front of him!

The face of this archangel of hope, who is synonymous with gentleness and beauty, has a rare trace of anger and helplessness in his ears.

"This gate will close when you enter, and will be sealed with the power of the crystal dome.

If you don't plan to destroy High Heaven, you won't be able to leave! "

Auriel seemed to have some regrets.

She knew very well that Bulkelso would not destroy High Heaven. It's like Bulkelso didn't destroy the Burning Hell.

Regardless of whether it was Bulkhasso or Rathma, as long as they were still trying to save the original world, they would never do anything to the two-thirds that constituted that world!

After the high-level heaven and the burning hell were summoned to this world, this is already the fusion of the world!

Just like this world itself did to another world!

"The putrid smell of demons behind this gate is already making me want to sneeze!

There is not much difference between you and the devil.

Perhaps the only difference is that you understand love from the authority and rules that you do not have emotions in themselves.

And the demon kings of hell who were born from emotions didn't understand the rules. "

The door that Bulkelso pushed open as soon as he spoke!

Then saw the legendary demons who were once the nephalem's greatest enemies!


The heavy stone gate was pushed open!

Bulkelso avoided Auriel's position for the first time!

This is a reverence for an archangel who once voted against for mankind!

After this moment, Auriel will no longer have any preferential treatment from Bulkasso!

"Now, you'd better find a place to prepare for labor!

If you can get out of your own calculations safely!

I might consider teaching you and Impryus' children a little bit.

Auriel, that's enough to hope you've done. But you never seem to have trusted a single person yet. "

Bulkelso's words were a little cold.

His free hand was already on the handle of the knife at his waist!

The name of this pair of sword suits is Bulkasso's Oath.

But this is not the legend of Bulkelso!

But just in time, this closed place will have enough materials and opponents.

Let these guys be the soil that truly belongs to Bulkasso's weapons!

The legendary embryo that has been forged is on Bulkelso's body!

As entertainment before the news of the victory in the war arrives, these guys are just right!


Bulkelso's iron shoes made a heavy sound when they stepped on the floor of unknown material.

The sound of footsteps is as heroic as the sound of a war drum!

Even in the face of those legendary demons who had taken away an unknown number of ancestors, Bulkelso didn't care!

These guys can't stop him from grabbing the win!


The door is slowly closing!

Auriel watched Bulkelso's back just outside the gate.

Scars can be seen everywhere on the bare upper body!

There are traces of battle on almost every inch of skin!

The scars on the back are shame?


How can a nephalem not be surrounded when fighting?

Would the devil still detour in front of the warrior and attack again?

They will only seize every opportunity to hurt each other and devour the flesh and blood of the Nephalem!

The scars on the back were never a memento left when fleeing, but a mark of fighting in the tide!

One-on-one battles with demons?

Why did the devil give up its numerical advantage?

They are a bunch!

Facing an enemy is a horde of demons together!

Face a group of enemies or go up together with a group of demons!

Perhaps only the devil is always honest!

Their tactics and methods of fighting have never changed over the years!

"Auriel, hope is worth living in a better world!"

Auriel seemed to hear Bulkelso's whispered reminders and wishes in her ears.

Then the door was completely closed!

"Bulkasso, it's not that the angels born under the rules understand feelings, but that we are already human beings as early as the time Inaris was born."

Auriel spoke words that Bulkelso couldn't have heard.

She had no intention of worrying about Bulkelso at all.

Bulkelso himself is the symbol of victory!

Where he is, the flag of war will fly forever!

It's just a group of legendary demons, they can't stop Bulkelso.

At best, it was just branding some new marks on Bulkasso's scar.

"Rasma, it seems you have backed down.

As I said before, you will exceed your expectations when facing those of the same kind in this world.

Also Imprius, you seem to be missing something. "

Auriel said calmly.

Then he turned around and faced the two guys who had just come here.

Auriel didn't show any surprise, as if this place was the place they had agreed to meet.

"The death of this world is a complete madman.

We've lost Leoric's trust, even if we don't mean much. "

Imprius said with some embarrassment.

Looking upwards with both eyes, that demented look seems to mean that he is thinking?

"Leoric is very sensitive to malice.

In his eyes, any malice is the beginning of betrayal.

Although I know this, I have no intention of backing down on this kind of thing.

Anyway, my goal has been achieved. "

Rathma said with a treacherous smile.

His teacher's body has been put away.

That legendary power is too close to death.

Only when worn on a person full of vitality can the balance recognized by the legend of Trag'Oul be achieved.

It is a pity that Rathma has lost this ability.

His balance had been broken the moment the power was taken from Yzreal.

Although as a necromancer, Rathma became more powerful.

But as a nephalem and a disciple of Trag'Oul, he was unable to wield the greatest power of his master's last gift.

Whether this result is a blessing or a curse is only clear to Rasma himself.

Fortunately, he still has his father's protection.

"Rasma, tell the truth!

Was Marsail's arrangement before or after your arrival!

It is impossible to take your eyes off Malthael!

So tell me the answer. "

Auriel waved her hand and readjusted her ribbon.

She trusted Rathma, but she was also wary of this guy.

Rathma was a hero, but Burkasso was right.

This guy can only be a tragic hero!

If it was said that Rathma would become a little crazy under the pressure in the next moment, Auriel would also believe it.

Now Auriel is still a mother, and she wants to protect her first child.

"Isn't Ozil the first to arrive?

Could it be that people in this world haven't discovered the whereabouts of that burning angel?

This shouldn't be, Ozil has long been the most devout follower of Masail. "

Rathma seemed a little surprised why Auriel asked this question.

Ozil is the upper echelon of the Soul Reaper Legion!

Apart from Malthael, who is bound to rise and fall among the Soul Reavers, Ozil is the leader of this legion.

"Did Marsail's arrangement already start at that time?"

Imprius frowned.

They all went back to find out about Ozil's arrival, but they didn't expect that there were some hidden secrets in it?

Ozil's posture at that time was pitiful enough, even his body had been transformed.

Even the look of seeking relief wholeheartedly made Imprius feel a little guilty just thinking about it.

Angels are called brothers and sisters.

It's a little strange, but the angels never cared.

"Hey...you are so arrogant.

Maybe these are also in Masail's calculations?

Have you ever thought about how Ozil was transformed as the leader of the Soul Reaper Corps?

Could it be that Ozil will be so weak that he can't even shake the soul of life?

Or is there a soul master in this world who can rival Nazebo? "

Rathma uttered a series of interrogative sentences, and Imprius was somewhat dissatisfied with this contemptuous attitude.

"You mean that the Soul Reaper has already appeared in this world?

This is not good news, and what's more, we don't seem to be aware of it. "

Imprius frowned and said with a very serious expression.

However, this approach caused Rathma to look down.

"You, like Diablo, can basically know the thoughts of all beings.

You say you didn't notice the existence of the Soul Reaper? Guess I believe it or not. "

Rathma's eyes became dangerous.

In Rathma's eyes, Imprius was obviously not telling the truth.

After all, as an archangel, even though he was once swallowed by Malthael, he still didn't encounter any danger to his life.

These archangels and Malthael may be opposed, but cooperation is not impossible.

Malthael knew a lot, at least about Uldyssian.

It was a long time later when this Archangel of Wisdom went mad, and he had no reason not to know what his brothers were thinking.

"I really do not know!

Diablo will not go to get the information he needs from everyone anytime and anywhere.

He will only do so when necessary.

And so do I.

But in my eyes, knowing what other people think is always unnecessary. "

Imprius was very serious.

This seriousness barely made Rathma trust her.

The Archangel of Courage is the domineering type. This guy's schemes and tricks are not without, but they are all of the slightly too conspicuous type.

All of Imprius' calculations are based on his own strength.

He himself is the insurance of all his plans.

"So you don't know Malsail's arrangement in this world at all?

I'm a little concerned about whether Bulkelso knows about it. "

Rathmah's face was crowded together.

According to his understanding of Bulkelso, this guy can know a lot of information.

Although Bulkelso seldom used natural authority, it would definitely not be difficult for him to know what happened.

The authority of courage and fear is the power that acts upon the "thinking man."

And the power of nature is the ability to act on all "non-thinking things".

Bulkeso can't read minds, so he relies on enthusiasm and frankness when interacting with people.

He is also more of the kind who goes to see what a person does.

It is this habit that makes Bulkeso so irritable and arrogant when deciding a person's life or death.

Those who do bad things are bad people, and Bulkelso rarely cares about how many embarrassments this guy has.

If you do something wrong, you have to atone for it, and it has nothing to do with whether a person's original intention is good or not.

Even if it hasn't reached the point where deeds don't care about heart, Bulkasso's tendency is very clear.

"He doesn't pay attention to the changes that happen to people who already exist.

If he paid attention to this kind of thing, then Jorez would not have been approached by Bulkeso after he became the poison king. "

Imprius said casually.

But Auriel was thinking very carefully over there.

Hope and nature's mastery of information are somewhat similar or even overlap.

Just hoping to know everything because of being everywhere, which is what she sees for herself.

As for Bulkelso, it was natural to tell Bulkelso everything he had seen.

One is a witness and the other is an information collector.

The information gathered by the collectors is still vague.

After all, no one would expect a mountain to accurately express their knowledge.

Until this time, the few people present realized that they didn't seem to know enough about Bulkelso.

This is also a bit bizarre.

There must be something wrong here, but they couldn't find any signs for a while.

"Rasma, let our brother come out for a moment.

It was your father.

Even if his will is basically obliterated by you guys, he will still give some suggestions.

We are here, and this is high heaven. "

Imprius's tone seemed to be giving orders, but fortunately, Rathma didn't care about the attitude of others.

A guy who can become a strong man in a difficult world will not easily get angry because of the attitude of others.

He is a necromancer, although he is a necromancer, but that is also the category of a mage.

Mages are always rational.

An easy rage is a barbarian, and the source of strength comes from anger, so what can be done about it.

You can't give up this power, can you?

Obviously, barbarians are a group and a profession, and there is no mandatory requirement for them whether their occupation is a barbarian.

But there are still very few barbarians who switch to other professions...

Is this a habit engraved in the blood?

Even those barbarians who know magic are trained as warriors from the beginning.

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