Diablo Destruction

Chapter 310: The painful Horadric clan

This... no matter how you look at it, it looks like a toilet.

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief and looked at the other three people. I all got the same answer from their eyes.

"The Horadrics are really... well, that's pretty creative..."

With Kane beside me, I couldn't say too much. I smiled and looked at a dry and black object stuck to the wall, which made me feel a little nauseous.

"I still don't know if this is a teleportation point, maybe not..."

Kane murmured that at this moment, he didn't want to find the teleportation point so quickly.

I silently mourned for the little boss Eye of Fire and its following monsters. They were kept alive in the toilet by the Horadric clan for thousands of years. I don’t know how they got here. Evil, I feel sick just thinking about it. If it were me, I would rather go out and be killed by adventurers, but now they are finally free.

Everyone pinched their noses and searched in this huge toilet for a while, and soon Kane's last chance was shattered. Two white stone pillars grew like vines from two adjacent toilet pits, intertwining into one. The artistic entrance has a unique symbol of the Horadric clan floating on the top, which is constantly rotating. The whole thing looks solemn and beautiful, but the location really makes it impossible for me to express my inner admiration.

This door is hollow, which means that if you go through it, you will only reach the other side of the toilet. Farah fumbled around and then said.

"No energy."

The answer is simple. The question is how to solve it. It is impossible to throw an energy wave over and count it as replenishing energy. Finally, we focus on the Horadric clan mark floating at the top.

The mark floats on the ends of two crossed stone pillars, looking like it's being held by a pair of empty hands. It seems to have a profound meaning. The shape of the mark is somewhat similar to the round darts used by ninjas. It has seven cutting edges and a concave mark in the middle. As for the shape of this mark, just look at the pale face of the miser Farah. .

This is a flawless gem-shaped pit.

Therefore, the problem of replenishing energy is easily solved. It's just that Farah, like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, kept muttering next to Akala that the Mage Guild's funding would be increased in the future, and its policies would be relaxed.

After setting a flawless ruby ​​​​into the concave spot, the entire portal suddenly glowed with blue light. The mark on the top rotated rapidly like a generator. Silks of blue electric light burst out from the mark and were then transmitted to the two stone pillars. Go up and wait until the entire portal is filled with blue electric light. The hollow position suddenly lit up, forming a blue energy gate.

Everyone's expressions froze. Farah carefully added an ice armor to his body, and then took the lead in passing through the blue energy gate.

Everyone waited for a long time, but there was still no news about Farah. The portal has not been destroyed. With his strength, no matter how difficult it is, he can still retreat. I can't help but wonder. After getting Akala's signal, he stepped into the portal.

My vision went dark, as if something was blocking the way. Without thinking, I punched it.


There was a familiar scream, and Farah was caught off guard and staggered, holding the back of her head and turning around to glare at me.

"I said, why are you standing still at the door? Come back and say something if there is no movement. Everyone is worried about you." I laughed and went back to greet Kane and Akara.

After the four people passed through the portal, they were all stunned by the scene in front of them. I was in a hurry and didn't have time to carefully observe the surrounding environment. Now I calm down and take a look, and I can't help but be stunned.

starry sky.

The four of us are in a dark starry sky, with stars dotted above our heads. It seems that you can reach out and touch it. It's so high and out of reach, and there's a void beneath your feet. The boundless stars are twinkling, like a dream, and the beauty is unparalleled from the human world.

"That's right, that's right, this is real space magic." Farah seems to value the technology of creating this starry sky more than we are stunned by this beautiful scene.

"What on earth is this place?"

Although there are impressions in the game, I can't talk nonsense. If you are not absolutely sure about something, it is better to ask more questions. No one will treat you as an idiot.

"According to the records in the handbook, this should be the refuge of the Horadric clan." Kane said with certainty.

There is basically nothing wrong with the name, I said to myself.

"It can actually open up a huge space. The space magic technology in the prosperous period of civilization is really amazing. This is the real space magic." Farah sighed. Compared with his magic that can only expand a certain space, what is displayed in front of him is undoubtedly It's a new world.

After sighing for a while, everyone walked down from the portal on the high platform. What appeared in front of us was a huge stone square. After Farah used teleportation to circle around the edge of the square, he told us a piece of bad news—— There are passages in four directions of the square, which means that this is another typical cross maze terrain.

Depend on! ! Are you not going to give me a life like this?

"Why make a maze? If the enemy can find this place, then even making a maze won't be of much use." I complained dissatisfiedly. After walking all day, everyone decided to rest in the square for one night. Continue exploring tomorrow.

"I think this is probably the interest of those makers."

Kane smiled bitterly and said: "When some people's power reaches a certain extreme, they will shift their interests to other places, such as studying some weird things."

I see, that is to say, when building the portal in the toilet, or even this shelter, as well as the magic restrictions around the Horadric clan, the creators at the time probably had the mentality that it was more fun than practical. After all, no matter what they did It's amazing. I never would have guessed that the Dark Continent would be invaded by the forces of hell thousands of years later.

In fact, speaking of this kind of person, we happen to have one around us.

Everyone turned their attention to Farah, who was not doing his job and specialized in making some weird gadgets. He was one of the explosions and troublemakers in Rogge camp. Farah has done similar things many times.

Early the next morning, the four elders, who had recharged their batteries, continued their exploration journey. At such a maze crossroads, Akara's prophecy seemed to be of little use, so everyone had no choice but to choose a direction at random.

"What happens if it falls?"

Looking at the dark void below my feet, I asked with lingering fear. Although we are not afraid of heights. But on this stone passage, which is about ten meters wide, there is vast void on both sides, and there is no obstruction. No matter how many times you look at it, you will feel a little scared.

"It doesn't matter. No matter how big the space is, it can't be infinite. Even if you jump, you don't have to worry about not falling to the bottom." Farah, who was in the front, responded, and his expectant eyes clearly said: How about you jump down? Give it a try.

Depend on. I gestured to him with my middle finger and firmly moved the path to the center of the passage.

"It seems that the shelter has also been invaded." Not far away, Farah suddenly paused and said excitedly.

As for the reason for his excitement, I soon found out.

soon. Many small red dots appeared on the other side of the passage within sight, and they quickly approached us. With my extraordinary eyesight, I was the first to distinguish the appearance of these monsters.

A group of upright goatmen with machetes.

Precisely. It should be the final evolution of the Moon Clan that appeared in Rogge's camp. The name is quite interesting, called the Hell Clan. I don't know if this name will cause dissatisfaction with other Hell Clan.

These blood-red Hell Clan seemed to be much faster than the Moon Clan, and they were approaching us after a while. I looked at Farah, wondering why he didn't use telekinesis to dismember these little things from a distance. The terrifying magic waves condensed in Farah's hands told me the answer.

A ball of freezing air wrapped in dazzling lightning accumulated in his hand. With a soft drink, the ball of lightning freezing ball containing terrifying power was thrown out, instantly hitting the Hell clan in the head in the form of chain lightning.

Before even a scream could be heard, this hell clan was reduced to ashes. Not only that, a sky-blue sphere suddenly exploded where it disappeared. If you are confused by the beautiful appearance of the sphere. If you think it is just decoration, you would be wrong. This is the mage's ultimate ice magic skill - Freezing Ball.

In an instant, countless ice arrows burst out from the sky-blue sphere, and the chain lightning also moved to the next target. It was impossible to tell whether the target behind was killed by the frozen ball or the chain lightning, as far as the eye could see. , has been covered by white ice arrows all over the sky, and the temperature in the entire space seems to have dropped by more than ten degrees.

Eternal Frozen Arrow Prison - This is Farad's ice and electricity mixed magic stunt.

After the rain of arrows all over the sky, only a few puddles of ice water remained where the Hell clan had been.

"It's been so many years since I've used this trick, and my hands are raw." Farah, who had been suppressed for a long time, shouted, with an expression of indescribable satisfaction.

No wonder this guy is so excited to see the monster coming, he is a typical big slut, but thinking about it, he is quite pitiful. Kasha is better, in the name of a guard, he can go outside and get some small fallen demons to vent his anger, and Farah stays there all year round. In the camp, it is rare to see an enemy. This is the so-called hero who has no place to play.

After that, it's Farah's performance..., well, to be precise, it should be the time to vent. All kinds of compound magic, single transformation magic, and even creative magic are all at his fingertips. Of course, he is the best at them. The fourth-level electric skill chain lightning and the fourth-level ice skill Frozen Pillar combined to create lightning and ice explosions, and he even used fire magic, which he was not proficient in.

Among them is the ultimate fire magic - the hydra. In Farah's hands, the nine heads of the hydra seem to be equipped with a control system. When he points, the snake heads will spray everywhere. It's a pity that the monster is too inexperienced. , before he could express himself, he was roasted to ashes by the remaining heat of the Hydra.

He was quite regretful about this, so he didn't show it off anymore. According to him, controlling the firepower of the hydra monster used by a mage who was truly proficient in the fire system was only a trivial matter. They could form a complete nine-headed snake monster. The hydra can control its own movement and even flight, making its body a terrifyingly powerful being, and can even separate the hydra. He had only heard of the ultimate magic move called Nine Dragons Explosive Flame Burst, but had never seen it before.

However, even with Farah, the journey was not smooth. After walking for only half a day, we encountered a problem.

What stops us here is a white pillar not far ahead. There was a round mine ball flashing on the pillar, which looked suspicious.

According to the knowledgeable Kane's guess, this should be a magic mechanism created by the Horadric clan. It has super strong magic resistance and ordinary mages cannot shake it. Originally, it would be no problem if the mechanism was not turned on, but thousands of years have passed. This magic mechanism seems a bit funny.

No, as soon as Farah stepped forward to show off, he was almost roasted by the lightning shot from the magic mechanism. He became so angry that he unleashed all his ice and electricity magic, and was so exhausted that he was out of breath. That was the only way to destroy that mechanism, so when the second mechanism appeared in front of us, he quit.

"Wu, it's your turn to move your hands and feet." Fala stayed in place and refused to move.

"All right."

I sighed. Although my hands were already a little itchy, I didn't expect that the first enemy turned out to be a solid stone pillar, which was really frustrating.

Before departure, Farah added an ice armor to me. Although the mage's armor can only be used by himself and cannot bless others, the senior mage seems to have solved this regret. Of course, it is not without its shortcomings. If you add armor to other targets, it would be good if the power of the armor is half of the original.

But this is a fifth-level magic after all. Even if it only has less than half of the effect, its protective ability is quite nb. More importantly, this is the first time for us to enjoy the treatment of fifth-level magic. The dissatisfaction on our faces is also obvious. After turning into a smile, he blessed himself with a hurricane armor. The wolf roared. A white werewolf sang a song and rushed forward bravely.

There was a flash of white light, and a barrel-thick lightning flowed through me. Although part of it was deflected by the ice armor and another part was offset by the hurricane armor, I didn't suffer any damage, but my whole body was still numb.

As expected, it is a third-level electric skill. In my opinion, the power is at least level 10 or above, and it will not let anyone survive.

Realizing the power of the magic mechanism, I rushed faster. Taking one more step would save me from suffering once. After the mechanism flashed a second bolt of lightning, the hurricane armor broke, and I finally rushed to the foot of the stone pillar.

"Ah da da da..."

Without saying a word, he just raised his fist and smashed it. Anyway, it was a stone pillar that could not move. There was no question of skill. Just hit it as fast as you could.

Damn, why didn't you tell me that the physical defense of the magic mechanism is not inferior to the magic resistance? As I smashed it, I turned around and looked at the three people who were watching the show with resentful eyes.

If I had known that bones were so hard, I would have called Xiaoxue and the others out and had sex together.

After the stone pillar collapsed suddenly, I walked back crookedly. The snow-white fur all over my body was burnt black, and there were still a few residual electric currents flickering between the hair. The image was indescribably desolate.

After three days of wandering around, we finally reached the end. Apart from encountering magic mechanisms along the way, it was quite enjoyable. What was depressing was that the end of the road turned out to be a small square, which is Speaking of a dead end, the 1/4 chance is really not easy to fool.

The only good thing is that there are several treasure chests in the small square, which have probably not been touched for thousands of years. These treasure chests provide us with a large number of gold coins, as well as more than ten broken gems, several cracked gems, and one intact gem. The gems and some blue equipment were worth tens of thousands of gold coins in total. Except for those few gems, I didn't like anything else, so I confiscated these things.

In addition to the treasure chest, there is also a magic temple, which can speed up the recovery of magic after use. Considering that poor Farah has not seen what the temple looks like in decades, I asked him to relive the taste of the temple.

Then again, I haven't actually enjoyed many temples. I've encountered quite a few monster temples. When are you going to give me a gem temple to play with?

On the way back, I summoned two ghost wolves, hunched over the slow-moving Kane and Akara, and returned to the original square in less than a day.

Which path to choose next? There is a one-third chance that everyone will see each other...

"Go this way, I feel the guidance of the power of the Great Eye." Akara, who had his eyes closed tightly, suddenly pointed forward with his crutch.

Oh, has the power of the Great Eye finally been activated? At this moment, Akara transformed into the golden god of the labyrinth in my eyes.


Looking at the land that is thousands of meters away from us, there is a large invisible void in the middle, and there is a red portal in front of us. The four of us were speechless for a long time.

"The Horadric clan really has nothing to do." I squinted my eyes and looked up into the distance.

"Then...probably so." Kane, who is from the Horadric clan, surprisingly did not refute me.

Fortunately, the energy of these portals is sufficient, otherwise we would not be able to get out of these gems alone. Looking at it again, the level of these red doors seems to be much lower than the blue portal in the prison toilet. The ones embedded in the mark The gems used to supply energy are only of the crack level.

"How about we dig up these cracked gems."

Farah rolled his eyes, and the special skill of the miser was used to pull out hair, but he was glared at by Kane before he finally calmed down.

Go through the dazzling red doors. Not to mention me, even other people are a little confused. Now everyone can only move forward with the weak guidance that Akara felt, and the teleportation scroll cannot be used here. Could it be that the four dignified Rogge elders actually want to throw it away? The body is here?

Fortunately, the Great Eye was still loyal, and Akara was also up to date. He just relied on the vague guidance to get through, and everyone found that the road ahead was straight. After the little red door that had left a shadow in our hearts never appeared again, we couldn't help but cheered and walked away, just wanting to leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

After walking for a while, we finally arrived at our destination - the end of the passage. A huge square is displayed in front of us. Different from the first passage square, the square in front of us is larger, of course. This is nonsense. In addition to being big, there are also monsters on it, including blood-red hell clans, ghostly demon souls, and the most troublesome mage monster for adventurers - the Vampire King, the evolved form of the exile. .

Such a large group of monsters gathered together, including the presence of many bosses and elites, can already explain something.

"There is a strong magic wave ahead."

Farah looked out over the square. He said slowly. Judging from his relaxed expression, the so-called "strong magic fluctuation" should be relative to an adventurer of my level.

After walking forward for a while, I finally saw the owner of the strong magic wave mentioned by Farah - in the pavilion in the center of the square, a man wearing a blue mage robe inlaid with gold threads and a headband with two gold horns. A mage wearing a hat and holding a golden staff coquettishly in his hand was standing there. The monster who ordered the guards.

"The strength has reached the level of the Demon King. With the advantage of long-range magic and a large group of minions acting as human shields, the difficulty is no less than that of dealing with the Demon King." Farah made his judgment. Probably seeing my imminent thoughts, I couldn't help but analyze.

"It doesn't matter if it's just the Demon King level." I added to the corners of my chapped lips, my eyes full of irrepressible fighting spirit. Even if something unexpected happens, there is nothing to be afraid of when Farah is here.

Thinking of this, I suddenly became energetic. I grabbed five majestic ghost wolves and poisonous flower vines, followed by an oak wise man. After being armed to the teeth, I quickly approached the square.

When we were still a few hundred meters away from the entrance of the square, a group of Hell Clan minions finally discovered our presence. The leader let out a strange cry, and immediately summoned dozens of nearby monsters to come over and attack us aggressively. I saw Look, tsk tsk, there is an elite level demon soul among them.

I stopped and smiled coldly at the monster on the opposite side. The passage was only nearly ten meters wide. Unfortunately, the hell tribe was so tall and occupied a large space, so hundreds of monsters could only form a long queue and rush towards them. , doesn’t this give me an advantage?


As soon as Xiaoxue's Fury of Light attack was launched, half of the monster suddenly disappeared.

"Triple Firestorm."

The extremely domineering fire of chaos instantly turned almost the entire passage into a sea of ​​fire. After the fire, one monster..., oh, no, there was also the elite demon soul, which luckily escaped Xiaoxue's beam of light. Although Fury Break and Triple Fire Storm look spectacular, their single-target lethality has not been enhanced, so they naturally cannot kill elite-level demon souls instantly.

In addition, there are still two lucky vampire kings alive. Damn it, you can still survive under the halo of the protagonist, are you so powerful? The remaining four ghost wolves immediately pounced on them, and within a short time they captured the remaining three monsters to pieces. Looking around, hundreds of monsters exploded items covering a small area. I wonder if they were dazzled by the gold coins. The elite demon soul seemed to have exploded a shiny golden item, which he would clean up after the battle. Bar.

I turned my attention to the mage monster, and I suddenly found that he had ordered all the monsters to rush towards us with great anger. It turned out that Xiaoxue's light beam fury attack had cut off a corner of his beloved little pavilion. No wonder he even lost his eyes. They were all red with anger.

Hundreds of monsters surged over, which was no joke, especially the series of fireball bombardments by the Vampire King, coupled with the mage who was close to the Demon King level, even I couldn't bear it. Just when I was thinking about retreating, I I suddenly discovered a situation and was immediately happy.

As I said just now, the passage is only nearly ten meters wide and can only accommodate six or seven Hell Clan side by side. Now the problem arises. As a long-range monster, the Vampire King naturally cannot strike forward, but the tall Hell Clan moves forward. One stop also blocks their attack route. With their intelligence, they cannot perform such difficult skills as magic lobs, so I don't have to worry about their fireball bombardment at all.

With a roll of my eyes, five ghost wolves and I stood in a row, blocked the passage, and faced the monster army. Although we seemed to be outnumbering the enemy, in fact, the only ones who could really encounter us were the Hell clan in the front row. It was very safe. I tried my best to press the fire storm into a straight line and used the magma rock continuously. In a short time, the hell clan in the front row and the vampire king behind were burned to the point of crying.

Just when I was sighing that such a fight was worthwhile, a warning suddenly flashed in my heart. I turned back suddenly, and the place where I was standing had turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. My butt was still not spared and was burned red. The five ghost wolves, except Xiaoxue, also suffered minor burns.

Damn, it's that mage.

I jumped a few times and took advantage of the situation to take a look behind the monster. Sure enough, the gleaming golden mage was already standing behind the monster. With a wave of his golden staff, an ice pillar drew a parabola and shot towards us over the monster's head. come over.

Come on, he is still a technical mage. It seems that it will be difficult to deal with this time. I retreated continuously, thinking about how to deal with the enemy.

Slowly, a light flashed through my mind. It seemed that the mage was standing alone behind the monster, without a single guard around him. After observing this result several times, I made a decision in my mind. I paused and looked at the overwhelming mass in front of me. The monster surging over had a slight smile on its lips.

Well, what's your name? I haven’t used it for so long that I forgot about it. Oh, it’s an airdrop attack...

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