Demon Change the Earth

Six hundred and five rat people's city

When Mr. K left Jiangcheng, the atmosphere was already tense.

The clamor of war shook, and no one would doubt the heavy authenticity.

Lingshi, the level of concern is too important.

It is not only an energy source, but also a foundation, inexhaustible, and the key to saving the nation and re-entering order and prosperity.

Two days later, Mr. K caught up with the mission to Dali.

For his arrival, everyone in the mission was very surprised.

In Jiangcheng, corpse controllers have become secularized, and no one mentions the so-called religious groups anymore. I heard that they are planning to set up a "professional training college". In terms of integration and innovation, they have gone further than other methods. more positive.

But on the whole, it is still withdrawn and mysterious. Some deep-rooted concepts cannot be reversed in a short period of time. It is the first time that he is responsible for a major task alone, especially for Mr. K who is more Buddhist.

But he didn't give any explanation. After the handover, he just let some of the slow-footed people return on the spot, and the rest of the lean force accelerated the marching speed.

"The stakes are high and we must race against time."

In fact, if he is alone, it can be faster.

But in the current environment, there are too many accidents and variables, and the consumption of flying is too huge. One day of flying may require two or three days of rest. After careful calculation, it is not as safe and secure as this.

The moving speed of the elephant beast seems to be slow, but it is better than a constant speed. It can pass most of the road conditions, and can directly walk through dangerous jungles and valleys in a relatively short distance.

"Professor, what's going on in Jiangcheng, everyone is very worried!"

Mr. K is a visiting professor at the newly established "Department of Magic Research and Application" of Jiangcheng University, and the person who is interrogating is one of his students, the cultivator of Sequence 8.

"You don't have to worry, as long as we invite the real person back, no one will dare to act rashly!" Mr. K said firmly.

"That's good, that's good!"

"If you want me to say, what a fart, if he wants to fight, then fight."

"You can't say that,

War is deadly! "


Everyone chattered about it.

The haze of war hangs over everyone's heart, let alone the "rebellious" side?

"It's good that the real person comes back. There is always someone who can make up his mind. Sit down and have a good talk. It doesn't have to tear your face."

"Even if the real people come back, they will have to pay an equal price for the spirit stone. Empty talk and white teeth are stealing."

"Then what can they give?"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"Let them exchange the main ingredients of the potion, those of Sequence 8, Sequence 7, and Sequence 6."

The team mainly composed of elephants and beasts advanced in the dense jungle. Except for the vigilant people, everyone else sat on the backs of the elephants and beasts to discuss, and there was no danger or danger along the way.

This area has been cleaned up, and from time to time you can still see planned manors and farms. Many mercenary teams are collecting and patrolling in the jungle. Trees have been pushed down in pieces. Some open areas have been plowed. More and more business groups, companies, individuals, and teams are staking their land, and small towns that defend the river city like satellites have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

No new leaks were found and everyone was relaxed.

But two days later the situation was different.

Leaving the radiating range of Jiangcheng, primitiveness, vastness, mystery, and danger rush in. The climate becomes changeable. There is no wind in one moment, and a strange whirlwind can be rolled up in the next moment, and the spiritual concentration rises in a straight line. , The mithril column on the meter is like a roller coaster, and it has been suspected to be broken several times.

In one day, several leakage points were encountered, and the team had to change the itinerary and bypass it far away.

At night, the scouts sent out brought back a piece of gnawed railroad track from what used to be the main railway line.

Looking at the dense tooth marks on it, Mr. K's face was serious - these are the teeth marks of mice.

Of course, normal rats can't chew on the steel rails, but not necessarily now, there may be a huge colony of "rats" in this ghost place, maybe in front, maybe to the left and right, maybe...

There is no possibility, the team set off overnight, the scouts spilled out, and they walked away trembling all night.

Mr. K is naturally not afraid, but other people do not have the ability to fly. Once they are surrounded, casualties may occur.

Sometimes I am really afraid of something, what to come.

At dawn, an abandoned town appeared in front of it. There were leak points on the left and right, and there was no way around it. Everyone could only bite the bullet and prepare to pass through it.

After repeated reconnaissance and probing, the team cautiously entered the urban area when the sky was bright.

There was dead silence!

Not even the chirping of insects.

The further you walked into the ruins, the more inexplicable pressure you felt.

It was obviously empty, but it seemed that there were countless people hiding in the cracks of the ruins, peeking at the team.

"No, we may have walked into a rat's nest!"

A scout came back with bad news.

"The front is full of bones, and there is a temple made of bones. There are people, animals, and monsters... not far ahead."

"Be on full alert!" Mr. K took out his bone staff.

After walking for five minutes, passing through a mountain of garbage, I saw large areas of paleness.

Pale and weird bones, fragments, and human skeletons, small piles filled the entire ruins, arranged in an extremely regular manner, somewhat like the nodes of a large magic circle, but they did not exist in memory.

In the center is a circular temple made of white bones, just like a yurt, and there is a huge skeleton standing in front of the temple.

The shape of this skeleton is a bit like a dinosaur fossil, standing more than ten meters high, the huge diamond-shaped head looks familiar, and the dagger-like teeth are densely covered in the huge mouth.

"Look...does it look like a mouse standing up!?"


"What the hell, mouse!?"

Everyone was inexplicably shocked.

However, something even more unacceptable happened.

There were rustling movements in all directions.

The ruins of the entire city were shaking.

A tall black figure walked out of the Temple of Bones.

It was a tall, upright mouse!

"Fuck, get ready..."

"Get ready to fart, go, break out, break out!"

Countless black shadows appeared in all directions. These upright "rats" were not as tall as the temple, only about 1.45 meters, and there were not many of them. Most of them were "normal" rats the size of wolf dogs.

Well, this is normal and relative.

Squeak! !

Squeak! !

The upright Ratman held the bone fork high, and countless giant rats screamed with red eyes. There were too many, too many, and they surrounded the team densely, and there was no gap to break through.

"It's over!"

A weak-willed guy is about to break down.

At the critical moment, Mr. K was still able to rely on him. He only heard a cold snort, and his figure disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already standing above the temple, pointing down with his bone staff, and shouted: "Get out of the way!" ,otherwise……"

Countless screams stopped there.

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