Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 395 Wonderful scenery!

Zhong Nianwei is very irritable today.

Last night, she specially held a class meeting to discuss a result, and hoped that some students would take the initiative to sign up to participate in the program of the welcome party three days later, but until the end, no one took the initiative to participate.

This is simply too irritating, isn't there anyone who can think about the class? !

Although she was extremely angry in her heart, she couldn't force others, so this urgent class meeting ended without solving anything.

In the end, she had no choice but to find a narcissistic man in her class who was crazily pursuing her, and finally used the trick of beauty tricks. If the boy agreed to perform on stage at the gala, then she could have dinner with him .  Urban Devil Fruit 395

As a result, the boy was really recruited, and he agreed to go on stage to perform the guitar and singing show, but he listened to the boy's singing with a curious mood.

Immediately, Zhong Nianwei felt a sense of embarrassment, and looked at him with admiration, this guy's singing was not much different from howling a wolf, how could it be like this!

If that boy didn't sing out of tune a lot, and he still articulated his words clearly, and he really couldn't find anyone, she would definitely not find such a guy to perform on stage and lose her face.

This is simply too pitiful!

Zhong Nianwei is a very strong girl, she must do whatever she decides to do, and she must do it perfectly.

It's just that this time it might really fail. If this guy performed on stage at the welcome party, it would definitely make their class the laughing stock of the entire academy, saying that there is no talent in their class, so they can only let this guy perform on stage.

Although this is indeed true, when Zhong Nianwei thought of this terrible consequence, she felt very depressed, her face was burning hot, as if she was slapped in the face in public.

She thought that the time when she would lose face for the first time in her life might be approaching. If her sisters knew about it, they would definitely be laughed at.

Therefore, she has been struggling with this matter last night. She has been in a state of insomnia all night. She has been struggling with whether or not to let that guy perform on stage, but if that guy does not perform on stage, then they Ben really couldn't find anyone to perform.

The consequences are equally serious!

No, Zhong Nianwei, who has been worrying about not sleeping all night, almost has dark circles under her eyes. In order to clear her head, she decided to go to the gym for a workout. Maybe when her head is clear, she will come up with a good way to get the best of both worlds. idea.

Just wearing a casual dress, white flat shoes, and bringing a card for dining in the canteen, Zhong Nianwei excitedly ran to the stadium.

Because it was morning, there were almost no people who came to the stadium to exercise, Zhong Nianwei ran on the dark red plastic track very easily, her large breasts rose and fell, which was very attractive.

It's a pity that no one in the stadium can enjoy this rare and charming view.

Huh? This guy is?

Zhong Nianwei, who ran for a certain distance on the plastic track, suddenly found that there seemed to be a person standing in the middle of the football field. This person was none other than the famous Tang Tianyou from his class!

No matter how ignorant she was, it was impossible for her not to know this monster who had completed all the textbooks for one year at the beginning of school, and was recognized by the professor and obtained the qualification of exemption from listening.

When she was running for class president, she was still rejoicing, but fortunately Tang Tian

Yu didn't go up for the election, otherwise he might not get the position of monitor.  Urban Devil Fruit 395

After all, although I am a girl, I have a great advantage in this class where most of the boys are, but in the face of such a monster whose grades can overlook everything, it is hard to say what choice other students will make.

"Why does this guy appear here? Is he also running like me? Is he also a runner?" Zhong Nianwei was very surprised. According to her understanding, don't bookworms like this spend all day in the library Reading books inside, or doing some weird experiments in the laboratory, in short, his behavior must not be compared with ordinary people.

At the beginning, she wanted to deliberately make friends with Tang Tianyou. After all, this kind of genius is a very mysterious creature, and the sense of mystery is precisely the most attractive quality to women.

Most women are very "fascinated" by mysterious men, because they think that this kind of man may take them to an unknown mysterious world, and when they see a lot of things, they will feel their heart pounding.

Unexpectedly, this guy is so mysterious that he can not participate in military training. It seems that he has been in the library or other places. Except for his roommates, it is difficult for other people to meet him.

After going back and forth, there wasn't much interaction between them, but Zhong Nianwei didn't expect to meet this mysterious guy in the stadium this morning.

"What the hell is he doing?" Zhong Nianwei stopped unknowingly, stood on the track, and looked curiously at Tang Tianyou who was standing in the middle of the football field.

At this moment, she heard a strange sound coming from Tang Tianyou, dull and piercing buzzing, clanging of iron, clanging of drums, roar of thunder...

Ventriloquism? Is he practicing ventriloquist?

A hint of enlightenment suddenly rose in Zhong Nianwei's heart, but she smiled secretly in her heart, she never thought that such a nerd, who has learned the genius level, would actually know such a strange skill as ventriloquist, what a special hobby!

Before this thought went away, Zhong Nianwei immediately froze when she raised her head.

From the sky, two sparrows flew over at some point, they flew closer and closer, they passed Zhong Nianwei's head in a moment, and then flew to Tang Tianyou's side.

In an instant, there was a burst of high-pitched sparrow chirping from Tang Tianyou's side. It was short, crisp, and enthusiastic.

For a moment, the world was silent, and the only thing that could be heard was the unique song of sparrows.

However, Zhong Nianwei couldn't hear the bird's call now, she clenched her fists and had only one thought in her mind: Is there really a ventriloquist with birds in the world? impossible! Absolutely impossible, how can people communicate with birds like this? How can people understand bird language?

However, the reality is clearly in front of her, and she can even see the figure of dancing cute sparrows, this unbelievable scene.

Zhong Nianwei suddenly screamed, shattering the tranquility except for the crisp birdsong, and also frightened the two sparrows away, but she couldn't care less.

Immediately, she moved her two beautiful legs and ran towards Tang Tianyou step by step.

It doesn't take much effort to find places where iron shoes are found. Isn't this what my mother should do when she tries her best to find someone to perform on stage?

Dark circles under the eyes after staying up all night, I must not let it go this time!

Zhong Nianwei had never felt so excited, her whole delicate body trembled, and an indescribable luster flashed from her excited beautiful eyes.

Urban Devil Fruit 395

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