Dawn of a New Era

Chapter 52: Going to the Sea

Chen Shouyi, who was a little restless in his heart, walked to a hidden cave, and gently parted the hay that was spread on it, revealing two well-wrapped oil paper bags.

The big oiled paper bag contained bow parts and arrows.

Inside the long and narrow oiled paper bag is an alloy sword.

He reassembled the strong bow and tested the strength of the bowstring, but there was no sense of slack.

He was not surprised. A warrior's war bow is an actual combat weapon. It needs to adapt to various environments. Durability and easy maintenance are the most basic requirements. It is not as delicate as a traditional bow. Even if it is exposed to the sun and rain for a long time, it will not have much effect.

Of course, relative to this, the price is also expensive.

A bow is the price of a car.


He took the weapon and came to the entrance of the passage, and then let Shell girl out.

Shell Girl, who returned to the island again, let out a cheer and danced in the air like crazy.

Chen Shouyi ignored her, stepped aside, and started practicing arrows.

After shooting a few arrows, he realized that he was not in a good state, and he couldn't calm down.


He stopped and stood there, slightly lost in thought.

Ever since he discovered this passage, Chen Shouyi has been under tremendous pressure. On the one hand, he knows that the existence of this passage will bring huge hidden dangers to Dongning City, but on the other hand, he doesn't want to give up monopolizing this passage, giving up interests in hand.

For this reason, after discovering the presence of barbarians on the island, his first thought was not to choose to avoid them temporarily, but to go back and take risks to kill them. Even the second time, a large number of barbarians appeared, and he tried to solve the matter alone.

Almost lost his life for this.

In addition to making up for his own faults, this will prevent more barbarians from entering Dongning City. It's not like there is no idea in my heart to try to continue to hide this channel.

Of course, in the end he was lucky enough to succeed, and the situation that was about to collapse was restored by him, so he continued logically.


However, today the body of the intruder and the photo finally made him a little upset.

Although he could find a hundred reasons to convince himself that this person died because of his own greed and had nothing to do with him.

But he knew in his heart that to a certain extent, the other party was the first person to be implicated since he concealed this passage.

After all, he is only a seventeen-year-old boy, and his heart is not cold yet.

Although his hands were already bloody, the feeling of dying a barbarian is different from that of a human being.

One is a backward primitive race from another world, and the other is the same kind.

Just like after the first industrial revolution, people who claim to be a civilized society can massacre Indians wantonly, and after putting down their muskets, they can be polite and gentle to a stranger.

Because of the former they don't feel they are the same race.


Of course, it's not enough to feel guilty, but this incident made him a little vigilant.

It doesn't matter if someone else breaks into the passage and dies by himself.

But what if some barbarian came out while he was away?

At this time, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind:

"Why don't you go to the barbarian's island and investigate the situation there?"

"If there is not much danger..."

It has to be said that there is a strong gambling in his character.

His eyes turned cold, and he thought about the risks in his heart:

"Compared to the last rainy night killing, my strength is already stronger, and my physical fitness is almost the same as that of ordinary barbarians. Even if I don't have a bow and arrow, even if it's not a sneak attack, I am confident that I can easily kill the opponent in a one-on-one battle."

If it was hunting, Chen Shouyi would naturally not be able to compare with the barbarians who made a living by hunting, but if it was comparing killing, compared to the martial arts killing techniques that countless scientists around the world have studied in the past twenty years on earth, barbarians are still at the stage of using their physical instincts.

Still too far behind.

Just like an old farmer who faces the loess to make a living every day, his output is not as good as that of a college student who has studied agriculture.

An old woman who has been cooking for decades is no match for a chef who just graduated from a technical school.

The cognitive efficiency of knowledge in a technological society is countless times that of barbarians.


He looked at the sky, and it was not yet noon here.

He didn't intend to continue practicing anymore, so he called Shell Girl and walked down the mountain.

Go to the rocks by the sea, untie the ropes of one of them, then take off your pants and wade through the water.

Fortunately, the sea water was a little high tide today, and the canoe did not run aground.

If not, he was really worried that he would not be able to push this huge canoe.

He stowed the weapon and briefcase inside, then rolled over into the canoe.

Under the sun's exposure for the past few days, the stench inside the canoe has faded a lot.

He picked up a piece of wood like an oar and paddled vigorously in the sea water.

"It's moving! It's moving!" Shell Girl seemed quite excited, and hurriedly shouted.

The canoe slowly turned around in place.

Looking at the excited and cheering Shell girl, Chen Shouyi became a little annoyed and said, "Stop making noise, be quiet."

It's a little embarrassing.

How is this boat rowing?

He scratched his scalp and tried hard to recall the boating scenes he had seen before.

It seems to be swipe east and west.

However, this method is only suitable for small boats.

A canoe is four or five meters wide, obviously it can't be rowed like this, just running back and forth would be exhausting.

Fortunately, this can be explored slowly after all.

He tried again and again, and after half an hour, he was finally able to control the direction.

Chen Shouyi took out a lingua franca dictionary, flipped through it for a while, and found the pronunciation of "island", a word that is not commonly used, and then said to the shell girl, "Go and see where there is an island in the distance, and there will be a reward."


Shell girl's eyes lit up, and she asked quickly. Seeing Chen Shouyi nodding, she flew up with excitement on her face. She flew higher and higher, and didn't land until she flew hundreds of meters high.

Fortunately, the rope that bound her was long enough.

"Yes, very far away!"

"That direction!"

Shell Girl pointed immediately.

Chen Shouyi continued rowing.

The canoe was heavy and heavy, and the speed was quite slow. He estimated that he could run more than ten kilometers per hour, which was faster than people walking.

It was difficult to judge the direction on the sea surface, and it didn't take long for him to have no sense of direction.

Fortunately, there was Shell girl who kept checking the direction, otherwise he would have lost his way without a compass.

After paddling for more than two hours, he finally saw a little greenery appear on the sea level.

The greenery is getting bigger and bigger.

He soon spotted another canoe in the distance.

"A giant!" Shell Girl shouted with sharper vision than him.

That was two, and he turned immediately and headed for the canoe.

The canoe was the only means of transportation on the barbarian sea, and he decided to get rid of the canoe first.

The two slowly approached.

Xu Shi saw this canoe of the same style and thought it was a companion. The barbarians on it stood up and seemed to be saying hello.

At this time, the distance between the two was still six to seven hundred meters away, and the vision was still quite blurred. The figure I saw was just a small dot, and I couldn't see the specific appearance at all.

Seeing this, Chen Shouyi's heart moved, and he immediately took off his shirt, shirtless like a barbarian, and prepared to confuse his eyes.

I feel that my skin seems to be too fair and clean, and I can see the difference when I look closely.

He gritted his teeth, looked left and right, and quickly dug out a piece of brown dirt that had solidified from something solidified in the cabin. Regardless of the stench, he quickly wiped it on his face and body.

He took out his dead mobile phone, used the screen as a mirror, took a look at it, and then carefully applied the unsmeared areas.

Shell Girl pinched her nose and sat in the distance with a look of disgust.

Chen Shouyi secretly thought, hoping to be of some use.

At this time, the ship also changed direction, as if it wanted to come over to communicate, and began to drive this way.

The distance between the two is getting closer.

Five hundred meters, three hundred meters.

He could already vaguely hear the barbarian's rough shouts.

Chen Shouyi lowered his head slightly, and continued rowing calmly.

After one hundred and fifty meters, the barbarian on the canoe became a little hesitant, and the speed of rowing became slower and slower.

After a hundred meters, a barbarian finally let out a terrified cry.

"This is that demon!"

(The devil is a free translation)

The two turned around immediately, Xu Shi was too panicked and flustered. The canoe circled in circles.

At this time, Chen Shouyi had raised his head, put the oars aside, picked up the war bow next to him, nocked the arrow and drew the bow, and it was fully drawn in an instant.

His eyes were sharp and his mind was calm.

After the canoe continued to slide for more than ten meters, he instantly let go of the bowstring.


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