Director’s Legend

0217 (Things you want to do)

This press conference is a formal press conference. The reporter raises his hand and the emcee calls someone. The first person to be named was naturally a reporter who had a good relationship with Dream Chaser Entertainment. Cai Xiaoyun of "Beijing Entertainment News" became the first one. Cai Xiaoyun is now well-known in the journalist community. She has a group of fans starting from the movie review on

He is beautiful, young and a famous college student. In addition, he often gets some first-hand information from Dream Chase Entertainment. It is difficult to not become popular: "Director Shao, congratulations to Dream Chase Entertainment for going further and bigger. I can follow him." Shall we talk about what kind of movie "Inception" is?"

Shao Shuaijun put his hands on the table. Although there was a fan blowing, the weather was getting hotter and hotter. He thought about it and said: "This is a very complex concept. I define it as a contemporary action science fiction film that takes place in the structure of consciousness. It tells the story of a group of commercial spies who use people's dreams to steal business secrets. When I watched "Sensory Games" and "Dream Detective", I thought why not make a story that takes place in dreams? Later, I After watching Zheng Yuanjie's "Patent No. 3180", I was inspired to conceive such a movie, which I think is very cool and exciting."

Then a reporter from the "Information Times" asked: "So, what do you think about making such a 1.2 billion US dollar movie when your last movie was not ideal at the box office? We can understand it as refusing to admit defeat, or Are you eager to prove yourself?"

"That's two questions for you." Shao Shuaijun smiled, "I don't want to rush to prove myself, or I don't want to admit defeat. To be honest, "The Night Watcher" is a very good subject, but it's a pity that I didn't It did a better job, which is a big regret. I should have been more stable and took the low-cost route to change the status quo little by little. But sometimes, inspiration comes and if you don’t catch it, then it will never happen. It doesn't belong to you anymore. So, I decided to seize it, and I decided to make Inception."[

A financial reporter was named and asked: "I would like to ask Mr. Li, on the eve of the issuance of additional shares, Dream Chaser decided to invest in such a large film production, which will definitely carry more risks and uncertainties. Will this affect you? Is there any adverse impact on the listing financing?”

Li Xiuxiu replied: "In our market analysis, no matter how big the commercial success of "Inception" is, it will not have a big impact on Dream Chasing. Dream Chasing has laid out a complete industrial chain and there are many profitable projects. , our ability to resist risks is second to none in the domestic entertainment industry."

As the reporters who were close to Dream Chase finished asking questions, the atmosphere became more and more acute. One reporter asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Shao, we know that you have made great achievements in the commercial field of movies. Even if "The Night Watcher" box office Unfortunately, you still developed the commercial future of mx movies. So, do you think you have discussed the artistic side of the movie, especially when it failed repeatedly at the Golden Horse Awards? "

"Yes, my views on movies may be a bit biased, but I have discovered a very strange phenomenon. Some movies seem to be born to win awards. When we look at whether a movie should win an award, we first think about it. Ask, what is this movie about? Is it about family relationships or social phenomena? If not, oh, that’s a pity, you can’t win the award.”

Shao Shuaijun's resentment over the loss of the Golden Horse Awards is still there: "Don't you think this view is strange? It creates an illusion. Those who win the award do not get the box office, and those who win the box office do not get the award. I don't want to go there again. What are you arguing about? I think a good movie is a movie that can withstand public scrutiny. If it truly possesses art, it will never fail to win at the box office!"

“Does Shao always think that Painted Skin has been treated unfairly?”

"I just expressed my personal thoughts and have no deeper meaning."

"The reputation of "The Nighthawks" is very bad. Looking at all of Director Shao's films, almost none of them have won important awards. Director Shao, do you think this is due to your own factors or to other people's factors?"

"I don't know. I'm just thinking about how to make a movie. I'll be happy to win an award, but I'll be fine if I don't win an award. I'll be happy to create a box office, but I'll accept it if it fails."

""The Nighthawks" is a hasty trip to Hollywood. Director Shao, why do you think you can gain a foothold in Hollywood? Continue to shoot "Inception" in a big way?"

"Right now, I don't think about making a foothold in Hollywood, but filming in the Mainland. I have inspiration. I think wherever is suitable for me to shoot movies, then I will shoot. This is also the original purpose of me choosing to make movies and become a director. .”

"So, Director Shao, are you ready to fail?"

"No one will have smooth sailing, but I will continue to have great confidence in my movie."

"The Golden Raspberry Awards have announced that one of the nominations for next year's Golden Raspberry Worst Director Award belongs to you, Director Shao. Doesn't this mean that in the dialogue with the Golden Horse Awards and the Academy Awards, Director Shao It’s already fallen behind. Can we also think that your films, directed by Shao, are always weak and have poor artistic performance? There are also big problems with your directing ability?"

Shao Shuaijun looked at the other party's nameplate, "Chutian Metropolis Daily".

Suddenly he didn't know how to answer it. In fact, the other party didn't ask this question, and he himself was questioning it repeatedly. Even if he makes classic movies and gets high box office hits, he is always one step away from winning awards. "Crazy Stone" only received one Golden Horse Award nomination for Best Director, and "Source Code" didn't even get a nomination.

Then "33 Days After Love" hit a new box office record, with Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers as a foil. "Painted Skin" had a global revenue of 200 million US dollars, but all four Golden Horse Awards were missed. It seems that everyone recognizes that he can make movies and sell blockbuster movies, but they still do not recognize his ability as a director.

At first, he thought it was discriminatory against commercial films, but the films made by Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang had some ideological qualities, and they were not just the same, just nonsense. But they can win awards. Cannes and Berlin are their home venues. Shao Shuaijun can occasionally make up for it, but it is just a nomination for a minor award.

After being silent for about ten seconds, Shao Shuaijun said: "I have been in the directing industry for a short time. I cannot judge whether my movies are good or bad. I try my best to do something to make the movie better. I I don’t know how to make the movie not look pale. I conceived it, I shot it, the movie came out, and the story I wanted to tell was clear. In the process, I felt the joy of being a director, and I was satisfied. What do you mean by art? I think I may never think about it. I just hope to tell good stories."[

Nothing is more moving than telling a good story.

Shao Shuaijun feels that he should do this and become a true "storytelling director." rs! .

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