Diablo Destruction

Chapter 188 Let’s smash it together

After the light dissipated, five nearly two-meter-tall ghost wolves appeared in the bar with a gloomy and ferocious aura. Especially the leader, the snow-white ghost wolf, exuded the domineering power of a king under its elegant and gorgeous appearance. Even the tallest savage would be frightened by the giant figure, which is more than two meters high.

The appearance of these five ghost wolves suddenly filled up the empty bar.

Outside the window of the bar, there was a crowd of people. Many adventurers who claimed that "the house was about to catch fire" and "the children were about to starve to death" were putting their heads on the window and looking inside.

"It turns out that Lord Fan's drinking capacity and taste are on the same level as Lord Sharna."

An adventurer who saw it clearly shivered in shock. He didn't know that the bottle of wine Sharna drank was 500-year-old fruit wine. Even a barbarian would be drunk for a long time after drinking it, let alone Someone who doesn't drink much to begin with.

"As expected of siblings..."

"It seems I have to be more careful in the future..."

The surrounding adventurers immediately started talking, and some of them quickly took out parchment and quills like slutty reporters, and jotted them down.

In the bar, a game of brave versus devil is being played.

"Hiccup... Demon King, come out and die!!"

Waving the wooden cup in my hand, I felt that the gravity was rapidly decreasing, and my whole body felt light and airy, as if I could fly with just one leap. At this moment, I felt like an eagle soaring in the sky,... uh, He is hovering and looking down at the entire earth...

What? Why is it circling? Because...the whole world is spinning...

He staggered onto a high chair, but almost stumbled off. Kao, what’s the quality of this chair? It’s not missing a leg. I tried hard to keep my balance and complained cursingly.

"Brother Zi, younger brother Zi, so awesome, oh——"

Amidst my sister's sweet cheers, the unhappiness in my heart quickly disappeared. He stepped on the counter aggressively, picked up a simple "long sword" that was very naughty at first glance (it was actually a mop in the bar), and raised it high.

At this moment, I was in a dark world. The bottomless cave in front of me was the devil's lair, and I was leading many righteous heroes to defeat the devil. The heroic leader whose mission is to defend the world and liberate the people.

Waving the "sword" majestically, I pointed at the "gloomy cave" directly in front of me and shouted loudly.

"Hiccup - that -, Demon King Purple (is infected), come out and die."

The whole world seems to be spinning more violently. Even the surrounding scenery began to blur.

My expression changed - no, this must be a curse from the devil, he wants us to spin around and lose our direction, damn it. As expected, he was worthy of being a demon king, using such despicable and shameless means to sneak attack.

But, hum, who am I? The so-called "Master Wu Fan, the only druid in the entire Dark Continent who has a sharp eye and a strong sense of direction, who has never lost his way" is just me. This method is of no use to me.

I shook my head desperately, closed my eyes and concentrated on them. Then I suddenly stared forward and looked forward. Sure enough, the surrounding scenery suddenly became extremely clear, but I did not relax at all.

I don't know when, but the surroundings were already filled with the Demon King's minions - we were surrounded.

Damn it, I didn’t expect that there was such an insidious trap hidden in this vicious curse. This devil really has a trick up his sleeve. If I hadn't "woke up" in time. I'm afraid he will be hacked to death by the monsters around him for no apparent reason.

No, as the boss. I have to boost everyone's morale.

"Brothers, don't be afraid, they are just a bunch of minions. Even tens of thousands of them won't be enough for one of our little fingers. Come on!!"

I waved the "sword" in my hand and pointed at the "enemy" in front of me.

"Thunderbolt, thunder and kick-"

There was a messy sound of breaking. The ghost wolves behind me faithfully followed my orders and tore the dozens of tables and chairs pointed at by the mop in my hand into wooden strips. Other pots and jars were also shattered into pieces. The floor was covered with light yellow ale, and the whole bar was suddenly filled with a pungent smell of alcohol.

Even the five-meter-high magic chandelier on the roof was not spared. A naughty ghost wolf jumped lightly and hung its entire body on the chandelier. It swung several times as if on a swing, weighing several hundred kilograms. The chandelier made an unbearable cracking sound, and finally with a "clacking" sound, the strong iron chain connecting the chandelier and the beam was torn off, falling to the ground and smashing to pieces.

The other ghost wolves immediately followed suit. Only Xiaoxue, as if in order to maintain her "king" dignity, deliberately made a look of disdain. She yawned, but involuntarily looked at the man hanging on the chandelier playing with the swing from the corner of his eyes. The four ghost wolves looked over.

"Crack——, bang——"

Finally, the last magic chandelier fell down, and the four ghost wolves whimpered a few times with regret. They were slightly glared at by the depressed Xiaoxue, and immediately lined up in front of Xiaoxue like soldiers, nodding and bowing respectfully. Spreading out his hot barbed tongue.

Well, Xiaoxue was very satisfied. It raised its head proudly and led the four ghost wolves back to its owner in neat steps like Nazi soldiers.

Seeing that the enemy was beaten to pieces in an instant like tofu, I nodded as if it were a matter of course, and eloquently expressed encouragements such as "All reactionaries are paper tigers" and "Justice will surely defeat evil." declaration.

"Brother Zi, younger brother Zi, so awesome, so awesome——"

Hearing my sister's soft voice beside me, I raised my head even higher.

"However, it's not fair for my younger brother Zi to play alone. My sister also wants to play."

The drunken sister smiled like a flower, then took out a longbow from nowhere and took aim.


The adventurers gathered outside the bar looked like they had nothing to do with it just now, but when they saw Sharna, she started to use her bow and arrow to aim here. He quickly cried out in sorrow, and the crowd was like ants exploding their nest.

There were many adventurers lying on the window peeping like stacks of arhats. The person at the bottom couldn't even wait for the adventurer above him to jump down, so he started running with his feet swinging with a "hurrah" sound. Some people even had stacks on their shoulders. There were three or four crooked adventurers, looking like a drunken centipede standing upright.


Not only that, there seemed to be a faint spatial distortion on the fatal arrow, and experienced people would instantly know that this was exactly the posture of the extremely hot explosive arrow in preparation.

Involuntarily. The adventurers who were desperately trying to disperse all had a free hand to cover their buttocks - Sharna's stunning anus-exploding arrow in Vitas has become a nightmare for all adventurers.

Fortunately, even the drunken Sharna still had some sense in her subconscious. After she let out a cute burp drunkenly, the arrow on her bow suddenly pointed to the sky, and with a "swish" sound, it hit the target. When Xian let go, a blackened hole the size of a round table was revealed on the roof of the entire bar. The snow-white blue sky is visible when you look up.


Looking at the blue sky above our heads, my sister and I laughed happily.

"Okay, it's time to destroy the devil. Sister, you are responsible for staying at the position. It is a heavy responsibility."

I put the "sword" on my shoulder with great pride. If I usually talked to my sister in this tone, I would definitely be severely punished by her, but now she is like a well-behaved little wife. He nodded playfully a few times, with a serious look on his face.


The big stone (the wooden door of the bar) at the entrance of the Demon King's lair was smashed into pieces by my strong kick. The unexpected fragility almost made me fall to the ground because I couldn't bear it. Oh, it was really vulnerable. Even my own facade was cut corners. This Demon King It’s really not that good.

I staggered to my feet and looked around. Good guy, I didn’t expect that there were so many minions inside, and they seemed to be much stronger than the ones just now.

I waved the "sword" on my hand, pointed at the enemies around me, and shouted righteously.

"You guys, if you want to fight alone or in groups, just come here. Hiccup -. Today, I, Druid Wu Fan, hiccup -. I will be here to do justice for the moon, punish evil and eliminate rape, hiccup - —”

The adventurers around him looked at someone who was drunk, pointing at themselves with a mop in his hand and yelling, and couldn't help but look at each other.

Originally, they wanted a few stronger barbarians to send the man back, but when they saw a row of five ghost wolves standing in front of them, they were stunned.

It's not that they can't subdue the drunken adult and the five ghost wolves, but once they come here in the middle of the camp, if a fight breaks out and the surrounding area is smashed, who will be responsible?

The most important thing is - what happens after the subjugation? Even if this adult doesn't mind, don't forget that he also has a petty sister. If he knows that his precious brother has been "bullied" by someone, he will have to fight you in the ring. That would be the most terrifying thing.

Considering the horrific consequences, most of the adventurers hesitated, and then focused their attention on six of them.

Lal, Doug, Gev, Dhruv, Ihana, Marton...

"Everyone, you...it's useless for you to look at us!!"

Feeling the focus of his gaze, Dhruv stammered.


Everyone's speechless, scorching gazes conveyed the same meaning tacitly: Master Dhruv, you and Master Fan are the most familiar, and the peace of Rogge's camp depends on you! !

In the eyes of hundreds of adventurers who looked forward to, begged, or even threatened, the six of them broke out in cold sweat.


Ihana suddenly fell to the ground, her gentle and beautiful face twisted in pain.

"Child, the baby is almost...about to be born..."

She painfully covered her flat belly under the clothes with her hands, and cold sweat broke out from her temples.

"Hold on, take a deep breath, come on, ha, ho-"

The artificial joy in Dhruv's tone obviously outweighed the panic, making his acting skills eclipse a lot.

"Dear... tell me. Is it a boy... or a girl..."

Ihana's pale face showed the light of motherhood, and she looked at her husband tenderly.

"Oh, my dear, neither boy nor girl can shake my overwhelming love for you."

Dhruv held Ihana's hands tightly, his eyes shining with sincerity and determination.

"Just bear with it, I'll take you to the old nun now."

The most critical moment came when Dhruv picked up the "weak" Ihana. With his eyes completely red, he rushed out of the crowd, with a look of determination to block the murderous god. The adventurers did not check any of them, or in other words, they were attracted by the momentum and gave way one after another.


In the stunned eyes of everyone, the two figures disappeared, and the remaining Dima suddenly jumped up and rode on the road without being blocked. He quickly drove over at full speed.

The speed of a level 18 assassin is no joke, but can he succeed when blocked by hundreds of adventurers? oh! He passed through, and he passed through successfully. At this moment, the adventurer was boiling.

"I am the future godfather of my child. How can I ignore it?" The adventurer left such a sentence amidst the curses, and Marton's figure disappeared into an alley.

Team Dhruv successfully stole a base——

Having learned from the past, the adventurer stared at the remaining three people with red eyes. If there is no better reason, they will never give up this final opportunity to shirk responsibility.


Doug, this time it was the great barbarian Doug. He vomited blood. He successfully vomited blood. A mouthful of bright red blood came out of his mouth, almost spitting it out, and scattered it on the street under the sunset. It seemed so shocking.


The huge body nearly three meters high suddenly fell to the ground, raising a huge burst of dust.

"Doug, Doug, what's wrong with you?"

Before Doug's body could fully land on the ground, Gefu and Lar rushed up to him and pinned him to the ground.


Doug, who was violently pushed to the ground, tragically vomited a mouthful of blood. He looked at his two good brothers who shared life and death with tearful eyes, with anxious and self-blaming eyes. How sad it is.

"Good... good brothers. Thank you, but. I... I am dying..."

"Why did you become like this? Good brother, tell me, who made you become like this."

Lar excitedly grabbed Doug's shoulders with both hands and shook him desperately, causing the back of his head to collide with the hard blue and white stone floor.

"Do you still remember the powerful enemy we encountered in the last battle? Just when we couldn't support it any longer, I finally used the secret technique of immortality passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors - Disillusionment, Destruction, Reincarnation. I originally thought it would be more effective. It lasted for a month, and then he disappeared quietly. Unexpectedly, wow——"

Doug spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Good brother, why are you so stupid?"

With tears streaming down his face, Geoff beat his chest and stamped his feet - beating Doug's chest and stepping on Doug's feet...

"I'm dying. Before that, I have one last wish."

Doug's voice became weaker and weaker, and the life in his body was passing rapidly.

"You say it, we all promise you."

Seeing that the critical moment was coming, Lal and Gefu quickly raised their ears.

"I think... I want to go back to my hometown and get married..."

After saying the last word, Doug finally closed his eyes, tilted his head, and stretched out his tongue like black and white. Doug, the future great barbarian warrior, failed to win, leaving two heartbroken brothers.

Under the setting sun, in the cold wind, on the blood-stained streets, the comrades leaving with smiles on their faces, and the two brothers with tearful eyes, they are composing a poignant and tragic warrior song.

"Don't worry, no one can stop me from fulfilling your wish. I will take you home right now."

Lar suddenly raised his head, showing a ferocious expression, and rushed out holding Doug's "corpse".

"Don't worry, good brother, I will definitely plant your favorite mud flower in front of your grave (please see Chapter 178 for details). It will always accompany you and prevent you from being lonely."

Gefu also took advantage of the situation to lift Doug's feet, and the two of them dragged Doug one after the other, disappearing into the distance in the eyes of everyone who was distracted...


After Doug continued, another person fell.

"Brother, good brother, what happened to you??"

Another burst of crying came...

"I'm really sorry for hiding this from you. In fact, my family has been circulating a fatal congenital incurable disease since 18 generations ago. People who suffer from this disease are stunted from birth, are weak and sick, and suffer from coughing and asthma.* *Indifferent, since then, no one has ever lived beyond the age of 18, ahem——"

A tall paladin who had just been chatting and laughing in the bar and drank five large glasses of ale, who was said to be the husband of three women and the father of five children, suddenly fell to the ground weakly with his hand on his forehead, and was beaten by several of his The good brother cried and lifted him up, and disappeared with a "whoosh" sound...

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