Demon Sage

Vol 2 Chapter 189: One + one + one = infinite!

In the northern port of Tallinn, the members of the Discord Bureau left behind in Demingham were gathering. Within an hour, many people were notified from their beds, and they were dragged here with their shirts and jackets on. , the swearing voice can easily be heard from the people who are standing on the deck at the moment.

"How do you feel now?"

Stephanie, who was walking on the deck, was curious about Donald's changes. He was meditating along the way, and she didn't dare to disturb him.

"I can't tell, it should be difficult to describe in words, it's probably the same as when you read and read newspapers on weekdays. You know what the words in the newspaper mean, but you don't know why you know the meaning of those words... ...doesn't that sound a bit convoluted?"

I really want to say that Donald himself has not figured out the ability of new talent until now. This is a normal situation. The talent potion is equivalent to a potion that can make people suddenly have some kind of magical ability after drinking it. Mastering nature is unlikely.

According to common sense, after obtaining a new talent, Donald must think for a while by himself, familiarize himself with the use of the new talent and try to match it with his existing combat system.

However, this sudden emergency call no doubt interrupted this plan.

"It's not easy to gather so many heretics at this time."

Donald knew in advance that the Discord Bureau and the Police Department were going to attack Shuyuan in the near future, so he was also prepared, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

You must know that due to the time of the new airship, the Alien Bureau has suspended most of its external operations, for fear that the city will be empty when the aliens go out to carry out tasks. Therefore, after the issuance of the emergency requisition order, dozens of people have gathered in Tallinn alone. heretics.

Take Stephanie to board the ship and find the location of the Rose Squad. Susanna and the others gathered together and were talking about something.

"What's the situation now?"

Looking around, Donald stood beside Horn and asked with his hands in his pockets.

"I don't know. It's just that we have a mission. Let us stand by here and leave as soon as 11 o'clock. However, I heard that the aliens in other urban areas have also been mobilized. There should be a big move to gather so many people."

Horn looked at Donald, and he noticed a big change in Donald's aura, and Boglo on the other side felt the same.

Since the captain said so, Donald simply stayed by the side with Stephanie and Lilo.

There was a lot of wind and waves on the Osway Sea tonight, and the sound of the tide echoed in Donald's ears.

The tree garden received the information two days ago, and he didn't know whether they were prepared or not in the past two days. If a large-scale conflict really broke out later, how would he deal with it?

As the last members of the Discord Bureau boarded the ship, the whistle on the ship sounded, and the noise on the deck stopped, and soon began to become noisy again.

Because the sailors on the ships started to assign rooms to each team.

"What are the people in the Discord Bureau thinking, it's fine without the advance notice, let's go to sea in the middle of the night?"

Pence's expression was not very good-looking, and his voice sounded a little dry.

If it was just offshore operations, a night would be enough to go back and forth. Now that they are going to be allocated a room, the implication is clear, at least they won't be able to reach their destination tonight.

Being woken up from the bed that had just been warmed up, he came to this place where the cold wind was howling late at night, and then told him that they were going to go out to sea next, it would be strange if they still had a good face.

In fact, it wasn't just him, there were many heretics who also showed resistance.

However, complaining is complaining. Now that the boat is sailing, it is impossible for them to run to forcibly intercept the boat. Most of the aliens scolded and scolded for a few words before accepting the assignment and trotting into the cabin.

Apparently no one likes blowing outside at night.

"I didn't expect their teleportation formation to be so powerful that they could instantly move to such a far place..."

Standing in the cabin room and looking at the water outside, Donald didn't have too many negative emotions, but he didn't expect the tree garden to be so far away that it would take a night to sail to get there.

In terms of room allocation, he still lived with Lilo, as for Stephanie, with Susannah, he wanted to come over, but Donald told her to rest as soon as possible.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, the temperature was okay because of the heater in the room. Taking advantage of this free time, Donald began to think about his abilities.

energy shaping.

The ability of this talent has a general introduction on the Lost Slate, and it is generally said that it can control the morphological changes of energy.

With a snap of his fingers, a flame appeared in front of him.

The easiest way to use energy shaping talent is naturally to control elemental energy, raise your hand to catch this flame, consume a little mental power, and it will become the same shape as the wall lamp in the cabin in the palm of your hand.

"Such a change doesn't seem to have any effect... Activating with a demon?"

Of course Donald can control these elements into human form, and then use demon activation to turn them into combat power, but this usage is obviously wrong, mainly relying on demon activation, and does not bring out the innate characteristics of energy shaping.

What's more, he already has the demon power to summon the Ratchet Woodman, and the effect looks very good. It seems a bit repetitive to study this form of skill.

In the end, it is estimated that the Ratchet is not easy to use.

Maybe you can use it in spell release as you thought before?

When casting a spell, the formation of the seal is to gradually outline one's own mental power into a magic circle, and then to release the spell. What if you skip the formation of the magic seal and directly outline the magic circle?

Say try.

The relatively simple second-level spell, Thunder, was selected first. This is a very skilled spell that Donald uses today, so Donald is naturally aware of its formation.

Without moving his hands, while recalling the last formed ability magic circle when casting spells in the past, he used his ability to control the movement of mental power to outline the magic circle.

About 5 seconds later, a lavender circle suddenly appeared in front of Donald, with electric lights flickering on it.

However, Donald is not happy about this, because if the seal is performed in the original casting method of Thunder, it will only take about 2 seconds...

That is to say, the time to activate the talent to outline the circle is enough for Donald to release two thunders.

Of course, this is because it is the first attempt, so the speed is inevitably a little slow, and it may become faster after getting familiar with it.

But this situation made Donald realize a problem. If it takes so much time to release the second-level spell, then the third-level Pyroblast and the fourth-level Bigby King Kong fist will still take a lot of time. More time to get acquainted?

After learning all the spells again, the time may still be not much different from the original time. This kind of thought appeared in his mind, which was a bit frustrating.

"We must speed up the formation of the magic circle, otherwise this road will not work... there!"

There is a limit to the speed of the two-hand seal, but the speed of thinking is not the same.

Quick thinking!

The moment the talent was turned on, Donald's thinking speed improved significantly. In this state, his brain remained highly active. The thunder circle that had been sketched out before was almost a phantom at the moment. exist in front of him.

And all he has to do is to activate his talent to control his mental power in the shortest possible time to fill it up.

This is not too simple, 1 second is enough!


There was a surge of electricity in the air, Donald came back to his senses, and the thunder had already formed.


Clenching his fist, Donald muttered to himself a little excitedly.

This method of casting will increase his mental power consumption, but the speed will also be nearly doubled. If you become proficient in the future, maybe it will become faster.

When fighting against people, sometimes it's just this second or two seconds of free time. With the cooperation of energy shaping and quick thinking, Donald immediately has the ability to cast spells instantly.

This is an extremely powerful hole card!

And its only limitation is Donald's mental power reserves. As long as his mental power is sufficient and his agile thinking is fully open, even the fourth-level spells currently mastered by Donald can still appear in an instant.

One of the ways to master energy shaping is to perfectly fit with another talent of yours, plus the awakened control talent, maybe there are new changes.

This is of course something to be happy about.

But Donald is far from satisfied.

This is only an internal application, and the energy-shaping talent can undoubtedly be used externally if Donald wants to.

As I said before, energy shaping cannot actively generate energy, but changes the existing energy. Just like the thunder just now, it changes Donald's mental energy form.

In addition to self-generated, can you shape those energies in your body that have nothing to do with yourself, but exist independently?

For example, the wall lamp in front of you, the light it emits is undoubtedly a kind of energy.

Donald narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a wave of his hand, several finger-thick blades formed in the light.

"Interesting, since this light can, then other energies can naturally... thunder!"

The thunder was cast again, this time the electric light went straight to Donald's face, and he cast a spell on himself, but the thunder and lightning suddenly stopped in the second that it was about to bombard him.

"Sure As long as I use energy shaping to change the changes of these elements and inject my spiritual power, I can immediately use the control talent to convert it into the energy I control, hey... .Hahaha~”

Donald grinned, he could already imagine the scene where the spells released by other wizards fighting against him in the future were changed by his energy-shaping talent, and then turned and driven by his control talent.

This means that as long as Donald's mental power is strong enough, any attack in the form of external energy will be nullified.

It even turned into his attack method!

"Not enough, definitely more than that...1+1+1...I'm going to make you equal to infinity!"

With his hands behind his head, the ambition in Donald's eyes was undisguised.

Control and agile thinking.

These two talents finally showed their brilliance after the core talents appeared!


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