Diablo Destruction

Chapter 152 Alliance of Freemen

"They are degenerates!!"

The two looked at each other wordlessly for a while, and then Kasha spoke slowly, with unconcealable sadness once again revealed in his words.


"Yes, abandoning one's own honor and responsibility, and even hating the entire Dark Continent warriors..."

"Why is this? Don't you say that adventurers are very determined?"

I roared loudly in confusion.

"Do you know how the Fallen were born?" Kasha did not respond to my anger, but asked instead.

I shook my head vigorously. If I knew the answer, why should I ask you?

"Because they lost what they should protect and the reason to fight." Kasha sighed quietly and continued.

People are always selfish. The reason why most people fight is not for the illusory justice of "saving the Dark Continent". The motivation for these people to fight is because behind them, there are some people they must protect. Is this the case for you too, Wu...

After losing the people they should protect, they no longer have the motivation to fight, and then they become arbitrary. "

"But even if they abandon the honor and responsibility of warriors, there is no reason to turn the butcher knife on their own people, right?"

I still can't understand what those people did. I can understand why they gave up their responsibilities because they lost something to protect them, but I can't understand why they would turn against their own people?

"You just said that soldiers have a strong will. It is precisely for this reason that the stronger the will, the easier it is for people to get into trouble after suffering a blow that they cannot bear. They load the hatred of losing all their relatives on us. . Thinking that he was fighting hard at the front, but we at the rear failed to protect his relatives, and this is also the case."

Kasha lowered his head in self-reproach.

"We have tried our best, but accidents always happen..."

"how so……"

I lowered my head feebly and couldn't say a word, but comparing myself to my own feelings, if I had lost all my relatives and friends, I don't know if I would have fallen into that state. Kasha tried to get along with me and Sister Sharna, and Akara pushed me to the position of elder. They have been working hard to create various bonds for me, and this may be the purpose.

"Having said that, I will tell you everything, Wu, listen carefully. As the war becomes more intense, the number of fallen people has increased, and they have formed a group called the 'Freedom Alliance' The underground organization, your future mission is to monitor it and eliminate those warriors who have completely degenerated into bloody avengers, can you do it?"

Kasha stared at me closely.


My body was shaking slightly. Silently looking at my hands, I want to use these hands to wipe out my own kind, can I do it? Can?

"Why, why do you want to do such a thing? Let those masters come back. Wouldn't it be enough to arrest all those degenerates? Yes, as long as we do this, wouldn't everything be solved?"

I lowered my head and my clenched fists trembled. I knew I was escaping, but I really couldn't point my weapon at the same kind...


Kasha touched my head lovingly: "Most of the degenerates just abandon their responsibilities, break away from our control, and live only for themselves, but they still have conscience and have not done anything bad. Only a few Some of them have completely turned into murderers. If we attack them because of this, wouldn’t it seem too arrogant?”

"Behind every fallen person, there is a sad story. No one is wrong. What is wrong is that we were born in this era that we should not be born in. There are also the creators of sorrow - the Hell Legion, even those who kill innocent people indiscriminately. The fallen are just a group of pathetic people, but because of this, we must let them get relief from the torment of hatred. In order to prevent the sorrow from continuing, we can only do this. Yes, there is no other way... …”

Kasha's tone became more and more excited, and by the end it was like a roar, more to convince herself than to explain to me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so excited..."

After a pause, she also noticed her gaffe.

"Think carefully about what I said. We are not forcing it. The decision is in your hands. Perhaps, young people like you should not be allowed to accept this cruel reality..."

Taking a deep breath, Kasha's tone calmed down, as calm as a pool of stagnant water. She silently walked to the assassin's body, squatted down, and gently stroked the pale and peaceful face.

"Chuludun...poor Chuludun, do you still remember me? Fifteen years ago, was that aunt who always punished you to practice late at night on the archery field? At that time, you always treated me with no regrets. I smiled innocently and completed my trick meticulously..."

Kasha murmured absentmindedly, with an old and choked voice. Only then did I realize that as a level 78 Amazon warrior, she is actually not much younger than Farah. Even though she looks younger, her My heart is still old...

"What on earth made you become this innocent and innocent person like you are now? Was it the plague that made you lose your parents five years ago? Or was it the disaster that took away your wife two years ago? I'm sorry, It's all my fault. I can't protect your family well. It's all my fault..."

Kasha knelt on the body of the assassin named Churudun, his shoulders shaking violently.

I stood silently watching, unable to say a word. At this time, any words of comfort were in vain.

This is a sad world, a wrong era. Most people here are enduring more pain and sorrow in pursuit of that little bit of happiness. A faint smile requires countless tears and sacrifices. Is the price of blood really worth it? perhaps. It would be better to say that it didn’t exist in the first place. At this moment, I can’t help but feel an inexplicable disgust towards this world and this era...

I want to break this world, break this era, and make happiness no longer far away, but can I do it with my power? Perhaps, having this thought is also a kind of sadness.

Standing there blankly. The cool breeze blew by in the evening. It was obviously summer, but it unconsciously gave me a chill.

I don’t know how long it took, but it wasn’t until I received a gentle blow on the top of my head that I suddenly came back to my senses.

Kashadi's right hand was in the hand-knife position. It seemed that there was no need to find the culprit. However, he saw the light expression on her face again. With a calm and determined smile, the negative thoughts in my heart disappeared.

"Take this."

Only then did I realize that she seemed to be holding something in her arms. If you look closely, you will see that it is a complete set of equipment, large and small.

"This is……?"

As soon as I was halfway through asking, I immediately understood. Isn't this the equipment on Chuluton? Although the equipment in this world is very precious. There is nothing wrong with recycling dead people to avoid waste, but...

"Why give it to me?"

"Originally, according to regulations, these equipments are to be taken back to his relatives as relics. If his relatives cannot use them or are unable to keep them, they will be exchanged for money and items of corresponding value. However, this child no longer has any relatives. , so as the conqueror, you naturally become their owner."

Kasha smiled and explained, even when talking about "this child", it made me see what true strength is.

"Then I won't be polite."

I took all the things from Kasha without courtesy. After death, the items in the inventory will naturally disappear, but what is worn on the body will disappear. But it can still be peeled off. So what I have in my hand is a complete set of equipment that still has the slightest trace of body temperature.

Blue chainmail. Blue iron helmet, golden ground heavy gloves, blue chain boots, blue buckle, white warrior cloak, two rings, a necklace, and the two blue wrist blades that made me suffer so much .

"I'll leave these two wrist blades to you."

I looked at it briefly and took out the two blue wrist blades and handed them back to Kasha. The assassin's special weapons, such as fist swords, wrist blades, ax hands or claws, are very different from other weapons in how to use them. One is held in the hand, and the other is set on the hand. If you are not used to it, it will be very awkward to use, so I am not very interested in these two wrist blades.

"Oh, the relationship is so good. The wine is almost a year old. Boy, I am generous enough to have you. Auntie, I am optimistic about you..."

By patting me on the shoulder, as if I would protect you from now on, Kasha has completely returned to his original carefree image.

"By the way, in the battle just now, am I still lacking in anything?"

There is no better time to ask for advice than at this time. You have to be short-tongued and soft-handed, so you have to show it.


Kasha made a serious and thoughtful expression.

"You have performed very well in this battle. If you have any flaws, it is lack of skills and experience. Otherwise, with your strength, it should be easier to defeat Churudun, but don't worry about it. , there is nothing we can do about it, after all, he has lived more than ten years longer than you."

"However, maybe I have a good suggestion. Don't you have Farah's battle staff in your hand? I heard that it was made into a divine language equipment by your boy?" After saying this, Kasha immediately entered the jealous mode. , eyes are almost red.

"If I were you, I would change the polar storm to the skill attached to the staff - hellfire. Although it is said that you should apply ice when your hands are burned, and use fire to drive away the cold when the weather is cold, but ice and fire But they are not absolutely incompatible. Remember my words, among the magic of the wizard's thunder, ice, and fire, if two of them are combined, the ice and fire magic will always be the most powerful in terms of pure destructive power."

Seeing me lowering my head thoughtfully, Kasha nodded with satisfaction, lifted the body on the ground with one hand, and put it in his inventory.

I will bury you next to your loved ones, so rest in peace, poor child...


Just when Kasha was about to go back, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Can you give me the map of the outer corridor? If possible, it would be best to include the military camp. If you think you still have plenty of time, I wouldn't mind telling me how to navigate the inner corridor and the cemetery..."

I said shamelessly to Kasha, who had a black line on his face.

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