Different Dimension Game

Chapter 107: "Gluttony Paradise" clearance!

Fall in love with youkanshu.com, a different dimension game

"Do any of you know this Xu Zhijun?" Wang Hao asked in his earphones.

Chen Xinyi hurriedly asked the survivors who survived in the mall.

After about a minute, she hurriedly said, "He is a veteran. He just retired this year. There is a mother who has cancer in the hospital. He may have to undergo surgery in the next few days."

"Poor man."

Wang Hao was a little worried that this "suspicious friend" would have his soul collapsed, so he could only bite the bullet and give him one-third of a fairy bean.

"Hurry up and eat this."

Sure enough, after eating this one-third of the fairy beans, Xu Zhiqiang's mental strength was enhanced, and it was no longer so painful, and he regained a little control over his body - but he still walked towards the depths of the red mist, resisting. I had a splitting headache, almost going crazy.

"Sure enough, there is a play!"

Wang Hao stuck his head out of the car window and shouted, "Don't resist your body's instinct, the more you resist, the more painful it will be, don't be afraid, I'll accompany you to that place!"

Sure enough, without forcibly resisting, his complexion slightly improved.

The sudden arrival of the friendly army surprised Wang Hao in his heart. Even if this kind of sobriety is only for a short period of time and I don't know how long it will last, it is still a serious friendly army.

Xu Zhijun took a deep breath, and beads of sweat rolled from his body: "Why did I turn into a monster...why? My mother is still in the hospital...I'm still going to die, right. It hurts so much, I I want to die...but my mother is still in the hospital..."

Wang Hao hurriedly said, "Long story short... Don't rashly resist your body instincts, just let it take its course and walk into the distance."

"It's okay, I will accompany you, don't be afraid."

"You turned into a monster because of a boss. Now we're going to crusade against this big boss! Since you've regained consciousness, it's considered a combat power."

"I still have two-thirds of the fairy beans in my hand. You won't die in a while. Don't worry, I'm saving you."

"Save me...my mother...I'm in pain..." Xu Zhijun's face showed a painful expression again.

"I know your mother is still in the hospital and will give her the best medicine and the best doctor. Now that medicine has developed, cancer is not a terminal disease. You can't bear it anymore, I will give you a little more. Immortal beans. There are still two-thirds of them, don't worry."

Xu Zhiqiang calmed down a little, panting heavily, his eyes as big as copper bells were bloodshot, and he continued to endure the pain.

The kind of pain that goes deep into the soul and pierces the lungs is not something normal people can endure.

But he was at a loss, and his mind was full of mud. He only remembered his mother who was in the hospital and was about to undergo surgery.

Wang Hao spoke to the two people behind him again in his earphones: "He is about to enter the red fog, and I'm leaving. Everyone, time is limited! If you can survive, this Xu Zhijun's family needs to take care of him."

"No problem." Chen Xinyi agreed immediately, "What's his mother's name!"

Wang Hao raised his earphones to let the gluttons hear the promise, "This woman is from the government, don't worry, she is very rich and a super rich woman."

Chen Xinyi smiled: "Yes, I'm from the government... What's your mother's name?"

"What's my mother's name? What's her name? I don't know!" Xu Zhijun shouted in confusion.

Wang Hao quickly reassured: "It's fine if you don't know the name, the government will find out soon... Relax, don't worry too much."

"Everyone, wish me good luck, now I have another friendly army, the probability of success is not necessarily zero!"

"I wish you good luck too, and wait here for the rescue from the headquarters."

Driving an off-road vehicle, following behind the glutton "Xu Zhijun", into the thick red fog...

Oncoming is the dazed unknown and...challenge!

He faintly heard the woman's voice in the earphones: "Heiyiwei has done experiments before, a fairy bean can only maintain the mental polluter's awake time for about three days. After this, his soul will still mutate and change. Become truly weird and lose all sanity."

"Be careful, you can't trust him completely."

"Okay, I understand."

"We're waiting for you here... don't die!"

Smith also shouted in the earphone: "When you come back, let's eat colon sashimi together!"

Wang Hao laughed, stretched his left hand out of the window, and waved.

Just at this moment, a line of text popped up: [The game time has ended, and you were forced to eject the game. 】

[Congratulations, you have completed the game script of "Gluttony Paradise"! 】

【Main Quest 2/2】

【Score: 200%】

[Please note: It is detected that there may be a follow-up scene in this script, and all the props and event logic you currently have will be carried over to the next scene of the serial script. 】

[You can now choose to settle this scene, or spend points to start over again. 】

After reading a line of text, Wang Hao was actually a little unfulfilled, paralyzed on the chair.

After playing the game for seven hours in a row, I felt like I had become the shape of a game, and I forgot to eat lunch.

The relaxing music sounds, the gurgling water, the chirping birds, and the game helmet comes with a relaxation function, which slowly relaxes the tense nerves.

After a long time, he regained consciousness from that state of paralysis.

"Huh... I've cleared another script. The plot of this game is getting weirder and weirder."

"But it's normal. As the final truth [Blood Demon] is gradually revealed, there may be more weird and bizarre things happening..."

Recalling the whole process, Wang Hao was quite satisfied with his performance.

He even arranged the lives of all the survivors for the next two months, can you be dissatisfied? !

Since there is no great regret, there is no need to do it all over again.

He is not looking for an absolute perfect clearance, accidental casualties are too normal in a weird worldview.

Pursuing absolutely zero casualties will only cause trouble.

Thinking of this, I clicked the [Checkout] button.

A line of text popped up on the screen: [The game is being settled, please wait...]

He took another look at Chen Xinyi's personal introduction: [This character has been frozen for use because of the special plot. Currently in a safe state. 】

Ms. Chen...

Actually, it's still quite capable?

Although his personal abilities and superpowers are not very good, Wang Hao is already very satisfied with knowing his own weight, doing his own thing well, and completing some small assistance.

【Favorite +1】

"Unfortunately, if it wasn't for A's disrespect... Cooking power can be +2, of course, this is a joke, I am still a strong party!"

Silently took off his helmet and looked at the ceiling.

Every time the game is cleared, there is a strange sense of emptiness. Unfinished, not enough, a little tired from playing, and doing it again, these contradictory feelings are mixed together, resulting in a foolish distinction between reality and fantasy.

Wang Hao looked at the world outside the window, and before he knew it, it was already afternoon.

A daytime, once again quietly passed.

The deceased is so stubborn that he does not give up day and night.

The sage sighed with emotion over the passage of time and the passing of life by the river. But what is even more terrifying is that 2,500 years have passed quickly since the saint's emotion. Saints have lived in people's hearts for a long time, but many stories that happened have disappeared into the dust of history.

But Wang Hao felt that this day was a fulfilling and satisfying day.

Although it's just a game...

Picking up the phone, the all-powerful group friends asked a question: "Friends, good afternoon, why do you feel empty and lonely after playing the game? Do you know the tempting answer to this question?"

Qunyou [Nanwu Gatling Bodhisattva] replied: "The answer is very simple, this is dopamine withdrawal."

"Brother Tian, ​​you are a person who pursues excitement, and a peaceful life is actually not suitable for your psychological needs. There are actually many such people, such as those who pursue extreme sports, such as rock climbing, skydiving, bungee jumping, etc., this group People feel lonely and empty when they don't die for a day. It's essentially a dopaminergic phase response."

It makes sense!

Wang Hao was thoughtful, but he was quite satisfied with his current life.

He has no interest in skydiving or bungee jumping. Isn't it good to play games at home? The horror and weirdness are much more interesting than skydiving

However, as soon as the well-known group friend [Nanmo Gatling Bodhisattva] opened the chat box, he couldn't stop~www.wuxiaspot.com~ tirelessly promoting his ideas: "Everyone here, have you ever quit sex? Don't be controlled by dopamine. Live your life."

"The happiness brought by dopamine is short-lived, and embracing long-term happy endorphins is a higher pursuit."

"Rebooting makes the body healthy, ruddy and radiant."

[A savage in the northeast]: "Bodhisattva, why did I shorten the first week of rebooting? This made me panic!"

"Huh?!" Wang Hao was taken aback. What are these people talking about? Why did they suddenly start quitting dopamine? What do you mean?

【Namo Gatling Bodhisattva】: "In the first week of rebooting, morning erections disappeared, low desire, frequent urination, urgency and other serious prostate problems, emotional irritability, pessimism and depression, loss of interest, and difficulty in falling asleep. This is because You shrink your yang into your belly, and your kidney function is improving."

"Do the kidney strengthening exercise every day, and it will soon return to its original state."

[A savage in the northeast]: "Is this really the case?"

[Namo Gatling Bodhisattva]: "There are many people who can't fall asleep without exercising before going to bed. So they tirelessly pursue more astringent pictures and are controlled by astringent pictures, but how can people be controlled by astringent emotions, they must abstain color!!"

Old Wang stared at the screen dumbfounded. He originally wanted to see Shitu to be bored, but there was no Shitu anymore. Now the rebooting party is so big in the group that even the savage brothers are bewitched by them.

Just know that this old bald donkey can't speak human words, and he reboots there all day long.

However, "Gatling Bodhisattva" is not a small force. He is a dog of authority. He will launch a sea of ​​tactics to swipe the screen at every turn. As a result, no one dares to post pictures of the sand sculptures in the group for a while.

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