Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 260 Sleeping Again


The return trip this way was easy.

Stop and go, it took a week to get out of the jungle.

On the way, Fan Shaojie left satisfied with the rich harvest of the trip and Ma Liang's favor.

What about Ma Liang?

After completing the daily itinerary, he began to protect the Dharma for each of the Quasi-Sequence 8 members of the Qilin regiment.

He was said to be a Dharma protector, but he was actually not asked to do anything, it was more of a psychological comfort.

With him around, everyone who is promoted will feel at ease, as if with him as a Sequence 7, even if something happens, there is a way to save it.

In fact, this is the emperor's new clothes. Everyone knows that his presence or absence can't change anything at all.

But everyone will not poke it out, they will emphasize the importance of this new layer of clothes, and they will understand what it is for without saying anything.

Seven days later, Zhu Min completed the promotion of Sequence 8, just walked out of the jungle that day, and arranged a grand celebration in the evening.

There are sixty-eight official members of the Qilin regiment, thirty-five reserve members, plus the assembled ordinary people, nearly three hundred people sit around the grand bonfire.

Sing and dance, talk and laugh.

Talking about the rich harvest of this trip, imagining the vision of the future, and feeling the vigor and vitality, everyone is not drunk, but everyone is a little drunk.

It's just that I didn't expect that a group of unexpected guests ushered in the middle of the party.

Officials from the Northeast Bureau and sequencers came to the door in a hurry.

It's been almost two months, and Ma Liang doesn't know the outside news, and their arrival can be said to be exactly what he wanted.

Welcoming this travel-worn group of people in, we exchanged pleasantries and compliments.

The venue for the detailed discussion was changed indoors. In Ma Liang's tent, someone sat down respectfully under him.

Ma Liang didn't rush to ask them why they came, but asked about the form outside.

"Very bad!" The middle-aged official who led the team was dressed in a lean temperament and neat attire. He wiped the dust on his face with a hot towel, thanked the girl who brought the things up, and then answered Ma Liang's question. question,

"International shipping and shipping are almost completely interrupted, and recovery is far away. The stock markets and futures markets of various countries are all closed. The economic crisis, financial crisis, production crisis, information crisis...the comprehensive crisis has not yet been resolved. The national passenger and freight transportation is facing Major challenges, frequent accidents, and a lot of work. Electricity coverage has dropped from nearly 100% in the past to 60 to 70% now, and some small cities and remote villages have retreated to ancient times. Social production is facing serious setbacks, and agriculture is temporarily unused Worried, but limited by logistics, there are already signs of material shortages in many places..."

"I heard that the currency has devalued recently and prices have skyrocketed?"

The official smiled wryly and nodded, "Disgusting inflation has already occurred, but now the countries have been divided, and the transmission of the crisis has been contained to some extent within each region, without a catastrophic transmission and amplification effect."

"These crises can be overcome as long as the critical logistics and transportation issues are resolved," another female official continued.

"Yeah, blockers are extremely important."

After speaking, all the visitors looked at Ma Liang.

Ma Liang said: "Could it be that places where spirituality is not abundant..."

"The national railway and expressway networks are all supported by cities as nodes. Cities..."

"Captain, the place where people gather is like a jungle, you forgot!?"

Ma Liang frowned, it seemed that the situation was more serious than expected.

"Master, the mass production of the blocker has encountered major difficulties. A Sequence 7 like you is needed, and your ability to cast spells is needed."

A Sequence 8 from the Northeast Bureau said sincerely to Ma Liang.

Ma Liang was a little embarrassed, he still had a lot of trouble.

The second phase of construction of the park, the promotion of Xiaoyin and Xiaomiao, the trip to Shennongjia, the choice of the third partner, etc...

"The superior has guaranteed that all your reasonable requests will be met!"

Zhu Min and Fatty looked at each other, and said, "Our team leader is also very busy, you know, he is still a nameless owner of the monster garden."

"Is it something about Monster Paradise?" The person in charge of the Northeast Bureau said, "You don't have to worry about this..."

Zhu Min's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Can you help me out?"

"This..." The person in charge of the Northeast Bureau felt sweaty on his forehead and said after a moment of hesitation, "I can only promise to give priority to solutions and reduce exemptions as appropriate. Master, you have to understand that the country is in such a mess, and manpower and material resources have reached an unprecedented level. To the extent that the superior has the heart, he doesn't have the strength anymore."

"So serious!?" Ma Liang was a little moved.

"It's more serious than you think!"

So, you have to think about it.

The cornerstone of modern human civilization is being shaken.

It is not in his interest to let social productive forces retreat in great strides.

The era of degenerating to slash-and-burn farming is not a new system, nor is it the pursuit of his true creator.

A degree, a balance, needs to be mastered.

But the creator (pseudo) is so reckless, what is the reason for it?

"Let's do this!" Zhu Min didn't want to let Ma Liang go, and couldn't refuse such a request, so he compromised and said, "Let the related mass production work be moved to Jiangcheng. Isn't it to promote the "Jiangcheng experience", it can be done in one step!"


It's hard for anyone to come.

Ma Liang also thought the idea was good, so he said, "It's convenient for everyone to move to Jiangcheng, do you think about it?"

"...Then, let's go down and report to the superior!"

Visitors come in a hurry, and then leave in a hurry.

After leaving, an official of the Northeast Bureau sighed, "For such a big and important project, because of someone's words, a relocation across thousands of miles without trouble...would it happen there before!?"

The person in charge of the Northeast Bureau glared at him fiercely, and scolded him in a low voice: "What are you talking about, you don't even know the trouble comes from your mouth?"

"I'm just feeling it!"

In the tent, Ma Liang also realized that he had made a very excessive request. Just as he was about to discuss with Zhu Min and the others, he suddenly felt his eyes light up!

"Huh? It's dawn!?"

"What time is it... Ah, no!"

"Star, star, star!!"

Everyone looked at Ma Liang in horror.

Ma Liang disappeared in the camp a long time ago, and appeared at the campfire party. Like everyone else, he looked up at the sky.

The night disappeared, and a star like the rising sun emitted a dazzling glare.

The strong light came to a peak, and the sky and the earth were brightly lit.

Then it dimmed again.

"It's coming again, it's coming again, today is exactly the three-month cycle!"

"Three months!"

"It will appear again in three months, and it will be the fourth spiritual coming!"

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