Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 380 Dare to take a gamble!

"What do you think?" Su Chunhui flirtatiously hugged his female partner next to him, and gave Tang Tianyou a provocative look. He was sneering in his heart, how could you, a boy from the countryside, understand these things? He only needs to talk about some theoretical things casually, which is enough to make this kid speechless.

To be honest, seeing Tang Tianyou acting as if nothing had happened, Su Chunhui couldn't help but feel a burst of anger, not letting him lose face in front of others and trample on this kid's dignity, in his heart Just uncomfortable.

He actually doesn't know much about black boxing, and he usually comes up to play a few times when he is in a bad mood, but he is very lucky that he wins more times than Shu, and occasionally earns to a small sum of money.

Therefore, he also has a certain understanding of this kind of underground boxing match and the boxers who appear on the field. After all, how can one dare to go to Liangshan without three points and three points!

Even though Su Chunhui is an ignorant dude, but for this kind of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, he can't get on the table. He is an expert who does his part. Who made him spend his life in fun since he was a child?  Urban Devil Fruit 380

Of course, he is very familiar with such things.

In the same way, Su Chunhui was not afraid of Tang Tianyou's rebuttal at all, what he was afraid of was that he would not have a chance to speak. Moreover, today's match will be different from the past. He has already made full preparations for the match that will start today. He knows the strength of almost every boxing match and the previous record.

He, Su Chunhui, has never been unprepared for things like gambling, so no matter which direction Tang Tianyou says, he can refute it with sufficient reasons.

Seeing that he didn't humiliate this guy to death, Su Chunhui stared at Tang Tianyou gloomily, with a slight sneer on his face, as if some kind of conspiracy was brewing.

"How is it? This is quite theoretical, but it's a pity that it's useless." Tang Tianyou glanced at Su Chunhui lightly, and let out a contemptuous laugh.

People in the world are very ridiculous. They always think that there are rules to follow in gambling, and try to find the most convenient way out of it, hoping to obtain a lot of wealth easily.

It’s like a welfare lottery. It’s obviously a thing with an outrageously low probability of winning. Basically, there are almost no winners. What yin and yang gossip, occultism and mathematical probability knowledge to verify the accuracy of this theory.

They thought they might be able to guess the winning numbers based on these speculations alone.

Indeed, all of these masters are eloquent. Even if they don't know the knowledge of probability, they can still come up with a lot of convincing reasons. Several reasons for winning the lottery are considered sufficient if they look at the other side.

However, if these masters are asked to tell when they will win the prize and how many prizes they will win, they cannot tell. Especially when he won the lottery, it was simply black eyes.

Don't look at the so-called lottery masters in China called Huan, they are all making money by lip service. If they were asked to buy a large number of lottery tickets with their own money to verify their ideas, they would pretend to be dumb in all likelihood.

If they are in a hurry, they will quibble, this is a matter of probability, who knows that they will definitely win the lottery at this time, if they are really so good, they will not rely on these to make money.

After all, if they were really that powerful, the money they got from lottery tickets alone would be enough for them to break their legs and live comfortably for a lifetime.

For the same reason, don't look at Su Chunhui pulling out a lot of reasons, which seem to be impeccable, the reasons are very good, and they seem very reasonable.

But in Tang Tianyou's view, that was just a reason.

Fighting and confrontation between people is an unpredictable thing. When the strength of the two is similar, no one knows who will definitely win.

There are many factors that affect victory, such as personal fighting skills, experience, strength, endurance, mental state, human willpower, beliefs, physical conditions at the time, off-field influences, etc. These things are enough to affect a boxing match. The key to the outcome of the match, it is very likely that the momentary trance is the cause of the boxer's death.

You must know that in nature, even a weak creature like a sheep can kill a vicious and strong jackal if it is forced to the point of no return and if it really becomes ruthless.

The strength of this world is itself a kind of contrast.  Urban Devil Fruit 380

A dude like Su Chunhui doesn't know what kind of risk exists in a cruel black boxing match. As long as the boxer loses concentration for a little bit, he will be killed by his opponent immediately.

This is a real life-and-death battle. How could it be possible to predict the outcome of a boxing match by watching a few boxing matches and learning some theoretical knowledge of right and wrong? !

It seems that some people find a biography of a famous businessman and read it as a textbook for business administration.

Facts have proved that there are not a few business geniuses who have learned through celebrity biographies, but most of them have learned the Nine Yins and White Bone Claws. Let alone the complete Nine Yins, it is difficult to get in touch with them.

To start a small business, set up a street stall, sell fried dough sticks and so on, using the trick of Jiuyin White Bone Claw is enough. However, if one wants to predict the future outcome of a boxing match, it is still under the secret "manipulation" of the boxing match organizer. This requires a complete set of Nine Yin Scriptures, or predicting the future.

"It's not half useless?!" Su Chunhui narrowed his eyes, obviously annoyed by Tang Tianyou's words, isn't he despising him nakedly?

He laughed back angrily: "Then tell me which one is the winner in this boxing match? Tell me, I'll see who you can name out of five out of six."

After finishing speaking, Su Chunhui looked at Tang Tianyou with bared teeth, his expression was very fierce.

"These useless things are useless no matter how much they say, they're like farting." Tang Tianyou looked at Su Chunhui and said word by word, "How about this, let's take a gamble and see who sees it Higher?"

Those scholars of the theoretical school say a thousand words, ten thousand words, it is not as good as the real end to gamble!

Why does everyone believe in the judgment of the stock god Buffett, as long as the stocks he buys, they will immediately rise, even in times of economic crisis?

This is not only because of his unbeatable record, but also because he really bet with his capital, pouring real money down, smashing a hole in the stock market.

In the casino, all bullshit theory masters are liars, and only the gamblers on the field are the most credible!

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