Diablo Destruction

Chapter 168 The Thousand-Year Song of the Ghost Girl

"Um...Ten...I'm very sorry..."

I jumped away like a frightened grasshopper and faced the girl in front of me with a face of shame. Her clear and flawless eyes were so dazzling that I almost felt ashamed. I admit, I was stunned for 8 seconds. Time, um... no, even 9 seconds, maybe a little longer to react, but don't you think this is a normal reaction for a normal man to face this situation? Time? Men in the entire Dark Continent should understand me! That’s it!

The most obvious evidence is that the girl in front of her did not show any annoyance. She tilted her head slightly, her long moonlight hair rippling with a soft color, draped softly on her shoulders and slid down to her slender waist. Suddenly, those brilliant silver eyes were shining like stars, like a docile kitten whose head was suddenly caressed by a stranger, with a slightly troubled expression. She was dressed in a simple white robe, which set off her fair and smooth face. She is more holy and beautiful, looking as noble and mysterious as a saint. Especially the white light radiating from her whole body gives people a hazy and fuzzy sense of transparency, just like a pure angel descending into the world.

I don’t know how long it took, but she was still looking at me intently with her gorgeous eyes that couldn’t be looked directly at, as if I were some rare animal. My eyes flickered away from her locks, and I glanced at other battlefields with my peripheral vision. At a glance, the two elite pets, Poison Flower Vine and Xiaoxue, were already standing together, fighting with the resurrected Ashes. Poison Flower Vine has the property of being immune to poison damage, and with Xiaoxue's dexterity, the Ashes seemed helpless, and On the other side, the four ghost wolves who were stalling for time with the evil corpse seemed to be able to do so with ease.

Although their physical strength will decline sooner or later if this continues, there seems to be no need to rush away now. So I decided to spend some time with the girl in front of me, maybe I can get some new opportunities.


After a long time, she seemed to finally come to her senses and let out a soft cry of unknown meaning. It was obviously just a short and urgent tone, but it made people feel that it contained some kind of beautiful melody, like a cool breeze on a hot day. The gentleness and comfort when caressing the cheek.


Faced with the reaction of this beautiful girl with moon hair and silver eyes, I finally raised my head. Giving her a confused look.


As if a shy girl couldn't bear to confess her love to her lover, her pretty face turned red and she looked embarrassed, but in the end she only made some crisp sounds like the ringing of wind chimes. Even I started to worry about her. Could it be? Maybe there is a language barrier, because I sang so beautifully before.

For a long time, she used her slender little hands to gently press the part of herself that was just held by my hand. Taking a deep breath, the soft and smooth feeling seemed to come from the palm of my hand again, making my heart beat slightly.


She lowered her head, her pale lips trembling slightly, not knowing what to say in a low voice. After a while, she raised her head again and gave me a bright smile.


Sure enough, it was not my imagination, every word she said. Even every syllable seemed to carry a song-like melody. By the way, I suddenly remembered - it was the melody of the unknown holy song she just sang. Could it be that she had become proficient in integrating the melody into her daily life? In language, have you reached the state where you can win without any tricks?

For this almost supernatural phenomenon, I can only express my sincere sigh, three hundred and sixty lines. I will be the number one scholar in my career. The ancients will not deceive me.


As if she cared that I ignored her greeting, she came over lightly and said in a smoother and more beautiful tone than before, hitting my face with a light and sweet breath, and the smile that caught my eyes. Even at such a close distance, not a single flaw could be found on her beautiful fair face.

"Ah You……"

I turned my head slightly. She tried her best to move her eyes away from those two tempting lips that were so close. Just when he was about to respond to the girl's greeting, he suddenly noticed a detail...

It's the land. The way she came closer was so light and airy. Please don’t get me wrong. Although the girl’s figure was indeed very light, I had absolutely no intention of modifying it. She was really “light and airy” as she came closer to my face, and her body was still floating. In mid-air.


The remaining earth blood in my body immediately erupted. I remained sitting on the ground and moved back several meters at an almost impossible speed. I was dumbfounded and pointed at the girl who was floating in the air with trembling fingers. .

Although after coming to the dark world, I have seen a lot of moving corpses, and magic skeletons have become a natural habit. Even those ghosts that are difficult to deal with are ghosts, and I can swing the machete without changing my face. But the problem Yes, in my subconscious mind, they are all controlled by dark forces to become like this. Therefore, as long as they are marked with the mark of dark monsters, I can quickly adapt to them no matter how supernatural they are.

However, I bet that the girl in front of me has absolutely no dark aura at all. From the holy light that almost overflows from her body, we can tell that she has nothing to do with monsters or other settings for eight lifetimes.


In response to my violent reaction, the girl tilted her head cutely and looked at her feet along my fingers. What she saw was a pair of exposed small jade feet, which were floating in the air very leisurely at this time.

"Ah, please don't be surprised, it's like this...Actually, I'm already dead..."

She looked like she suddenly understood, and then showed me a bright and innocent smile, comforting me with the reason that made me most uneasy.


I carefully swallowed a small sip of saliva, and moved quickly with very subtle but extremely frequent movements, getting further and further away from the girl...

"what are you doing?"

All struggles were useless, the girl just floated lightly, and her body exuding holy light drew a beautiful arc in the air. That bright and innocent smiling face appeared again less than half a meter away from my eyes, making nearly 10 seconds of my struggle in vain.

"It's nothing, it's just that something happened at home suddenly and I need to go back immediately."

I stiffly pulled the corners of my mouth and replied incoherently, did you really not understand what I meant? You should understand it! Please spare me, I no longer want to have anything to do with supernatural phenomena, let me live a normal life. Let others do the leading role.


She grabbed my hand, and the smooth and cold touch came from the palm of her hand, which made me... no, maybe all men would unconsciously have the idea of ​​​​warming her and protecting her with their own arms.

"Please...save my parents!!"

The completely different atmosphere from just now made me turn around in shock to see the girl in front of me. The touching smile that was on her face just now has been replaced by a deep sadness. She looked at me with timid eyes, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and silver and transparent tears shone. Time suddenly intertwined, and I seemed to be able to experience what Alexander's biography recorded when he first met Mrs. Yeris.

It seemed like her smile just now. Everything just now was just a disguise, a disguise for a stranger like me. Think about it, which girl has been touched by others in her important parts for tens of seconds (I just said 8 or 9 seconds, hum... ...), still don’t care?

But what prompted her to suddenly trust me, a stranger? Could it be the mentality of treating a dead horse as a live horse? I grabbed my messy hair with a headache. He stared helplessly at the girl's pleading eyes.

"You have to explain it to me. And, let me declare in advance that I will not do difficult work. I am not ready to become a martyr yet."

"Well, thank you, thank you..."

A smile broke out on her face that was about to cry, looking a little funny and cute. But it makes people even more unable to ignore it. Why……

After a brief description, I understood the general meaning of her words with a look of surprise.

This girl in front of me. It turned out to be the place described in Alexander's biography, his and Mrs. Yeris's only daughter, Alice Erchton. Not long after Alexander killed Mrs. Yeris, the hell army broke through the desert in the plane and surged to the entire world. The Dark Continent came over. At that time, Alexander fought alone to protect his daughter. In the end, he was besieged to death because he was outnumbered. Alice was not spared. Then, the Hell Army took advantage of Alexander's powerful body and used evil magic circles to capture her. He was bound to the deepest part of the cathedral, using it as a medium to suppress the light power in the cathedral.

The girl in front of her, Alice, witnessed her father fighting in a bloody battle to protect her before she died, and was finally hacked to death by countless weapons that came in like a tide. Her anger, sorrow and fear made her temporarily unable to survive her death. Condensed into a ghost state, she silently followed behind the Hell Army, helplessly watching the cruel behavior of these demons.

"My father was covered in blood. He stood in front of me like a mountain, killing the monsters coming up. The place where I stood was already filled with a hill of corpses, but as far as I could see, it was still boundless. The monsters, in the end, my father's legs were cut off, his hands were also cut off, and he finally fell down, but they didn't even let go of his father's body, and nailed him to the stone slab with black nails. The bloody magic circle bound my father tightly..."

Alice looked at the ashes in the distance with resentful eyes, and bright tears of regret and indignation kept running down her cheeks.

As for the ghost of Alice that followed, the Hell Army did not seem to intend to pay attention. Maybe they wanted to come. In this hall filled with dark power, sooner or later this fresh ghost would become one of them.

"But they were wrong. Although they killed my father's body, they could not trample on my father's soul. Over the years, my father has been using his own will to protect me from the erosion of dark power..."

"So, you also used your singing to soothe your father's soul, allowing him to enjoy a moment of peace?"

I stared at the girl in front of me with deep eyes. I couldn’t imagine how a young girl could continue to sing for thousands of years in an empty hall. Why did I encounter this kind of frustration recently? What about people crying?

"That's all I can do. When I found that this song could ease my father's painful soul, I kept singing and singing. Whenever I saw my father feeling better, I kept singing. , I sang even harder..."

"Never stopped?..." I sighed and narrowed my eyes hard.

Alice nodded gently, and the sad and helpless smile on her face shook my heart deeply. It turned out that the beauty was imprinted in every word, every word, and even every syllable of hers. The melody actually hides such a heart-wrenching reason, and has been sung for thousands of years. No wonder when she first met her, she was like Mrs. Yerris, not even knowing how to say a word. No wonder even if she said When he speaks, it feels like he is singing.

"In other words, you want me to use the sword in my hand to let your parents rest in peace?"

I looked closely at the ghost girl in front of me again and confirmed, my tone more firm than at the beginning.

Those beautiful silver pupils suddenly dilated when they heard my words and looked at the sword in my hand, but Alice finally nodded resolutely.

"Yes, sir, please use the sword in your hand to let them find eternal rest."

After saying this, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength, her face turned pale, and she lowered her head feebly.

'how about you? ’

Seeing the determined look in her eyes, I swallowed this question with all my strength. It turned out that she had already had such a consciousness...

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