Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 310 Tragedy

"Wait, Brother Tang." Mai Bin became anxious immediately, Teng! Suddenly, he walked up to Tang Tianyou.

"Why..." Tang Tianyou looked at Mai Bin, "Do you still have something to do?"

"Brother Tang, please listen to me again." Mai Bin looked at Tang Tianyou anxiously, and begged, "If you still refuse to help after hearing this, then I, Mai Bin, have nothing to say."

Tang Tianyou looked at Mai Bin's anxious face, pondered for a while, and then said: "Well, well, since this is the case, I will give you time to say another word."

"Brother Tang, I wonder if you are aware of the Mekong River tragedy that happened on October 5th last year?" Mai Bin asked rhetorically without explaining.  Urban Devil Fruit 310

Mekong tragedy?

Of course Tang Tianyou knew that this tragedy shocked the whole world, and it was reported in the news at length, causing a great sensation in the country and people's anger!

On the morning of October 5th, that day was originally a calm day, and many people thought so, but it was such an ordinary day, but a tragedy happened that shocked China and the world.

The "Hua Ping" and "Yuxing 8" two merchant ships carrying 13 Chinese crew members were suddenly shot in the waters of the Golden Triangle of the Mekong River. It was finally confirmed that 11 Chinese crew members were killed and 2 crew members were missing!

What is particularly infuriating is that the salvaged thirteen dead bodies were extremely tragic. Their hands were handcuffed and there were two bullet holes in their stomachs. The sailor's head was covered with duct tape and his back was riddled with numerous bullet holes.

It is conceivable that these poor and innocent sailors were cruelly abused during their lifetimes. They were simply inhumane and animal-like behaviors!

Since the Mekong River tragedy on October 5th, the domestic reaction of Huaxia Kingdom has been very strong. People in China have demanded that the murderer be punished, vowing to pay with blood!

"I know about this." Tang Tianyou nodded, "But... hasn't the murderer been caught? It is said that they were nine scum soldiers from the "Phamang" barracks in the third military region of Thailand, and they were the ones who killed the Huaxia crew. Behavior. The "government" of Thailand also emphasized that this is the first case of this type in Thailand, and the individual behavior of soldiers has nothing to do with the army."

"Do you believe these words?" Mai Bin sneered, "And these nine idiots turned themselves in under the leadership of their superior officers."

"Have you ever seen such a funny thing? Vicious murderers, under the halo of justice of the Thai police, the murderers wept bitterly and felt that their sins were serious, so they surrendered obediently. Do you really think we are idiots?!"

Tang Tianyou shook his head. Naturally, he didn't believe such absurd facts. It is estimated that the nine soldiers were the scapegoats pushed by the big shots behind them to take the blame.

"So... this matter was done by some powerful people in Thailand?" Tang Tianyou looked at Mai Bin.

"No." Mai Bin shook his head, "On the contrary, it was done by the Burmese."

"Burmese?" Tang Tianyou frowned.

"Do you know?" Mai Bin said, "Before the so-called murderers are found, the Thai police in charge of this case believe that the murderer of this robbery and murder is the Nokan drug cartel from Wa State, Myanmar. The motive may be to ask for protection money, or they may want to hijack a ship to transport drugs."

"Because the Thai police found 520,000 ice-toxin tablets on the "Huaping" and 400,000 on the "Yuxing 8", worth more than 20 million yuan."

drug trafficking? Tang Tianyou thought for a while, and it is indeed very possible. After all, this area is the famous Golden Triangle area, and drug trafficking is just the most normal thing.

"However, in response to the Thai media's claim that "the attack on the crew of the Huaxia merchant ship was the work of the United Wa State Armed Forces of Myanmar's ethnic minorities", the "government" of the Wa State in Myanmar issued a public statement, emphasizing that the incident had nothing to do with the United Wa State Army."

Mai Bin disdains, "They actually said that the murder happened in Chiang Saen Wharf area in Thailand, the Wa people have never moved to this area, and Thailand does not allow Wa people to move to this area. Under the strict control of the Thai police, the Thai side has no reasonable explanation for how to escape from the scene after boarding a boat.”   Devil Fruit of the City 310

Tang Tianyou laughed, feeling a little amused by the forced reason of the Burmese. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this explanation is actually quite unreliable.

This is equivalent to robbing a bank after a robber robs a bank, saying: "We don't live near the bank, how can we rob a bank under the strict protection of the bank, and escape from the scene after the robbery?"

There is nothing more ridiculous than these words.

"But..." Tang Tianyou said in a deep voice, "Why did Thailand take the blame for Myanmar? Doesn't it know that this will have a serious impact?"

"Seriously, how serious will it be." Mai Bin smiled wryly, "Could it be that our Chinese Congress provoked a war because of this incident? Since it is impossible, then what is there to fear in Thailand? It is just a very easy thing for Thailand to get rid of this dead cat."

"Until now, there has been definite evidence that the key person in this case, Wo Lan, is the subordinate of the main criminal of the tragedy, Naw Kham, and also the intermediary between the nine Thai Communists involved in the case and Naw Kham's subordinates."

"According to reliable sources, this man named Wolan is a Thai citizen. After the tragedy, he once hid in the area controlled by the Wa minority armed forces in Shan State, Myanmar. His whereabouts are still unknown. The Thai police have issued an arrest warrant for Wolan. However, I guess this guy has already escaped."

"Myanmar, why did it do such a thing?" Zhao Manni, who was sitting quietly by the side, suddenly asked.

"It's not that Myanmar wants to do this, but a certain force in Myanmar wants to do this." Mai Bin's tone was filled with hatred.

"What's the meaning?"

"Actually, before the Mekong tragedy, probably before September 30, Myanmar unilaterally stopped the construction of a hydroelectric dam on the upper reaches of the Ayeyarwady River in Kachin State in the north of the country, which was undertaken by China."

Mai Bin said solemnly, "The reason for stopping the construction of this $3.6 billion dam is: this project 'goes against the wishes of the people and their representatives'."

"Is there any relationship between the two?" Tang Tianyou asked a big question in his head.

"Relationship? There is a lot of connection here." Mai Bin's face was solemn, "If you are really involved in the situation, you will know that Southeast Asia has not been peaceful recently."

"First, on September 30, Myanmar unilaterally suspended the construction of the Chinese dam project, but then on October 5, another Chinese crew member was killed in Thailand. If you look at these two incidents in isolation, they may be just two simple incidents. thing; but when connected, it's not that simple."

Both Tang Tianyou and Zhao Manni listened intently.

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