Demon Change the Earth

Chapter 447: Little Fresh Meat and Old Opera Bones

Xiaoyin is in a great mood, just like today's bright weather, after returning to the set, she bounces around like a little girl, and even the ordinary people she meets give some smiles, a peerless appearance A gentle and graceful appearance, even if it is a stranger's appearance, it can also give people a huge lethality, not to mention this.

The top floor of the building has been covered by a huge film crew, and Xiao Yin didn't take her own exclusive passage, but walked in the usual elevators and passages, humming and smiling all the way.

It's just that this caused a lot of confusion and greatly interfered with the normal operation of the filming work. It was like a gust of wind passing through the border along the way, and everywhere it went was chaos.

There are also quite a few young people who don't know the situation, it seems that they saw her smiling face to themselves, and they were excited for a while, so some of them tried to come over with enthusiasm, which caused even greater confusion and chain reactions.

Xiao Yin laughed loudly, happily like a unicorn breaking into the mortal forest, people can see it close, but they can't touch it anyway.

"You, you!" Xia Fan sighed in her consciousness.

"You don't mind me, I'm happy!" Xiaoyin said nonchalantly, bouncing around.

After all this fuss, she finally calmed down, and returned to the unit where she and Xiao Miao were, cutting off the sight of the inside and outside.

The director team, who dared not speak out, roared this time, yelling and cursing loudly, and rushed everyone to work.

A little fresh meat who was very famous in the old days was also like an ordinary groupie. After returning to his station, he was still elated and told the story. He said that Xiaoyin seemed to have given himself a Smiling face, guessing whether this mysterious, beautiful, and powerful spellcaster remembered himself, so his imagination ran wild.

Beside him, a popular film and television star in his thirties gave him a disdainful look, and said with a smile, "The wind direction has really changed now, and even the Sequencers are starting to compete with us for jobs, so what's going on like this! But there are still people who don't realize it, and don't think about it, what will they eat and drink after their jobs are smashed."

After hearing this, Xiao Xianrou smiled unconsciously and said, "Sister Wang, do we have to adapt to the new situation? It's impossible to let the environment adapt to us instead. We have to keep pace with the times."

The movie star sneered and said, "This is how you keep up with the times!?"

Xiao Xianrou raised his handsome eyebrows and said, "Of course, in the future we will not only serve the general public, but also serve the vast number of special classes!"

"Beautiful idea! Who do you think you are? You're a Muggle, don't you understand, you're not clear-headed."

"Sister Wang, Muggles can also change. It's not difficult for me to become a sequencer. The difficulty lies in..."

"The difficulty is that you are afraid of death, so you want to hug your thigh and take a shortcut!?"

"This... don't say it so directly!"

"Hmph, keep posting your erotic dreams! Don't even think about who that person was just now, and who she belongs to. Be careful, if you don't hug your thigh, it will be misunderstood. You won't be able to eat and walk away."

"Yeah, thank you, Miss Wang, for reminding me."

The conversation between the two came to an end. An old actor next to him was reading the script, but he couldn't help it. After filming the script, he stood up angrily and shouted: "What the hell is this, the editing team His head was kicked by a donkey, the story has no story, the plot has no plot, and what he said is simply nonsense. This is how people film it, how we act it, just find some tricks to satisfy them, why bother embarrass us."

Movie stars listened,

Glancing left and right, he said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, this is a "model play" in the first place. How about the script, how bloody, and how childish it is are all secondary. As long as our 'Cat Star Sheriff' appears on the screen, She just doesn't do anything, she only needs to say those few lines, and she will definitely meet the requirements of the film crew and investors perfectly."

"Hmph, what do we need then?"

Xiao Xianrou also sighed when he heard this, and said: "Mr. Wu, the form is different. Under the spiritual disaster, all walks of life are affected. Now people don't have the heart to watch movies from the old era. The world is far and wide, the Internet and the Internet are blocked everywhere. Traffic has just resumed, we have to keep pace with the times, and old ideas still need to be put aside.”

The old opera bone opened his mouth when he heard the words, sat down for a while, and said: "You young people are still quick-witted and quick to accept new things. It seems that my old bone can't adapt. After this time, I decided to take a break. After acting in an ordinary play, only now do I realize that the life in the play is not as absurd as reality..."

"Ms. Wu, it's not absurd, it's wonderful!" Xiao Xianrou had a completely different feeling, and he gestured happily: "It's wonderful, the pattern of the old era is being broken, and the style of the new era is being formed. We are in A great moment that changes the world, how many changes, how many opportunities, how many wonderful things? How many materials, how many stories, how many mysteries that can be sung and discovered... What are all of these, is our opportunity and direction. Film , any era will never be outdated, what is outdated can only be its methods and content. If we grasp the pulse of the times and actively keep up, we will surely achieve more brilliant achievements than the old times, and reach far beyond the reach of the past. the height of!"

Movie stars and old drama players looked at him in surprise.

Isn't this little fresh meat completely brainless, he is quite thoughtful and self-motivated.

Unfortunately, not everyone is like this, with a positive and optimistic attitude.

The pinnacle of the old era will always bring pains and strangeness, and people have to adapt and adjust again. If they can't adapt, they will inevitably be negative and resentful. The fame, status, wealth and influence accumulated in the old era are shrinking extremely.

Let's talk about Xiaoyin.

As soon as she entered the luxurious and huge exclusive room, Xiao Yin saw a group of people surrounding Xiao Miao, talking about scripts, and doing modeling, dozens of people circled around her, and they were all so proud, so happy.

On the contrary, as soon as she came in, it was like a burst of cold air was blowing in, and the temperature and harmony inside were blown away in an instant.

"Hmph!", Xiao Yin sat next to Xiao Miao in a blink of an eye, turning her head away with some jealousy.

Helpless, Xiaomiao said to the people around her for the nth time, "Xiaoyin is fine, don't be afraid of her!"

Of course, the people around wouldn't admit it, and there was a burst of enthusiastic laughter and compliments...

With these words and such an attitude, Xiaoyin has developed an immunity, a burst of impatience, and waved his hands as if chasing flies. Before he said anything, everyone hurriedly left as if he had been pardoned.

"Xiao Yin, you have to smile more, and don't be fierce all day long, so that people can get close to you!"

Xiaoyin also can't tell the contradictions in her heart. On the one hand, she is extremely proud and disdainful, and on the other hand, she is very envious of Xiaomiao's popularity. This constitutes her conflicting heart. Small temper, Xiao Miao was nervous at the beginning, but now her immunity has also formed, knowing her will be intermittent, so it is natural to ignore her.

Sure enough, after a while, the two little girls started talking and laughing again.

Before Xiao Yin could tell him the news of Ma Liang's return, the chief director knocked on the door respectfully and brought the investor in with a smile on his face, saying that everything was ready.

Xiao Yin thought that there was more to be filmed, but Xiao Miao was a little hesitant, and said, "It's really good, meet the outsiders, the outside supporters."

The chief director smiled wryly, and said: "Your sentence is worth a hundred of our sentences. The shooting scene is so crowded every day, and the progress is delayed."

Xiao Yin understood, rolled her eyes, and said with a smile: "This is a good way, the fan meeting, Xiao Miao, I will go too, and I will be your backing."

Xiao Miao has no idea, so she can only say awkwardly, "Okay then, I'll give it a try."

At this time, no one expected the waves and far-reaching impact caused by this "fan" meeting.

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