Diablo Destruction

Chapter 773 Return to the Elf Tribe


Tia and Sarah were also the ones who were chatting with me.


I looked at the two people suspiciously and thought deeply.

The reaction of the little fox with a slightly red face was beyond my expectation. Although this little fox is extremely charming at heart, his thoughts are simple. I think back when I was in the fox tribe, I didn’t even understand what dating was. Although these days have passed, She has learned a lot through more "training", but the word union between men and women is still vague to her, and she barely understands it. She only shows a little shyness due to her instinct as a girl.

It’s not surprising that Sarah is a fan. Even though this little angel looks as innocent and cute as a lolita, she is the real deal. In terms of spirit, soul and body, she is already the wife of Druid Wu Fan, the two of us. They have been "coupled" countless times, plus staying with Dr. H and Princess Sanwu for a long time. As the saying goes, the person who is close to Mo is red. Whether she likes it or not, Sarah will always know more about this aspect unintentionally. , so when it comes to H's rich knowledge, compared to the little fox, what is surprising is that it is inversely proportional to their temperament and appearance. One is young and innocent and cute, but has rich theoretical and practical experience, and the other is mature, charming and seductive. People are actually still ignorant about this aspect.

Therefore, Sarah could certainly understand what Arturia whispered, so it was only natural that the king of the elves said this obscure word at the dinner table in full view of everyone.

What really surprised me was Tia. In my opinion, she should be even more deficient than the little fox in this regard, so her reaction should be indifferent. Her eyes, which are always full of energy, sparkled with a strong thirst for knowledge after seeing our violent reactions. **That's right.

However, she squirted with me and Sarah. Could it be that she understood?

I looked at Tia carefully. She wiped the corners of her mouth, then raised her head and responded to my gaze with innocent and curious eyes. Those big bright eyes that could speak seemed to say, Fanfan, why are you staring? Look at me, are there flowers on my face?

Tia's reaction dispelled the last trace of my confusion. Yes, that must be the case. Maybe there was a slight time difference. Sarah's and I's reaction to squirting might have frightened this little girl to squirt too. You see , a guy with soul magic, it wouldn't be surprising even if something incredible happens, right?

In short, the second table of dishes was also eliminated with the efforts of Artoria and I, but to me, this was just the first table. Feeling my unsatisfied belly, I once again directed my sharp eyes at the adventurer. Behind my back, I didn't expect that this guy's sixth sense was surprisingly sensitive. The moment I raised my head, I suddenly moved my position. As a result, a real gaze passed through him and fell on the other person.

The adventurer, who was still struggling with the mountain of food on the table, walked towards the kitchen with a sad face.

"Ah, the cider is gone."

Artoria, who had a strong drinker, soon realized that her glass had reached the bottom. Just when she was about to stand up and pour a glass, the elven mages who occasionally cast their eyes here rushed over at an astonishing speed.

However, he is still an elf mage who is smart. At the critical moment, he remembered that there is a teleportation thing. In a flash, the other three brothers appeared in front of Artoria first, just like a medieval gentleman meeting the queen, with one hand. He held his chest and half-knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty the Queen, please allow me to pour you a glass."

The other mages who were a step behind were gnashing their teeth with hatred. They looked at the elf mage who was quick and quick, as if they wanted to tear him apart - it was such an honor to be able to pour a glass of wine for Her Majesty the Queen, if I could go back. How many people would be envious if I mentioned it to everyone so "humblely".

On the other hand, it also illustrates Artoria's reputation in the entire elves. You must know that mages are a group of extremely arrogant guys. The term "Her Royal Highness the Queen of Light", if there are no other abilities and charms that actually make them admire, It's impossible to make them so crazy.


Before Artoria could finish her words, the impatient mage snatched the cup away. The eyes of the eager companions behind him made him feel that if he didn't act more decisively, they would pounce on him. It came up and was torn into pieces.

This elf mage was obviously a drinker. He took the cup and took out an unopened bottle of fine rum from his inventory. After filling the cup with the liquid that was as pure as blood, he respectfully He handed it to Artoria respectfully, then turned around and smiled coquettishly at the three companions who were gnashing their teeth, with a look of satisfaction that it wouldn't matter if you tore me alive.

"It feels like we've forgotten something?"

Dia chewed in her mouth, and then naturally handed over the empty rice bowl, and a mage from the Horadric tribe respectfully filled it for her.

"It's such a small thing...don't worry about it...if you can't remember it...it means it's not a big deal..."

I mumbled a sigh of relief as I ate, and then imitated Tia and handed over the empty bowl after I finished eating.

"These days, other tribes know how to respect the elderly and care for the young. How can our alliance lag behind others? You think so."

I smiled and patted the adventurer who took over the job with a wrinkled face, and said.


This man with a sad face held his rice bowl and shouted resignedly. The long, sharp and sharp tone was somewhat like the end of the old eunuch's "The Emperor is here~~~".

Served by twelve mages and four alliance adventurers, this was the most gorgeous lunch ever served by a waiter team. We chatted while we ate, and I played blackface, turning the entire bar into a show-watching mode for the rest of the alliance. After the adventurers extorted a lot of money, it wasn't until the sun was about to set that everyone asked to leave.

The Green Forest Bar is about to close. Night time is also the peak time for customers in the bar. However, after a burst of extortion from me, all the ingredients in the Green Forest Bar have been wiped out. In addition, the two aces Fini and Oona are not here. The maids were also exhausted, so this decision was naturally reasonable.

"Madam boss, it's time to fulfill your promise and give us your maid uniform."

After changing clothes upstairs, I looked at the golden light in my eyes and piled the box full of gold and silver coins into a pile of ten, then flicked them with my nails, listening to the crisp metal sound and smiling happily. A "charter woman" who looked like a money addict said angrily.

If this old woman hadn't caught on to my weakness, I wouldn't have wanted to put on a maid uniform and go out to embarrass myself. There are really too few top-notch transvestites like Fini in this world.

"Take it, take it."

The old woman didn't take her eyes off the gold coins at all. While counting the money, she saw us off impatiently.

Damn it, be careful, I will dispatch a hundred thousand troops to level your bar tomorrow.

I shook my fist at the back, thinking fiercely.

"Sir, thank you very much for your help."

When we went down the stairs, a pretty figure was waiting there early. She bowed to us and raised her head. The cute, reddish and shy face was the injured maid. Her name seemed to be Bisi?

"It's a small thing, it's a small thing."

As if she had done something great, the little fox proudly raised her white swan-like neck and answered before me.


By the way, except for me, none of you are qualified to say that the money in the old woman's box was all earned by me using forceful means. The four of you were just posing as maids in uniform. Just an uncle.

I was complaining secretly in my heart, but even if I had ten guts, I wouldn't dare to say it out loud.

The dim light of dusk shone over, burying half of the pretty maid's face with her head slightly lowered, including her eyes, in shadow. An inexplicable emotion flashed across her eyes. She raised her head, and her face was covered by the dusk. The pretty face illuminated by the golden light burst into a smile, shining with a radiance of strength and beauty that made us stunned.

It's like looking over the green grassy slopes and looking down, seeing the vast plains covered with simple and beautiful rapeseed flowers under the sun.

Even if she is ordinary and cannot be compared with the lofty King of Roses and Queen Narcissus, she will still shine with the light that belongs only to her.

"Everyone, go slowly. Welcome back."

Watching the five people leave, the maid's beautiful smile slowly faded, her head lowered, and her eyes and half of her pretty face were buried in the shadows again.

"Silly boy."

At some point, the boss's wife came behind her and gently hugged Bisi's shoulders.

"The sun's rays are too dazzling for a little flower like you to bear."

"I know, Aunt Ellie."

The maid raised her head, her smile blending into the soft light of dusk.

"I wonder when Sisters Feini and Oona will come back?"

The maid raised her head and looked at the sunset outside the window. She showed a plain and beautiful smile again, and looked back gently and said.

"Yes, if they don't come back, their entire year's salary will be deducted."

The landlady wanted to say this harshly. Although she was already fierce enough even if she didn't deliberately put on this expression, she couldn't help but sigh when she saw Bisi's smile.

There are so many excellent girls in this world. God is so unfair. He gave them excellent souls, but did not give them the corresponding strength. These children, who are as beautiful as pearls, can only be buried in dust forever... ..

"Wow~~~, I had so much fun today."

On the way back bathed in the setting sun, Dia stretched out in a very unladylike way and yawned, like a child who was tired of playing and wanted to sleep, which made me laugh while watching.

“It was indeed a very meaningful day and I learned a lot.”

Artoria still used her serious way of speaking and said matter-of-factly. By the way, when did she put on the lion mask again? ! !

"It's a pity that there is an extra idiot, otherwise it would be more fun."

The little fox was as upright as ever, with the supple fox tail on its hips swaying happily, and its two cute fox ears constantly twitching.

I looked again at the lovely Sara who always wanted to hold my hand as usual, but was hesitant because of Artoria's presence. When she realized what she was doing, she was already almost at the door of the house and regretted it. She smiled sweetly at me. With a smile, everything goes without saying anything.


I clapped my hands and said suddenly.

"Why don't Sarah join us as an elf clan? You haven't seen what the elf royal city is like. Is there such an opportunity? It would be a pity not to seize it."

At first, Sarah refused to go to the Elf Tribe with us. That was because she didn’t want to watch her husband marry an unknown woman. She was also concerned about the feelings of the Elf Tribe, so she took her wife with them. The elf queen got married, which was really too weird.

But now that everything has passed, Sarah and Artoria have become familiar with each other. If they go to the elves together now, there must be no obstacles.


Sarah's face changed, and she glanced at Artoria, still a little hesitant.

"Sister Sarah, please come to our place and let me fulfill my duties as a landlord."

Arturia held Sarah's little hand and said sincerely.

In fact, Sarah and Artoria are both girls who are easy to get to know. If Sarah can adapt to Artoria's momentum earlier, the two of them will get along very well...well, probably.

"Okay...Okay, then I...then I would rather obey your orders and disturb the Queen...I'm disturbing you, Sister Artoria."

If Artoria hadn't also been wearing a lion mask, which compromised her majesty, Sara might not even be able to call her "Sister Artoria".

When we returned to Lar's house and made the decision known, the three men immediately cheered, especially Doug, who was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

I have long heard that the Elf King City is as beautiful as a dream, but Lal wanted to accompany his precious daughter, and Doug and Goff stayed with him out of brotherly loyalty (actually, I guess they were just stalked by Lal). Come down, if Sarah goes now, Lal, as her father, and Doug and Geoff, as her father's brothers, will naturally have the obligation to accompany her.

It's not hard to imagine Doug's excitement. As the number one cowhide king in Kurast and a senior gossip, if his colleagues knew that he had never even been to the elves, he wouldn't know how to laugh at him.

"Baby girl, is it really okay? If you don't want to go, don't force it. Dad, I will stay with you."

Lal's words seemed to be righteous and awe-inspiring, and he was completely setting an example of a good father who thought about his daughter. However, the large and small bags of luggage he had prepared at some point completely overturned his hypocritical attitude. exposed.

"Honey, you're like a drooling cat saying it doesn't like fish."

Aunt Lisa walked out of the kitchen with a chuckle. The reflection of the kitchen knife in her hand made Laral's legs go weak. He turned back tremblingly, showing a pitiful look.

"Is it really okay?"

Aunt Lisa gently held Sarah in her arms and asked softly.


Sarah nodded heavily and responded to her gaze with a firm gaze.

"If that's the case..."

In front of our stunned gazes, Aunt Lisa pulled off her apron to reveal her light travel clothes. The excited smile on her face was like a child who couldn't sleep all night in anticipation of a picnic tomorrow, pointing straight ahead.

"Then let's go!!"

"High, really high."

Doug and Geoff hurriedly stepped forward to flatter him, and gave the sluggish Lar a look of disdain. They had the same expectations, but the sister-in-law's approach was much smarter than that of the elder brother.

"The sea, you are all water, the horse, you have four legs..."

All the way behind, we were singing bullshit songs invented by the first group of adventurers who entered the Elf King's City that year to support the elves. The trio were as excited as drunkards. They followed us with their arms around each other's shoulders, twisting their waists. Shaking her hips while singing loudly to the attention of a large crowd.

"Everyone, please walk faster and pretend you don't know those three guys."

On the street, Aunt Lisa was too embarrassed to do anything, so she could only suggest this. However, seeing the strong murderous aura on her gentle smiling face exuding something like a demon, I, who knew her character, couldn't help but feel sorry for her. The three men prayed.

I hope that the dazzling crystal tree will not become the tombstone of the three of them.

Of course, this is not important. Being able to become fertilizer for the Crystal Tree is probably the most valuable thing these three bastards can do in their lives. The important thing is that Sarah must not become the second one in the future. Aunt Lisa…

Passing through several teleportation stations, in less than a moment, the magnificent and picturesque scenery of the Elf King City suddenly appeared in our eyes after the white light disappeared.

It was the first time for Aunt Lisa, Sarah and Tiaozi to see this fairyland-like scenery. They were all stunned. How could they have imagined it? Without really seeing it, they would never be able to understand this group of so-called artists. How beautiful the elves made their kingdom.


After waking up from the shock, the three stripes were like three wild horses running wild, shouting and shouting at the same time, causing some elves passing by to roll their eyes.

This is the case for every human being who comes to the Elf King City for the first time, so why not give him a little more creative response?

Whether you like it or not, the plot of marrying the elves is almost over. As a quasi-heroine, Artoria may not have many opportunities to appear in future chapters. As for when she will be overthrown, it will not be now, Xiao Qi In the future, we will just set up a magic-replenishing plot to satisfy everyone's evil desires.

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