Deep Sea Survival: Start a Submarine

Chapter 75: The 0-person fleet is established! The destination is at hand!

Fourth morning.

After Meng Lei got up, he simply ate some breakfast and explained that Jia Quan was in control of the pirate ship and followed closely behind the Shenlong.

Then, he went down to the expansion dock on the fourth floor of the submarine by himself and entered the Guixu.

First open the private chat channel.

Nearly fourteen hours have passed, and the private chat information of Guixu number has exploded again.

This time, in addition to those who are defined as high-quality customers, Meng Lei randomly selected some other players, and roughly browsed the private chat content.

In addition to meaningless daily support, Meng Lei found that many players seemed to regard him as an encyclopedia.

A series of strange things that will be encountered, all used to seek answers from him.

Among them, there are a lot of things that even Meng Lei has never heard of, and he can't help but be at a loss when he sees it.

After selectively replying to a few, Meng Lei turned his attention to those high-quality customers.

Through some communication, Meng Lei discovered that these relatively powerful fleets in this channel have all grown in size after the development of these days.

The fastest-growing Winter Fleet has expanded its personnel to nearly fifty!

And there are as many as twelve ship-based artillery batteries in the fleet!

In the entire waterway, it has been called an extremely huge military force!

In addition, there is an organization called the Deep Blue Fleet.

When communicating with Meng Lei, it has grown to a scale of forty people.

At that time, they were recruiting more people at a designated location in another sea area more than 100 kilometers away.

According to preliminary statistics, there are no less than 20 people who can arrive at the predetermined location within two hours!

This is completely predictable.

In a short period of time, just from the size of the fleet.

The Deep Blue Fleet is likely to overtake the Winter Fleet and become the largest fleet in the channel!

At this time, Meng Lei suddenly remembered the Kyushu fleet that Chen Yu once commanded.

If there is no relic pollution incident, I am afraid that the current Kyushu fleet will be stronger than any fleet.

Unfortunately, everything has been irreversible.

It can also be seen from this incident that in this alien ocean, the strength of troops and the size of the forces are not the decisive factors for survival.

The amount of information at hand is the key to everything.

In the next hour or so, Meng Lei kept screening customers and reaching deals.

As the development of various organizations has been improved, Meng Lei's income has naturally risen, and it has swelled more and more.

The rental business of underwater propellers and handheld sonar alone brought him nearly 2,000 miles of rental income!

The ranking of the wealth list, which had kept him silent for a long time, immediately jumped to the top of the list again.

In addition, the retail business of Meng Lei did not fall, and he made several batches of products and put them on the market.

And every time it's on the shelves, it's almost sold out in seconds.

It can be seen that the market demand for these two products is still huge.

Even after this period of development, the players have more or less accumulated some background, their purchasing power has increased compared to before, and Meng Lei's commodities have never increased in price.

Therefore, the product appears to be in short supply.

In the end, Meng Lei felt that he was really too busy by himself, so he called Ning Wen over to focus on the production of goods, which barely achieved a balance between supply and sales.

When Meng Lei finally found time to turn his energy to the channel communication channel, it was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon.

Glancing at the number of members in the current channel, Meng Lei couldn't bear to look directly at the shocking number.

Another day passed.

At present, the remaining number of players in the channel has plummeted to more than 60,000!

In the past few days, more than 30,000 players have been eliminated, and their lives have been lost in this dangerous alien abyss.

And at this time, it was only the fourth day since the crossing!

Judging from this trend, Meng Lei's previous speculation was not impossible. It would be good for one-third of the number of players to survive in the end.

Still, if you look at this in an optimistic light, maybe things aren't all that bad.

The cruel living environment has screened out most of the people below the pass line in the early stage.

Anyone who can live to the present.

Generally speaking, they have already mastered certain survival skills.

As long as there are no special circumstances, it shouldn't be a problem to make it to the gathering place all the way.

For now, the biggest problem facing everyone is no longer food and water.

Melee firepower capable of self-preservation, and submarine structure capable of resisting deeper pressure, as well as depleted initial energy.

These problems have become the key to most people.

Meng Lei roughly scanned the content in the communication channel and found that the focus of everyone's discussion was nothing more than these few items.

And some high-end players with relatively fast brains, after summarizing some experience, have started to do strategies and share valuable experience.

Based on these tips, most people decided not to go any further.

Stay in the sea area where the pressure of the submarine structure can withstand the limit, collect resources as much as possible, and then build shipborne weapons.

After you have the ship-borne weapons, go look for the alien sea monsters.

The mileage points obtained by killing sea monsters supplement the energy of the submarine.

Until the energy problem is solved, find a way to upgrade the submarine structure and continue to dive deeper.

It has to be said that this set of strategies can indeed be applied to all players.

Although it takes a little more time, it is safe and reliable.

In the case of no energy ore, this is the only way to solve the urgent need.

In addition, many players encountered other people by chance on the way to collect resources.

So they spontaneously formed teams and reported to the group to keep warm.

The team is constantly advancing, encountering more and more players, and the group is getting bigger and bigger, and there is even a faint trend of surpassing the regular fleet.

Such informal fleet player groups are not rare at present.

As it gets closer to the destination, the sea areas where all players are active in the channel are also becoming more and more concentrated.

The probability of encountering each other is also increasing.

This is like a pyramid, everyone is at the bottom of the tower at the beginning, and the activity area is very scattered.

With the continuous ascent, the closer to the top of the tower, everyone's range of activities will be limited.

When the moment finally reaches the top, it is a big gathering in the true sense!

Of course, more people are still in a lone wolf state.

According to the chat records, many people seem to be doing pretty well.

Four days is enough time for a lot to happen.

During this period, Meng Lei was busy salvaging sunken ships, storing relics, and exploring abandoned outposts.

And the other players are not idle either.

Each has its own opportunities, and each has its own way of living.

In the face of survival, people have burst out to the full potential of their bodies and spirits, and have developed their personal abilities to the limit.

Many things that seem impossible in ordinary times have finally achieved their goals through various means.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that human beings are powerful.

Meng Lei looked at it for a while and got a general understanding of the situation in this channel.

In the end, nothing more valuable was found.

So I randomly wrote a few hidden settings, and after I got the reputation value of the day, I closed the communication channel.

The relevant settings and information currently possessed by Meng Lei, even if he is no longer included, is enough for him to finish the remaining days.

If nothing else, the local indigenous ships cannot be connected to the Internet, and the mileage points cannot be obtained by killing sea monsters.

These terrifying situations are enough for him to share with other players.

At the same time, he also intends to take this opportunity to give everyone a mental preparation in advance.

In order that when he arrives at the gathering place in the future, he may overturn everything he has known in the past seven days, so he has a psychological precaution in advance.

With the Guixu number reappeared.

Since everyone was busy solving energy problems, the communication channel that seemed a little deserted caused another big earthquake!

Everyone was puzzled.

The Guixu number has not been seen overnight, where did it go?

Even the situation of the indigenous ship has been found out!

Obviously, he didn't salvage a sunken ship, but made a new ship that can be started in earnest!

He even drove that ship to kill the alien sea monster!

Otherwise, the intelligence would not be so detailed and affirmed by the system.

Everyone was at a loss, it was so unreasonable.

It is not easy for everyone to live with difficulty. The boring sailing and moving bricks day after day have become all of most people's lives.

But people return to the market, and they can come up with new tricks all day long.

Either a wreck or a relic, and now there's a new submarine left by the indigenous people.

It is really hard to imagine how the experience of Guixu number can be so rich from the same starting point.

But in shock.

The intelligence shared by Meng Lei this time also aroused many people's deep thinking.

Regarding future development, these bizarre settings have to attract everyone's attention.

After Meng Lei's reminder, more and more people discovered the problems they encountered during the voyage.

One of the common denominators that everyone agrees on.

That is the storage box salvaged from the sea. There is indeed no category division and plural superposition phenomenon, which is completely the same as an ordinary box.

If this situation is only an example, it can be explained by other reasons.

But everyone generally reacts to this phenomenon, which has to be thought-provoking.

Meng Lei did not continue to pay attention to the discussions in the channel.

Let Ning Wen stay on the Guixu account, continue to manage the sales of products, and record useful information by the way.

Meng Lei returned to the first floor area and found Chen Yu who was resting.

The two communicated and felt that it was time to win over some allies for the Chongming fleet.

No matter how strong the individual strength is, in this vast and boundless alien ocean, it seems extremely insignificant.

Everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high, and only by concentrating everyone's strength together can we more effectively deal with unknown threats.

At the very least, the Chongming fleet cannot be isolated in the channel.

If anything goes wrong by then, there will be no help.

The best example is the previous Kyushu fleet.

When the incident broke out, Chen Yu couldn't even think of who to turn to for help.

If it weren't for the last critical moment, I would have thought of Meng Lei, a mysterious player who had just chatted.

The Kyushu Fleet was probably wiped out and buried with the sunken ship.

And a warm-hearted player like Meng Lei who has the ability to solve troubles, how many can you find in the entire channel?

Therefore, it is also an inevitable choice to appropriately develop some allies based on merit.

However, with regard to diplomatic issues, Meng Lei did not intervene too much, and left Chen Yu to take charge.

In this field, to be honest, Meng Lei is not good at it.

Professional things are left to professional people. With Chen Yu's experience and ability, I believe that he is more professional than him in dealing with such problems.

And it is.

When Chen Yu, in the name of the Shenlong, announced the merger with the Guixu to form the Chongming Fleet, the players in the channel exploded again.

One is the old-fashioned fleet established on the day of crossing, and the other is the mysterious player who always leads the way.

When the two giants join forces, the effect is far from the simple addition of one plus one.

Many people secretly guessed whether Guixu and Shenlong were going to join forces to make a big move.

Otherwise, why the sudden merger?

And after the merger, is the dominance of the fleet in the hands of the Shenlong or the Guixu?

In this regard, Chen Yu did not make any remarks, allowing public opinion to continue to ferment.

As for himself, he began to collect intelligence from all parties, then made a comprehensive assessment, and carefully screened the alliance targets.

For a whole afternoon, Chen Yu has been busy with this matter.

At around six o'clock in the evening, the forces that had initially reached a covenant with the Chongming Fleet had reached six!

These include the Winter Fleet, the Knights, the Deep Blue Fleet and the Beiming Fleet.

These fleets are in the forefront of the waterway in terms of comprehensive strength, and have an excellent reputation. They have never bullied the weak and are suitable for long-term cooperation.

In fact, after learning the news of the formation of the Chongming fleet.

There was no need for Chen Yu to take the initiative to speak, these fleets came to the door immediately, hoping to form an offensive and defensive alliance.

Although the Kyushu Fleet disappeared for a whole day without showing up.

But the influence of Shenlong and Guixu is here, and almost no one will raise any doubts.

In particular, the Guixu had only recently shared intelligence on indigenous submarines.

The Shenlong jumped out at this time, and it was hard not to doubt whether the two had secretly joined forces long ago and did a great thing!

With this conjecture as the basis, the matter about the disappearance of the Kyushu Fleet becomes insignificant.

Negotiated an alliance agreement with the six fleets.

In addition, Chen Yu was also divided into three, six, nine, and so on from the various messy forces that came here.

Leave those at the top for inspection, and the worst ones will be blocked and never considered.

Chen Yu's acting style is decisive and sharp, leaving no room for manoeuvre at all, and his military demeanor is fully revealed.

During this period, when communicating and negotiating with any force, Chen Yu always behaved like a good man.

Meng Lei saw all of this, and suddenly he didn't hope that Chen Yu's sequelae would fully recover.

Having such an all-rounder by his side can be of great help to him no matter what the situation may be.

Even some references are invaluable.

When he turned around and broke up, Meng Lei was really reluctant to let him go.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

After a simple dinner, everyone continued to set sail.

At this time, there were only more than 300 kilometers left from the outpost gathering place.

The seas along the way became more complex and varied.

The unchanging seabed plains are gradually replaced by intricate cave structures.

If not the initial wasteland boat has automatic navigation function.

Everyone might be completely lost in the undersea cave like an ant empire.

In this environment, everyone had to slow down.

The Shenlong and several other submarines are fine, their small size makes it easy to move through caves.

But the pirate ship that Meng Lei was driving was no good. It was too big and had no automatic navigation, so it could only be controlled manually.


Driving a submarine is not like driving a car. After the operation command is issued, there will be a delay for a period of time.

Therefore, in order to avoid hitting a wall inside the cave.

The pirate ship must be extremely careful every step of the way.

It took everyone more than two hours to complete the short ten-kilometer journey.

It was ten o'clock in the evening, about to go to bed.

The fleet passed through a vast undersea abyss and encountered the most spectacular scene I have seen in so many days.

The surrounding sea water is filled with an unknown red luminous substance.

I don't know what it is, microscopic algae like rootless duckweed.

Large swaths of red awns are scattered with the ocean currents, and from a distance, it looks like a red haze filling the sky!

An expanse of quicksand seabed, majestic nine curves, rushing and filial piety on the seabed.

The churning sea sand seems to defy the constraints of time and space, beating the eternal melody, driven by the ocean currents, it is smashed!

Endless sea sand, madly poured into the dark and deep seabed abyss.

The inexplicable rumble, singing tireless songs in the red haze in the sky, seems to never grow old.

Quicksand, abyss, red sea water surging like fog.

All of them are finally intertwined into a magnificent deep-sea wonder.

It is like a blood-colored waterfall flocking to the land of return to the ruins, and the hearts of the people who watch it are trembling!

This scene was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind and became a deep memory that will never be forgotten in this life.

After leaving that sea area for a full ten kilometers, everyone was unable to recover from such a strange seascape.

Excited and shocked one by one, constantly reminiscing.

As for Chen Yu and Meng Lei, they immediately captured and saved the entire scene captured by the camera.

Then through the Shenlong, it was sent into the channel communication channel.

As soon as this video was exposed, it caused another major earthquake!

Countless people have expressed their hope that the Shenlong will go deep into the abyss and explore the ultimate source.

There are even some in the late middle and second grades, as well as those who have been deeply poisoned by online novels, excited and crazy, claiming that there is definitely a treasure buried under it, or the emperor's tomb sleeping in a foreign star!

Meng Lei's mouth twitched when he saw these remarks.

With a good sci-fi background, what these people say seems like a sudden change in the style of painting, turning it into a fantasy.

But I have to say that the quicksand sea is really too spectacular.

If it wasn't to avoid accidents, Meng Lei couldn't help but want to dive deep to explore.

In the end, the crowd continued to leave.

Before going to bed, Ning Wen came to Meng Lei and said that after the crazy trading day, the warehouse of Guixu Hao was full.

Even the two reworked storage boxes were full.

At present, the various basic materials on the Guixu number are no less than 5,000 units.

If you continue to trade, there is really no place to stay.

Meng Leiluo pondered, and finally decided to continue trading until the market was saturated.

After all, the further back the rest of the road goes, the larger the Chongming fleet will be.

At that time, there are many places that need to use resources.

Not to mention 5,000 units of materials, it's 50,000...

Well, fifty thousand is a bit of an exaggeration.

However, at least 10,000 units of materials can be used to keep up with the development of the fleet.

Therefore, Meng Lei explained to Ning Wen that before going to bed, he should transfer the unsuitable materials to the warehouse of the pirate ship.

After waking up tomorrow, continue to trade with the players.

That night, everyone slept very unsteadily and was frequently woken up.

The undersea abyss on the way before seems to be some kind of boundary monument.

Since passing through that sea area, the probability of encountering sea monsters along the way has suddenly increased sharply.

And from here, the alien sea monsters lurking in the dark are no longer forced to operate.

In the past journey, under normal circumstances, the alien sea monster will only attack the player when the territory is violated, or the distance is too close, and the individual feels threatened.

However, along the way, everyone was frequently attacked by sea monsters.

They were all sleeping soundly, but were suddenly woken up by the staff on duty.

It can be seen from the sonar detector that the sea monsters wandering in the darkness, separated by a distance of one kilometer, are like sharks smelling blood, and they have a clear target and directly attack the location of the fleet.

According to Goldfinger's tips, Meng Lei did not find that these sea monsters were sensitive to the sonar system.

It's really confusing.

Throughout the night, everyone experienced a total of six waves of sea monster attacks, and they encountered them once an hour on average.

At the end of the night, everyone was dizzy, and their mental state was extremely poor.

Taking advantage of the breakfast break, after Meng Lei collected the rent for the day, he ran to the chat channel to take a look.

He found.

With the continuous deepening, other players also encountered a similar situation.

The active attack of sea monsters has become the hottest topic nowadays.

Not only were some people attacked by sea monsters during the driving process, but even if they parked under the coral reef and slept, they would be inexplicably slapped by the sea monster.

This is still a relatively good situation, and there are not a few people who die because of this.

"Last night, I was just taking a nap in the seagrass when I suddenly heard something outside, frantically scratching at the hull of my submarine!

After waking up, I was about to leave the boat quickly, and I saw it as soon as I looked up.

Outside the glass of the porthole, a strange face was posted in the darkness! "

"It's terrifying! It's terrifying!

The attack of the sea monsters came without warning, and they wandered in groups, blocking my only path.

He planned to detour to avoid this dangerous area, but they refused to let me go, and they all rushed up like crazy!

Luckily I picked up a torpedo before and threw them out and blew them away.

Otherwise, I am afraid I would have been buried in a strange belly! "

There are many similar remarks.

Everyone said that the deeper you go, the greater the chance of encountering active attack sea monsters.

Looking at these chat messages, Meng Lei frowned slightly.

He carefully found that the distance between players who encountered such incidents and the gathering place was mostly about 300 kilometers.

From this, he deduced that perhaps 300 kilometers was a dividing line.

The previous 600 kilometers is just a warm-up, so that players can get familiar with the environment of the ocean.

The last 300 kilometers is actually the final test!

With this idea in mind, Meng Lei found Chen Yu and wanted to communicate with him.

Who knows, there is also bad news from Chen Yu.

According to the information provided by the Deep Blue Fleet and the Beiming Fleet, there are now several pirate forces composed of players that have begun to rampant in the waterway.

They frequently travel in the waters at a depth of about 2,800 meters, focusing on those single players who work hard to hunt and kill alien sea monsters and accumulate mileage points to exchange energy.

First approach in the name of a team, and then use shipborne weapons as a threat to force players to transfer all resources and mileage points through private transactions.

If you are lucky, you can get a little life back after being looted.

Some simply joined directly and became a part of the pirate organization.

Unlucky, there are the kind of players who are straight and tough, unwilling to bow their heads and give in.

The final result can only be death in the sea.

Since there are very few survivors under normal circumstances, the major fleets did not notice this situation at first.

However, as the leaders of those pirate organizations accumulated more and more mileage points through continuous looting, the overall ranking continued to soar on the leaderboard.

Gradually, some people began to realize that something was wrong.

For a well-known leader like Meng Lei's Guixu number, because everyone has cooperated, no one will feel that things are different.

But those little-known guys suddenly jumped out of the corner and chased after them all the way.

Even, there is a faint trend of surpassing several major fleets!

It's hard not to be suspicious.

till the end.

Some players whose conscience has not yet died were forced to join the pirate group.

Through the private chat channel, secretly asked the Deep Blue Fleet and Shenlong for help.

Only then did everyone know that it turned out that someone looted privately and acted as a pirate.

"There are alien sea monsters staring at them in front of them, and there are sharp ice and rock layers on top. At this time, there are still people who are going to be pirates and attack their Blue Star compatriots!? It's just **** it!"

Chen Yu paced back and forth in the command room of the bridge with a sullen expression on his face, with a frightening expression on his face.

Meng Lei's mood was also a little heavy.

The external troubles have not been resolved, and the internal troubles have already begun to riot.

If these pirates are allowed to run rampant, fewer people may end up surviving than the worst.

"Captain Chen, what are your plans?"

On this matter, Meng Lei was going to listen to Chen Yu's opinion first.

After all, if you want to intervene in this matter, the energy of the Chongming Fleet alone will definitely not be able to solve it.

If you want to fight against pirate groups, you can only have several fleets join forces, each responsible for a sea area, to eliminate these frequently active pirates.

Or, someone must stand up and speak up, reminding players staying in the shallow area to be more vigilant and not to come into close contact with any strangers.

And under the circumstances of our ability, we will move forward as soon as possible to join the major fleets.

This will prevent more tragedies from happening.

Chen Yu pondered for a while, and then proposed two solutions, which coincided with Meng Lei.

In this case, there are indeed only these two methods that can temporarily stabilize the situation.

Chen Yu held the pipe he regarded as a treasure tightly in his hand, and Meng Lei held a cigarette in his mouth.

The two discussed solemnly in the command room for a long time.

Finally decided to choose the second way to solve the immediate trouble.

Relatively speaking, it is more feasible for players to rush to a deeper level to join the major fleets as soon as possible than to clear the sea.

After all, this alien ocean is too vast.

If you want to find a group of pirates in the dark, let’s not talk about the problem of whether you can find it or not. Even if you find it, everyone’s submarine power is the same, and those pirates turn around and run away. You have nothing to do.

You can't keep chasing behind your ass.

Seeing that the deadline for the mission deadline is coming soon, it is impossible to waste a lot of time on scavenging pirates at this time.

Moreover, the road ahead is full of dangers, and sea monsters frequently attack.

No one can predict how bumpy the remaining 300 kilometers will be.

Time has become the most precious resource.

In addition, it is imperative to gather everyone together and expand the size of the heavy sea fleet.

Just taking this opportunity to develop the Chongming fleet one step at a time, to prepare for the next final charge.

After the two made a decision, there was no longer any delay, and the fleet was immediately stopped.

Chen Yu returned to the Shenlong and informed the major fleets of the results of the negotiation.

At this time, it was discovered that the directions of everyone's consideration coincided with each other.

As a result, all forces began to wave their flags and shout in the communication channel. While telling everyone to be alert to pirates, they set off as soon as possible to leave the shallow area and join the major fleets ahead.

On the other hand, Meng Lei wasted precious and limited number of speeches for the first time.

It was the first time to make a public appearance on the communication channel, reporting the coordinates in the name of Guixu, calling on nearby players to come and join hands to complete the final journey.

As soon as this news was released, it immediately caused an uproar in the channel!

Everyone indignantly denounced the vile actions of those pirates, and all suspicious persons on the Fortune Ranking List were blocked and removed from their names.

In addition, everyone was shocked by the first appearance of the Guixu number.

For a long time, the Guixu number has always felt extremely mysterious.

In addition to sharing information, he usually appears as a businessman, and he is a conscientious businessman who pays attention to people.

Other than that, there is no other more diverse impression.

But now, in order to ensure that many players are not harmed by pirates, Guixu Hao actually wasted precious sharing times and took the initiative to call for everyone to gather.

This undoubtedly made a further change in the impression of Guixu number.

This is not only a businessman with a conscience, but also an enthusiastic and kind person.

It will not treat those bad phenomena with an attitude that it has nothing to do with it.

This alone is better than many others.

As a result, a large number of players began to flock to the sea area where Meng Lei and the others were located.

On the one hand, they want to join the Chongming Fleet to seek shelter, and most importantly, everyone wants to see with their own eyes what kind of person this mysterious player is.

As the pirate incident continued to ferment, the major fleets spoke out one after another.

a time.

In the entire 66671 channel, the tide of ships is turbulent!

In the dark ocean more than 2,000 meters below the sea level, one submarine after another was rushing through the ocean currents, with clear goals, galloping away in different directions.

The vast majority of people have converted all their existing mileage points into energy.

Drive full speed and rush to the target location to gather as soon as possible.

The gathering time currently given by Meng Lei is six hours.

That is to say, players within a radius of 90 kilometers have enough time to arrive.

Even some players who had more agile legs and feet, who had already run to the front of the Chongming fleet, all turned around and turned back, rushing towards the target location.

It is enough to see how huge the influence of Guixu is in this channel!

During the six-hour waiting period, Meng Lei and his party were not idle either.

From the enthusiastic response of players in the channel, it can be predicted that the number of players who will come to gather later will not be a small number.

In this way, the two key issues of energy and food have become the top priority.

In terms of energy, it is good to say that the alien sea monsters encountered from time to time are all walking energy mines.

As long as the fleet takes action, the energy problem can be solved without worry.

Now it is mainly the source of food, and I am afraid it will become a major problem that plagues everyone.

So during those six hours.

Except for occasional charging, the gravitational ball, a wasteland artifact, is almost never idle.

Huo Ye acted as a fisherman and turned around the nearby waters, leaving his traces wherever there were fish.

In the end, when the fish within a radius of four or five kilometers saw him coming in a submarine, they turned their heads and ran away without saying a word.

In addition, Ning Wen, Jia Quan, and Xu Hui also went into the water with weapons.

Where there is edible fiber, collect fiber, where there is lobster, dry lobster, crab, jellyfish, shellfish…

Everything that can be caught and eaten is done without exception!

It's a real sea locust!

Wherever he went, no grass grew, and there was a mess everywhere.

Six hours passed, and everyone's harvest was relatively rich.

All kinds of seafood and seafood collected are enough to feed hundreds of people for a day.

The key is the power of the gravitational ball. One net is the harvest of dozens of fish, which is much faster than that of dried crabs.

And when the collection time ends.

The players who came from all directions far exceeded Meng Lei's imagination.

The densely packed submarines all hovered in the nearby waters, suffocating the surroundings!

One after another, the snow-white searchlights, in the boundless darkness, are like stars, dazzling and dazzling, and the sky is bright!

In that scene, it was like a deep-sea party.

From a distance, it is very spectacular!

It is estimated that even if the abyss banshee came over, it would have to be taken aback.

During the entire summoning process, Meng Lei, Chen Yu and Wang Qi were the most tired.

As the captain of the Guixu, and the commander-in-chief of the Chongming Fleet, Meng Lei would personally greet every player who came to visit on the pirate ship.

In fact, he just didn't want to accept it.

When everyone saw this alternative and huge pirate ship, they couldn't help but be curious. They parked the ship casually, put on a diving suit, and knocked on the door.

If the airlock room could speak, it is estimated that this will also be scolded.

Besides, Meng Lei's face was almost frozen from laughing.

Chen Yu and Wang Qi were both too busy.

As the HR of a well-known company in a certain place, Meng Lei directly left all the personnel management problems of the fleet to Wang Qi.

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As of about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Qi had recorded two notebooks full of submarine names and personnel lists!

All together, there are 743 people!

While recording all these people in the book, he also helped Chen Yu to plan the fleet formation, and then arranged the personnel one by one.

Wang Qi is one big and two big, and the whole person is tired and confused.

Fortunately, Meng Lei has a strong sense of time, saying that six hours are six hours.

As soon as the gathering time came, the fleet was ordered to set off immediately without further delay, and those who did not arrive were hung behind.

Anyway, there is a large army ahead to clear the way, and there will not be too much danger nearby.

When the next unified assembly, these people will be included in the fleet.

At this point, Wang Qi was considered to have escaped the catastrophe, and finally let out a long sigh of relief in the command room.

Day 5, 5:45 pm.

More than 700 people under the Chongming Fleet assembled for the first time. Under the leadership of the Shenlong and the pirate ship, they marched mighty to the deeper seas.

More than 700 submarines were arranged in a conical array under the arrangement of Chen Yu and Wang Qi.

At the beginning, because everyone was unfamiliar with this method of formation, it was very chaotic, and the sailing height was also ups and downs, and the chaos lasted for a long time.

Later, Chen Yu commanded one by one through the short-distance communication system of the Shenlong.

Divide the array into several nodes, and then radiate control around the node.

Finally, around eight o'clock in the evening, the formation was barely formed.

On the way forward, as it goes deeper, the frequency of sea monster attacks is getting higher and higher.

Usually a dozen or so sea monsters travel together, frequently harassing the crowd.

But under the sturdy firepower of the Chongming Fleet, these sporadic sea monsters harassed and no longer caused any threat.

To ensure safety during sailing.

Meng Lei deliberately took out all the resources in the inventory and armed a special **** team scattered around the team.

More than 50 submarines equipped with ship-based artillery turrets have condensed into a powerful deep-sea armed force.

With these small sea monsters about the same size as creepers, it is impossible to tear apart the outer defense line of the fleet!

At this time, it reflects the benefits of Meng Lei's hoarding of those resources.

Without those trading resources, I'm afraid that the current heavy sea fleet is actually similar to Zhihu's.

There is not enough force in the empty force, and for the sea monsters that appear frequently, it is nothing but a richer meal after all.

Only by truly arming yourself can you have a foothold in this dangerous alien ice ocean!

The night passed quickly.

The Chongming fleet did not make any stops in the middle, and under the protection of the armed guards, they rushed all the way to kill.

Finally, in the early morning of the sixth day, the fleet approached the sea area that was less than 200 kilometers away from the gathering place.

The fleet was called to rest again.

It took more than an hour for everyone to eat a half-full breakfast, and then evenly divided the mileage points obtained from hunting sea monsters and distributed them to those who lacked energy.

During the period, Meng Lei also took out the boxes of energy ores from the pirate ship and sent them to everyone.

At about eight in the morning, the fleet set off again for the final sprint.

Through the communication with Chen Yu, Meng Lei also learned.

The voyage progress of the other fleets is similar to them.

Moreover, the number of people summoned yesterday was also quite large!

Among them, the Beiming Fleet, which is the closest to the Chongming Fleet, has not only expanded its team to 800 people, but the distance between the two sides is only 30 kilometers.

It can be said that most of the existing players in the 66671 channel have reached the final stage and are located at the top of the pyramid.

But relatively speaking, other fleets are still lacking in firepower compared to the Chongming fleet.

In the process of moving forward, there will inevitably be injuries.

Fortunately, even if the submarine is sunk by monsters, as long as the monsters can be eliminated, at least people can still be rescued.

Here's a very interesting phenomenon.

There is a serious imbalance in the ratio of submarines to personnel in several fleets.

There are only two or three hundred submarines in the fleet, and the actual number is as high as four or five hundred!

On average, almost two people squeeze a boat.

And the further forward, the fewer ships, but the number of people has not decreased.

In the end, oxygen became a deadly critical issue.

As a last resort, these fleets can only ask for help from the neighboring fleets, asking to take in the homeless people, which is really miserable.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Meng Lei stopped the fleet again and called on the latecomers and nearby players to join.

Taking advantage of this time, he drove the Guixu number for a lap around the vicinity.

With the coordination of the **** team, after brushing several waves of alien sea monsters, I finally brushed the reputation value to 100 points.

The relationship with the Alien Alliance has risen to a friendly level.

Although it is impossible to determine the reputation of friendliness, what kind of help will it play in the contact with the alliance.

But Meng Lei always felt that neutrality to friendliness was a critical threshold, and it was best to brush up on it first.

Two hours later, the team set off again.

At this time, the number of members of the Chongming Fleet has exceeded one thousand!

A large army of thousands of people is driving mightily in the boundless pitch-black deep sea. The scene is quite spectacular!

Someone upgraded the center console to the full level and filmed the scene of the Chongming fleet marching.

After it was sent to the communication channel, it immediately caused an uproar.

Countless people were shocked!

From its establishment to the present, in just two days, the speed of development of the Chongming fleet cannot be overstated.

Even old-fashioned fleets like the Winter Fleet and the Knights couldn't help feeling astonished.

No one thought that, a rising star who started very late, could develop to such a scale in such a short period of time.

This also proves from the side that the Guixu and Shenlong have great influence in the 66671 channel.

A team of a thousand people, and it is still inconvenient to communicate in the deep sea, it is quite troublesome to manage.

Meng Lei was suddenly very fortunate to have Chen Yu, an experienced all-round staff officer, which invisibly relieved him a great deal of pressure.

In dealing with the issues of team management and control, Chen Yu behaved like a good general, quite like a general.

Meng Lei followed him and learned a lot in the past few days, which can be said to have benefited a lot.

However, after approaching the range of two hundred kilometers.

The number of monsters wandering in the channel has obviously increased again.

Swarms of sea monsters came from all directions, causing great trouble to navigation.

In the end, Meng Lei ordered to collect all the materials in the team, and did his best to expand the number of armed guards to 100!

A full 100 submarines equipped with ship-mounted turrets, like two steel Great Walls, escorted the two wings of the fleet.

Everyone fought with all their might and fought **** battles.

Going all the way, there was filthy blood floating around in the sea water, and the sea water in the whole sea area changed color.

Early morning of the seventh day.

The Chongming fleet was ahead of all the fleets and rushed to a sea area only fifty kilometers away from the outpost.

At this time, the structure of the seabed changed again.

What appeared in front of everyone was no longer a smooth seabed plain, but a deep-sea fissure so huge that it could not be detected.

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